So the rules were suspended, and the bill passed, viz: A BILL (H. R. 1093) to authorize the free coinage of the standard silver dollar, and to restore its legal-tender character. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be coined, at the several mints of the United States, silver dollars of the weight of our hundred and twelve and a half grains troy of standard silver, as provided in the act of January eighteenth, eighteen hundred and thirtyseven, on which shall be the devices and superscriptions provided by said act; which coins, together with all silver dollars heretofore coined by the United States of like weight and fineness, shall be a legal tender, at their nominal value, for all debts and dues, public and private, except where otherwise provided by contract; and any owner of silver bullion may deposit the same at any United States coinage-mint or assay-office, to be coined into such dollars, for his benefit, upon the same terms and conditions as gold bullion is deposited for coinage under existing laws. SEC. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in the said bill. ། Mr. Ewing moved that the rules be suspended, so as to enable him to submit, and the House to agree to, the following resolution, viz: Resolved, That the bill to repeal the third section of the resumption law be made the special order, not to interfere with any appropriation bills, for to-morrow at the expiration of the morning hour, and from day to day thereafter until the following Tuesday at 3 o'clock, when the previous question shall be ordered on it and on any amendments then pending, all amendments meanwhile to be in order, provided the time shall be extended, if necessary, so as to allow five days after the morning hour for the consideration of said bill and amendments. The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Mr. D. Wyatt Aiken William Aldrich J. D. C. Atkins John H. Baker James W. Covert Samuel S. Cox Jacob D. Cox Jordan E. Cravens Thomas T. Crittenden D. B. Culberson Mr. H. J. B. Cummings Charles C. Ellsworth Mr. H. L. Humphrey Auburn L. Pridemore Those who voted in the negative are— Mr. Haywood Y. Riddle Thomas Turner Robert B. Vance Nelson H.Van Vorhes Mr. Llewellyn Powers FEBE Mr. William J. Bacon Mr. Dudley C. Denison Those not voting Mr. George A. Bagley William H. Baker Mr. Archibald M. Bliss Mr. J. E. Leonard Mr. Jacob M. Campbell Alpheus S. Williams Mr. Beverly B. Douglas Milton J. Durham So the rules were suspended, and the said resolution was submitted and agreed to. Mr. Wood moved that the rules be suspended so as to enable him to report from the Committee of Ways and Means, and the House to consider and agree to, the following resolutions, viz: Resolved, That the President be respectfully requested, if not incompatible with the public interests, to communicate to this House the correspondence with the Spanish Government, and the orders and directions of the Treasury Department to the collectors of customs, in relation to the recent imposition of a differential duty of fifty cents per ton on Spanish vessels entering American ports, with such information in reference thereto as he may deem necessary. Resolved further, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, requested to furnish the House of Representatives, at the earliest practicable moment, copies of the contract made with a certain syndicate of American and foreign bankers for the negotiation of the 4 per cent. bonds of the United States, together with copies of all other papers relating thereto; and also with a statement as to the present condition of such negotiation, and whether it remains in force as originally made, without modification or change. And the question being put, It was decided in the affirmative, (two-thirds voting in favor thereof.) So the rules were suspended. The said resolutions were thereupon reported by Mr. Wood, from the said committee, and agreed to. Mr. Calkins, by unanimous consent, submitted the following resolution: Resolved, That inasmuch as this is the day of the funeral of the late Senator Morton, in token of respect to his memory this House do now adjourn. Pending which, Mr. Hunton, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. 1094) to remove the disabilities of Asa Wall imposed by the third section of the fourteenth article of the amendments to the Constitution of the United States; which was read twice, engrossed, read the third time, and passed, (two-thirds voting in favor thereof.) Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate in the said bill. Mr. Glover, by unanimous consent, submitted a resolution for the relief of Theodore F. Wilson; which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Mr. Phillips, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. 1095) to create postal savings-banks; which was read twice, referred to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads, and ordered to be printed, and also printed in the Record. By unanimous consent, leave was granted to withdraw from the files of the House papers as follows, viz: To Mr. Blackburn, in the cases of Mrs. Rosa V. Jeffreys, William H. Gray, D. W. Price, and A. S. Bloom; To Mr. Henry R. Harris, in the case of John M. Word; and To Mr. Charles G. Williams, in the case of C. H. Bliss. By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted as follows, viz: To Mr. Bisbee, for three days; To Mr. Burdick, for two days; To Mr. Cutler, until the 7th instant; To Mr. Overton, until the 8th instant. The Speaker announced the appointment of the following select committee, under the resolution submitted by Mr. Hardenbergh on the 1st instant, and adopted by the House, for the appointment of a committee of three members to examine into and report upon the propriety of a railing for the protection of the outer circle of seats, viz: Mr. Hardenbergh, Mr. Turner, and Mr. Loring. Mr. Hooker, by unanimous consent, submitted a resolution in relation to the salary of the electrician of the House; which was read and referred to the Committee of Accounts. The Speaker, having stated that he would be absent from the House to-morrow, announced the appointment of Mr. Sayler to be Speaker pro tempore during his said absence. And then, The resolution submitted by Mr. Calkins was unanimously agreed to and the House, at 2 o'clock and 45 minutes p. m., accordingly adjourned. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1876. The following memorials, petitions, and other papers were laid on the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as follows, viz: By Mr. Brewer: A paper relating to the establishment of a postroute between Clarkston and Oxford, Oakland County, Michigan; By Mr. Corlett: A paper relating to the establishment of certain postroutes in Wyoming Territory; to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. Samuel S. Cox: Remonstrance of merchants of New York, against the repeal of the bankrupt law, and a petition for amendments thereto; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. Dunnell: The petition of J. H. Cooper and others, of Minnesota, for an amendment of the tree-culture act; to the Committee on the Public Lands. By Mr. Ellis: Papers relating to the claim of J. W. Arthur & Com. pany, for compensation for property taken by the United States Army; to the Committee on War-Claims. By Mr. Fenn: The petition of Jane D. Cotton, for a pension; By Mr. Fuller: The petition of Jonathan R. Tilman, for a pension; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, the petition of the heirs of Captain Lambert Wickes, for prize money and pay during the Revolution; to the Committee of Claims. By Mr. Gibson: The petition of Flora S. Miller and others, for compensation for property destroyed by the United States military authorities; By Mr. Goode: The petition of Mrs. Mary A. Hughes, for compensa. tion for the use of her property by United States authorities; to the Committee on War-Claims. By Mr. Gunter: The petition of Elias B. Moore, to be reimbursed for postage-stamps taken by the United States Army in 1852; to the Committee of Claims. By Mr. Henderson: Papers relating to the claim of Samuel Noble, for cotton wrongfully seized by United States authorities; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. House: Papers relating to the claims of Shelby Medical College, for rent and for property taken therefrom by the United States Army; Also, of Thomas Hord, for supplies taken by the United States Army; Also, of A. J. Duncan, for property taken by the United States Army; By Mr. Hunton: Papers relating to the petition of S. B. Corbett, for compensation for the use of his property by the United States authori ties: By Mr. Martin: The petition of Joseph Anderson, for compensation for property taken by the United States Army; to the Committee on War Claims. Also, the petition of John A. Thompson and others, of Jefferson County, West Virginia, for the issue of a currency that shall be a legal tender for all dues, public and private; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. Mayham: The petition of F. P. Molton and 300 other citizens of Scoharie and Montgomery Counties, New York, for the extension of post-route 1455 to Cobleskill; to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. Pollard: Papers relating to the petition of Van B. Bowers, to be reimbursed for property taken from the post-office at Ducklin, Mis souri, by robbers; to the Committee of Claims. By Mr. Randolph Papers relating to the claim of R. F. Bernard, for services rendered as a lieutentant of cavalry, United States Army; to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. Schleicher: Papers relating to the claim of George H. Giddings, mail-contractor; to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. Springer: The petition of Daniel Clary, for a pension; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. Stephens: The petitions of V. Richards & Brothers and A. L. Maxwell, for stores furnished and supplies taken by the United States Army; Also, the petition of Bernard Rice, for compensation for property destroyed by the United States Army; to the Committee on War-Claims. By Mr. Swann: The petition of F. C. Latrobe, mayor, and 5,000 citizens, of Baltimore, for an increase of the salaries of letter carriers; to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post Roads. Also, the petition of George Wolf, for arrears of pension; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, the petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Goldsborough, widow of RearAdmiral L. M. Goldsborough, for a pension; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Also, the petition of John H. Bond and 25 other mechanics and labor |