Models in Ecosystem ScienceCharles Draper William Canham, Jonathan J. Cole, William K. Lauenroth Princeton University Press, 30 nov. 2003 - 476 sidor Quantitative models are crucial to almost every area of ecosystem science. They provide a logical structure that guides and informs empirical observations of ecosystem processes. They play a particularly crucial role in synthesizing and integrating our understanding of the immense diversity of ecosystem structure and function. Increasingly, models are being called on to predict the effects of human actions on natural ecosystems. Despite the widespread use of models, there exists intense debate within the field over a wide range of practical and philosophical issues pertaining to quantitative modeling. This book--which grew out of a gathering of leading experts at the ninth Cary Conference--explores those issues. |
Models in Ecosystem Science | 1 |
The Status and Role of Modeling in Ecosystem Science | 11 |
The Role of Quantitative Models in Science | 13 |
The Status of Dynamic Quantitative Modeling in Ecology | 32 |
The Utility of Simple Models in Ecosystem Science | 49 |
In Praise of Mechanistically Rich Models | 63 |
Modeling for Synthesis and Integration Forests People and Riparian Coarse Woody Debris | 83 |
The Role of Models in Prediction for Decision | 111 |
The Role of Models in Environmental Policy and Management | 297 |
The Role of Models in Ecosystem Management | 299 |
The Role of Models in Addressing Critical N Loading to Ecosystems | 308 |
The Role of Models in Addressing Coastal Eutrophication | 327 |
Quantitative Models in Ecological Toxicology Application in Ecological Risk Assessment | 344 |
Effects of Plant Invaders on Nutrient Cycling Using Models to Explore the Link between Invasion and Development of Species Effects | 363 |
Predicting the Ecosystem Effects of Climate Change | 385 |
The Future of Modeling in Ecosystem Science | 411 |
Evaluating Ecosystem Models | 137 |
Propagation and Analysis of Uncertainty in Ecosystem Models | 139 |
Bayesian Approaches in Ecological Analysis and Modeling | 168 |
Model Validation and Testing Past Lessons Present Concerns Future Prospects | 184 |
Standards of Practice for Review and Publication of Models Summary of Discussion | 204 |
The Collision of Hypotheses What Can Be Learned from Comparisons of Ecosystem Models? | 211 |
Evaluating and Testing Models of Terrestrial Biogeochemistry The Role of Temperature in Controlling Decomposition | 225 |
Representing Biogeochemical Diversity and Size Spectra in Ecosystem Models of the Ocean Carbon Cycle | 254 |
The Mass Balances of Nutrients in Ecosystem Theory and Experiments Implications for the Coexistence of Species | 272 |
The Role of Modeling in Undergraduate Education | 413 |
Increasing Modeling Savvy Strategies to Advance Quantitative Modeling Skills for Professionals within Ecology | 428 |
The Limits to Models in Ecology | 437 |
Concluding Comments | 453 |
The Need for FastandFrugal Models | 455 |
On the Benefits and Limitations of Prediction | 461 |
A CommunityWide Investment in Modeling | 466 |
471 | |
Andra upplagor - Visa alla
Models in Ecosystem Science Charles D. Canham,Jonathan J. Cole,William K. Lauenroth Begränsad förhandsgranskning - 2021 |
Models in Ecosystem Science Charles Draper William Canham,Jonathan J. Cole,William K. Lauenroth Begränsad förhandsgranskning - 2003 |
Models in Ecosystem Science Charles Draper William Canham,Jonathan Cole,William K. Lauenroth Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2003 |
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