This Sonnet is given from a small quarto MS. in the Editor's possession, written in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Another Copy of it, containing some variations, is reprinted in the Muses Library, p. 295, from an ancient miscellany, intitled England's Helicon, 1600, 4to. The author was Nicholas Breton, a writer of some fame in the reign of Elizabeth; who also published an interlude intitled "An old man's lesson and a young man's love," 4to. and many other little pieces in prose and verse, the titles of which may be seen in Winstanley, Ames' Typog, and Osborne's Harl. Catalog. &c. - He is mentioned with great respect by Meres, in his second part of "Wit's Commonwealth," 1598, f. 283, and is alluded to in Beaumont and Fletcher's "Scornful Lady," Act 2. and again in "Wit without Money," Act 3.-See Whalley's Ben Jonson, vol. III. p. 103. The present Edition is improved by a copy in "England's Helicon," vol. III, edit. 1614, 8vo. In the merrie moneth of Maye, When anon by a wood side, Much adoe there was, god wot; 5 10 tit The foregoing little pastoral of "Phillida and Corydon" is one of the songs in "The Honourable Entertainment gieven to the Queenes Majestie in Progresse at Elvetham in Hampshire, by the R. II. the Earle of Hertford, 1591," 4to. [Printed by Wolfe. No name of author.] See in that pamphlet, "The thirde daies Etertainment. "On Wednesday morning about 9 o'clock, as her Majestie opened a casement of her gallerie window, ther were 3 excellent musitians, who being disguised in auncient country attire, did greete her with a pleasant song of Corydon and Phillida,' made in 3 parts of purpose. The song, as well for the worth of the dittie, as the aptnesse of the note thereto applied, it pleased her Highnesse after it had been once sung to command it againe, and highly to grace it with her cheerefull acceptance and commendation. "THE PLOWMAN'S SONG. "In the merrie month of May, &c." The splendour and magnificence of Elizabeth's reign is no where more strongly painted than in these little diaries of some of her summer excursions to the houses of her nobility; nor could a more acceptable present be given to the world, than a republication of a select number of such details as this of the entertainment at Elvetham, that at Killingworth, &c., &c., which so strongly mark the spirit of the times, and present us with scenes so very remote from modern manners. Since the above was written, the Public hath been gratified with a most complete work on the foregoing subject, intitled, "The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth, &c. By John Nichols, F. A. S. Edinb. and Perth, 1788," 2 vols, 4to. ΧΙ. LITTLE MUSGRAVE AND LADY BARNARD. This ballad is ancient, and has been popular; we find it quoted in many old plays. See Beaum. and Fletcher's Knight of the Burning Pestle, 4to, 1613, Act 5. The Varietie, a comedy, 12mo. 1649, Act 4, &c. In Sir William Davenant's play, "The Witts," Act 3, a gallant thus boasts of himself: "Limber and sound! besides I sing Musgrave, And for Chevy-chace no lark comes near me." In the Pepys Collection, vol. III. p. 314, is an imitation of this old song, in 33 stanzas, by a more modern pen, with many alterations, but evidently for the worse. This is given from an old printed copy in the British Museum, with corrections; some of which are from a fragment in the Editor's folio MS. It is also printed in Dryden's Collection of Miscellaneous Poems. As it fell out on a highe holye daye, My Lord Barnard shall knowe of this, Asleep or awake, thou Lord Barnard, As thou art a man of life, If it be trew, thou litle foote-page, But and it be a lye, thou litle foot-page, Rise up, rise up, my merry men all, 5 40 45 50 And he pulled out three silver keyes, And opened the dores eche one. He lifted up the coverlett, He lifted up the sheete; How now, how now, thou little Musgrave, Dost find my gaye ladye sweete? I find her sweete, quoth little Musgrave, Ver. 64, Is whistling sheepe ore the mold, fol. MS. 75 80 Theire's braw lads in Earnslaw, Marion, Ive nine milk-ews, my Marion, Ime yong and stout, my Marion, And sune as my chin has nae haire on, XIII. THE KNIGHT, AND SHEPHERD'S DAUGHTER. This ballad (given from an old black-letter Copy, with some corrections) was popular in the time of Queen Elizabeth, being usually printed with her picture before it, as Hearne informs us in his preface to "Gul. Neubrig, Hist, Oxon, 1719, 8vo, vol. I, p. lxx." It is quoted in Fletcher's comedy of the Pilgrim, Act 4, sc. 1. THERE was a shepherds daughter And there by chance a knighte shee mett, These words pronounced hee: OI shall dye this daye, he sayd, But nowe the last came hee. If Ive not my wille of thee. O Ile have none of your gold, she sayde, Tell me what is your name? And ranne close by his side. |