British Provinces of North America, Sport- Charles the Twelfth, Pedigree and Per- Deception, Pedigree and Performances of, 8 Derby, The late, its present and pro- 163 Doncaster Meeting, 243 English Fox-hunting as it is: with a and Hertfordshire Cambridgeshire, Festival, Annual, of Horse and Chariot in the North American Lakes and Fox-hunting in West Sussex, 174 Germany, Racing in, 352 Gibraltar Races: Autumn Garrison Meet- ing, by R. H., 345 Hampton Races, 53 Her Majesty's Staghounds, by the Author 373 Her Majesty's Staghounds, a List of, 405 Houghton Meeting, Newmarket, 403 Hunting Song, 407 Tour in the Midland Counties, Impromptu, 353 Industrious Classes of the Metropolis, The, Items of Shooting in Hants and Wilts, by July Meeting, Newmarket, 105 Kangaroo Hunt, A, by an Australian Lakes and Rivers of North America, Lament, The, of the Mails, by J. E. Lay of the Muir Shooters, by J. W. C. 104 Letter from Delmé Radcliffe, Esq., 131 on British Yachting, from Delmé Radcliffe, Esq., 367 "Limnings from Life," No. 1, The Turn- 438 Literature and the Fine Arts, 62, 214, 293, 381 Liverpool July Meeting, 107 Mems of Mess (Second Series), The Wish, Monthly Memorabilia, 60, 141, 223, 287, Moreton's, Lord, List of Foxhounds, 342 New Brunswick, Sporting Sketches from: Newmarket First and Second October Nimrod's Hunting Tour in the Midland Milton Hunt: The Cambridgeshire Fox- Nimrod, A Note from, 168 ----, "My Horses," by, 446 sent, by Lord William Lennox, 430 Oakley Hunt, The, 264 One Consolation still left for Leicestershire, Partridge Shooting, 200 Past Racing Season, by the Editor, 439 Peep, A, into Dorsetshire, after an absence Pheasant Shooting, 262 Prince of Wagram's Staghounds, A Day Racing: Ascot Heath, Hampton, Bath, Season, the Past, by the Editor, 439 Royal Academy, Sporting Subjects in the Yacht Squadron Regatta, 175 Scenes with Uncle Sam.-No. 5. "Griggy Society, New, of Painters in Water Colours, Song, by J. E. Carpenter, Esq., 438 Sporting in the British Provinces of North Sketches from New Brunswick: Uncle Sam, Scenes with; No. 5. "Griggy Vienna, Sporting Reminiscences of the Week, A, in Norfolk, by an Amateur, 421 Yachting, British: A Letter from Delmé Intelligence, 58; Cowes, Ply- mouth, Southampton, 134 Yacht Squadron, Royal, Regatta, 175 Abraham Cowley, 236, 305 Accelerator, 71, 71 Achilles, 67, 67, 229, 387, 387, 387 Actæon, 479 Actæonides, 298, 299 Actress, 317 Ada, 74, 238, 399, 475 Adbolton, 79 Adrian, 68, 155, 156, 399, 400, 478, 479, 479, Aeronaut, 158 Æther, 69, 397, 398, 399, 479 Aggravator, 71, 71, 154, 233, 316, 316, 316 Agricola, 308, 308 Aimwell, 305, 387, 395, 396, 468 Aladdin, 298 A-la-mode, 229 Alba, 65, 66, 385, 389 Alderman, 67, 72 Alemdar, 68, 70, 232, 398, 478 Alexandrina, 77, 78, 317 Algy, 400, 478 Alien, 227, 239 Allfours, 156, 225, 397, 475 Alzdorf, 155, 156, 297, 304, 304, 385 Alzira, 319 Amber, 392 Angela, 72 Angelica, 299 Ann Boleyn, 302 Anna Maria, 67, 67, 229, 302, Antigua, 159, 160, 309, 309, 317 Antonio, 305, 387 Antler, 398, 398, 479 Anvil, 67, 73, 160, 395 Apothecary, 72, 158, 473, 475 235 Blucher, 387 Blue-pill, 394, 395, 397 Blush, 65, 75, 76 Bob, 225 Bodice, 297, 297, 297, 304, 386, 387, 393, 471, 471 Bolivar, 152, 227, 234, 475 Bolus, 152, 318 Bonny Boy, 238 Borak, 68, 79, 235 Bosphorus, 68, 96, 231, 232, 233, 301,397, 398, 399, 478, 480 Boy-blue, 314 Boz, 300, 308, 308 Bravo, 68, 74, 75, 79, 79, 234, 301, 301, 314, 386, 466, 469, 469 Ashfield, 155, 155, 227, 302, 302, 386, 387, 387 Assassin, 399, 480 Atalanta, 235 Ararat, 388, 388 Arctic, 77, 227, 233, 304, 309, 317, 394, 467 Argirio, 79, 79 Auckland, 305, 305, 392, 395 Auriculas, 469 Austerlitz, 71 Avicenna, 153, 154 Ayesha, 394, 394 Baby, 299, 310 Balchin, 75 Bandboy, 70, 77, 78, 232, 233, 312, 315 Banker, 238, 239, 470 Barbican, 234 Barboni, 473 Barcarolle, 69, 70, 476 Barebones, 75 Barmaid, 80 Barnacles, 76, 231, 310, 390 Baron Spolasco, 476 Baronet, 74, 79, 301 Barrister, 229, 229, 305 Bay Doctor, 393 Bay Hampton, 68, 70, 228, 297, Beecher, 229 Bee's-wing, 152, 154, 309, 317, 320, 388, 393, 394 Beggarboy, 307 Beggarman, 232, 232, 240 Bell, the, 71 Bellissima, 227, 394, 470, 471 Bensood, 297 Bertha, 302, 466 Berwickshire, 228, 299 Betsy, 74, 230, 234, 386, 476 Bilboa, 237 Billy, 386 Birthday, 298, 299, 474, 474 Black Prince, 312, 312, 472 Bridgend Lass, 229 465, 466 Brownstown, 389 Bryan, 66 Bullcalf, 68, 71 Bumblekite, 306 Cadland, 317, 472 Cadot, 75, 390 312, 314, 394, 395, 476 236, 236, 472, 473 Captain Rock, 312, 317 Capulet, 74, 75, 79, 469 Cara, sister to, 157, 397 Caracole, 78, 304, 309, 309, Caravan, 70, 76, 155, 228, 230, Carbine, 301 Cardinal Puff, 73, 317, 319, 320 Carlotta, 394 Carolina Elvina, 230, 238 Castella, 152 Catamaran, 80, 158, 227, 227, 234, 237, 311, 385, 468, 469, Catherina, 67, 73, 73, 79, 80, Caustic, 386, 387, 471 Centurion, 154, 154, 392, 392, 392 Cerberus, 470, 471 Cetus, 479 Chance, 306 Changeling, 68, 75, 301 Chantilly, 234, 234, 234, 236, 300, 314, 468 Charlatan, 67, 160, 299, 300, Charity, 226, 311, 385, 386 Charley, 79, 225, 239, 239, 468, 477 Charles XII., 159, 318, 320 Chatterer, 299, 301 Chesling, 235 Chesterfield, 311 Chilson, 77, 390, 470 Cholstrey, 234, 235, 385, 386 Chymist, 74, 75, 75, 75 Cicero, 240, 240, 240 Cigar, 472 Claret, 75, 76, 226, 226, 389, 389, 390 Clarion, 227, 232, 233, 303, 304, 308, 309, 467, 468 Clock, the, 390, 390 Clone, 66, 75, 297, 298, 385, 385 Columbine, 236, 305, 387, 468, 469 Colverstown, 79, 226, 235, 317, Condor, 156, 225, 225, 235, 235, Confusionée, 68, 69, 71, 78, 227, Conrad, 392 312, 386, 466 Corsair, the, 68, 69, 70, 232, Countess, 74, 226, 312 Cowboy, 72, 159, 472, 475, 475, 475 Cracksman, 300 Creeper, 316 Creeping Jane, 158, 471 Cregane, 65, 65, 66, 389, 389 Cricketer, 386 Cricket-ball, 299, 302, 310, 310, 310 Crimson, 75, 390 Cripple, the, 67 Cromaboo, 385, 390 Croxley, 71 Crucifix, 156, 157, 231, 232, Cruikshanks, 385 299, 396, 400, 467 Crusoe, 239 Currency, 156, 398 Currier, the, 231, 233, 394, 394, Cyclops, 385 Dædalus, 77, 225, 237, 301, 386 Dairy Maid, 229 Daniel, 235, 316, 465, 465 Dart, 76, 76, 227, 228, 303, 304 Dean, the, 237, 237, 300, 313, Deceit, 227, 228, 304, 314, 315, 235, 301, 303, 304, 304, 317 Delusion, 155, 155, 155 Dey of Algiers, the, 69, 70, Diamond, 78 Diana, 387 Diploma, 68, 78 Disagreeable, 235, 236, 301, 301, 316, 316, 465 Diver, the, 319 Doctor, the, 73, 158, 160, 232, 474 Doctor Caius, 153, 318, 391 Doctor Grainger, 396 Doctor Oliver, 310 Doctor O'Toole, 75 Doctor Wynn, 234, 235, 237, 237, 314 Dolphin, 318, 320 Domino, 68, 230, 232 Donald Caird, 154, 293, 474, 474 Donation, 225, 226 Doncaster, 76 Donna Maria, 240 Don Sebastian, 155, 470 Dorchester Lass, 317 Dragsman, 318 Drogheda, 235, 302 228, 298, 300, 311, 391, 466, Dulcimer, brother to, 152 Duvernay, 226 Eagle, 385 Eaglet, 80, 227, 388 Eastgrove, 80 Eclipse, 389, 389 Edgar, 298, 298 Egotist, 156, 157 Elegance, 225, 227, 227, 468, 473 Elizabeth, 308, 394 |