Mr. J. Rogers's Miss Hawk, three-years old (Rogers) Lord Lynedoch's Retamosa, three-years old (Stephenson) 1 2 Lord Exeter's f. by Sultan, out of Palais Royal, two-years old (Nunn) ... Betting: 5 to 4 agst. Retamosa, 2 to 1 agst. Miss Hawk, and 6 to 1 agst. Sister to Hector. The favourite led to the ropes, where Miss Hawk and Miss Romer passed her. These two now set to in earnest, and, after a most determined struggle, the former won by a short length. Retamosa was well up, but the others were beaten off. The winner was claimed. FRIDAY, November 1st.-The Audley End Stakes of 30 sovs. each, for three-year-olds and upwards, A. E. C. (eight subscribers, three of whom paid 10 sovs. each). Col. Peel's The Dey of Algiers, three-years old, 7 st. (Pavis) 1 2 3 Betting: 6 to 4 on Joannina (taken), 2 to 1 agst. The Dey of Algiers, and 4 to 1 agst. Feather. The running lay wholly between the first and second, Feather being, quite done with it before they reached the Turn of the Lands. It was a race between the other two, which the colt finally won rather cleverly by a length. Match, 25 sovs., 10 ft.; D. M. Col. Peel's ro. c. by Augustus, out of Constantia, two-years old, 7 st. (Pavis) Betting: 2 to 1 and 5 to 2 on the colt. Won easily by a length. Match, 50 sovs., h. ft.; first half of Ab. M. Mr. Greville's Trojana, two-years old, 7 st. 4 lb (Nat) 1 2 Lord Lichfield's Sister to Hector, two-years old, 8 st. 7 lb. (Wakefield) Betting: 3 to 1 on the Dey of Algiers. A capital race, a great part of it being run stride for stride, and won on the post by an honest stout heart. The Nursery Stakes of 25 sovs. each, for two-year-olds; D. M. (eight subscribers). 1 Betting: 2 to 1 agst Garryowen, 7 to 2 agst. Assassin, 4 to 1 agst. Little Wonder (taken), and 9 to 2 agst. Nicholas (taken). The lot came together to the new ground, where Assassin and Little Wonder went in front, and made a pretty show of a race up the cords, the former winning cleverly by a length. Match, 100 sovs., h. ft.; T. Y. C. ... Lord Exeter's Bosphorus, three-years old, 7 st. 4 lb. (Mann) Mr. Dixon's Camelino, three years old, 8 st. 7 lb. (Nat) Betting: 5 to 4 on Camelino (tk.); Bosphorus made all the running, and won by half a length. Match, 25 sovs. 8 st. 7 lb. each; D. M. Lord G. Bentinck's Capote, two-years old, 8 st. 7 lb. (W. Day) Col. Peel's f. by Velocipede, out of Malibran, two-years old, 7 st. 3 lb. (Pavis) Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each,-for two-year-olds; colts, 8 st. 7 lb; fillies, 8 st. 5 lb.; winner to be sold for 50 sovs., if demanded, &c.; first half of Ab. M. (five subscribers). Betting: 5 to 4 agst. the Colonel filly, and 6 to 4 agst. Negus, with whom Colonel Peel declared to win. Won in a canter by three lengths. SATURDAY, 2nd.-Match, 50 sovs., h. ft.; first half of Ab. M. Col. Peel's f. by Velocipede, out of Malibran, 7 st. 6 lb. Betting: 6 to 5 on Capote; won by half a length. received ft. off by consent. Bath Races, 54 Bettings at Tattersall's; for June, 7; for Bibury Club, and Stockbridge Meetings, 55 Trial, Review of the recent, 163 Charles the Twelfth, Pedigree and Per- Crisis, The, of English Racing, 3 Deception, Pedigree and Performances of, 8 Derby, The late, its present and pro- spective Effects, with a Review of the Doncaster Meeting, 243 Dorsetshire, A Peep into, after an absence of Six Years: Mr. Farquharson's Hounds, English Fox-hunting as it is: with a English Racing, The Crisis of, 3 Cambridgeshire, and Hertfordshire Festival, Annual, of Horse and Chariot in the North American Lakes and Fox-hunting in West Sussex, 174 Notice of the disputed right of Country Germany, Racing in, 352 Goodwood Races, past and present, A Notice Hampton Races, 53 Her Majesty's Staghounds, by the Author Her Majesty's Staghounds, a List of, 405 Houghton Meeting, Newmarket, 403 Tour in the Midland Counties, Letter from Delmé Radcliffe, Esq., 131 Literature and the Fine Arts, 62, 214, 293, Liverpool July Meeting, 107 Mems of Mess (Second Series), The Wish, Monthly Memorabilia, 60, 141, 223, 287, Moreton's, Lord, List of Foxhounds, 342 New Brunswick, Sporting Sketches from : Newmarket First and Second October July Meeting, 107 Houghton Meeting, 403 Nimrod's Hunting Tour in the Midland Staghounds, Her Majesty's, by the Author Tattersall's List, Bettings for June, 7; for Thames Fishing, from "Hofland's British Tournament, Songs of the, by J. E. Car- penter, Esq., 197 Turf, the History of, Chap. II., 9 Register, 65, 148, 225, 297, 385, 465 Uncle Sam, Scenes with; No. 5. "Griggy Vienna, Sporting Reminiscences of the Week, A, in Norfolk, by an Amateur, 421 Yachting, British: A Letter from Delmé Intelligence, 58; Cowes, Ply- Yacht Squadron, Royal, Regatta, 175 INDEX ΤΟ THE TURF REGISTER. 1839. Abel, 234 Abelard, 238, 238, 303 Abraham Cowley, 236, 305 Achilles, 67, 67, 229, 387, 387, Ascanius, 74, 75, 158, 313, 468, Ashfield, 155, 155, 227, 302, 302, 386, 387, 387 Auckland, 305, 305, 392, 395 Austerlitz, 71 Avicenna, 153, 154 Ayesha, 394, 394 Baby, 299, 310 Balchin, 75 Bandboy, 70, 77, 78, 232, 233, 312, 315 Banker, 238, 239, 470 Barbican, 234 Barboni, 473 Barcarolle, 69, 70, 476 Barnacles, 76, 231, 310, 390 Baron Spolasco, 476 Baronet, 74, 79, 301 Barrister, 229, 229, 305 Bay Hampton, 68, 70, 228, 297, Bees, 468 Bee's-wing, 152, 154, 309, 317, 320, 388, 393, 394 Beggarboy, 307 Beggarman, 232, 232, 240 Bell, the, 71 Bellissima, 227, 394, 470, 471 Bensood, 297 Bertha, 302, 466 Betsy, 74, 230, 234, 386, 476 Birthday, 298, 299, 474, 474 Blucher, 387 Blue-pill, 394, 395, 397 Bob, 225 Bodice, 297, 297, 297, 304, 386, 387, 393, 471, 471 Bolivar, 152, 227, 234, 475 Bolus, 152, 318 Bonny Boy, 238 Borak, 68, 79, 235 Bosphorus, 68, 96, 231, 232, 233, 301,397, 398, 399, 478, 480 Boz, 300, 308, 308 Bravo, 68, 74, 75, 79, 79, 234, 301, 301, 314, 386, 466, 469, Bridgend Lass, 229 Broadwath, 158, 388, 393 465, 466 Brownstown, 389 Brush, 466 Brutandorf, 468 Bryan, 66 Bucella, 234, 301, 465 Bullcalf, 68, 71 Bumblekite, 306 Burlesque, 66 Burletta, 392, 392 Bustle, 79 Cadland, 317, 472 Caligula, 234, 239, 239, 303, 303, 314, 315, 470, 470 Camarilla, 228, 304 Cambyses, 157, 478 Camelino, 69, 233, 479, 480 Capote, 397, 399, 400, 473, Captain Pops, 73, 160, 230, |