person's earning power, irrespective of its effect upon his mere capacity for work. Under ordinary conditions of life, a serious and unnatural disfigurement of the face or head very probably may have a harmful effect upon the ability of the injured person to obtain or retain employment. Laying aside exceptional cases, which we must assume will be fairly dealt with in the proper and equitable administration of the act, such a disfigurement may render one repulsive or offensive to the sight, displeasing, or at least less. pleasing, to employer, to fellow em provision debar a state from adopting other methods, or a composite of different methods, provided the result be not inconsistent with fundamental rights. As was stated in the Arizona case, 250 U. S. 429, 39 Sup. Ct. 559, 63 L. Ed. 1058: "If a state recognizes or establishes a right of action for compensation to injured workmen upon grounds not arbitrary or fundamentally unjust, the question whether the award shall be measured as compensatory damages are measured at common law, or according to some prescribed scale reasonably adapted to produce a fair result, is for the state itself to determine." And we see no constitutional reason why *603 whether it immediately affects earning capacity or not. But we cannot concede that impairment of earning power is the sole ground upon which a state may not, *in ascertaining the amount compulsory compensation to injured work- of such compensation in particular cases, men legitimately may be based. Unques- take into consideration any substantial phystionably it is a rational basis, and it is adopt-ical impairment attributable to the injury, ed for the generality of cases by the New York law. But the Court of Appeals has construed the 1916 amendment as permitting an allowance for facial or head disfigurement although it does not impair the claimant's earning capacity. Matter of Erickson v. Preuss, 223 N. Y. 365, 368, 119 N. E. 555; and see opinion of Judge Cardozo in the present case, 226 N. Y. 199, 200, 123 N. E. 82. In view of this, and there being no specific finding of such impairment in these cases, it is proper to say that in our opinion the "due process of law" clause of the Fourteenth Amendment does not require the states to base compulsory compensation solely upon loss of earning power. The New York law as at first enacted, the Washington, and the Arizona laws presented for our consideration three different methods adopted for the purpose of imposing upon the industry the burden of making some compensation for the human wastage attributable to the hazards of the work. We were unable to find that any of these ran counter to the "due process" clause. Nor does that For the reasons thus outlined, it was not unreasonable, arbitrary, or contrary to fundamental right to embody in the New York Workmen's Compensation Law a provision for a special allowance of compensation for a serious disfigurement of the face or head. Nor is there any ground for declaring that the allowance prescribed by the 1916 amendment exceeds the constitutional limitations upon state power. [2] Whether an award for such disfigurement should be made in combination with or independent of the compensation allowed for the mere inability to work is a matter of detail for the state to determine. The same is true of the question whether the compensation should be paid in a single sum, or in installments. Arizona Employers' Liability Cases, 250 U. S. 400, 429, 39 Sup. Ct. 553, 63 L. Ed. 1058. Judgments affirmed. Mr. Justice McREYNOLDS dissents. (251 U. S. 1) (40 Sup.Ct.) District Court found that the charge was UNITED STATES v. SOUTHERN PAC. CO. true and entered a decree of cancellation, et al. (Argued March 5 and 6, 1919. Decided Nov. 17, 1919.) No. 179. 1. PUBLIC LANDS 78 - RAILROAD GRANT EXCLUDING "MINERAL LANDS" BARS OIL LANDS. The exclusion from a railroad land grant of "all mineral lands," other than those containing coal or iron, embraces oil lands. [Ed. Note.-For other definitions, see Words and Phrases, First and Second Series, Mineral Land.] 2. PUBLIC LANDS 120-CANCELLATION OF RAILROAD GRANT OF LANDS KNOWN AS OIL LANDS. Evidence in suit by the government to cancel for fraud a patent to a railroad company for indemnity lands held to entitle it to the relief, as showing that, when the patent was sought and obtained on affidavit that the lands were nonmineral, they were known by the company's officers to be valuable for oil; that is, that the then known conditions were such as to reasonably engender the belief that the lands contained oil of such quality and in such quantity as would render its extraction profitable and justify expenditures to that end. Appeal from the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Suit by the United States against the Southern Pacific Company and others. Decree of District Court for the United States was reversed by the Circuit Court of Appeals (249 Fed. 785, 162 C. C. A. 19), and the United States appeals. Decree of Circuit Court of Appeals reversed, and decree of District Court affirmed. *2 *Messrs. J. Crawford Biggs, of Raleigh, N. C., and Assistant Attorney General Kearful, for the United States. Messrs. Charles R. Lewers, and William F. Herrin, both of San Francisco, Cal., for appellee. 9. *Mr. Justice VAN DEVANTER delivered the opinion of the Court. This is a suit by the United States to cancel a patent issued December 12, 1904, to the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for eight full and two partial sections of land within the indemnity limits of the grant made to that company by an act of Congress (Act July 27, 1866, с. 278, 14 Stat. 292), it being charged in the bill that the railroad 2. company fraudulently obtained the patent by falsely representing to the land department that the lands were not mineral but agricultural, when it was known that they were mineral. From the evidence presented the and this was reversed by the Circuit Court of Appeals, one judge dissenting. Southern Pac. Co. v. United States, 249 Fed. 785, 162 C. C. A. 19. [1] "All mineral lands" other than those containing coal or iron were excluded from the grant, and this exclusion embraced oil lands. Burke v. Southern Pacific R. R. Co., 234 U. S. 669, 676-679, 34 Sup. Ct. 907, 58 L. Ed. 1527. As will be seen presently, there can be no doubt that the patent was procured by representing that the lands were not mineral. Whether this representation was false turns upon the character of the lands as known when the patent was sought and obtained. If they then were known to be valuable for oil, as the government asserts they were, they were mineral in the sense of the granting act. To compensate for losses to the grant within its primary limits the railroad company was entitled to select other lands of like area within the indemnity limits, approval by the Secretary of the Interior being essential to passing the selections to patent. The established mode of making the selections was by presenting at the local land office selection lists designating the lands lost and those selected, with supporting affidavits showing, among other things, that the lands selected were of the character contemplated, that is to say, were not mineral but agricultural. These lists and affidavits would then be examined in that office and in the General Land Office, and ultimately the selections would be passed to the Secretary of the Interior for his action. That course was followed here. The original list was presented November 14, 1903, but it encountered obstacles which led to the presentation of a substituted list 8. covering the same lands on September 6, 1904. Both lists were presented by the company's land agent, Mr. Eberlein, and were accompanied by affidavits made by him stating that the lands selected "are not interdicted mineral," but "are of the character contemplated by the grant," and that "he has caused" them "to be carefully examined by the agents and employés of said com pany as to their mineral or agricultural character, and that to the best of his knowl edge and belief none of the lands returned in said list are mineral lands." In acting on the substituted list the officers of the Land Department relied upon and gave effect to the statements in the supporting affidavits, and the selections were accordingly approved and passed to patent. In truth Mr. Eberlein had not examined the lands or caused them to be examined by others. Nor had any examination of them For other cases see same topic and KEY-NUMBER in all Key-Numbered Digests and Indexes been made on behalf of the railroad company, save such as is inferable from the conduct of its geologists and others presently to be noticed. The lands were in the Elk Hills in Kern county, California; were rough, semi-arid and unfit for cultivation; were devoid of timber, springs or running water; and had but little value for grazing. Oil had been discovered in that region as early as 1899, and this had been followed by development and production on an extensive scale. In 1903 and 1904 there were many producing wells about 25 miles to the east and many within a much shorter distance to the west and south, some within 3 or 4 miles. The railroad company was then maintaining a corps of geologists-all informed by experience in the California oil fields and under their supervision was searching for, developing and producing oil for fuel purposes. In 1902, upon the recommendation of one of its geologists, it withdrew from sale many of its patented lands surrounding and adjacent to those in suit "because they were in or near oil territory," and early in 1903 it entered upon a systematic examination of its 9 lands in that territory "to determine as far as can be done from surface indications and geological structure where oil is to be expected in this region." In a letter to Mr. Kruttschnitt, one of the company's vice presidents, the chief geologist said when about to take up the examination: "So far as I can judge from the trip I have just made over this territory, this work promises results of greatest value to the company." The lands in suit were surveyed in 1901 and the approved plat was filed in the local land office in May, 1903. The field notes denominated the lands as mineral and described them as in a mineral district "with in which many successful oil wells have been developed." As before stated, the original selection list was presented November 14, 1903. Mr. Kruttschnitt already had written to the company's attorney at Washington requesting that "special attention" be given to securing a patent for the lands when selected, and shortly thereafter Mr. Eberlein wrote to the attorney, saying: "I am particularly anxious in regard to this list as the lands adjoin the oil territory, and Mr. Kruttschnitt is very solicitous in regard to it." Other letters and telegrams show that this special concern or anxiety persisted until the patent was issued. were requested to designate the lands to be thus leased and as a result of their investigation and recommendation several sections adjacent to and some immediately adjoining those in suit were included. The lease was to be signed on behalf of the railroad company by Mr. Eberlein as land agent and was laid before him for that purpose on August 2, 1904. Perceiving at once that its execu 10 tion would not be in accord with his action in pressing the pending selection list he took the matter up with some of his superiors. To one he said in a letter: "We have selected a large body of lands interspersed with the lands sought to be conveyed by this lease, and which we have represented as non-mineral in character. Should the existence of this lease become known it would go a long way toward establishing the mineral character of the lands referred to, and which are still unpatented. We could not successfully resist a mineral filing after we have practically established the mineral character of the land. I would suggest delay at least until this matter of patent can be adjusted." To the same officer he protested against the action of the geologists in examining unpatented lands because "it was charging the company with notice." And to another, in New York, he explained "all phases of the matter," with the result that the "impropriety of the lease at that time" and the "very ambiguous position in which we would be placed" were recognized, and he was instructed to withhold his signature and to place and keep all correspondence and papers relating to the lease in a separate and private file not accessible to others. He followed the instruction and the special or secret file remained in his possession "until," as he testified, "it was pried out" at the hearing. But, notwithstanding what was brought to his attention through the proposed oil lease, Mr. Eberlein continued actively to press the pending selection, and when, about a month later, he presented the substituted selection list it was accompanied by affidavits where in he repeated his prior representation that the lands were not mineral. After presenting this list he had a conference with the chief geologist which prompted the latter, when writing to a superior officer, to explain that "For reasons of policy regarding certain unpatented lands it will be best not to execute the lease * at present." * * 11 *The lease was placed by Mr. Eberlein in the special or secret file and some time afterward, when an effort was made to find it, he denied all knowledge of it. The denial was brought to the attention of the chief geologist, and he at once wrote to Mr. Eberlein calling attention to the conference just In 1903 the company concluded to lease such of its lands as were considered "valuable for oil purposes" to a subsidiary company, which was to be a sort of fuel department and to have charge of the development and production of oil. The geologists | mentioned, and stating: (40 Sup.Ct.) All that has been recited thus far is proved so well that it is beyond dispute. Fairly considered, it shows that when the patent was sought and obtained the lands had no substantial value unless for oil mining; that the interest and anxiety displayed by the company's officers in securing the patent were wholly disproportionate to the value of the lands for any other purpose; that the lands lay within a recognized and productive oil region which the company's geologists had been systematically examining to determine in what lands oil was to be expected, and that upon the advice and recommendation of its geologists the company was treating and dealing with adjacent and adjoining lands, of which it was the owner, as valuable for oil. Of course among praetical men the character-whether oil or otherwise of these adjacent and adjoining lands had some bearing on the character of those in suit, and this was given pointed recognition when the company's officers halted the signing of the proposed oil lease pending action on the selection list and caused the correspondence and papers relating to the lease to be secreted in a special and private file. We think the natural, if not the only, con 12 clusion from *all this is that in pressing the selection the officers of the railroad company were not acting in good faith, but were attempting to obtain the patent by representing that the lands were not mineral when they believed the fact was otherwise. The observable geological and other physical conditions at the time of the patent proceedings, as shown by the evidence, were as follows: The area called the Elk Hills was about 6 miles wide and 15 long and constituted an anticlinal fold or elongated dome -an occurrence favorable to the accumulation and retention of oil. The lands in suit were about its center. From 5 to 10 miles to the west was the Temblor Range, the main uplift of that region. Along the east flank of that uplift for a distance of 30 miles was a series of outcrops or exposures of Monterey (diatomaceous) shales, the source of oil in California, and porous sandstone in which oil generally finds its ultimate reservoir. These strata were of exceptional thickness 40 SUP.CT. -4 and it was apparent that oil in considerable quantity had been seeping or wasting from the sandstone. The dip of the strata was towards the Elk Hills and there were no indications of any faulting or thinning in that direction. Between the outcrop and the Elk Hills upwards of 200 wells had found the oil-bearing strata and were being profitably operated, several of the wells being on a direct line towards the lands in suit and within 3 or 4 miles of them. In and beyond the Elk Hills were oil seepages and other surface indications of the existence of oil in the underlying strata, one of the seepages being near the lands in suit. Two wells had been sunk in the Elk Hills, but obviously had not gone to an adequate depth and were not productive, although some oil was reached by one. Geologists and men of wide experience and success in oil mining-all of whom had 13 examined that territory and some of whom had been familiar with it for years-were called as witnesses by the government and gave it as their opinion, having regard to the known conditions in 1903 and 1904, as just outlined, that the lands were valuable for oil, in that an ordinarily prudent man, understanding the hazards and rewards of oil mining and desiring to engage therein for profit, would be justified in purchasing the lands for such mining and making the expenditures incident to their development, and in that a competent geologist or expert in oil mining, if employed to advise in the matter, would have ample warrant for advising the purchase and expenditure. Other geologists and oil operators, called by the company, gave it as their opinion that the lands were not, under the conditions stated, valuable for oil; but as respects the testimony of some it is apparent that they were indisposed to regard any lands as within that category until they were demonstrated to be certainly such by wells actually drilled thereon and producing oil in paying quantities after a considerable period of pumping. This is a mistaken test, in that it takes no account of geological conditions, adjacent discoveries and other external conditions upon which prudent and experienced men in the oil-mining regions are shown to be accustomed to act and make large expenditures. And the testimony of some of these witnesses is weakened by the fact that their prior acts in respect of these lands, or others in that vicinity similarly situated, were not in accord with the opinions which they expressed. [2] After considering all the evidence, we think it is adequately shown that the lands were known to be valuable for oil when the patent was sought and obtained, and by this we mean that the known conditions at that time were such as reasonably to engender the belief that the lands contained oil of States, 234 U. S. 76, 34 Sup. Ct. 725, 58 L. Ed. such quality and in such quantity as would 1220. render its extraction profitable and justify 14 ex*penditures to that end. See Diamond Coal Co. v. United States, 233 U. S. 236, 34 Sup. Ct. 507, 58 L. Ed. 936. The railroad company places some reliance on the fact that after the presentation of the original selection list and before the substituted one was tendered a special agent of the General Land Office examined the lands and reported them as nonmineral. Decree of Circuit Court of Appeals reversed. Decree of District Court affirmed. (251 U. S. 15) STROUD v. UNITED STATES.* (Argued Oct. 22, 1919. Decided Nov. 24, 1919.) No. 276. ARDY; CONVICTION OF FIRST DEGREE OF OF- Relative to defendant being twice put in jeopardy for the same offense, contrary to the Fifth Amendment, conviction on first trial was of first degree murder, notwithstanding recommendation of jury under Criminal Code, § 330 (Comp. St. § 10504), preventing death penalty. 2. CRIMINAL LAW 193-TWICE IN JEOPAR But there is nothing in this that can help the 1. CRIMINAL LAW 195(1)-TWICE IN JEOPcompany. The agent's report was made in another connection and was not considered by the land officers when they approved the selection. It did not relieve the company from showing that the lands selected were not mineral; nor did the company understand that it had any such effect. Mr. Eberlein knew of the report several months before he and other officers of the company became troubled over the proposed oil lease and concluded that, if given publicity, it would endanger the pending selection. Besides, if the report could be considered here, it would be without any real evidential value, for it appears from testimony given by the agent at the hearing that he was not a geologist or familiar with oil mining and that his examination of the lands was at best only superficial. The company makes the contention that drilling done since the patent was issued has demonstrated that the lands have no value for oil. Assuming, without so deciding, that the contention would help the company if sustained by the evidence, we think it is not sustained. The drilling relied upon was done after 1909 upon lands in the Elk Hills other than those in suit. Several wells were started and not more than three were successful. The three were the only ones that were drilled in favorable locations and to an adequate depth, and they penetrated oil sands of considerable thickness and produced a large quantity of oil, but were shut down for reasons not made clear by the record. They were drilled by an oil company which was *15 controlled by the railroad company. *The other wells failed for reasons which prevent the outcome from having any significance here. In some the drilling was not carried to an adequate depth because the right to proceed was thought to be uncertain by reason of an executive withdrawal of the lands. We conclude that the application of prior decisions to the case made by the evidence entitles the government to the relief sought as was held by the District Court. See United States v. Minor, 114 U. S. 233, 5 Sup. Ct. 836, 29 L. Ed. 110; McCaskill Co. v. United States, 216 U. S. 504, 30 Sup. Ct. 386, 54 L. Ed. 590; Diamond Coal Co. v. United States, supra; Washington Securities Co. v. United DY; JUDGMENT REVERSED WITH AWARD OF Defendant was not twice put in jeopardy for the same offense, contrary to the Fifth Amendment, where reversal of first conviction, with necessary award of new trial, was invoked by his writ of error. 3. CRIMINAL LAW 121-CHANGE OF VENUE; Change of venue on the ground of local prejudice is addressed to the discretion of the trial judge. 4. CRIMINAL LAW126 (2) - CHANGE OF VEN UE; ABUSE OF DISCRETION. Record in a murder prosecution held not to show abuse of discretion in refusing change of venue on the ground of local prejudice. 5. CRIMINAL LAW1152(2)-JURY 121 QUASHING PANEL; DISCRETION AND REVIEW. Motion to quash the panel on the ground of jurors being prejudiced by the reading in their presence of a statement of defendant's counsel proposing a plea of guilty of second degree murder is addressed to the discretion of the trial judge; and, the record not showing abuse thereof, refusal of the motion may not be disturbed by the reviewing court. 6. CRIMINAL LAW11661⁄2 (8) - APPEAL: HARMLESS ERROR IN DENIAL OF CHALLENGE Where defendant, by the statute allowed 20 There was neither testimony required of ac cused nor unreasonable search and seizure in violation of his constitutional rights, where letters written by him while in penitentiary for *Rehearing denied 251 U. S. 380, 40 Sup. Ct. 176, 64 L. Ed.--. For other cases see same topic and KEY-NUMBER in all Key-Numbered Digests and Indexes |