A bill appropriating money for the purchase of
a site and erection of a building for a post-office
and other government offices in the city of
Sacramento, State of California.
A bill to amend section 2464 of the Revised Stat-
A bill to authorize claimants upon even-num-
bered sections of land within the twenty-mile
limits of the Northern Pacific Railroad to make
proof and payment for their claims at the ordi-
nary minimum rate of one dollar and twenty.
five cents per acre.
A bill to extend the time in which to construct
and complete the Northern Pacific Railroad.
A bill to extend the provisions of an act, ap-
proved June 22, 1874, entitled "An act for the
relief of settlers on railroad lands."
A bill granting a pension to Anna W. Osborne ..
A bill to amend section 4220 of chapter 3 of title
48 of the Revised Statutes of the United States,
entitled "Regulation of commerce and navi-
A bill for the relief of Peter G. Mills....
A bill for the protection of salmon in the Colum-
bia River.
A bill making a further appropriation for the
purpose of continuing the construction of
canal and locks at the Cascades of the Colum-
bia River, in the State of Oregon.
A bill to repeal section 1258 of the Revised
Statutes of 1873.
A bill for the relief of Joseph R. Pratt.
A bill for the reappointment of George W. Smith
(of Kansas), second lieutenant Ninth Cavalry,
late captain Eighteenth Infantry, to be cap-
tain Eighteenth Infantry, with his relative
rank and grade in the Army, from August 5,
1861, provided he is not to receive any pay or
allowances for the time he was out of the mili-
tary service (June 15, 1866, to August 6, 1873).
A bill granting a pension to George S Ivers, pri-
vate Company E, Fifty-seventh Regiment
United States Volunteers.