Sidor som bilder
[blocks in formation]

British Provinces of North America, Sport-
ing in the, by a New Brunswicker, 15
Briti sh Yachting: A Letter from Delmé
Radcliffe, Esq., 367

Charles the Twelfth, Pedigree and Per-
formances of, 328
Cheltenham July Meeting, 105
Coursing, the Laws of, 46
Crisis, The, of English Racing, 3

Deception, Pedigree and Performances of, 8
Defence, Pedigree of, 406

Derby, The late, its present and pro-
spective Effects, with a Review of the
recent Bloomsbury Trial, by the Editor,


Doncaster Meeting, 243
Dorsetshire, A Peep into, after an absence
of Six Years: Mr. Farquharson's Hounds,
Horses, House, and Hospitality, by John
Hesketh Lethbridge, Esq., 265

English Fox-hunting as it is: with a
Notice of the disputed right of Country
in West Sussex, between General and
Colonel Wyndham, 349
English Racing, The Crisis of, 3
Epigram, Extempore, by J. W. C., 109
Extracts from Hunting Journals: Leices-
tershire, The Fitzwilliam, Puckeridge,

and Hertfordshire

Hounds, and Hampshire Hunting, 280;
First Fixture of the Quorn at Kirby Gate,
457; General Wyndham's Hounds, 459;
the Oakley Hounds, 460

Festival, Annual, of Horse and Chariot
Racing at Payerne, in Switzerland, by
an English Turfite in Italy, 135
Fishing, Thames, from "Hofland's Bri-
tish Angler's Manual," 34

in the North American Lakes and
Rivers, by the Author of the "Back-
woods of America," 270

Fox-hunting in West Sussex, 174
Fox-hunting, English, as it is: with a
Notice of the disputed right of Country
in West Sussex, between General and
Colonel Wyndham, 349

Germany, Racing in, 352

Gibraltar Races: Autumn Garrison Meet-

ing, by R. H., 345
Goodwood Races, past and present, A Notice
of, by Lord William Lennox, 430
Grouse Shooting, by H. C., 129

Hampton Races, 53

Her Majesty's Staghounds, by the Author
of "Letters of a Modern Foxhunter,"


Her Majesty's Staghounds, a List of, 405
History of the Turf, Chap. II. The Olym-
pic Games, 9

Houghton Meeting, Newmarket, 403
Hunting Journals, Extracts from Lei-
cestershire, The Fitzwilliam, Puckeridge,
Cambridgeshire, and Hertfordshire
Hounds, and Hampshire Hunting, 280;
First Fixture of the Quorn at Kirby Gate,
457; General Wyndham's Hounds, 459;
the Oakley Hounds, 460

Hunting Song, 407

Tour in the Midland Counties,
by Nimrod: Lord Segrave's Hounds
and Country, 17; The Duke of Beau-
fort's Hounds and Country: The Quorn
under Lord Suffield; Croxton Park
Races, 113; The Quorn, The Belvoir,
and the Cottesmore, 177; Mr. Muster's:
The Pytchley, and the Oakley, 249; The
Milton Hunt: The Cambridgeshire Fox-
hounds, 329

Impromptu, 353

Industrious Classes of the Metropolis, The,
by Lord William Lennox, 41
Intelligence, Yachting, 58; Cowes, Ply-
mouth, Southampton, 134

Items of Shooting in Hants and Wilts, by
H. H., 371

July Meeting, Newmarket, 105

Kangaroo Hunt, A, by an Australian
Settler, 343

Lakes and Rivers of North America,
Fishing in the, by the Author of the
"Backwoods of America," 270

Lament, The, of the Mails, by J. E.
Carpenter, Esq., 56
Laws, The, of Coursing, 46

Lay of the Muir Shooters, by J. W. C.


Letter from Delmé Radcliffe, Esq., 131

on British Yachting, from Delmé

Radcliffe, Esq., 367

"Limnings from Life," No. 1, The Turn-
out of the Season, 248; No. 2, The Last
Stanhope in St. James's, 353; No. 3,
Through Grosvenor Gate to Wilton Place,


Literature and the Fine Arts, 62, 214, 293,


Liverpool July Meeting, 107

Mems of Mess (Second Series), The Wish,
with an Illustration, 426

Monthly Memorabilia, 60, 141, 223, 287,
378, 461

Moreton's, Lord, List of Foxhounds, 342
My Horses, by Nimrod, 446

New Brunswick, Sporting Sketches from:
The Camp of the Owls, by M. H. Perley,
Esq., 198

Newmarket First and Second October
Meetings, by the Editor, 323
July Meeting, 107
Houghton Meeting, 403

Nimrod's Hunting Tour in the Midland
Counties: Lord Segrave's Hounds and
Country, 17; The Duke of Beaufort's
Hounds and Country: The Quorn
under Lord Suffield; Croxton Park Races,
113; The Quorn, The Belvoir, and the
Cottesmore, 177; Mr. Muster's: The
Pytchley, and the Oakley, 249; The

Milton Hunt: The Cambridgeshire Fox-
hounds, 329

Nimrod, A Note from, 168

----, "My Horses," by, 446
Norfolk, A Week in, by an Amateur, 421
Notice of Goodwood Races, past and pre-

sent, by Lord William Lennox, 430

Oakley Hunt, The, 264

One Consolation still left for Leicestershire,

Partridge Shooting, 200

Past Racing Season, by the Editor, 439
Pedigree and Performances of Bloomsbury
and Deception, 8

Peep, A, into Dorsetshire, after an absence
of Six Years: Mr. Farquharson's Hounds,
Horses, House, and Hospitality, by John
Hesketh Lethbridge, Esq., 265

Pheasant Shooting, 262

Prince of Wagram's Staghounds, A Day
with, 409

Racing: Ascot Heath, Hampton, Bath,
Bibury Club, and Stockbridge Meetings,
49; Cheltenham, Newmarket, and Li-
verpool July Meetings, 105; Goodwood,
Brighton, and Boulogne Meetings, 204
Racing, Crisis of English, 3

Season, the Past, by the Editor, 439
Right and Tenure of Country, as regards
Fox-hunting, 83

Royal Academy, Sporting Subjects in the
Exhibition of the, 110

Yacht Squadron Regatta, 175

Scenes with Uncle Sam.-No. 5. "Griggy
Gosling's Barbacue," 414
Shooting, Items of, in Hants and Wilts,
by H. H., 371

Society, New, of Painters in Water Colours,
Sporting Subjects in the Exhibition of
the, 112
Soliloquy, A, by and Old Mail Guard, 277
Songs of the Tournament, by J. E. Car-
penter, Esq., 197

Song, by J. E. Carpenter, Esq., 438
-, Hunting, 407

Sporting in the British Provinces of North
America, by a New Brunswicker, 15
Reminiscences of the Congress at
Vienna in 1814, by Lord William Len-
nox, 193

Sketches from New Brunswick:
The Camp of the Owls, by M. H.
Perley, Esq., 198
Staghounds, A Day with the Prince of
Wagram's, 409

[blocks in formation]

Uncle Sam, Scenes with; No. 5. "Griggy
Gosling's Barbacue," 414

Vienna, Sporting Reminiscences of the
Congress at, in 1814, by Lord William
Lennox, 193

Week, A, in Norfolk, by an Amateur, 421
West Sussex, Fox-hunting in, 174
Wolf Hunt, in the Alleghany Mountains,
by the Author of the "Backwoods of
America," 169

Yachting, British: A Letter from Delmé
Radcliffe, Esq., 367

Intelligence, 58; Cowes, Ply-

mouth, Southampton, 134
Notices, 279

Yacht Squadron, Royal, Regatta, 175

[blocks in formation]

Abraham Cowley, 236, 305

Accelerator, 71, 71

Achilles, 67, 67, 229, 387, 387,


Actæon, 479

Actæonides, 298, 299

Actress, 317

Ada, 74, 238, 399, 475

Adbolton, 79

Adrian, 68, 155, 156, 399, 400,

478, 479, 479,

Aeronaut, 158

Æther, 69, 397, 398, 399, 479

Aggravator, 71, 71, 154, 233,

316, 316, 316

Agricola, 308, 308

Aimwell, 305, 387, 395, 396,


Aladdin, 298

A-la-mode, 229

Alba, 65, 66, 385, 389

Alderman, 67, 72

Alemdar, 68, 70, 232, 398, 478

Alexandrina, 77, 78, 317

Algy, 400, 478

Alien, 227, 239

Allfours, 156, 225, 397, 475
Alumnus, 77, 78, 78, 78

Alzdorf, 155, 156, 297, 304,

304, 385

Alzira, 319

Amber, 392

Angela, 72

Angelica, 299

Ann Boleyn, 302

Anna Maria, 67, 67, 229, 302,
306, 393

Antigua, 159, 160, 309, 309,


Antonio, 305, 387
Antisthenes, 388

Antler, 398, 398, 479

Anvil, 67, 73, 160, 395

Apothecary, 72, 158, 473, 475
Appleton Lass, 70, 74, 79, 234,


Blucher, 387
Blue Bell, 302

Blue-pill, 394, 395, 397
Blue Ruin, 239, 303, 303

Blush, 65, 75, 76

Bob, 225

Bodice, 297, 297, 297, 304, 386,

387, 393, 471, 471

Bolivar, 152, 227, 234, 475

Bolus, 152, 318

Bonny Boy, 238

Borak, 68, 79, 235

Bosphorus, 68, 96, 231, 232, 233,

301,397, 398, 399, 478, 480

Boy-blue, 314

Boz, 300, 308, 308

Bravo, 68, 74, 75, 79, 79, 234,

301, 301, 314, 386, 466, 469,


Ashfield, 155, 155, 227, 302,

302, 386, 387, 387

Assassin, 399, 480

Atalanta, 235

Ararat, 388, 388

Arctic, 77, 227, 233, 304, 309,

317, 394, 467

Argirio, 79, 79
Armelle, 153
Arrian, 77, 77
Arthur, 75, 230

Auckland, 305, 305, 392, 395

Auriculas, 469

Austerlitz, 71

Avicenna, 153, 154

Ayesha, 394, 394

Baby, 299, 310

Balchin, 75

Bandboy, 70, 77, 78, 232, 233,

312, 315

Banker, 238, 239, 470

Barbican, 234

Barboni, 473

Barcarolle, 69, 70, 476

Barebones, 75

Barmaid, 80

Barnacles, 76, 231, 310, 390

Baron Spolasco, 476

Baronet, 74, 79, 301

Barrister, 229, 229, 305

Bay Doctor, 393

Bay Hampton, 68, 70, 228, 297,
304, 305, 385, 385, 476

Beecher, 229
Bees, 468

Bee's-wing, 152, 154, 309, 317,

320, 388, 393, 394

Beggarboy, 307

Beggarman, 232, 232, 240
Belgrader, 316

Bell, the, 71

Bellissima, 227, 394, 470, 471
Bellona, 66, 67, 73, 233, 236, 313
Ben Brace, 471, 471, 471
Benedict, 393, 477

Bensood, 297

Bertha, 302, 466

Berwickshire, 228, 299

Betsy, 74, 230, 234, 386, 476
Betsy Austin, 395, 396
Betsy Bedlam, 388

Bilboa, 237

Billy, 386

Birthday, 298, 299, 474, 474
Black-and-all-Black, 317, 471
Black Beck, 320
Black Heddon, 154

Black Prince, 312, 312, 472
Bloomsbury, 68, 70, 318, 319

Bridgend Lass, 229
Broadwath, 158, 388, 393
Brockhampton, 302, 303, 317,

465, 466

Brownstown, 389
Brush, 466
Brutandorf, 468

Bryan, 66
Bucella, 234, 301, 465
Bucephalus, 467, 472, 473
Bugle, 474

Bullcalf, 68, 71

Bumblekite, 306
Burlesque, 66
Burletta, 392, 392
Bustle, 79

Cadland, 317, 472

Cadot, 75, 390
Caligula, 234, 239, 239, 303

312, 314, 394, 395, 476
Caliph, 177, 78, 238, 238, 238,
303, 314, 315, 470, 470
Calmuck, 68, 306, 307, 386
Calypso, 152, 154, 320
Camarilla, 228, 304
Cambyses, 157, 478
Camelino, 69, 233, 479, 480
Canace, 233, 391, 470, 471
Candia, 75
Cannon-ball, 77
Cantata, 316, 316
Capote, 397, 399, 400, 473,
478, 479, 479, 480
Captain Pops, 73, 160, 230,

236, 236, 472, 473

Captain Rock, 312, 317
Captain, the, 298, 299

Capulet, 74, 75, 79, 469
Cara, 398, 478

Cara, sister to, 157, 397

Caracole, 78, 304, 309, 309,
317, 394, 399, 400
Caraguata, 311, 311, 476

Caravan, 70, 76, 155, 228, 230,
232, 304, 307, 307, 315, 391,
391, 473, 473

Carbine, 301

Cardinal Puff, 73, 317, 319,


Carlotta, 394

Carolina Elvina, 230, 238
Cassandra, 315

Castella, 152

Catamaran, 80, 158, 227, 227,

234, 237, 311, 385, 468, 469,
471, 476, 476
Catchfly, 386, 477

Catherina, 67, 73, 73, 79, 80,
158, 226, 235, 237, 305, 305,
387, 387, 473, 473, 477, 477

Caustic, 386, 387, 471
Centipede, 306

Centurion, 154, 154, 392, 392,


Cerberus, 470, 471

Cetus, 479

Chance, 306

Changeling, 68, 75, 301

Chantilly, 234, 234, 234, 236,

300, 314, 468

Charlatan, 67, 160, 299, 300,
395, 396

Charity, 226, 311, 385, 386

Charley, 79, 225, 239, 239, 468,


Charles XII., 159, 318, 320

Chatterer, 299, 301

Chesling, 235

Chesterfield, 311
Chit-chat, 67, 231

Chilson, 77, 390, 470

Cholstrey, 234, 235, 385, 386

Chymist, 74, 75, 75, 75

Cicero, 240, 240, 240

Cigar, 472

Claret, 75, 76, 226, 226, 389, 389,


Clarion, 227, 232, 233, 303, 304,

308, 309, 467, 468
Clasp, 228, 302, 302
Cleanthes, 158, 229, 306, 394
Clem-o'-the-Clough, 156, 306
Clinker, 65, 65, 75, 230, 395
Clithero, 80

Clock, the, 390, 390

Clone, 66, 75, 297, 298, 385, 385
Clove, 68, 70, 314, 315
Clytha Lass, 297, 297, 297
Cob, the, 65, 65, 151
Cœur de Lion, 240
Collington, 228, 298, 298
Colonel, 228, 301, 302

Columbine, 236, 305, 387, 468,


Colverstown, 79, 226, 235, 317,
466, 469, 469
Compensation, 73, 73, 159, 160,
318, 320
Comus, 299
Concordia, 151

Condor, 156, 225, 225, 235, 235,
236, 301, 316, 316
Confederate, 238, 239

Confusionée, 68, 69, 71, 78, 227,
231, 333, 233, 299, 300, 386,
391, 391, 470, 470

Conrad, 392
Constance, 299
Constantine, 391, 392, 392
Corban, 157, 397, 398
Cordova, 385, 389
Cork, 152, 237
Cornborough, 68, 79, 231, 232,

312, 386, 466

Corsair, the, 68, 69, 70, 232,
233, 233, 318, 319, 398
Cottager, 317
Count, the, 392

Countess, 74, 226, 312

Cowboy, 72, 159, 472, 475, 475,


Cracksman, 300

Creeper, 316

Creeping Jane, 158, 471

Cregane, 65, 65, 66, 389, 389
Crichton, 74

Cricketer, 386

Cricket-ball, 299, 302, 310, 310,


Crimson, 75, 390

Cripple, the, 67

Cromaboo, 385, 390
Croughpatrick, 75

Croxley, 71

Crucifix, 156, 157, 231, 232,
397, 398, 399, 400, 478

Cruikshanks, 385
Cruiskeen, 65, 73, 159, 160,

299, 396, 400, 467

Crusoe, 239

Currency, 156, 398

Currier, the, 231, 233, 394, 394,
394, 395

Cyclops, 385

Dædalus, 77, 225, 237, 301,


Dairy Maid, 229
Daisy-cutter, 152, 227, 313, 314
Damian, 75
Dan, 298, 299
Dandy, 80

Daniel, 235, 316, 465, 465
Daring Ranger, 390
Darkness, 157, 304

Dart, 76, 76, 227, 228, 303, 304
Dash, 157, 225

Dean, the, 237, 237, 300, 313,
314, 390, 391, 473, 473, 473

Deceit, 227, 228, 304, 314, 315,
315, 394, 394, 470
Deceiver, 154
Deception, 76, 158, 230, 232,

235, 301, 303, 304, 304, 317
De Clifford, 158
Defence, 305, 468, 475
Defendant, 69, 232
D'Egville, 230

Delusion, 155, 155, 155
Deputy, the, 70
Derby Frigate, the, 308
Derrynane, 239, 305, 308
Despair, 297, 298

Dey of Algiers, the, 69, 70,
479, 480, 480

Diamond, 78

Diana, 387
Dick, 467

Diploma, 68, 78

Disagreeable, 235, 236, 301,

301, 316, 316, 465

Diver, the, 319

Doctor, the, 73, 158, 160, 232,


Doctor Caius, 153, 318, 391

Doctor Grainger, 396

Doctor Oliver, 310

Doctor O'Toole, 75

Doctor Wynn, 234, 235, 237,

237, 314

Dolphin, 318, 320

Domino, 68, 230, 232

Donald Caird, 154, 293, 474,


Donation, 225, 226

Doncaster, 76

Donna Maria, 240

Don Sebastian, 155, 470

Dorchester Lass, 317

Dragsman, 318
Drama, the, 70, 70, 232, 309,
309, 314, 315, 400, 400, 466,
466, 479, 480

Drogheda, 235, 302
Drone, the, 159, 475
Duenna, 152, 155, 155, 226,

228, 298, 300, 311, 391, 466,
467, 468, 468, 469

Dulcimer, brother to, 152
Dunstan, 236, 391
Dustpan, 68

Duvernay, 226

Eagle, 385

Eaglet, 80, 227, 388
Easingwold, 318, 320

Eastgrove, 80
Eborina, 153

Eclipse, 389, 389
Economist, 393

Edgar, 298, 298
Edmund, 303

Egotist, 156, 157

Elegance, 225, 227, 227, 468,


Elizabeth, 308, 394

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