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" He words me, girls, he words me, that I should not Be noble to myself; but hark thee, Charmian. [Whispers CHARMIAN. Iras. Finish, good lady ; the bright day is done, And we are for the dark. "
The Plays of William Shakspeare. .... - Sida 119
efter William Shakespeare - 1800
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Antony and Cleopatra ; Cymbeline ; Pericles ; London prodigal ; Thomas, Lord ...

William Shakespeare, Nicholas Rowe - 1709 - 656 sidor
...(Sirjy, he words me, That I ftiould not be noble to my felf. But hark thee, Charmian. Iras. Finifti, good Lady, the bright day is done, And we are for the dark. Cleo. Hie thee again. I have fpoke already, and it is provided, Go put it to the hafte. Char. Madam,...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Seven Volumes, Volym 6

William Shakespeare - 1733 - 480 sidor
...me, That I Ihould not be noble to my felf. But hark thee, Charmian. \JVhiffers Charmian. Iras. Finim, good lady, the bright day is done, And we are for the dark. Cleo. Hie thee again. — (68) I've fpoke already, and it is provided j Go put it to the hafte. Char....
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The Works of Shakespear: In Six Volumes, Volym 5

William Shakespeare - 1745 - 548 sidor
...he words me, that I mould not Be noble to my felf. But hark thee, Charmian. [Wbifpers. Iras. Finim, good Lady, the bright day is done, And we are for the dark. Cleo. Hie thee again. I've fpoke already, and it is provided, Go put it to the hafte. Char. Madam,...
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The works of Shakespear, with a glossary, pr. from the Oxford ed ..., Volym 7

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 352 sidor
...words me, that I (hould not Be noble to my felf. ftit balk thee, Cbarmiats. \WbiSftn, Iras. Fini(h, good Lady, the bright day is done. And we are for the dark. Oet. Hie thee again. ' I've fpoke already, and it is provided, Go put it to the hafts. Cbar. Madam,...
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The Works of Shakespeare, Volym 7

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 450 sidor
...me, That I mould not be noble to my felf. But hark thee, Charmian. [Whifpers Charmian. Iras. Fini(h, good lady, the bright day is done, And we are for the dark. Cleo. Hie thee again. •• I've fpoke already, and it is provided ; Go put it to the hafte. Char....
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Antony and Cleopatra;: An Historical Play,, Volym 1

William Shakespeare - 1758 - 114 sidor
...CLE. Hewords me,girls,hewordsme,that I mould not Be noble to myfelf : But hark thee, Charmian. IRA. Finifh, good lady; the bright day is done, And we are for the dark. CLE. —Hie thee again: I have fpoke already, and it is provided ; Go, put it to the hafte. CHA. —Madam,...
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The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes : Collated with the ..., Volym 7

William Shakespeare - 1762 - 440 sidor
...giris, he words me, That I mould not be noble tp.myfelf. But hark the'e, Cbarmian. [Whiffers Charmi.in, Iras. Finifh, good lady? the bright day is done, And we' are for the dark. ' "" Cleo. Hie thee again.——-— I've fpoke already, and it is provided ; Go put it to the hafte....
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the ..., Volym 7

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 566 sidor
...he words me, . . That I fhould not be noble to myfeif. But hark thee, Charmion. [Wbifyers Charmion. Iras. Finifh, good lady. The bright day is done, And we are for the dark. Cleo. Hie thee again. I've fpoke already, and it is provided ; Go put it to the hafte. Char. Madam,...
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The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volym 7

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 484 sidor
...me, That I mould not be noble to myfelf. But hark thee, Cbarmian. [Whifptn Charmian.. Iras. Finifli, good lady, the bright day is done, And we are for the dark. dec. Hie thee again. • (68) I've fpoke already, and it is provided ; Go put it to the hafte. Char*...
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The works of Shakespeare, with corrections and illustr. from ..., Volym 9

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 334 sidor
...me, ' That I fhould'not be noble to myfelf. But hark thee, Charmian. [Whifpers Charmian. Irat Finidi, good Lady. The bright day is done, And we are for the darfc* ,, Cleo. Hie thee again. I've fpoke atready, and it is pvovideJ ; Go put it to the hafte. Cj«r....
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