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" Refulgent from the stroke of Caesar's fate, Amid the crowd of patriots; and his arm, Aloft extending, like eternal Jove, When guilt brings down the thunder, called aloud On TOLLY'S name, and shook his crimson steel, And bade the father of his country... "
The Sporting review, ed. by 'Craven'. - Sida 31
redigerad av - 1839
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The Pleasures of Imagination: A Poem in Three Books

Mark Akenside - 1744 - 124 sidor
...kindling majefty dilate Thy ftrong conception, as when Brutus rofe* Refulgent from the ftroke of Caefar's fate, Amid the crowd of patriots; and his arm Aloft extending, like eternal Jove 455 When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and (hook his crimfon fteel,...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volym 55

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 404 sidor
...The human bofom, as when Brutus rofe Refulgent from the ftrokc of Cicfar's fate 365 Amid the croud of patriots ; and, his arm Aloft extending like eternal Jove When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud OnTuHy's name, and ihook the crimfon iword Of juftice in his rapt aftcnilh'd eye, 370...
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The Works of the English Poets: Akenside

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 388 sidor
...bofom, as when Brutus rofe Refulgent from tlie ftroke of Cxfar's fate Amid the croud of patriots - t and,, his arm Aloft extending like eternal Jove When guilt brings down tha thunder, call'd ; OnTully's name,, and.fliook the crimfan fw Of juftice in his rapt aftonifli'd...
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The Works of the English Poets: Akenside

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 398 sidor
...The human bofom, as w'm.'n Brutus rofe Refulgent from the ftrolce of Caefar's fate 365 Amid the croud of patriots; and, his arm Aloft extending like eternal Jove When guilt brings down the thunder, call.d aloud OnTuily's name, and fhook the crimfon fword Of juftice in his rapt aftonim'd eye, 373...
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Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, Volym 1

Hugh Blair - 1793 - 518 sidor
...dilate Refulgent, from the ftroke of Cefar's fste, Thy ftrong conception, as when Brutus rofe Ami'-l the crowd of patriots ; and his arm Aloft extending, like eternal Jove, When gnilt brings down the thunder, csll'o aloucT On Ttilly's name, and Ihook his crimfbn (tcel, And bade...
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The Pleasures of Imagination

Mark Akenside - 1794 - 218 sidor
...kindling majefty dilate Thy ftrong conception, as when Brutus role Refulgent from the ftroke of Caefar's fate, Amid the crowd of patriots ; and his arm Aloft extending, like eternal Jove 40,5 When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and fhook his crimfon fteel,...
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Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, Volym 1

Hugh Blair - 1801 - 464 sidor
...majefty, dilate Thy ftrong conception , as when Brutus rofe, Refulgent, from the ftroke of Cœfar's fate, Amid the crowd of patriots; and his arm Aloft...eternal Jove, When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and shook his crimfon fteel, And bade the father of his country hail!...
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The New England Quarterly Magazine, Volym 1

1802 - 314 sidor
...kindling majefty dilate Thy ilrong conception, as when BRUTUS rofc Refulgent from the ftroke of CJESAR'S fate, Amid the crowd of patriots ; and his arm Aloft...like eternal JOVE When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tully's name, and fhook his crimfon- fteel, And bade the father of his country hail!...
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An Abridgement of Lectures on Rhetoric

Hugh Blair - 1802 - 328 sidor
...conception, as when Brutus rofc Refulgent from, the ftrokeof Cjefar's fate Amid the crowd of'Patriots ; and his arm Aloft extending, like eternal Jove, , When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On Tally's name, and fhook his crimfon ftccl, And bade the father of his country hail...
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Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, Volym 1

Hugh Blair - 1802 - 416 sidor
...kindling majefty, dilate Thy ftrong conception, as when Brutus rofe, Refulgent, from the fhoke of Czfar.s fate, Amid the crowd of patriots; and his arm Aloft extending, like eternal Jote, When guilt brings down the thunder, call'd aloud And bade the father of his country hail! On...
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