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Colombia. Statement of steps necessary to secure necessary surveys
for interoceanic ship canal through the territory of the republic of...
Colorado. Message of the President of the United States, with his ob-
jections to its admission into the Union

Commission relative to improvements at Rock island. Copy of the
report of the....

Commission appointed to select proper site for post office building
and accommodation of United States courts in the city of New York.
Report of the.

Commissioner of Freedmen, transmitting synopsis of local laws re-
specting persons of color in late slave States and reports of assistant
commissioners. Letter of

Commissioner of Indian Affairs, touching condition of Indians located
in vicinity of Lake Traverse and Fort Wadsworth, Dakota Territory,
together with part taken in connection with outbreak in Minnesota
in 1862. Report of Hon. D. N. Cooley...
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, touching condition of Indians located
in vicinity of Lake Traverse and Fort Wadsworth, Dakota Territory,
together with part taken in connection with outbreak in Minnesota
in 1862. Report of Hon. Lewis V. Bogy.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue to the assessors and collectors of
internal revenue appointed during the recess of Congress, for sala-
ries and commissions as disbursing agents, since July 28, 1866.
Statement exhibiting the amounts allowed by..
Commerce between Hawaiian Islands and United States.

of amount of.


Consul at Cadiz. Manner of transaction of business by.
Consulates. Statement of moneys expended for salaries, blank books,
&c., for European..

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][subsumed]

Cotton, &c., turned over to the Treasury Department. Information
in relation to the amount of money received from sales of...............

[blocks in formation]


Davis. Letter of the Secretary of War communicating report of
Major General J. H. Wilson on the capture of Jefferson.
Digest of laws relating to duties on imports. Report of Hon. David
A. Wells...

District of Columbia who have received compensation for the year
1866. List of the number and names of the deputy marshals, bailiffs,

and criers in the...

District of Columbia. Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury rela-
tive to amount of money paid for advertising in papers of..


Emigration of citizens of the United States to dominions of the Sub-
lime Porte. Correspondence relative to...

[blocks in formation]

European consulates. Statement of moneys expended for salaries,
blank books, &c., for..

[blocks in formation]

Exposition at Paris.

Statement of progress made in collecting

products, weights, measures, coins, &c., of United States for exhi-
bition at Universal....

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Fisheries. Reciprocal relations between the United States and the
British North American provinces, and the condition of the..
Freedmen. Synopsis of laws respecting persons of color in late slave
States and reports of assistant commissioners of

[blocks in formation]

Foreign ministers of the United States, relative to the President's
policy. Correspondence between Department of State and

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Grant, transmitting information relative to massacre of United States
troops by Indians at Fort Phil. Kearney. Letter of General U. S..

[blocks in formation]


Grant, transmitting information as to an order of Lieutenant General
Sherman relative to the protection of trains on the overland route.
Letter of General U. S


[blocks in formation]

Harbor of New York. Report of General Newton in relation to the en-
croachments in the

Harvey. Correspondence between Department of State and the min-
ister of the United States at Portugal. Letter of James E.
Hawaiian Islands. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury in rela-
tion to treaty of commercial reciprocity with the..


Imports. Report of Hon. David A. Wells relative to duties on.
Indian Affairs, touching the late massacre of United States troops by
Indians at Fort Phil. Kearney. Reports of Hon. Lewis V. Bogy,
Commissioner of......

(Pages 1 and 10.)

Indians. Official reports, papers, &c., in relation to the late massacre
of United States troops at Fort Phil. Kearney by......
Indians, in vicinity of Lake Traverse and Fort Wadsworth. Condi-
tion of and connection with outbreak in Minnesota in 1862
Indians at Sand Creek. Testimony relative to massacre of Cheyenne.
Interoceanic ship canal through the territory of the republic of Colom-
bia. Statement of steps taken to secure necessary surveys for......
Interior, communicating, in compliance with Senate resolution, infor-
mation in relation to condition of Indians located in vicinity of Lake
Traverse and Fort Wadsworth, Dakota Territory, and connection
with outbreak in Minnesota in 1862. Letter of the Secretary of the.
Interior, relative to violations of the civil rights bill. Report of the
Secretary of the..

(Page 43.)

Interior, transmitting report of commission appointed to select site for
building for post office and accommodation of United States courts
in the city of New York. Letter of the Secretary of the ...
Interior, touching appointment of persons to office without submitting
names to the Senate for confirmation. Letter of the Secretary of the.
Interior, communicating, in obedience to Senate resolution, informa-
tion relative to late massacre of United States troops by Indians at
or near Fort Phil. Kearney. Letter of the Secretary of the...
Internal revenue, appointed during the recess of Congress, for salaries
and commissions since July 1, 1866. Statement of amounts allowed
assessors and collectors of.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Laws relative to persons of color in late slave States. Synopsis of

[blocks in formation]


Mail contracts with A. D. Trotter, of Staunton, Virginia. Informa
tion relative to....

[blocks in formation]

Massacre of United States troops at Fort Phil. Kearney. Official
reports, papers, &c., relative to...

Marshals, bailiffs, and criers in the District of Columbia who have
received compensation for the year 1866. Number and names of
the deputy...

[blocks in formation]

Military commission at Nashville. Report of Quartermaster General
respecting the..

McCracken to the President of the United States. Letter of G. W...
Mexico. Correspondence relative to grants to American citizens for
railroads and telegraph across republic of

[merged small][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Motley, minister at Vienna. Correspondence between Department of
State and Mr..


[blocks in formation]

Nashville. Report of Quartermaster General respecting military com-
mission in..

Navy, transmitting information relative to advertising in papers in the
District of Columbia. Letter of the Secretary of..
Navy, touching appointment of persons to office without the submis-
sion of the names of such persons to the Senate for confirmation.
Letter of the Secretary of the..

Navy, transmitting information relative to violations of the civil rights
bill. Report of the Secretary of the

(Page 43.)

Nebraska. Veto of the bill for the admission of the State of........
Newspapers published in District of Columbia, for advertising notices,
&c., for executive departments. Statement of the amount of money
paid to...

Newspapers published in District of Columbia, for advertising notices
and proposals for War Department. Letter of the Secretary of the
Treasury communicating report of Secretary of War, relative to
amount of money paid to

Newton, in relation to the encroachments in the harbor of New York.
Report of General...........

New York. Report of commission appointed to select site for post
office and United States courts at
Northern Pacific railroad.

Estimate of the cost of...

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


Officers appointed under the act of July 28, 1866, who have not joined
their regiments or stations. Letter of the Secretary of War com-
municating the names of.....

[blocks in formation]

Overland route. Letter of General Sherman in regard to the protec-
tion of trains on the .

[blocks in formation]


Pacific Railroad Company. Estimate of the probable cost of con-
structing railroad on route mentioned in charter of Northern
Paris. Statement of progress made in collecting products, weights,
measures, coins, &c., of the United States for exhibition at the
Universal Exposition at....

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][ocr errors]

Policy of the President towards the States lately in rebellion. Cor-
respondence between the Department of State and foreign ministers
of the United States with reference to the...
Portugal, in reference to salary. Correspondence between the Depart-
ment of State and minister of the United States at....
Postmaster General, transmitting report of commission appointed to
select proper site for post office building and accommodation of
United States courts in city of New York. Letter of the...............
Postmaster General, transmitting information relating to advertising
in papers in the District of Columbia. Letter of the....
Postmaster General, relative to appointments to office without the sub-
mission of the names of appointees to the Senate for confirmation.
Letter of the

Postmaster General, communicating, in compliance with Senate reso-
lution, information relative to mail contracts with A. D. Trotter, of
Staunton, Virginia. Letter of the

Post office and United States courts at New York. Report of commis-
sion to select proper site for.

President of the United States, returning bill to admit the State of
Colorado into the Union with his objections thereto. Message of the.
President of the United States, returning bill for the admission of the
State of Nebraska into the Union with his objections thereto. Mes-
sage of the...

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, correspondence upon subject of emigration of citi-
zens of the United States to the Sublime Porte. Message of the....
(For list of papers see page 1.)

President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, information relative to appointment of persons to
office during the recess of Congress, without submission of the
names of such persons to the Senate for confirmation. Message of the.
President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, the number and names of deputy marshals,
bailiffs, and criers in the District of Columbia who have received
compensation for the year 1866. Message of the..
President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, report of Secretary of State, relative to steps
taken to secure to the United States the right to make necessary sur-
veys for an interoceanic ship canal through the territory of Colom-
bia. Message of the
President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, correspondence relative to reported transfer of
United States minister from Stockholm to Bogota. Message of the..
President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, report of the Secretary of the Treasury in relation
to treaty of commercial reciprocity with the Hawaiian Islands.
Message of the.....

President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, correspondence on the subject of grants to Amer-
ican citizens for railroad and telegraph across the territory of the
republic of Mexico. Message of the....

(For list of papers see page 1.)

(For list of papers see pages 1 and 2.)
President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, information relative to violations of civil rights
bill. Message of the
President of the United States, returning the bill regulating the tenure
of certain civil offices with his objections thereto. Message of the..
President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, correspondence between Department of State and
the minister of the United States at Portugal in reference to his
salary. Message of the...

(For list of papers see page 1.)

President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, correspondence between the Department of State
and foreign ministers with reference to President's policy. Message
of the....

(For list of papers see pages 1 and 2.)
President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, correspondence between Department of State and
Mr. Motley, minister at Vienna. Message of the.
President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, copy of letter addressed to Mr. Motley. United
States minister at Vienna, with regard to reported conversations and
opinions. Message of the....

President of the United States, with translation of letter from the
Emperor of Russia, relative to his attempted assassination. Message
of the

President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, information in respect to progress made in col-
lecting products, weights, measures, &c., of the United States for
exhibition at the Universal Exposition at Paris. Message of the....
President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with
Senate resolution, correspondence relative to the manner in which con-
sul at Cadiz has transacted the business of his office. Message of the.
President of the United States, relative to reciprocal relations between
the British North American provinces and the United States, and
the condition of the fisheries. Message of the...

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Quartermaster General's report relative to military commission at


Railroad on route mentioned in charter of Northern Pacific Railroad
Company. Information touching probable cost of....
Railroads and telegraph lines across the republic of Mexico. Cor-
respondence relative to grants to American citizens for...........
Rock island. Copy of report of commission relative to improvements at.
Russia, in reply to joint resolution of Congress relative to his at-
tempted assassination. Letter of the Emperor of....


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Sherman, relative to the protection of trains on the overland route.
Information as to an order of Lieutenant General ...

Sand Creek massacre. Copy of evidence taken at Denver and Fort
Lyon relative to...

[blocks in formation]

Ship canal through territory of Colombia. Report of Secretary of
State relative to steps taken to secure to the United States the right
to make surveys for an interoceanic..
State, touching appointment of persons to office without submission
of the names of such persons to the Senate for confirmation. Letter
of the Secretary of....

State, relative to steps taken to secure to the United States the right
to make necessary surveys for an interoceanic ship canal through
the territory of Colombia. Report of the Secretary of...
State, touching violations of the civil rights bill. Report of the Sec-
retary of...

(Page 11.)

State. Correspondence between the Department of State and the
minister of the United States at Portugal. Letter of the Secretary of.
(Pages 2 and 3.)

State and foreign ministers of the United States, with reference to the
President's policy towards the States lately in rebellion. Corre-
spondence between the Department of

State, addressed to Mr. Motley, United States minister at Vienna, with
regard to his reputed conversations and opinions. Copy of the letter
on which were founded the recent inquiries of the Secretary of...........
State and Mr. Motley, United States minister at Vienna. Correspond-
ence between the Department of ...

State to the President. Copy of correspondence relating to the manner
in which the consul at Cadiz has transacted the business of his
office. Letter of the Secretary of......
Statement showing the names of officers appointed under the act of
July 28, 1866, who have not joined their regiments, with reasons, &c.
Statement of moneys expended for salaries, blank books, office rents,
and preservation of archives from June 1, 1862, to June 30, 1866,
for European consulates.....

Statement of cotton claims adjudicated by the Secretary of the Trea-
sury, exclusive of claims of cotton voluntarily abandoned
Stockholm to Bogota. Correspondence relative to transfer of United
States minister from

Sublime Porte. Message of the President, communicating correspond-
ence upon subject of emigration of citizens of the United States to
the dominions of the..

(For list of papers see page 1.)


Treasury, submitting report of Hon. David A. Wells, Commissioner of
Revenue, and bill prepared by him as substitute for custom laws now
in force. Letter of the Secretary of the

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