Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and Other Pieces of Our Earlier Poets; Together with Some Few of Later DateW.P. Nimmo, 1881 - 307 sidor |
Från bokens innehåll
Sida xxvii
... hundred frankes . and gave to the Duke of Tonrayns Mynstreles gownes of clothe of gold furred with ermyne valued at two hundred frankes . " B. iii . c . 31. Eng . Trans . Lond . 1525. ( Mr. C. ) Chateau . " ( Fontenelle Hist . du Théat .
... hundred frankes . and gave to the Duke of Tonrayns Mynstreles gownes of clothe of gold furred with ermyne valued at two hundred frankes . " B. iii . c . 31. Eng . Trans . Lond . 1525. ( Mr. C. ) Chateau . " ( Fontenelle Hist . du Théat .
Sida xxx
... gold chain ) as a person of illustrious rank ; rides on horsebank , and is admitted to the embraces of a king's daughter . " The Minstrels lost no opportunity of doing honour to their art . ( 3 ) As for the word Glees , it is to this ...
... gold chain ) as a person of illustrious rank ; rides on horsebank , and is admitted to the embraces of a king's daughter . " The Minstrels lost no opportunity of doing honour to their art . ( 3 ) As for the word Glees , it is to this ...
Sida 13
... gold Of knightes that had be slone . Then he tooke up the Eldridge sworde , As hard as any flint : 145 And he tooke off those ringès five , As bright as fyre and brent . Home then pricked Syr Cauline As light as leafe on tree : I - wys ...
... gold Of knightes that had be slone . Then he tooke up the Eldridge sworde , As hard as any flint : 145 And he tooke off those ringès five , As bright as fyre and brent . Home then pricked Syr Cauline As light as leafe on tree : I - wys ...
Sida 16
... gold shone their weeds . 5 10 15 20 25 50 17 And when the came to Kyng Adlands hall Before. V. 3 , brether , fol . MS . V. 10 , his brother's hall , fol . MS . V. 14 , hartilye , fol . MS.-V. 27 , Many a man ... is . fol . MS ...
... gold shone their weeds . 5 10 15 20 25 50 17 And when the came to Kyng Adlands hall Before. V. 3 , brether , fol . MS . V. 10 , his brother's hall , fol . MS . V. 14 , hartilye , fol . MS.-V. 27 , Many a man ... is . fol . MS ...
Sida 18
... gold that is under heaven And thus they renisht them to ryde , I dare not neigh him nye . On tow good renish steedes ; And when they came to King Adlands hall , Then Kyng Estmere pulld forth his harpe , 225 Of redd gold shone their ...
... gold that is under heaven And thus they renisht them to ryde , I dare not neigh him nye . On tow good renish steedes ; And when they came to King Adlands hall , Then Kyng Estmere pulld forth his harpe , 225 Of redd gold shone their ...
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Andra upplagor - Visa alla
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs ... Thomas Percy Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1872 |
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs ... Thomas Percy Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1839 |
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs ... Thomas Percy Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1840 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
Adam Bell agayne ancient appears awaye ballad bard barons beggar called castle Child Waters copy Cotton Library daughter daye doth Douglas Du Cange Earl Earl of Surrey edition Editor Editor's folio Edward England English Erle faire fast father fayre gold hand harp hart hast hath heart heire of Linne Henry Hist honour intitled John king King Arthur King Estmere knight Kyng lady ladye land Lord Mary Ambree Minstrels myght never noble Northumberland Percy play poem poet pretty Bessee prince printed Queen quoth reader reign Robin Robin Hood romance sayd saye Scotland Scots Scottish shee shold sing Sir Aldingar slaine slayne song sonne stanzas sweet sword tell thee ther theyr unto wold word writer written wyfe wyll Wyllyam wyth zour