Operations Strategy

Pearson UK, 2019 - 507 sidor
Operations Strategy, 6th Edition, by Slack and Lewis, builds on concepts from strategic management, operations management, marketing and HRM. The text encourages a thorough understanding of operations strategy, exploring key activities, decisions and processes adopted by a broad range of organisations in different sectors, making it the ideal text for MBA students, upper-level undergraduates, postgraduates and executives. Operations strategy is fundamental to the success of any organisation and a major source of competitive advantage. The way an organisation manages their operations strategic.

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List of figures tables and exhibits from case studies
Authors acknowledgements
An introduction to operations strategy
Operations performance
How is operations performance judged at a societal level?
Summary answers to key questions
Socially responsible operations strategy
Purchasing and supply strategy
Process technology strategy
Improvement strategy
Product and service development and organisation
The process of operations strategy formulation
What analysis is needed for formulation?
Summary answers to key questions
The process of operations strategy monitoring and control

Capacity strategy
What tasks should be allocated to sites?
Summary answers to key questions
Topics covered in case studies
Operations performance
Capacity strategy

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