Sidor som bilder

Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, h. ft. with 25 sovs, added; three-year-old Course; second horse to save his Stake.


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Ld. Milltown's ch. c. Lepreuchaun, two-years old, 6 st. 101b. Mr. Digby's b. c. Reichstadt, four-years old, 8st. 2 lb. Mr. Fitzpatrick's b. m. Waitstill, six-years old, 9 st. 3lb. The following also started, but were not placed: Mr. Watts's br. c. Salute, three-years old, 8 st. 4 lb.; Mr. Johnson's sister to Frank, three-years old, 7 st. 4lb.; and Mr. Montgomery's b. m. Jenny Jones, six-years old, 8 st. 13lb.

Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, with 25 sovs. added, for all ages; two-year-olds, 6st. 8 lb.; three, 8 st. 3lb.; four, 8 st. 12 lb.; five, 9 st. 4lb.; six and aged, 9st. 7 lb.; Connelly's mile; the winner to be sold, with his engagements, for 60 sovs. if demanded within a quarter of an hour after the race, the owner of the second horse being first entitled.

Mr. Montgomery's ch. c. Tom-tit, by Skylark, two-years old
Col. Westenra's b. f. Wrinkle, three-years old...
Mr. Digby's ch. c. Permit, three-years old...

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The following also started, but were not placed: Mr. Fortesque's ch. f. by Meteor, out of Ally Croker, four-years old; Mr. Johnston's sister to Frank, three-years old; and Mr. Hunter's b. c. The Cob, two-years old.

SATURDAY, 27th.-Her Majesty's Plate of 100 gs. for three-year-old colts, 8 st. 5lb., and fillies, 8 st. 2lb.; three miles.

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The following also started, but were not placed :-Mr. Fortescue's b. c. by Damian de Lacy, out of Ally Croker; and Mr. Nolan's b. c. by Skylark.

Mr. Burke's b. f. Alba, sister to Corsair, by Dandy

Second Class of the Madrid Stakes of 25 sovs. each, 15 sovs. ft. for two-year-olds; the second horse saved his Stake; Rathbride post (fifteen subscribers).

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Mr. Watts's br. c. Cleone, by Philip, or Alcaston, 8 st. 7 lb. The following also started, but were not placed:-Mr. Barry's ch. f. Prudence, by Economist, 8 st.; Mr. White's c. by Count Porro, out of Isabella, by Catton, 7 st. 131b.; Mr. W. Davis's b. f. Romp, by Reveller, out of Calista, 7st. 121b.; Mr. Watts's ch. c. Bryan, 7st. 10lb.; Ld. Milltown's ch. c. Lepreuchaun, 7st. 7 lb.; and Mr. Murphy's b. f. The Heather Bell, by Y. Blacklock, or Alcaston, out of Sylph, 7st. 4lb.

Mr. O'Connor Henchy's b. g. Burlesque, 8 st., beat Ld. Milltown's b. f. Potteen, 8 st. 7 lb.; Peel course, 50 sovs. h. ft.

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Second class of the Corinthian Stakes of 10 sovs. each, h. ft. with 25 sovs. added, for hunters (racers admitted); the second horse saved his Stake; heats; the Peel course. Mr. Watts's br. c. Salute, brother to the Colonel, by Alcaston, out of Zillah, three-years old, 8 st. 11 lb. Mr. Digby's ch. c. Permit, three-years old, 11 st. 4 lb. Mr. Hutchin's ch. c. by Y. Blacklock, four-years old, 12 st. Col. Westenra's ch. c. Frank, four-years old, 11 st. 11 lbs. Mr. Digby's bl. f. Jet, by Sir Hercules, four-years old, 11 st. 11 Ib. Ld. Milltown's ch. f. Potteen, three-years old, 11 st. 11lb. Sweepstakes of 200 sovs. each, h. ft. for two-years old, 8 st. 7 lb. each; Red post (3 subs.) Mr. Johnston's ch. c. by Recovery, out of Taglioni, walked over.


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Capt. Macquarie's b. c. Magpie, by Y. Blacklock, four-years old, 9 st. 1 lb., agst. Ld. Milltown's ch. f. Cruiskeen, four-years old, 8 st. 7 lb. 500 sovs. h. ft. Peel course.-Off by consent.


WEDNESDAY, May 22nd.-The Wilton Stakes of 10 sovs. each, with 25 sovs. added; for threeyear-olds, 6 st. 4 lb.; four, 8 st. 4 lb.; five, 8 st. 12 lb.; six and aged, 9 st. 2 lb.; m. and g. allowed 3 lb. one mile and a half (seven subscribers).

Lord Eglinton's b. g. The Potentate, by Langar, aged (Lye)
Mr. Buckley's ch. f. Lillie, sister to Gilbert Gurney, three-years old
Mr. Simpson's ch. m. Restore, five-years-old

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Sweepstakes of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft. with 20 sovs. added, for three-year-old fillies, 8 st. 3 lb.; one mile and a quarter (six subscribers).

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Lord Stanley's br. f. Velocity, by Velocipede (Lye) Mr. Smith's br. f. Margaret Mr. Worthington's ch. f. by Recovery, dam by Bastard, out of General Mina's dam 3 Mr. Moss's br. f. Miss Foote, and Mr. Metcalfe's b. f. Speedwell, also started, but were not placed. Betting: 5 to 4 agst. Margaret, and 6 to 4 agst. Velocity.

A free Handicap Stakes of 10 sovs. each, with 30 sovs. added, for four-years old; one mile and quarter (seven subscribers).

Lord Eglinton's b. f. Bellona, by Beagle, 7 st. 7 lb. (Lye)

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Betting: 6 to 4 agst. Bellona, and 4 to 1 agst. Northenden. Her Majesty's Plate of 100 gs.; three-year-olds, 7 st. 21b.; four, 9 st. 21b.; five, 10 st.; six and aged, 10 st. 5lb.; three miles and a distance.

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THURSDAY.-Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each, with 40 sovs. added, for two-year-old colts, 8 st. 5lb.; and fillies, 8 st. 2lb.; about three quarters of a mile.

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Mr. Fowler's b. f. Lallah Rookh, by Defence, out of Leila (Dodgson) Lord Stanley's ch. f. by Velocipede, out of Roseleaf, by Whisker Mr. Meiklam's bl. c. by The Mole, out of Marianne, by Malek The following also started, but were not placed:-Mr. T. Newman's b. f. by Swap, out of Bartolozzi, by Truffle; and Mr. King's b. c. The Alderman, by Abbas Mirza, out of Honeymoon, by Filho da Puta.

Betting: 2 to 1 agst. Roseleaf f., 5 to 2 agst. Marianne, 7 to 2 agst. Lallah Rookh, 4 to 1 agst. Bartolozzi, f. and 10 to 1 agst. The Alderman.

The St. Leger Stakes of 25 sovs. each, with 50 added; for three-year-old colts, 8 st. 6 lb., and fillies 8st. 3lb. (the owner of the second horse received back his stake; one mile and three quarters six subscribers).

Lord Eglinton's br. c. Malvolio, by Liverpool (Lye)
Mr. Clark's ch. f. Imogene

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Colonel Cradock's gr. c. The Cripple Mr. Vansittart's b. f. by Sandbeck, out of Darioletta, by Amadis Betting: 5 to 4 agst. Malvolio, 3 to 1 agst. Imogine, 3 to 1 agst. Darioletta c. and 5 to 1 agst. The Cripple.

Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, to which 100 sovs., the gift of the Owners of the Race-Course, were to have been added if three horses had started; three-year-olds, 6 st. 3lb.; four, 8st. 2 lb.; five, 8 st. 10lb.; six and aged, 9st; maiden four-year-olds and upwards at starting allowed 6 lb.; winners of one cup or stakes of the value of 100 sovs. previous to starting to carry 3lb.; of two or more, 6 lb. extra; the owner of the second horse received back his stake: two miles and a distance (8 subs). Lord Westminster's ch. c. Sir Ralph, by Pantaloon, four-years old (Holmes) Captain Lamb's ch. h. Chit-chat, five-years old

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A Plate of 601. for horses that never won 501. at any time; three-year-olds, 7 st.; four, 8 st. 4 lb.; five, 8 st. 9 lb.; six and aged, 8st. 12 lb.; m. and g. allowed 3ib; the second horse received 101.; heats, two miles and a distance.

Captain Lamb's br. h. Gardham, by Falcon, five-years old (Marlow)
Sir W. Scott's b. c. by Beagle, out of Pastora, four-years old
Mr. Tempest's b. g. Jim Crow, five-years old...

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Mr. Standbank's ch. f. by Tramp, or Clinker, out of Lady Jersey,
three-years old

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Mr. W. S. Brooks's b. c. by Vanish, out of Bessy Bedlam, three-years old Lord Stanley's br. c. Charlatan, three-years old Mr. Hornby's ch. g. Achilles, four-years old FRIDAY.-The Broughton Stakes of 15 sovs. each, 5 ft. with 25 added; for three-year-olds, 6 st. 61b.; and four, 8st. 6 lb.; f. and g. allowed 3lb.; and maidens at the time of naming allowed 3lb.; St. Leger Course (twelve subscribers).

Mr. Meiklam's br. g. Wee Willie, by Liverpool, four-years old, 8 st. 3lb.

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Mr. T. Walter's ch. c. Sir Mark, three-years old, 6 st. 3lb. (carried 6 st. 10lbs).

Betting: 2 to 1 on Wee Willie.

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The Tradesmen's Cup, value 100 sovs. with 60 in specie, added to a Handicap Stakes of 20 sovs. each, h. ft., and 5 only if declared, &c. ; the winner of the Cup at Chester in 1839 to have carried 4 lb. extra; the owner of the second horse received 25 sovs. out of the stakes; two miles and a distance (twenty-four subscribers, nine of whom paid 5 sovs. each).

Sir T. Stanley's b. c. Gasparoni, by St. Nicholas, four-years old, 7 st. 4lb.

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The following also started, but were not placed:-Lord Westminster's ch. c. Sir Ralph, fouryears old, 7 st. 12 lb.; Mr. G. Cook's br. h. Red Rover, aged, 8st. 61b.; Mr. Meiklam's b. m. Modesty, five-years old, 8st. 5 lb.; and Mr. Hooker's ch. mn. The Maid of Monton, five years old, 7 st. 9 lb.

Betting: 6 to 4 on Gasparoni, 4 to 1 agst. Sir Ralph, and 10 to 1 agst. Bellona.

A Plate of 60 sovs. for all ages; the second horse received 10 sovs.; heats, two miles and a distance.
Lord Eglinton's b. g. The Potentate, aged, 9 st. 2 lb. (Lye)
Mr. Barrow's b. m. Catherina, aged, 9 st. 21b.

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Sir J. Boswell's b. f. Anna Maria, three-years old, 6 st. 4 lb. SATURDAY.-Hurdle-race of 5 sovs. each, with 40 added; four-year-olds, 10 st. 5lb.; five, 11 st.; six, 11 st. 61b.; and aged, 11 st. 81b.; winners of any stake to carry 5 lb.; twice or more, 7 lb extra; thorough-bred horses, 5 lb. extra; heats, twice round, with three leaps in each round over hurdles four feet high (six subscribers).

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A gold Cup, given by Members of the Club, added to a Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each, for horses regularly hunted with the Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, or Puckeridge Hounds, during the seasons 1838-9; 11st. 7 lb. each; thorough-bred horses, 101b. extra; winners of a plate or sweepstakes once to carry 5lb.; twice, 7 lb.; thrice, 101b. extra; Gentlemen riders; a mile and a half (four subscribers).

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The Wimpole Stakes of 25 sovs. each, 15 ft. and 5 only if declared, &c.; one mile and a half (twelve subscribers, nine of whom paid 5 sovs. each).

Mr. Munro's b. g. Bravo, by Flexible, six-years old, 8 st. 9lb., walked over.


TUESDAY, May the 28th.-Her Majesty's Plate of 100 gs.; three-year-olds, 7 st. 2 lb. ; four, 9 st. 2 lb.; five, 10 st.; six and aged, 10 st. 5 lb.; to start at the New Mile Post, and go once round and in.


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Mr. Pettat's St. Francis, four-years old (Connelly) Lord Westminster's Sleight-of-Hand, three-years (Nat) Lord Albemarle's Domino, three-years (Cotton) Mr. Bowes's Epirus, five-years (Scott) Lord Exeter's Adrian, five-years (Darling) Lord G. Bentinck's Grey Momus, four-years (J. Day) Capt. Gardnor's b. c. by Rowton, out of Bustle (Pavis) Mr. Balchin's Launchaway, four-years (Macdonald) Betting: 2 to 1 agst. Grey Momus, 3 to 1 agst. St. Francis, and 4 to 1 agst. Epirus and Sleightof-Hand each. As far as the turn home the lead was kept by Grey Momus, who there resigned. St. Francis then went to the front, kept his place honestly and stoutly, and won a true run race cleverly by a length.


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The Ascot Stakes of 25 sovs. each, 15 ft., and only 5 if declared, &c., with 100 sovs. added; the owner of the second horse to receive 50 sovs. out of the stakes; two miles and a half (forty-three subscribers, of whom twenty-two declared, &c.)


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Mr. Forth's ch. f. by Merchant-Turquoise, three-years, a feather (a lad) Mr. Dolphin's The Skater, six-years, 7 st. 5 lb. (Pavis) Mr. Dixon's Hyllus, three-years, 5 st. 10lb. (Francis) The following also started but were not placed:-Mr. Coleman's Calmuck, six-years, 8 st. 13lb. (Coleman); Lord Chesterfield's Industry, four-years, 8 st. (Nat); Lord Jersey's Joannina, four-years, 7 st. 6 lb. (E. Edwards); Mr. Shelley's Bay Hampton, four-years, 7 st. 4lb. (Wakefield); Mr. Garrard's Cornborough, five-years, 6 st. 131b. (Balchin); Fulwar Craven's I-wish-you-may-get-it, fouryears, 6 st. 13 lb. (Chapple); Mr. H. Falconer's Slender, four-years, 6 st. 111b. (Mann); Lord Albemarle's Bullcalf, four-years, 6 st. (Cotton); Duke of Richmond's Confusionee, three-years, 5 st. (Howlett).

Betting: 7 to 2 agst. Industry (taken), 9 to 2 agst. Joannina, 6 to 1 agst. Bullcalf, 10 to 1 agst. The Skater, 10 to 1 agst. I-wish-you-may-get-it, 12 to 1 agst. Calmuck, 100 to 8 agst. Turquoise, and 100 to 8 agst. Slender. Taking up the running at the distance, there were only in it the three placed, and a splendid finish they made, Forth's filly winning merely by a neck.

The Ascot Derby Stakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., for three-year-old colts, 8st. 61b., and fillies, 8 st. 3lb.; to start at the Swinley Post and in; the winner of the Derby or Oaks to carry 5lb. extra (seventeen subscribers).

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Betting: 5 to 1 on Bloomsbury. This was a near thing, to all appearance, between the first and second, and nothing like what the odds prognosticated. Bloomsbury started under protest both by Lord Exeter and Lord Lichfield.

Sweepstakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft. for two-year-old colts, 8 st. 7 lb.; and fillies, 8 st. 3lb.; the last three quarters of the New Mile (seven subscribers).

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Lord Exeter's c. Stamboul, by Reveller, out of Galatea (Darling) Lord Albemarle's b. f. Clove (E. Edwards) General Grosvenor's f. Diploma (J. Day) Betting: Even on Diploma, and 6 to 4 agst. Stamboul. A very mediocre affair, won by a length and a half.

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The Gold Vase, given by her Majesty, added to a Sweepstakes of 20 sovs. each; three-year-olds, 7 st. 31b; four, 9 st.; five, 9 st. 7 lb.; six and aged, 9 st. 91b.; two miles; mares and geldings allowed 5 lb Horses that have never won, or received 1001. for running second, before the time of starting, to be allowed weight in the following proportions: three-year-olds, 4lb.; four, 71b.; five, 12 lb.; six and aged, 181b.; winners of matches and handicaps only considered as maiden horses; the winners of the Derby and St. Leger in 1838 and 1839 to carry 10lb. extra; the winners in 1838 or

1839 of the Oaks, Ascot, and Goodwood Cups, Riddlesworth, Two Thousand Guineas' Stakes, New market Stakes, and the second horses in the Derby and St. Leger, to carry 4 lb. extra; extra weights for winning are not to be accumulative (ten subscribers).

Mr. Thornhill's Mendizabal, six-years (Connelly)

Mr. Rayner's Quo Minus, four-years (Robinson)

Lord Exeter's Alemdar, four-years (Darling)

Duke of Richmond's Confusionee, three-years (W. Day)





Betting: 2 to 1 on Mendizabal, and 3 to 1 agst. Quo Minus. Without possessing any peculiar features, this was an interesting race, won indisputably by the best horse. He out-paced his antagonists, out-stayed them, and went in first, cleverly, a good half length.

The St. James's Palace Stakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., for colts, 8 st. 71b.; and fillies, 8 st. 4lb.; old mile (seven subscribers).

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Lord Exeter's c. by Sultan, out of Velvet (Darling) Betting: 10 and 12 to 1 on Euclid, who had his own way from end to end, and won, as he was permitted, by a couple of lengths.

A Plate of 501.; three-year-olds, 7 st. 10lb.; four, 8 st. 9lb.; five, 9 st. 3lb.; six and aged, 9 st. 6lb.; mares and geldings allowed 31b.; the winner to be sold for 100 sovs. if demanded; three quarters of a mile.

Capt. Gardnor's Ochiltree, four-years. (Pavis)

Mr. Bulkeley's bl. c. by Actæon, out of Christabel, three-years. (Butler)
Mr. Shelley's Gold, four-years. (Wakefield)




Betting: 2 to 1 on Ochiltree. A smart spirt, won by half a length. WEDNESDAY, May 29th.-The Swinley Stakes of 25 sovs. each, for three-year-olds, 7 st. 4 lb. ; and four, 8 st. 101b.; fillies allowed 3lb.; the last mile and a half, starting at the Swinley Post (three subscribers).

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Lord Albemarle's Barcarolle, four-years (E. Edwards) Betting: 5 to 2 on Ion. A very hollow issue: Ion 'biding his time, going to the front when he pleased, and finishing there a clear length.

The Albany Stakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft., for three-year-old colts, 8 st. 71b.; and fillies, 8 st. 3lb.; the winner of the Two Thousand Guineas' Stakes, Derby, or Oaks, to carry 5 lb. extra; the new miles (seven subscribers).

Duke of Grafton's Ether (J. Day)

Colonel Anson's Nickleby (H. Edwards)



Col. Wyndham's c. by Nimrod (by Whalebone), or Gaberlunzie, dam Harpalie (Nat) 0
Mr. Rayner's Camelino (Robinson)
Colonel Peel's The Dey of Algiers (Pavis)

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Betting: 2 to 1 agst. Ether, 5 to 2 agst. The Dey of Algiers, 3 to 1 agst. Nickleby, and 6 to 1 agst. Camelino. An out-and-out honest contest, and a resolute; proving that a good race may come of a bad lot-so they be all equally indifferent. Awarded to the winner by a head.

Sweepstakes of 100 sovs. each, h. ft., for the produce of mares covered in 1835; colts, 8 st. 7 lb.; fillies, 8st. 4lb.; those by untried stallions, or out of untried mares, allowed 31b.; one mile (nine subscribers).

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Sir G. Heathcote's b. f. La Bellezza (Chapple)*** Betting: 4 and 5 to 1 on Euclid. No pretension to the name of a race: won by a length in a

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The Postmasters' and Innkeepers' Plate of 501. for maiden horses at the time of starting; threeyear-olds, 7 st. 4lb.; four, 8st. Sib.; five and upwards, 9 st. 21b.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; Swinley Course.

Mr. Corbet's Jenny Jones, three-years (Wakefield)

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Mr T. Hussey's b. f. Red Rose, three-years (Chapple) ..
Mr. Scott's br. c. by Bustard, dam Venus, by Lottery, three-years (Mann)
Mr. Bowes's Roostan, three-years (Nat)

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Capt. Beecher's Irvingite, three-years (Francis) Betting: 6 to 4 agst. Red Rose, 2 to 1 agst. Roostan, 4 to 1 agst. Jenny Jones, and 5 to 1 agst. the Bustard colt. A very spirited finale between the first and second; won by half a length.

THURSDAY, May 30th.-The Buckhurst Dinner Stakes of 200 sovs. each, h. ft., for colts, 8 st 71b.; and fillies, 8 st. 41b.; those by untried stallions, or out of untried mares, allowed Slb.; if both, 5lb.; Swinley Course (seven subscribers).

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Betting: 6 and 7 to 4 on Bosphorus. A neck-and-neck struggle from half way up the distance, of which the best was awarded to the winner by a neck.

A Sweepstakes of 30 sovs. each, 20 ft., for two-year-old colts, 8 st. 5 lb.; and fillies, 8 st. 2 lb. the winner of a sweepstakes, before or after naming, to carry 3lb. extra, T. Y. C. (eight subs.). Lord Lynedoch's b. c. Jeffy, by Jerry, d. Mundane, (31b. extra)-(J. Day) Mr. Sadler's Defendant (Connelly)

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The following also started but were not placed :-Lord G. Bentinck's Sal Volatile (W. Day); Col. Wyndham's ch. f. by Nonsense, dam Ethilda's dam (Nat); Lord Exeter's Stamboul (31b. extra) (Darling); Lord Albemarle's Iris (3lb. extra)-E. Edwards); Mr. Rayner's Ten Pound Note (3 lb. extra)-(Robinson).

Betting: 6 to 4 agst. Defendant, 2 to 1 agst. Stamboul, and 4 to 1 agst. Jeffy. There were two heats for this, and both were capital. The first was won by Defendant by half a length, when it was discovered that they had run only half a mile instead of three quarters. Another trial was the consequence, when 2 to 1 was laid on Defendant, who was worsted only by a head.

The Gold Cup, by subscription of 20 sovs. each, with 200 added from the fund; if five subscribers, the Cup will be of 300 sovs. value; and if twenty subscribers, the owner of the second horse to receive 50 sovs. out of the stakes; three-year-olds, 6st. 10lb.; four 8st. 5lb.; five 9st., six and aged, 9 st. 3 lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3 lb.; to start at the Cup-post on the New Mile, and go once round, about two miles and a half (nineteen subscribers).

Hon. F. Berkeley's Caravan, five-years (Robinson)
Mr. Pettat's St. Francis, four-years (Connelly)
Col. Peel's Ion, four-years (Pavis)



Col. Peel's The Dey of Algiers, three-years (Cotton)

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Betting: 5 to 4 on St. Francis, 3 to 1 agst. Caravan, 5 to 1 agst. the Dey of Algiers, and 8 to 1 agst. Ion. The first of the running was common-place enough, but the last was a chef d'œuvre. It was won by a short length, by one of those coups de main with which Robinson now and then electrifies a meeting.

Sweepstakes of 200 sovs. each, h. ft., for three-year-old colts, 8 st. 5 lb.; and fillies 8 st. 2 lb; untried stallions or mares allowed 3 lb.; Swinley Course (eight subscribers).



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Mr. W. Ridsdale's c. Bloomsbury (Rogers) Lord Lichfield's Sister to Hector (J. Day) No betting: Run under protest, for the chance of the disqualification: won in a canter. The Grand Stand Plate of 100 sovs. (handicap); once round and a distance. Capt. Williamson's Mervan, four-years, 8 st. 4lb. (J. Day) Mr. Greville's Rory O'More, three-years, 7 st. 13 lb. (Nat) Mr. Forth's ch. f. by Merchant, dam Turquoise, three-years, 7 st. (Crouch) The following also started but were not placed.-Lord Jersey's Joannina, four-years, 8 st. 5 lb. (Robinson); Lord Albemarle's Barcarolle, four-years, 8 st. 4 lb. (E. Edwards); Mr. Shelley's Bay Hampton, four-years, 8 st. 2 lb. (Wakefield); Gen. Grosvenor's Merrythought, five-years, 7 st. 8 lb. (Boyce); Capt. Gardnor's b. c. Bandboy, four-years, 6 st. 13 lb. (Pavis); Lord Lichfield's c. by Actæon, dam Wings, three-years, 6 st. 9 lb. (W. Day).

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Betting: 7 to 2 against Bay Hampton, 6 to 1 agst. Mervan, 6 to 1 agst. Rory O'More, 7 to 1 agst. Turquoise, 7 to 1 agst. Joannina, and 8 to 1 agst. Merrythought. A wretched exhibition; won in a canter by two lengths.

The Windsor Town Plate of 50 sovs.; three-year-olds, 7 st.; four, 8 st. 6 lb.; five, 9 st.; six and aged, 9 st. 3 lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3 lb.; the winner to be sold for £250 if demanded, &c.; winners of the value of £50 in 1839, previous to starting, to carry 3lb.; twice of £50, or once of £100, 5 lb extra; 2 miles.

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Capt. Williamson's The Drama, three-years (Nat) Mr. T. Hussey's Red Rose, three-years (Cotton) Betting: 2 and 3 to 1 on the Drama; another hollow thing; won in a canter by two lengths. The Windsor Castle Stakes of 100 sovs. each, for three-year-old colts, 8 st. 7 lb.; fillies, 8st. 4lb.; winner of the Derby, Oaks or 2000 gs. Stakes, 5 lb. extra (six subscribers).

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Mr. T. Walter's The Deputy (Marlow) Lord Lichfield's The Corsair (J. Day) Betting 7 to 1 on the Corsair. Won by the Corsair by lots of lengths, who was subsequently declared distanced, in consequence of not carrying the 5 lb. penalty for winning the 2000 gs. Stakes at Newmarket.

FRIDAY, 31st.-Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, for three-year-old colts, 8 st. 7 lb.; fillies and geldings, 8 st. 4 lb.; the winner of the Derby or Oaks to carry 71b; the second 3 lb. extra; to this stake £50 was to have been added if it had not been walked over for; Old Mile (three subscribers). Mr. Thornhill's Euclid, three years walked over.

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The Wokingham Stakes of 5 sovs. each, for three-year-olds and upwards (handicap); the last three-quarters of the New Mile (seventeen subscribers).

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Lord Exeter's Alemdar, four-years, 8 st. 11 lb. (Darling) Capt. Williamson's the Drama, three-years, 7 st. 11lb. (Nat) Capt. Gardnor's c. by Rowton, dam Bustle, three-years, 7 st. 13 lb. (Pavis) The following also started but were not placed:-Lord Chesterfield's Industry, four-years, 9 st. (Scott); Mr.Fulwar Craven's I-wish-you-may-get-it, four years, 8 st. 6 lb. (Trenn); Mr. W. M. Stanley's Willesden, six-years, 8 st. 6 lb. (Connelly); Colonel Wyndham's Madeira, five-years, 8 st. 6 lb. (Wakefield); Lord Albemarle's Tros, three-years, 8 st. 2 lb. (E. Edwards); Lord Chesterfield's c. by Mulatto or Starch, dam Carew's dam, three-years, 6 st. 11 lb (Francis); Lord Lichfield's ch. f. Sister to Hector, three-years, 6 st. 4 lb. (Cotton.)

Betting: 3 to 1 agst. Industry, 9 to 2 agst. Alemdar, 5 to 1 agst. the Drama, 10 to 1 agst. Tros (taken), 10 to 1 agst. Madeira, 10 to 1 agst I-wish-you-may-get-it, 12 to 1 agst. Sister to Hector, 12 to 1 agst. Willesden, 10 to 1 agst. Bustle, and 12 to 1 agst. Carew's dam. Won all the way by Alendar, who finished in front two lengths.

A Plate of £50, the gift of the Members for the Borough of New Windsor, added to a Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, for two and three-year-olds; two-year-olds, 7 st.; three, 9 st. 2 lb.; fillies and geldings allowed 31b.; the winner to be sold for 200 sovs. if demanded; three quarters of a mile. Lord Albemarle's Clove, two-years old (Cotton)...

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Mr. Hebden's ch. f. Appleton Lass, three-years old (Scott)
Mr. Forth's b. c. Muley, dam Solace, by Longwaist, two-years (Crouch)
Mr. Alpin's b. c. by Laurel, dam, Dew Drop, by Defence, two-years (Wakefield)
Col. Wyndham's b. f. by Gaberlunzie, dam, Sola, by Partisan, three-years (Nat) ..

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