The Writings of Mark Twain: The gilded age : a tale of to-day

Harper, 1901

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Sida 108 - Sub. Would I were hang'd then! I'll conform myself. Dol. Will you, sir? do so then, and quickly: swear. Sub. What should I swear ? Dol. To leave your faction, sir, And labour kindly in the common work.
Sida 63 - ... love breaking over the eastern elevations of his heart. It was about the hour, now, for the chairman of the House Committee on Benevolent Appropriations to make his appearance, and Laura stepped to the door to reconnoitre. She glanced up the street, and sure enough . CHAPTER VI LAURA COQUETS WITH BUCKSTONE Usa ogn...
Sida 232 - DILWORTHY AT SAINT'S REST, PREPARES FOR RE-ELECTION — He seekes, of all his drifte the aymed end: Thereto his subtile engins he does bend, His practick witt and his fayre fyled tongue, With thousand other sleightes; for well he kend His credit now in doubtful ballaunce hong: For hardly could bee hurt, who was already stong.
Sida 300 - Dilworthy had the effrontery to offer such a resolution will surprise no one, and that the Senate could entertain it without blushing and pass it without shame will surprise no one. We are now reminded of a note which we have received from the notorious burglar Murphy, in which he finds fault with a statement of ours to the effect that he had served one term in the penitentiary and also one in the US Senate. He says, " The latter statement is untrue and does me great injustice.
Sida 55 - Well " — hesitated the Colonel — " I am afraid some of them do buy their seats — yes, I am afraid they do — but as Senator Dilworthy himself said to me, it is sinful, — it is very wrong — it is shameful; Heaven protect me from such a charge. That is what Dilworthy said. And yet when you come to look at it you cannot deny that we would have to go without the services of some of our ablest men, sir, if the country were opposed to — to — bribery. It is a harsh term. I do not like to...
Sida 360 - Let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me: neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause.
Sida 183 - ... a courage that rose as she consulted with her counsel and understood the methods of criminal procedure in New York. She was greatly depressed, however, by the news from Washington. Congress had adjourned and her bill had failed to pass the Senate. It must wait for the next session. CHAPTER XVII MR. BIGLER HELPED OUT WHILE MR. BOLTON RUNS IN DEBT — In our werking, nothing us availle; For lost is all our labour and travaille, And all the cost a twenty devil way Is lost also, which we upon it...

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