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The Cherokee nation agree, that the agent who rokee fhall be appointed to refide among them from time to agent to time, fhall have a fufficient piece of groundallotted price of for his temporary ufe.

have a'

ground. And lastly, this treaty, and the feveral articles it contains, fhall be confidered as additional to, and forming a part of, treaties already fubfifting between the United States and the Cherokee nation, and shall be carried into effect, on both fides, with all good faith as foon as the fame fhall be approved and ratified by the Prefident of the United States and the Senate thereof.

In witness of all and every thing herein determined between the United States of Amerika and the whole Cherokee nation, the parties hereunto fet their hands and feals, in the Council houfe, near Tellice, on Cherokee ground, and within the United States, this fecond day of October in the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-eight, and in the twenty-third year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the United States.

Thos. Butler.

Geo. Walton.

(L. S.)

(L. S.)

Ne ne tu och, or Bloody Fellow." X (L. S.)


Jaunne, or John.


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1799 Treaty for strengthening the Alliance and Juin. Friendship fubfifting between the English Eaft-India Company Behauder, his Highnefs the Nabob Nizam ud Dowlah Afoph Jah Behauder, and the Paishwah Row Pundit Purdhan Behauder, and for ef fecting a fettlement of the Dominions of the late Tippoo Sultaun.

(BEATSON account of the war in Mysore appendix. p. CXL.)


hereas the deceafed Tippoo Sultaun, unprovoked by any aft of aggreffion on the part of the allies, entered into an offenfive and defenfive alliance with the French, and admitted a French force into his army, for the purpose of commencing war against the Honourable English Company Behauder, and its allies, Nizam ud Dowlah Aloph Jah Behauder, and the Paiswah Row Pundit Purdhan Behauder; and the faid Tippoo Sultaun having attempted to evade the juft demands of fatisfaction and fecurity made by the Honourable English Company Behauder and its allies, of their defence and protection against the joint defigns of the faid Sultaun, and of the French, the allied armies of the Honourable English Company and of his Highness Nizam ud Dowlah Ajoph Fah Behauder, proceeded to hoftilities, in vindication of their reights, and for the prefervation of their respective dominions from the perils of foreign invasion and from the ·ravages of a cruel and relentless enemy.

And whereas it has pleased Almighty God to profper the just cause of the faid allies, the Honourable English Company Behauder and his Highness Nizam and Dowlah Afoph Jah Behauder, with a continued course of vidory and fuccefs. and finally to crown their arms, by the reduftion of the capital of Myfore, the fall of Tippoo Sultaun, the utter exinition of his power, and the unconditional fubmiffion of his people; and whereas the faid allies,



22 Juin.

Traité de partage de l'empire de Mysore ou 1799 traité pour raffermir l'alliance et l'amitié fubfiftant entre la Compagnie Anglaife des Indes Orientales fa hauteffe le Nabob Nizam ud Dowlah Afoph Jah Bebauder et le Paishwah Row Pundit Purdhan Bebauder, et pour régler le fort des poffeffions de feu Tippoo Sultaun; figné le 22 Juin 1799.

(Traduction privée.)

Comme le defant Tippoo Sultaun, fans avoir été pro

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voqué par aucun acte d'agreffion de la part des alliés, eft entré dans une alliance offenfive et defenfive avec les François, et qu'il a reçu des troupes françaises dans fon armée, afin de commencer une guerre contre la Compagnie Anglaise et fes alliés le Nizam ud Dowlah Afoph Jah Behauder et le Paifhwah Row Pundit Purdhan Behauder, et que le dit Tippoo Sultaun a taché de fe fouftraire aux juftes demandes de fatisfaction et de fureté, faites par l'honorable Compagnie Anglaise et fes alliés, unis pour leur defenfe et protection contre les deffeins concertés du dit Sultaun et des français, les armées alliées de l'honorable Compagnie Anglaife et de fa Hauteffe le Nizam ud Dowlah Afoph Jah Behauder en font venues à des hoftilités pour la defense de leurs droits et pour la garantie de leurs poffeffions refpectives contre les dangers d'invafion étrangère, et contre les ravages d'un ennemi cruel et impitoyable.

Et comme il a plu au Tout Puiffant de favorifer la caufe des dits alliés, l'honorable Compagnie Anglaife et fa Hauteffe le Nizam ud Dowlah Afoph Jah par une ferie continuelle de victoires et de progrès, et finalement de couronner le fuccès de leurs armes par la redaction de la capitale de Myfore, par la chute de Tippoo Sultaun, l'extinction totale de fon pouvoir et la foumiffion abfolue de fon peuple; et comme les dits alliés, Supplem. T. II.



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being difpofed to exercise the right of conqueft with the
fame moderation and forbearance which they have obferved
from the commencement to the conclufion of the late fuc-
cefsful war, refolved to ufe the power which it hath pleafed
Almighty God to place in the
Almighty God to place in their hands for the purpose of
obtaining reasonable


war, and establishimanent for the expenfes, of the
quillity, for themfelves and their fubjects, as well as for
all the powers contiguous to their refpeftive dominions:
therefore a treaty, for the adjustment of the territories
of the late Tippo
between the Engh Nizam
Sultaun, between the English Eaft India
Company Behauder and his Highnefs the Nabob Nizam
ud Dowlah Afoph Jah Bekauder, is now concluded by
Lieutenant-General George Harris, Commander in Chief
of the forces of his Britannic Majefty and of the English
East India Company Behauder in the Carnatic and the
coaft of Malabar, the Honourable Colonel Arthur Wel-
lesley, the Honourable Henry Wellesley, Lieutenant-no-
lonel William Kirkpatrick, and Lieutenant-colonel Barry
Clofe, on the part and in the name of the Right Honou
rable Richard Earl of Mornington, KP. Governor-Ge
neral for all affairs, civil or military, of the British
nation in India; and by the Nabob Meer Allum Behau-
der on the part and in the name of his Highness the
Nabob Nizam ud Dowlah Afoph Jah Behauder, accor-
ding to the under mentioned articles, which by the bleffing
of God fhall be binding on the heirs and fucceffors of the
contracting parties, as long as the fun and moon shall
endure, and of which the conditions Jhall be reciprocally
obferved by the faid contracting parties.

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It being reafonable and just that the allies, by this treaty, fhould accomplish the original objects of war (viz. a due indemnification for the expenses incurred in their own defence, and effectual fecurity for their respective poffeffions against the future defigns of their enemies, it is ftipulated and agreed, that the diftritts efpecified in Schedule A. hereunto annexed, together with the heads of all the paffes leading from the territory of the late Tippoo Sultaun to any part of the poffeffions of the English Eaft India Company Behauder, of its allies or tributaries, fituated below the Ghauts on either coaft, and all forts fituated near to and commanding the Jaid passes, shall

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