Betting: 5 to 4 agst. Appleton Lass, and 8 to 1 agst. Clove. How the beginning was done it were folly to speculate about. Just opposite the old Stand little Cotton brought Clove up, ran a wicked"who shall?" and finally decided the question by a neck in his own favour. A Plate of £50 for the beaten horses during the week; three-year-olds, 7 st.; four, 8 st. 6 lb.; five, 8 st. 13 lb; six and aged, 9 st. 2 lb; mares and geldings allowed 3 lb; winners once in 1839 to carry 3lb. twice 5 lb. extra. The winner to be sold for 350 sovs. if demanded, &c.; the Old Mile. Fulwar Craven's I-wish-you-may-get-it, four-years (Trenn) Duke of Richmond's Confusionee, three-years (W. Day) Lord Chesterfield's b. c. by Mulatto or Starch-Carew's dam, three years (Nat) Lord Albemarle's Bullcalf, four-years (E. Edwards) 1 2 3 4 Betting: 2 to 1 agst. I-wish-you-may-get-it, 2 to 1 agst. Bullcalf, and 3 to 1 agst. each of the others. A good race from the distance home, which Fulwar Craven's mare won by honesty and a stout heart. BEVERLEY. WEDNESDAY, MAY THE 29TH.-Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, h. ft. for three-year-olds not thorough-bred, and that have not been trained in any regular training stable; colts, 8st. 7lb.; fillies and geldings, 8 st. 4 lb; one mile and a half (eight subscribers). Mr. Danby's br. f. Maria Louisa, by Napoleon-le-Grand, dam by Macduff, out of 1 2 Mr. Hill's ch. c. Austerlitz, by Napoleon-le-Grand, dam by Proselyte Mr. W. Simpson's b. c. Fitzwilliam, by Sandbeck, dam by Sir Walton, three-years Mr. Whitworth's b. g. Robin Adair, five-years old, 11 st. 12lb. Mr. L. Holmes's b. h. Croxley, by Velocipede, dam by Y. Bourbon, aged, 12 st. 4 lb. 3 4 Mr. Hogg's b. h. by Humphrey Clinker, dam by Minos, five-years old, 11 st. 12 lb. 5 The gold Cup Stakes of 10 sovs. each, 5 ft. if declared, &c., with 50 added by the Town; once round and a distance (nine subscribers, one of whom paid 5 sov. ft.). Mr. Robinson's b. h. Melbourne, by Humphrey Clinker, five-years old, 9 st. 4 lb. Mr. J. Bell's ch. c. Fearneley, three-years old, 6 st. 7 lb. Plate of 501. given by G. L. Fox, Esq., M. P., one-mile heats. 11 7 1 6 3 5 2 2 Mr. Duke's gr. c. Waverley, out of Lady Fractious, by Comus, four-years Mr. Richardson's b. c Accelerator, by The Flyer, dam by Cardinal Wolsey, grandam by Filho da Puta, out of Arcot Lass, three-years old, 8 st. Mr. J. Peck's ch. c. Tormentor, (half-bred,) four-years old, 8 st. 7 lb. Mr. Catton's b. c. Gangrene, by Sandbeck, four-years old, 9 st. Mr. Skipworth's ch. m. The Belle, by Negociator, dam by Cerberus, grandam by Hambletonian, great grandam by Highflyer, six-years old, 9 st. 4lb. 488 Mr. F. Hopkinson's gr. h. St. Luke, five-years old, 9 st. 7 lb. dis. THURSDAY.-The Beverley Stakes of 7 sovs. each, 5 ft. with 20 added by the Town; once round and a distance (nine subscribers). Mr. J. Simpson's b. h. Aggravator, by Palmerin, aged, 10 st. (J. Peck) Mr. Peck's ch. c. Tormentor, four-years old, 8 st. 4 lb. Mr. Singleton's b. h. Resurrection, six-years old, 9 st. 12 lb. Mr. Nicholson's br. f. Lady Gosling, four-years old, 7 st. 12 lb. Mr. Hill's b. m. Mischief, six-years old, 9 st. 7lb. The Kingston Stakes of 10 sovs. each, h. ft. with 20 added, for two and three-years old; the owner of the second saved his stake; Kingston Course (five subscribers). Mr. G. Ellis's b. c. The Wizard of Wemmergill, by Curtius, out of Gibside Fairy, Mr. S. King's b. f. Juvenile, by Jerry, out of Jubilee, by Catton, three-years old, 1 2 3 4 Plate of £50 given by J. W. Hogg, Esq., M. P., heats, one mile and a half. NEWTON RACES. WEDNESDAY, June 5th.-The Trial Stakes of 10 sovs. each, with 25 sovs. added; three-yearolds to carry 6 st. 7 lb.; four, 8 st. 41b; five, 8 st. 12 lb.; six and aged, 9 st. 21b.; one mile and a quarter (seven subscribers). Lord Eglinton's b. g. The Potentate, aged (Lye) ... 2 3 4 5 Mr. Vansittart's b. f. by Sandbeck-Darioletta, three-years (W. Cotton) Mr. Buckley's ch. c. Tom, four-years (Darling) Lord Stanley's br. f. Velocity, by Velocipede-Harriet, three-years (Stag) Betting: 6 to 4 agst. Potentate, 5 to 2 agst. Velocity, 5 to 1 agst. Sandbeck, 6 to 1 agst. Tom, 7 to 1 agst. Harpurhey. A wicked race from the start, the early running being made by Velocity, the Sandbeck filly, and Harpurhey. At the bottom, however, they had shot their bolts, the Potentate coming steadily to the front, where he stayed, and won cleverly by nearly a length. A Sweepstakes of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft., with 20 sovs. added, for three-year-old fillies, 8 st. 3lb. each; one mile and a quarter (seven subscribers). Lord Stanley's ch. Imogene, by Langar, dam by Whisker (Lye) 1 2 ... 3 Betting: 7 to 4 on Imogene, and 3 to 1 agst. Margaret. The winner led from end to end, defeated cleverly every attempt to catch her, and won easily by a good length. A Sweepstakes of 50 sovs, each, h. ft., for the produce of mares covered in 1835; colts, 8 st. 7 lb. ; fillies, 8st. 4 lb.; one mile and a half (two subscribers). Sir T. Stanley's b. f. by Joceline, d. by Battledore (Templeman), walked over. A Gold Cup, value 100 sovs., the gift of the Lord of the Manor, added to a Handicap Sweepstakes of 15 sovs. each, 10 forfeit, and 5 only if declared, &c. The winner of a cup at Chester or Manchester this year, to carry 4 lb. extra; two miles and a distance (thirty-five subscribers, six of whom paid five sovs. each, and twenty-one ten sovs. each). Lord Westminster's br. h. Cardinal Puff, five-years, 9 st. 2 lb. (Darling) The following also started but were not placed :-Mr. Fowler's ch. Gilbert Gurney, four-years, 7 st. 12 lb. (Dodgson); Sir T. Stanley's b. h. Cowboy, five-years, 8 st. 91b. (Templeman); Captain Houstoun's ch. h. Silenus, aged, 8 st. 2 lb. (E. Edwards); Mr. Ramsay's b. f. Fairy Queen, four-years, 7 st. 8 lb. (Cartwright); Mr. Childe ns, ch. f. Angela, by Emancipation, four-years, 7 st. 2 lb. (Lye).Betting: 11 to 5 agst. Puff, 3 to 1 agst. Zillah, 4 to 1 agst. Cowboy, and 6 to 1 agst. Gilbert Gurney. They started in a string, at the beginning of which was St. Leonard, and at the end Angela. In this way they ran with little change to the fall, where Connelly brought up Zillah to the second place, and forced the speed, which here became very good; Cowboy coming upon his nose, but without more mischief. At the distance the set-to began, Zillah passing St. Leonard, and taking the lead till right on the post, where Darling made a resolute rush, and landed the Cardinal first by a short head. A Plate of 60 guineas for horses, &c. that never won 501.; three-year-olds, 7 st.; four, 8 st. 4lb.; fivo and upwards, 8 st. 10lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; heats, two miles. Betting: First heat-5 to 2 agst. c. by Langar, 3 to 1 agst. Papineau. Second heat-6 to 4 agst. Mr. Worthington's filly. Third heat-5 to 2 on Langar colt. THURSDAY, June 6th.-The St. Leger Stakes of 25 sovs. each, with 25 sovs. added, for threeyear-old colts, 8 st. 6 lb.; fillies, 8 st. 21b.; one mile and three quarters; the owner of the second to save his stake (seven subscribers). Lord Eglinton's br. c. Malvolio, by Liverpool, out of Comedy (Lye) Lord Westminster's ch. c. The Recorder, by Langar-Laura (Holmes) Sir T. Stanley's b. c. Apothecary, by Physician (Templeman) Lord Stanley's ch. f. Imogene, by Langar, dam by Whisker (Darling) Lord Stanley's br. f. Velocity, by Velocipede, out of Harriet (W. Jones) Betting: Even on Apothecary, 3 to 1 agst. Imogene, 4 to 1 agst. Malvolio, and 5 to 1 agst. The Recorder. All the beginning was full of changes, scarce a horse keeping a place a hundred yards. When they reached the hill to come home, Apothecary gradually closed and passed his horses, reached Malvolio, and set at him, the Recorder also joining issue. At the distance, however, Malvolio had made all safe, winning cleverly by a leng h. The Golborne Stakes of 20 sovs. each, for two-year-old colts, 8 st. 5lb.; fillies, 8 st. 2 lb.; Golborne Course (eleven subscribers). Mr. Fowler's b. f. Lalla Rookh, by Defence, out of Leila (Darling) The following also started, but were not placed :-Mr. Price's ch. c. Tuly, by the Tulip, out of Zara (Connelly); Mr. J. Whitworth's br. f. by Liverpool, out of Jubilee (W. Jones); Mr. King's b. c. The Alderman, by Abbas Mirza (Robins); Mr. Copeland ns. ch. f. The Rose, by Priam, out of Malibran (Marlow); Lord Stanley's ch. f. by Velocipede, out of Roseleaf (Lye). Betting: 6 to 4 on Lalla Rookh, 5 to 1 agst. Tuly, 6 to 1 agst. The Mole colt, and 10 to 1 agst. Susanetta. As soon as they were off Susanetta took the lead at good speed, kept in front till within the distance, when the favourite went up and won cleverly by a short length. The Borough Cup, value 100 sovs. added to a Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each; three-year-olds, 6 st. 3 lb. four, 8 st. 2 lb.; five, 8 st. 101b.; six and aged, 9st.; the winner of 100 sovs. in value in 1839, before starting, to carry 4 lb. extra; maiden four-year-olds and upwards, at starting, allowed 5 lb; mile and a half. Mr. Denham's b. c. Compensation, by Emancipation, four-years (Whitehouse) 1 2 3 Betting: 6 to 4 on Puff, 3 to 1 agst. the Doctor, and 4 to 1 agst. Compensation. The least regarded of the lot made all the running, was never headed, and won cleverly by a good length. A Plate of 60 guineas for three-year-olds, 6 st. 8 lb.; and four, 8 st. 5 lb. ; the winner of a Plate this year, before starting, to carry 3 lb. extra; of two, a Gold Cup, or her Majesty's Plate, 5 lb. extra; fillies and geldings allowed 3lb.; heats, one mile and a half. Mr.Ogden's b. c. St. Leonard, four-years (Bond) Mr. J. Scott's b. c. by Langar-Trinket, three-years (Whitehouse) Betting: First heat-6 to 4 agst. the Langar colt, 7 to 4 agst. St. Leonard, 5 to 1 agst. Tom, and 6 to 1 agst. Sam Slick. Second heat-3 to 4 on St. Leonard. Third heat-3 to 1 on the Langar colt. FRIDAY, June 7th.-The Shrigley Cup, value 100 sovs., given by W. Turner, Esq. M.P., added to a Handicap Sweepstakes of 15 sovs. each, 10 ft., and 5 ft. only if declared, &c.; the winner of the Manchester, the Lord of the Manor's, or the Borough Cups, to carry 3ib. extra; the second to receive 25 sovs.; one mile and a half (thirty-three subscribers, nine of whom declared). 1 2 3 Mr. Legh ns. ch. m. The Maid of Monton, five-years, 8 st. (Templeman) Mr. Denham's b. c. Compensation, four-years, 7 st. 101b. (G. Whitehouse) Lord Miltown's ch. c. Lepreuchaun, three-years, 5 st. 7 lb. (W. Cotton) The following also started, but were not placed:-Marquis of Westminster's ch. c. Sir Ralph, four-years, 7 st. 8 lb. (W. Boyce); Mr. Bradley's b. h Exorable, six-years, 7 st. 7 lb. (Bradley); Mr. Price's br. g. Capt. Popps, four-years, 7 st. 5lb. (Neale); Lord Eglinton's b. f. Bellona, four-years, 7 lb. 5 lb. (Lye); Mr. G. Ogden's b. c. Harpurhey, four-years, 7 st. (Dodgson); Lord Miltown's ch. m. Cruiskeen, five-years, 6 st. (Dunn). Betting: 6 to 4 on the field, 7 to 4 agst. Compensation, 3 to 1 agst. Bellona, 6 to 1 agst. Sir Ralph, 8 to 1 agst. Harpurhey, 10 to 1 agst. Maid of Monton, 10 to 1 agst. Exorable, 12 to 1 agst. Lord Miltown. There was some difficulty to manage the start, Popps making the running as soon as they got off. Some changes then occurred till they entered the distance, where Compensation led till the Maid was let out, and landed an easy winner. The St. Helen's Purse of 50%., added to a Sweepstakes of 15 and 10 ft.," for two-year-olds, 6 st. 7 lb.; and three, 8 st. 10 lb.; fillies allowed 31b.; the winner of the Golborne or St. Leger to carry 4 lb. extra; the Golborne Course; the second to receive 15 sovs. (ten subscribers). Mr. T. Walter's ns. bl. c. by The Mole, two-years (Cotton) ... 1 2 3 The following also started, but were not placed:-Lord Eglinton's br. c. Malvolio, by Liverpool, three-years (Lye); Marquis of Westminster's ch. c. The Recorder, three-years (Holmes); Mr. Smith's br. f. Margaret, three-years (Templeman); Mr. R. Peel's Lepidus, three-years (Darling). Betting: 6 to 4 agst. Malvolio, 3 to 1 agst. Lepidus, 4 to 1 agst. Recorder, and 7 to 1 agst. Mole. A most troublesome start. Charlatan went away with the lead, the others in a string behind him. At the distance little Cotton brought up the Mole, and ran a sharp burst home for it, of which he had the best by half a length. The Warrington Purse of 50 sovs., added to a Handicap Sweepstakes of 5 sovs. each; one mile and a distance (ten subscribers). 1 Mr. Vansittart's b. f. by Sandbeck-Darioletta, three-years, 6 st. 3 lb. (Clarke) Mr. Holker's ch. m. Maid of Monton, five-years, 7 st. 121b. (Templeman) Lord Miltown's ch. c. Lepreuchaun, three-years, 5 st. 7 lb. (Cotton) The following also started, but were not placed :-Mr. F. R. Price's ch. f. Zillah, four-years, 8 st. 2 lb. (Connelly); Mr. Fowler's ch. h. Gilbert Gurney, four-years, 7 st. 12 lb. (Dodgson); Mr. Jones's ch. c. Sam Slick, 3 yrs., 6 st. (Dunn). Betting: 5 to 4 agst. the Maid of Monton, 5 to 2 agst. Zillah, 6 to 1 agst. Gilbert Gurney. Up to the distance Gilbert Gurney cut out the work. There the Sandbeck filly, the Maid of Monton, and Leprechaun, all rushed past him, and made a slashing fight home; won at the end by a head. A Plate of 60 guineas, for three-year olds, 6 st. 7 lb.; four, 8 st. 21b.; five, 8 st. 10 lb.; six and aged, 9st.; mares and geldings allowed 31b.; the winner of a Plate this year, before starting for this, to carry 3lb. extra; of two Plates, a Gold Cup, or her Majesty's Hundred, 5 lb. extra; heats, two miles. HAMPTON AND MOULSEY HURST. WEDNESDAY, June 5th. -The Gold Cup, in specie, by subscriptions of 10 sovs. each, with 50 added by the Proprietors of the Course; three-years old, 7 st.; four, 8 st. 7 lb; five, 9 st.; six and aged, 9 st. 3lb.; mares and geldings allowed 31b.; the winner to be sold for 5001. if demanded, &c.; the owner of the second horse received back his stake; two miles and a quarter. The following also started, but were not placed :-Mr. Coleman's ch. c. Chymist, four-years old; Mr. Falconer's b. f. Slender, four-years old; Mr. Munro's b. g. Bravo, aged; and Mr. Land's b. g. Lottery, aged. Betting: 2 to 1 agst. Chymist, 3 to 1 agst. Ruby, 3 to 1 agst. Bravo, and 3 to 1 agst. La Bellezza. The London and Southampton Railway Stakes of 3 sovs. each, with 501. added; three-years old, 7 st. 4 lb. ; four, 8 st. 10 lb.; five, 9 st. 2 lb.; six and aged, 9 st. 5 lb.; mares and geldings allowed 3lb.; winners once in the present year to carry 31b. extra; the winner to be sold for 1501. if demanded, &c.; heats, once round and a distance (seventeen subscribers). Lord Chesterfield's b. c. by Mulatto, or Starch, out of Y. Petuaria, three-years Mr. Moss's bl. c. Ascanius, four-years old Mr. Owsley's b. h. Capulet, five-years old ... 1 1 2 2 dr. dis. Mr. Douglas's ch. f. Lady Bounce, by Count Porro, three-years old Capt. Ridge's b. c. by Ganthorpe, three-years old The following also started, but were not placed :-Mr. Turner's ch. g. Sir Felix, aged; Mr. Whitington's br. c. Falklandicus, four-years old; Mr. W. M. Stanley's ch. h. Willesden, six-years old; Mr. Shepherd's b. f. Tenebrosa, three-years old; Mr. Tooke's b. c. Ishmaelite, by Ishmael, out of Medea, three-years old; Mr. Parr's ch. h. Malton, five-years old; Mr. Daniel's b. g. The Unknown, aged; Mr. Land's br. m. Lady Essex, six-years old; Mr. Langridge's Crichton, five-years old; Mr. Edmunds's Shrewton Lass (late Jessy), five-years old. Betting: 3 to 1 agst. Tenebrosa, 5 to 1 agst. Malton, 5 to 1 agst. Willesden, and 6 to 1 agst. the winner. After the first heat, even on the winner, and 7 to 2 agst. Tenebrosa. The winner was claimed. The Strawberry Hill Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 25 added, for horses that never won a Plate or Stakes of the value of 50.; three-years old, 7 st. 5lb.; four, 8 st. 5lb.; five and upwards, 8st. 12 lb.; heats, a mile and a quarter (ten subscribers). Mr. Hebden's Appleton Lass, by St. Nicholas, out of Van, by Ivanhoe, three- Mr. Scott's br. c. by Bustard, out of Venus, three-years old Betting: 5 to 1 agst. Lyster, 5 to 2 agst. Appleton Lass, and 4 to 1 agst. Red Rose; after the first heat-5 to 2 agst. Appleton Lass, and 6 to 1 agst. the Bustard colt; after the second heat— 5 to 4 on Appleton Lass, and 3 to 1 agst the Bustard colt. THURSDAY, June 6th.-Her Majesty's Plate of 100 guineas; three-years old, 7 st. 5lb.; four, 9 st. 1lb.; five, 9 st. 11lb.; six and aged, 10 st. 2 lb.; the winner to be sold for 5001. if demanded, &c.; heats, twice round and a distance. Mr. Greville's b. c. Rory O'More, by Langar, three-years old (Nat) The following also started, but were not placed:-Mr. Dockeray's b. c. Guardsman, four-years old; Mr. Balchin's b. g. Munchausen, four-years old; Mr. Land's Lottery, aged; Mr. White's Baronet, four-years old; Capt. Ridge's gr. h. five-years old. Betting: 6 to 4 on Rory O'More, 4 to 1 agst. Ruby, and 6 to 1 agst. Guardsman; after the first heat-2 to 1 on Rory O'More, and 7 to 1 agst. Larnaca. The Palace Stakes of 5 sovs. each, with 25 added, for horses not thorough-bred, 11 st. 7 lb. each; gentlemen riders, those in cocked hats allowed 7 lb.; the winner to be sold for 80 sovs. if demanded, &c.; heats, once round (thirteen subscribers). Betting: 6 to 4 agst. Harold, and 2 to 1 agst. Pauline; after the first heat-6 to 4 agst. Pauline, and 4 to 1 agst Harold; after the second heat-5 to 2 and 3 to 1 on Harold. The Hurst Plate of 501. in specie, given by the Proprietors of the Course; three-years old, 7 st. 4lb.; four, 8 st. 7 lb.; five, 9 st. 1 lb.; six and aged, 9st. 5lb.; m. and g. allowed 31b.; the winner to be sold for 200 sovs. if demanded, &c.; heats, once round and a distance. Mr. Falconer's b. f Slender, by Longwaist, four-years old (Wakefield) Mr. Munro's b. g. Bravo, aged Mr. Owsley's b. h. Capulet, five-years old Mr. May's b. m. Candia, five-years old Mr. Tooke's Ishmaelite, three-years old 12 1 3 2 Betting: 4 to 1 agst. Jim Crow, 5 to 1 agst. Chymist, 7 to 1 agst. Voluptuary, and 7 to 1 agst. Slender; after the first heat-6 to 4 agst. Voluptuary, 6 to 1 agst. Slender, and 6 to 1 agst. Jim Crow; after the second heat-5 to 2 on Slender. FRIDAY, June 7th.-The Consolation Cup Stakes (handicap) of 3 sovs. each, with 25 added, for the beaten horses; once round and a distance (seven subscribers). Mr. Coleman's Chymist, by Zinganee, four-years old, 8 st. 7 lb. (Coleman) 1 2 1 Mr. Falconer's sister to Professor, four-years old, 8 st. 2 1 2 The Ferry Stakes of 8 sovs. each, with 25 added; three-years old, 7 st.; four, 8 st. 71b.; five, 9 st. 1 lb. six and aged, 9 st. 5 lb.; the winner to be sold for 250 sovs. if demanded, &c. once round (four subscribers). Mr. Coleman's Chymist, four-years old (W. Coleman) Mr. Drew's b. m. Victoire, six-years old A Hurdle-race, with a Purse added; heats, once round and a distance; was won, in two heats, by Mr. Robertson's Cigar, 11 st. 71b. (Marton), beating Mr. Lord's Lottery, 12 st., and Mr. Box's Peasdorf, 11 st. 7 lb. Mr. Box's Peasdorf (owner) beat Mr. Lord's Lottery, 12 st. each, two miles and a distance; 100 sovs. h. ft. CURRAGH (IRELAND) JUNE MEETING. MONDAY, June the 10th.-The Kirwan Stakes of 50 sovs. each, h. ft.; the second horse saved his stake; Post on the Flat (fourteen subscribers). Mr. G. Graydon's b. c. Roscius, by Turcoman, three-years old, 7 st. 2 lb. Mr. White's c. by Picton, out of Eel, four-years old, 8 st. 3lb. Mr. Fortescue's c. Damian, four-years old, 7 st. 11ib. The following also started, but were not placed :-Mr. Knox's ch. c. George, four-years old, 9 st. ; Mr. Watt's br. c. M. P., four-years old, 8 st. 11 ib.; Col. Westenra's b. c. Wirrestrew, three-years old, 7 st. 8 lb.; Lord Milltown's b. f. Medea, three-years old, 7 st. 3 lb.; Mr. Hutchins's ch. c. by Vestris, out of Polygar mare, three-years old, 7 st. Sweepstakes of 10 sovs. each, with 50 added, h. ft.; one mile and a quarter on the Peel Course (eleven subscribers). Mr. Graydon's ch. c. Clinker, by Turcoman, three-years old 7 st. 9 lb. Mr. St. George's ch. h. Barebones, aged, 8 st. 7 lb. TUESDAY.-Her Majesty's Plate of 100 gs., for three-year-olds, 9 st. 2 lb.; four, 11 st.; five, 11 st. 12 lb.; six and aged, 12 st.; mares and geldings allowed 5 lb.; four miles. Mr. St. George's b. f. Cadot (late Heather-bell) by Blacklock, three-years old The following also started, but were not placed:-Mr. Hutchins's ch. c. by Vestris, three-years old; Mr. O'Reilly's ch. c. Doctor O'Toole, four-years old; Mr. Watts's b. c. Claret, three-years old; Major Hay's br. c M. P., four-years old. The Halverstown Stakes of 25 sovs., 15 ft.; for two-years-old colts, 8 st. 7 lb., and fillies, 8st 2 lb.; the winner of this race not to be considered as carrying additional weight for any other race; Anglesea Post (six subscribers). Col. Westenra's ch. f. Crimson, by Drone, out of Kiss Mr. Pottinger's chi. c. by Zealot, out of Zoe 2 3 4 WEDNESDAY.-The Renewal of the O'Darby Stakes of 25 sovs. each, with 25 sovs. added, for three-year-old colts, 8 st. 5 lb., and fillies, Sst.; one mile and a half (four subscribers). Mr. Watts's br. c. Clone, by Philip, or Alcaston ... Col. Westenra's b. c. Marauder |