§2. Whereas an emergency exists, viz: that many as- Emergency. sociations, formed under the law of which this is an amendment, desire to make improvements immediately, involving an expenditure of more than ten thousand dollars: therefore this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED February 29, 1872. AN ACT authorizing agricultural societies to sell, exchange, dispose of and In force March convey lands. 8. 1872. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That when- May sell and ever any agricultural society shall have acquired any lands, convey lands. and the same shall become ineligible for the use for which such lands were acquired, such society, in its corporate capacity, may sell, exchange, dispose of and convey said lands; and the deed of any such corporation, executed and acknowledged by its presiding officer, shall be effectual in law for that purpose. §2. Whereas it is necessary that certain agricultural Emergency. societies should dispose of or exchange grounds, in order to hold fairs in eighteen hundred and seventy-two: therefore this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED March 8, 1872. AN ACT to create a Department of Agriculture in the State of Illinois. In force July 1, 1871. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That there be and is hereby created and established a department in the state of Illinois, to be known and styled "The Department of Agriculture," the objects of which shall be the objects. promotion of agriculture and horticulture, manufactures and domestic arts. The business of said department shall be conducted by a board, to be styled "The State Board of Style of board Agriculture," re," which shall consist of a president, as many vice-presidents as there are or from time to time may be congressional districts in this state, and the last ex-president of the State Board of Agriculture. Said presidents and vicepresidents shall hold their respective positions for two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The First board. Officers State board to control. County boards. first board of agriculture under this act shall consist of the present president, vice presidents, and the last ex-president of the (present) Illinois State Agricultural Society, who shall hold their positions, respectively, until the second Monday of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventythree. Said State Board of Agriculture shall have a secretary and treasurer, who shall not be members of the board, and who shall hold their positions for the same time as the members of the board. The treasurer shall give bond, as may be required by said board. The secretary and treasurer of the Illinois State Agricultural Society, at present, shall, respectively, be the secretary and treasurer of the State Board of Agriculture, and hold their positions the same time as members of the board: Provided, that said secretary of the State Agricultural Society, by_virtue of his position, shall, until the second Monday of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, be a member of said board. §2. The State Board of Agriculture shall have the sole control of the affairs of the department of agriculture of all state fairs; and may make such by-laws, rules and regulations, in relation to the department of agriculture and the management of the business of such department and state fairs, and offering premiums, as a majority of said board shall, from time to time, determine, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state or the United States. But this state shall, in no event, be liable for any premium offered or debt contracted by said board of agriculture. § 3. The State Board of Agriculture shall provide for the organization of county agricultural boards, to comprise, in counties having but one agricultural organization, on the assent to the provisions of this act, of the directors or other managers of any legally organized agricultural society holding an annual fair, at which premiums to the amount of five hundred dollars are awarded; and in counties having more than one agricultural organization, such county board shall consist of the various agricultural organizations, each represented therein, under such regulations as they may themselves, or if they fail in agreeing, the State Board of Agriculture, shall prescribe; and said county board shall report its proceedings to said State Board of Agriculture, annually, and shall be styled "The cultural Board." County Agri Moneys ap- §4. Whatever moneys shall, from time to time, be ap propriated. propriated to the department of agriculture, shall be paid to said State Board of Agriculture, and may be expended by them as in the opinion of said board will best advance the interests of agriculture and horticulture, manufactures and domestic arts, in this state: Provided, that when appropriations are made for the use of said State Board of Agriculture, that such appropriation shall provide for at least one hundred dollars, annually, for the use of each county agricultural board, to be paid by said State Board of Agriculture to each county board of agriculture which shall have given satisfactory evidence to said state board of having held an annual fair, and made their annual report to said State Board of Agriculture. §5. The State Board of Agriculture shall keep an office Business office. for the transaction of its business at Springfield; and when the new state house is so far completed as to allow thereof, there shall be assigned to the department of agriculture suitable rooms therein, to be under the control of said board. Powers of $6. The State Board of Agriculture in that name, and the several county agricultural boards in their respective boards. names, may contract and be contracted with, may purchase, hold or sell property, and may sne and be sued in all courts or places; but this state shall never be liable for any debt or contract of any of said boards. §7. The State Board of Agriculture shall be elected every when elected. two years, on the first Wednesday of the annual state fair, on the fair grounds, by delegates chosen by the several county agricultural boards, each county board having three votes and no more. The president, secretary and treasurer of the state board may reside any where in the state. The vice-presidents shall reside in the district which they respectively represent. The first election of the State Board of Agriculture shall be held in the fall of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. $8. The State Board of Agriculture shall, on or before Report. the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, make a biennial report to the governor of the proceedings of the late state agricultural society, for one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and annually thereafter, of the transactions of the department of agriculture, and the governor shall cause ten thousand copies of said annual and biennial reports to be printed, one-half for the use of the department of agriculture, and the remainder for the use of the state and general assembly. They shall give a complete classified financial statement of all moneys received, and of all expenditures and expenses; which statement shall be printed in the periodical report: Provided, that no such copies size of report. of said reports shall exceed three hundred pages of same size of former reports. $9. The State Board of Agriculture may, for cause, to be Removal of ofspread upon their journals, remove the secretary, or treas- ficers. urer, or expel a member, and may fill any vacancy arising from any cause. APPROVED April 15, 1871. In force July 1, AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to create a Department of Agriculture in the State of Illinois," approved April 17, 1871. 1872. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That section eight of "An act to create a department of agriculture in the State of Illinois," approved April 17, 1871, be so amended that it shall read: "Section 8. The State Board of Agriculture shall make an annual report to the governor of the transactions of the department of agriculture, which said report shall include a complete classified statement of all moneys received, and of all expenditures and expenses; and the governor shall cause ten thousand copies of said report to be printed, one-half for the use of the department of agriculture, and the remainder for the use of the state and general assembly." APPROVED April 2, 1872. ANIMALS. 1872. In force July 1, AN ACT to authorize the county boards, or other bodies having control and management of the county affairs of the several counties of this state, to take measures to enforce all laws in regard to the prevention of cruelty to animals. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the county boards or other bodies having control and manage. ment of the county affairs of the several counties of this state, are hereby authorized and empowered to take all such necessary measures and to institute such proceedings as they may deem proper, to enforce all the laws of this state for the prevention of cruelty to animals. APPROVED March 1, 1872. In force July 1, 1872. AN ACT to prohibit domestic animals from running at large in this state. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That it shall be unlawful for the owner or owners of any domestic animals of the species of horse, mule, ass, cattle, sheep, goat or hog, to suffer the same to run at large in any county in this state, after the first day of October, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, except as hereinafter provided. 1 §2. Any owner or owners violating section one of this Penalty for vi act shall, on conviction before any justice of the peace hav- olation. §3. The county clerk of any county wherever it may Notice of elecbe unlawful for domestic animals to run at large by virtue tion. of this or any special law, on petition of one hundred or more voters therein, shall give notice with the election notices of the then next succeeding general election in such county, that at such election the voters of such county may vote for or against domestic animals running at large in such county, or any species thereof, to be mentioned in such notices, and separate ballot boxes shall be used at said election. Such votes shall be received and canvassed by the proper judges of election, and returns made in the same manner as the other election returns, and if a majority of the votes cast on such question is for domestic animals, or any species thereof, running at large, it shall be lawful in such county for such domestic animals, or species thereof, to run at large. §4. At any succeeding general election, on like petition vote to rescind. and notice, the voters of such counties electing to allow domestic animals to run at large, may vote to rescind such former election, and to come under the provisions of this law where no such vote is taken. APPROVED January 13, 1872. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act for the prevention of cruelty to In force July 1, animals," approved March 31, 1869. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That section one of an act entitled "An act for the prevention of cruelty to animals," approved March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, be amended so as to read as follows, viz: "That whoever shall willfully overdrive, overload, overwork, torture, torment, deprive of necessary sustenance, cruelly beat, mutilate or kill, or cause or procure to be so overdriven, overloaded, overworked, tortured, tormented, deprived of necessary sustenance, cruelly beaten, mutilated or cruelly killed, any horse, ox or other animal, (the word animal, as used in this act, and the act to which this is an amendment, shall be taken to mean any living creature,) 1872. |