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T.—In the first place, the keen sensibility of the whale, even through all its blubber, has been tested. In the second, the communication could have been effected in no other way that we know of in so short a time. And, thirdly, because we have seen many instances among other animals and insects in which intelligence has been carried in the same manner, although with the latter through a different element.

E.-Do tell me, Sir, please, some of them.

T.-I will, Edwin, in their place; but let us now go on to talk about the scarf skin.

E. Yes, Sir: Why is it called scarf skin?

T.-It is a layer of a semi-transparent membrane, as fine as the network of a scarf; and this skin covers the whole exterior surface of the true skin. I told you just now that the sensibility of the true skin was very great, and it would be too keen if this skin did not protect the nerves with which it is furnished from impressions of too strong a nature. The thickness of the scarf skin is therefore adapted to the sense of the part it covers: it is of thin substance upon any part where the sense of feeling is acute, to allow of the transmission of delicate impressions, and the contrary. Now can you tell me where it is thin?

E.—Oh, yes, Sir, on the lips: and I have heard that the tips of the fingers are very sensitive, particularly those of the blind, who read by means of their fingers, which they move rapidly over raised letters. T.-And the hard portions are found

E-In the palms of the hands, and at the soles of the feet.

T.-Yes, it would be painful to grasp any thing if the nerves in our hands were as much exposed as they are at many other parts; and we should walk with great difficulty if the soles of our feet were very sensitive; but as the parts of those limbs that have to sustain the weight of the body are well protected, we can work and walk with ease. In man, Edwin, the outer layers of this scarf skin are continually being worn off and reproduced.

E. What! like the shells of the crabs we have often picked up at the sea-side, between the stones.

T.-Yes, for these hard plates, as well as the scales, and coverings of hair found on other animals, are similar to our scarf skin, and answer the same purpose of protection.

E. These shells are more like our nails, Sir.

T.—Yes, only we do not shed our nails every year like the snake does a portion of the skin of his head, the crab his thick pent-house, or the bird his beak.

E-I wonder they know one another again!

T.-If you become a naturalist you will find much to wonder at, and much to discover; but it is time for you to go now, and be ready to tell the next time we meet, what are our special organs of feeling.


THERE are two excellent though obvious means of happiness; to make duty a pleasure, and to cultivate the habit of contemplating our advantages rather than our misfortunes.



We must confess that we are glad to see this subject brought under discussion. It is one upon which we have long held a decided opinion, and it is high time that the teachers of our schools should be led to consider the reasons and arguments upon which the system, for such it has become, is grounded and defended. As Sunday-schools were, institutions for the instruction of a few poor children who were taught to read, to spell, to write, or to learn, as a mere act of memory, it is just possible that a class would derive as much benefit under two teachers as under one; but as Sunday-schools now are, institutions for training in religious truth, an instrumentality for the conversion of the soul, a pastorate for the teacher, as well as a Sabbath-day obligation, we can first of all see no reason why the small demand should not be supplied; and next we cannot understand in what way this plan can be considered beneficial to teacher, school, or class.

The morning teacher may be pious, lively, engaging, intellectual, persevering, and his class will be devoted to him; the afternoon teacher may be undecided, without tact, unpunctual, uninterested, and unpopular. The class will be early in the morning, late or absent in the afternoon; will derive profit in the morning, and will feel the afternoon irksome and ill employed. Is it fair to the good teacher, thus to undermine his influence, or to the class thus to hazard their progress?

Then the school is ill supplied with teachers; there are 20 classes, and only 16 are provided for; but these 16 classes have 32 teachers, 12 more than the whole school needs. If the rule or practice of this school had been to have no teachers who could not make their class their own, how

many of these 32 would have been hindered coming? Suppose a third, you would still have more than your school required, and with how much more of interest, energy, method and success would these dear friends work! The exception has become a system. It is an indulgence, an excuse too often, and its extended operation does not tell well for our cause. There may be cases where sisters can unite, and where friends can co-work; but the plan now, as in practice, does not command this, and must in our judgment prove extensively injurious. When we hear of half-day, fortnightly,|| monthly, and even quarterly teachers, we feel that the question becomes one of serious difficulty. We must cease to ask a young man to come and join in a class. We must ask for that which in most cases will be cheerfully given, the whole time, for the unshared and uninterrupted duties of the Sunday-school.

It is said, that the persons who are chiefly engaged, in this divided labour are those who are most occupied, and most important to the school. We admit that this is so in some cases, but our own experience leads us to say, that the large majority of half-day teachers are those whose hearts thoroughly enlisted in the work, would at once abandon the system, and feel that they had no class, unless their class was entirely their own.

SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONFERENCES. We present in this Number, an outline of proceedings at the LONDON CONFER ENCE. The LEEDS UNION COMMITTEE, with most praiseworthy spirit, has pub lished a complete report of the Conference held in that town recently. our friends, most emphatically, to obtain a copy of this valuable document, which may be had, post-free, on enclosing sixpence, to Mr. Heaton, 7, Briggate, Leeds.

We urge



"The sixth was August, being rich array'd In garments all of gold down to the ground;

Yet rode he not, but led a lovely maid Forth by the lily hand, the which was crown'd

With ears of corn and full her hand was found." SPENSER.

This month, Augustus, corresponds with the twelfth historical month Elul, of the Jews: it was called weod month by the Anglo-Saxons, meaning the bonny earth is clothed or covered. It is called Augustus, after the Emperor, because the senate considered the month Sextilis to have been a most happy month to the empire. The Emperor added a day to it, depriving February of one for this purpose. September and November were at the same time deprived, and the odd day given to October and December.

1. This day was the ancient Lammasday, the commencement of harvest in England. In 1851, Edward III., it was enacted, that no carter, ploughman, dairy, (dairy-maid,) or other servant, shall take in the time of hay-making but a penny the day, and reapers of corn, in the first week of August two-pence; the second three-pence; and so to the end of August.

On this day, Columbus first sets his foot on the New World, 1498.

The victory, or as Nelson called it, conquest in the Nile, 1798.

The Emancipation of the Slaves, 1834.

2. The victory of Blenheim, 1704. Upon this day, annually, a banner of France must be presented by the holder of Woodstock to the Queen or King of England.

3. Sir Richard Arkwright died, 1792.

In 678, a morning comet, shaped like a fiery pillar, was seen in England for three months, and was the

means of converting the South Saxons from paganism.

4. Noah releases the dove a second time, who returns in the evening with an olive leaf in her mouth.

7. The seventh day of Elul is a feast with the Jews, in memory of the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem by Nehemiah, B. C. 445.

The French Chamber of Deputies call to the throne Louis Philippe and his male descendents for ever, 1830. 8. George Canning died, 1827.



This day, A. D. 70, Titus captured the Holy City.

John Dryden born at Aldwinke,1631. Louis Philippe accepts the crown of France, 1830.

The island of Madagascar is discovered, 1506.

Dr. R. Mead born at Stepney, 1673. Noah sends forth the dove again, on Saturday, who returns no more.

Rev. Rowland Hill born, 1744. 13. Jeremy Taylor died, 1667. 15. Napoleon Buonaparte born, 1769.

Sir Walter Scott born, 1771. 17. This day is a Hebrew fast for the destruction of those spies who slandered the land of promise; Numb. xiv.

In the year 1348, the European Continent was visited by a threefold scourge earthquakes, deluges of rain, and a vast ephemeral pestilence. The first appeared in England, at Dorchester, on this day. The Islands were decimated.

21. The great solar eclipse which first turned the attention of Tycho Brahe, at the age of fourteen, to the science of astronomy, 1560.

24. The massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572. The total number of victims was 70,000.

Two thousand ministers deprived by the Act of Uniformity, 1662.

James Watt, the inventor of the steam-engine, died, 1819.

Sir Wm. Herschell died, 1822.

26. Julius Cæsar lands eight miles north of Dover, on British ground, B.C. 55.

The Children's Separate Service.



JER. vii. 18.

"The children gather the wood." MORE than one thousand two hundred years since some English boys and girls were carried for sale into the slave-market at Rome. A generous man, who gazed upon their beautiful countenances, lamented their condition, and remarked, "They have angelic faces, it is a pity they are not co-heirs with angels." This good man, afterwards called Gregory the Great, thought much of England, and soon afterwards sent Augustine and forty missionaries to this country to teach the people the way of salvation.

Since that time the Scriptures have been translated and printed. Many million copies have been circulated, Sunday-schools have been opened, and many thousands of children have been gathered into the Saviour's heavenly fold.

Now some of these Sabbathscholars, like the poor monks who came to visit our country, have gone as missionaries to heathen nations. But they must be supported, and since some of you sent them in a beautiful new ship, called the John Williams, I have been thinking you might do something to maintain them while preaching the unsearchable riches of Christ.

Now look at the text. It is a representation of idolatrous worship. The people are presenting offerings to false deities; the fathers are kindling the fire, and the mothers are making cakes for the queen of heaven. Yes, and the children are very busy in gathering the wood. How sad is the picture. How thankful you might be that

you live in a land of Bibles an Sunday-schools! But I have bee thinking you ought to gather som wood to keep alive the flame on the missionary altar: some young peo ple, and Sunday-school children have collected a great deal for th Missionary Society; but every on may do something. That beautifu river which carries the ships from London to all parts of the world, made up of many little streams and so the missionary of the cros may be supported by the unite offerings of Sabbath-scholars. B I will speak to you more partic larly by noticing from our text,


1. Youthful-Some people thin children have nothing to do wit missions. This is a great mistake In idolatrous countries, they prac tise many cruelties upon their poo helpless babes: some of the mother cast their lovely children into the river Ganges, as an offering to the god, and others make their offspring to pass through the fire of Moloch When Mr. Moffat was in this coun try, he had a little girl called Sarah Roby, that he had rescued alive from a deep pit, into which she had been cast by her cruel mother. This is often the case when food is scarce; the mother will dig a pit and bury her child alive. Now who would not like to put a stop to these cruelties practised upon poor helpless, innocent children? Methinks some of you would like to make their parents better and kinder to them. Well the gospe makes people love the bodies and souls of their children. You may help to send Bibles and Missionaries, by gathering wood or pro

ring funds for the Missionary ›ciety.

Oh! how you should pity and elp these poor heathens. Many e now in heaven, through the bbath-scholars of our land; and the poor helpless children of idotry could speak, they would say, Come over and help us." Active. Some of you, perhaps, gin to feel it would be a good ing to send out a missionary, to it an end to these abominations, d teach the people the way to erlasting happiness. Most, if not I of you pray, "Thy kingdom me;" but there must be someing more than good wishes or rnest prayers. The children are presented in the text as gathering ood; and so if we are to destroy olatry in the world, you must try ad collect more funds for the Misonary Society. It is calculated are 2,000,000 of Sundaycholars in our schools; and if all hese were active and busy in getng only one penny per week, we ight have the income of all our ocieties more than doubled for ending out the gospel!-Will you ry and do this? Why not? "Nations now from God estranged,


Then shall see a glorious light; Night to day shall then be changed, Heaven shall triumph in the sight!" II. THE WORK. 66 GATHER WOOD."

1. Great.-If you look at a missionary map, you will see what a small portion of the earth has any knowledge of Jesus Christ. Look at China, India, South Sea Islands, and Caffreland, where ignorance, vice, superstition, and cruelty prevail. Some good men have gone to these places, but they want more labourers, and the Societies want more funds. Much fuel is wanted

for the present fire, and if it be increased, the children must gather more wood. The work is great, but every boy and girl may help it on:

"The sands make the mountain;

Moments make the year."

So the smallest sums may help to fill the treasury, and increase the number of missionaries. Then you may all work-only work now, while it is called day: "Be steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord."

2. Good.-Many, like idolaters, are fond of bad works. This is the work of God, and therefore it must be a good work. You are happy with the gospel!-Would you not wish to make others happy? You love the Saviour!-Would you not wish others to love him? Oh! then, come and engage in this good work. Like the busy bee, work while you can-help to kindle the fire by gathering the wood-lay it upon the altar-ask the Saviour to accept it, and make it a blessing, that his "saving health may be known among all nations."

One word, in conclusion.- My dear children, do you love the gospel yourselves? You have many sins, as well as these poor heathen children. Every boy and girl has a hard heart, that must be broken for sin, and purified by the Spirit of God!

Oh! let me urge you, my young

friends, to seek the Saviour's pardoning mercy: try to be one of the lambs of his flock, since it is said,

"He shall feed his flock like a

shepherd, he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young."

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