INDEX. A. H. R. 357. Abandoned property, relative to the collection of sine die Page. 67 ..14, 21, 25, 32, 35, 105, 117, 124, 129, 147, 162, 168, 170, 175, 202, 209, 214, 219, 224, resolutions relative to. Agriculture, Department of, to make the, one of the Executive Departments... Aiken, D. Wyatt, of Newberry, third district of South Carolina : 298 54 Alabama, members from the State of, appear, viz: James Taylor Jones, Hilary A. Herbert, Jere- to secure the impartial administration of justice in the United States courts in.. for the relief of the Mobile Marine Dock Company in H. R. 256. H. R. 973. H. R. 975. to refer claims of certain citizens of, to the Commissioners of Claims.. to appropriate government lands in, for school purposes to provide public buildings at Montgomery. industrial convention of. for the improvement of the rivers Alabama Claims, Commissioners of. (See Claims, Commissioners of Alabama.) H. R. 1572. Alcoholic liquor traffic, to provide for a commission on the H. R. 19. Aldrich, William, of Chicago, first district of Illinois: Answered roll-call Sworn in.. Member of Committee on the Territories. Leave of absence granted Bills of the House introduced by- Alexander Anderson, No. 1570. Petitions presented by- To repeal bankrupt law. Appropriations, making, for the Commissioner of the General Land-Office H. R. 288. making, for the Mississippi levees H. R. 289. making, for the improvement of the Cumberland River H. R. 379. making, for the improvement of Caney's Fork and Obey's River ...... 6 61 110 136 136 137 137 156, 193 170 170 193 194 221 28.45 .28, 30, 45, 267 281 220, 251 49 8 12 94 279 42 63 63 68 68 69 Appropriations, to amend an act making, for sundry civil expenses of the government for the H. R. 462. making, to pay the State of Texas for money spent by that State in the defense to amend the act making, for the service of the government for the year ending H. R. 746. making, to improve the Little Kanawha River, in West Virginia . H. R. 761. making, to improve the Great Kanawha River, in West Virginia.. making, to improve Vergennes Bay and Otter Creek, in Vermont..... H. R. 845. making, for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1878... H. R. 902. H. R. 971. making, to improve the Warrior and Tombigbee Rivers, in Alabama. H. R. 976. making to improve Calcascieu River, in Louisiana....... H. R. 987. making, to improve Galveston Harbor H. R. 1121. making, for public buildings at Council Bluffs, in Iowa making, for public buildings in Sacramento, California.. H. R. 1155. making, for canal and locks in Columbia River, Oregon..... H. R. 1169. 151 151 H. R. 1129. 153 153 making, for public buildings in Davenport, Iowa.... making, for the Night Lodging House Association of the District of Columbia.. 156 156 166 167 175 175 178 189 190 H. R. 1282. making, to survey Flint River, in Georgia.. H. R. 1337. 193 making, to improve the barbor at Mobile. 194 Appropriations, making, to improve the Detroit River, in Michigan. H. R. 1431. making, to improve Chippewa River, in Wisconsin H. R. 1456. making, to improve Benicia arsenal, in California making, for the erection of a light-house at San Luis Obispo Harbor, in Califor- H. R. 1457. making, for deficiencies in appropriations for service of the government for the Page. 198 200 200 200 211 217 217 223, 236 243 250 251 251 254 H. R. 1621. head of the jetties in South Pass. 269 River, in North Carolina... 271 to amend act making, for the Army for 1876.. 272 H. R. 1682. H. R. 1675. to amend act of March 3, 1875, making, for the expenses of the government. making, to protect the wharf at Memphis, Tennessee...... H. R. 1696. making, for the public buildings at Detroit, Michigan...... H. R. 1715. to repeal certain provisions of act of July 12, 1876, making, for the Post-Office 272 273 274 making, to improve the Neuse 274 H. R. 1717. to appropriate money for the erection of a keeper's dwelling at the light-house 288 to appropriate money for the erection of a light-house on Stannard's Rock, Lake 288 H. R. 1759. to appropriate money for the erection of a keeper's dwelling at the light-house 288 to appropriate money for the erection of a station and steam fog-signal at Mack- 288 H. R. 1764. to appropriate money to improve Saint Mary's River, Saint Mary's Falls Canal. 288 H. R. 1766. to repair military roads in to appropriate money to improve the harbor at Manistee, Michigan...... H. R. 1767. to appropriate money to improve harbor at Ludington, Michigan.. H. R. 1768. to appropriate money to improve the harbor at Pentwater, Michigan............... to appropriate money to improve the harbor at Charlevoix, Michigan to appropriate money to improve Eagle Harbor, Lake Superior....... to appropriate money to improve Ontonagon Harbor, Lake Superior............. Arctic Seas, to equip an expedition to the Arizona, Delegate from the Territory of, appears, viz, Hiram S. Stevens. segregating Grant County from New Mexico and annexing it to Arkansas, members from the State of, appear, viz: Lucien C. Gause, William F. Slemons, Jordan E. Cravens, Thomas M. Gunter.... 288 289 289 289 H. R. 795. 91 8 81 81 81 150 119 135 139 139 150 166 167 178,222 190 216 253 254 271 272 making appropriations for the support of the, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1878... H. R. 902. relative to medical officers in the, on duty in the District of Columbia.. to investigate condition of the, the number of officers, location of forts, &c Member of Committee on Appropriations Relative to adjournment. Bills of the House introduced by― To improve Tennessee River, No. 397; sale of leaf-tobacco, 398; resumption act, 399; Army Petitions presented by- F. A. Lee...... Attorneys, fixing compensation of United States Aleshire, Charles C H. R. 1439. 47,60 H. R. 231. Arizona, Territory of, officials of, relative to pay of United States marshals legislative assembly of, for an increase of representation in the council. 22, 159 47 242 Cane Hill College et al., compensation for property destroyed by United States Army 283 250 Bacon, William J., of Utica, twenty-third district of New York: Answered roll-call Sworn in. Member of Committee on Manufactures |