Sidor som bilder

List II.

FOR ONE FULL YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. 18.-"CATHERINE OWEN'S NEW COOK BOOK," a popular treatise on the art of cooking by Catherine Owen. Treats of Culture and Cooking, with Practical Recipes. 12mo Cloth extra.

19.-"CHOICE DISHES AT SMALL COST," by A. G. Payne; Illustrated, 380 pages, bound in Flexible Cloth.

20. "COMMON SENSE HOUSEKEEPING," by Phillis Browne; Illustrated, 256 pages, bound in Cloth.

21.-" KNITTING AND CROCHET," a guide to the use of the needle and hook, by "Jenny June; 144 pages, 200 Illustrations, Paper Cover. 22.-" NEEDLEWORK," a Manual of Stitches and Studies in Embroidery and Drawn Work, by "Jenny June;" 126 pages, 200 Illustrations, Paper Cover.


23. LADIES MANUAL OF FANCY WORK," by "Jenny June;" 96 pages, 500 Illustrations, Paper Cover.

24. "WHAT EVERY ONE SHOULD KNOW," a Cyclopedia of Practical Information, containing complete directions for making and doing over 5,000 things necessary in Business, the Trades, the Shop, the Home, the Farm and the Kitchen, 510 pages, bound in Cloth.

25. "THE USAGES OF THE BEST SOCIETY," A Manual of Social Etiquette, by Frances Stevens; 200 pages, Cloth Binding.

26.-" COMMON SENSE IN THE NURSERY," by Marion Harland; 200 pages, bound in Cloth. Contains familiar and sensible talks with mothers with suggestions on nursery cookery, clothing for children, Mother's Half Minutes, and suggestions for Christmas,

27.-"HEALTH, THE PHYSICAL LIFE OF MEN AND WOMEN," by Franklin D. Clum, M. D.; 400 pages, bound in Cloth.

28.-" "GOLDEN DEEDS," 466 pages, Illustrated, bound in Cloth.


29. Any two of the "HEALTH AND HOME LIBRARY," which comprises the following books, each containing about 100 pages, bound in Cloth: 1,-" The Secret of a Clear Head;" 2,-" The Secret of a Good Memory;" 3,-" Sleep and Sleeplessness; " 4,-"Common Mind Troubles; " 5,-" In Case of Accident; " 6,-" How to Make the Best of Life." 30.-"A Boy's WORKSHOP "; 221 pages, bound in Cloth.

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35.-Is a Table Scarf, 18 x 48 inches, made of best quality felt, of any color you may select, stamped on both ends, ready to be worked. With this will be sent a ball of tinsel to work the pattern with.

36.-Is an Umbrella Case made of fine twilled brown linen. It is designed to be hung on closet-doors or any other suitable place, to hold umbrellas and sunshades, and is a very useful article in the household. It is stamped with suitable design ready to be worked and made up. With it will be sent washable etching cotton to work the pattern. 37. Is a Shoe-Bag; it is made of fine twilled brown linen, has four pockets and is designed to be hung on closet doors to hold shoes, slippers, etc. It is stamped with suitable designs, ready to be worked and made up, and with it will be material to work the pattern.


38. Is a miniature Rolling-Pin with gilded handles. This is designed to be covered with plush [a piece of which sufficiently large to cover it

being sent with it] with several small hooks on which to hang button hooks, keys or any other small article. It is intended to hang up by ribbons which are also




List III.



33.-A COMPLETE STAMPING OUTFIT, contains instructions for doing stamping, both with powder and the liquid process, which cannot be rubbed off. Instructions, also, for making the powders and distributors, and for mixing the material for the indelible stamping, directions how to stamp Felt, Plush, Satin, etc., and all other information necessary to be known, to make stamping a business. There are a large number of articles already stamped, in addition to which are a good Tidy, made of the best quality of Felt, and stamped ready to be worked, and four skeins of Kensington Floss, and a needle with which to work it, and a book which teaches the Outline Stitch, Kensington Stitch, Ribbon Embroidery, Plush Stitch, etc.

34-Contains a Splasher 20 x 30 inches, and two Tidies, one 12 x 15 and one 14 x 18 inches. The splasher is made of linen, fringed on three sides and is designed to be placed back of the wash-stand to prevent the wall from being spattered. It is stamped ready to be embroidered and is intended to be worked in the outline stitch with French embroidery cotton, three skeins of which are sent with it. These splashers are washable. The tidies are made of best quality felt of any color which you may desire and stamped with any design you wish, either for Kensington, Outline or Ribbon embroidery already to be worked. Two skeins of etching silk are also included.

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40. Comprises a DusterCase for holding dusting cloths, and a Laundry-Bag for holding soiled clothes. These are both made of fine twilled brown linen, and stamped with suitable patterns ready to be worked and

made up.


Economical and convenient for all kitchen purposes. Better for
babies than uncondensed milk. Sold everywhere.

ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO. 86 Hudson St. N. Y. P. O. Box 3773.

[blocks in formation]


perfect substitute for Mothers' Milk. The most nourishing diet for invalids and nursing mothers. Keeps in all climates. Commended by physicians. Sold everywhere. Send for our book, "The Care and Feeding of Infants." Sent free.

DOLIBER, GOODALE & CO., Boston, Mass.

So Mason & Hamlin



REQUIRES least labor.

PRODUCES greatest brilliancy.
IS HARMLESS in every respect.
19 YEARS in household use.
Sold everywhere, and sent postpaid on receipt of 15 cents in stamps.
CAUTION - See that full name, ELECTRO-SILICON, and yellow label is on box.
Send address, mention this Magazine, and we will send you TRIAL SAMPLE FREE.

[blocks in formation]

Practical and useful for Flowers, Clothes, Carpets, Shower Bath, House Plants, Destroying Insects, Disinfecting and Deodorizing Rooms, and for Various Fine Sprinkling, throws a Uniform Spray and better | than from a Chinaman's Mouth.

By dipping in a basin of water it fills instantly. The ball is finely perforated. Spray controlled by pressure of the hand. A child can use it. Handsomely finished. Much appreciated by the better class. Sent by mail on receipt of 35 cents. Write for illustrated pamphlet. Mention this magazine to

M. GOLDMAN, Inventor and Mfr.,
Pittsfield, Mass., U. S. A.


Rug Machine

(Pat. Dec. 27, 1881)

Makes Rugs, Tidies, Hoods. Mittens,
etc., with ease and rapidity. Price only
one dollar, single machine with full
directions, sent by mail on receipt of
price. Agents wanted. Apply for cir-

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

culars to E. ROSS & CO., Patentees Skirt Supporter.

and Sole Manufacturers, Toledo, Ohio, Lock Box 184.
Also manufacturers of Rug Patterns.



This engraving shows the latest style of these goods. It is published as a protection for those ladies who wish to obtain mittens well-made from genuine


Whatever the design, all real
Florence Silk Mittens are sold one
pair in a box, bearing the brand
FLORENCE" on one end.

The pattern shown here is
lined in the wrist and back
throughout with silk.

They are perfect fitting, and
in cold climates are far more
comfortable than any glove, are

more durable and quite as
elegant and fashionable as
the best of gloves.

Sold by all
Enterprising Dealers.

Our latest book on knitting (1885
edition) contains over one hundred
valuable illustrated rules, including
full instructions for this mitten.

Mailed to any address on receipt of six cents in stamps.



Combines the most ELEGANT FITTING CORSET with a PERFECT SKIRT SUPPORTER and is one of the most popular and

satisfactory corsets as regards HEALTH

and COMFORT ever invented. It is particularly adapted to the present style of dress.

For sale by all leading dealers. Price by mail $1.30. FOY, HARMON & CHADWICK, New Haven, Conn.

[blocks in formation]


To wear the perfect-fitting




and when she becomes

A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN enjoying good health, she will then be sure to wear them. FITS ALL AGES-Infants to Adults, Every one recommends them. FOR SALE BY LEADING RETAILERS Be sure your corset is stamped "GOOD SENSE." Take no other Send for descriptive circular.


81 White Street, NEW YORK.


Genuine Selected Spices"

Pungent, Aromatic, Economical. STHOS. WOOD & CO., BOSTON.

FACIAL DEVELOPMENT. Will mail you rules to develop mus cles of cheeks and neck, making them plump and rosy; also rules for using dumbbells, to develop every muscle of the arms and body-all for 50 cts. Prof.C.L.Dowd, Home School for Physical culture, 16 E. 14th St.. N. Y.

A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever.

Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier.

Removes Tan, Pimples, Freckles, Moth-Patches, Rash and Skin Diseases, and every blemish on beauty, and defies detection. It has stood the test of 30 years, and is so harmless we taste it to be sure the preparation is properly made. Accept no counterfeit of similar name.

The distinguished Dr. L. A. Sayre said to a lady of the haut ton (a patient:)-" as you ladies will use them, I recommend Gouraud's Cream' as the least harmful of all the Skin preparations." One bottle will last six months, using it every day. Also Poudre Subtile removes superfluous hair without injury to the skin.

MME. M. B. T. GOURAUD, Sole Prop., 48 Bond St., N. Y. For sale by all druggists and fancy goods dealers throughout the U. S., Canadas and Europe.

Beware of base imitations. $1,000 Reward for arrest and proof of any one selling the same.

[blocks in formation]
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keepers to critically examine and use our

Send $1, $2, $3 or $5 for a sample A cordial invitation extended to all the Good Houseretail box by Express, of the best candies in America, put up in elegant boxes, and strictly pure. Suitable for presents. Express charges light. Refer to all Chicago. Try it once. Address,

C. F. GUNTHER, Confectioner, CHICAGO.



Get BRAINERD & ARMSTRONG's factory ends, called Waste Embroidery. 40 cents will buy one ounce, which would cost One Dollar in Skeins. All good silk and beautiful colors. Designs for 100 styles of Crazy Stitches enclosed in each package. Send 40 cents in stamps or postal note to THE BRAINERD & ARMSTRONG CO.,621 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa.


Furnishes a superior home for a limited number of boys. Location unsurpassed for healthfulness and beauty. Instruction thorough. $500. For circulars, address


[blocks in formation]



Best in the world for all purposes, the Laundry, Bath or Toilet. Will not yellow, stick or green the clothes like many soaps made mostly of rosin. Contains no filthy disease-giving greases, cleanest soap made. Positively cures or prevents chapped or sore hands. Send us Wrappers or Trade Marks and get the handsomest set of cards ever sent out.

Sold by all grocers. Manufactured only by


[blocks in formation]

PAUL E. TABEL MFG. CO., Chicago.

Concert Organette!



This is universally owned to be the most complete, per fect, and superter instrument of its kind ever manufactured. Not only is its form more artistic, and its works moro simple, but it contains double the number of reeds to be found in any other instrument of 1ts description. It has also the unusual and most valuable quality that IT CAN BE CHANGED instantly from a high to a low key and back again

at pleasure. The Concert Organette is fast making its way into the drawing rooms of our most ro spectable people, it possessing the most desirable advantage over

net Organs, that IT CAN BE PLAYED BY ANYONE even if totally ignorant of a single note of music. The Concert Organette, has two stops with two sets of the finest and strongest Organ Reeds. 28 in number. It rivals the Cabinet Organ in the power, fullness and sweet melodiousness of its tones all through the register Price, only $12.00 each. We have made up our mind to enormously increase our sales, and to do it in the shortest time possible, we make this

EXTRAORDINARY OFFER Dollar Concert Organette for we will sell this splendid Twelve Only Seven Dollars

FEB.1st 1886, So Take Advantage of TO ANY PERSON WHO WILL ORDER BEFORE this offer now and send your order at once. We send free, with each order, a good selection of music and guarantee every instrument perfect. We will send C O. D.. if Three Dollars is sent with the order, the balance, Four Dollars can be paid at express office when the Organ. otte is received. Send P O. Money Order or Registerd Letter to

World M'f'g, Co. 122 Nassau Street, New York

Labor Saving Kitchen Utensils.

Recommended and praised without stint by the Physicians, Press and Public all over the world. Every modern kitchen NEEDS THEM.




HOLLOW WARE, With safety attachments, precluding all possibility of burns, scalds, etc., and entirely doing away with rags!

Not a particle of smell in the house, no matter what you cook-onions, cabbage or krout. No overflow on the stove!


285 pages, very fine cloth binding, and illuminated cover. $1.00 by mail.



Known to every woman on earth as her best friend. Send for illustrated catalogue to

The Hunter Sifter


30 to 40 East 5th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.




Without a rival as a dressing for all Salads, and as a sauce for Cold Meats, etc. It is prepared with extreme care; all its ingredients are of the purest and best; and will keep good for years.





Wrinkles, Pimples, Moles, Blackheads, Pittings, Superfluous Hair, and all blemishes permanently removed. Complexions beautified. The form developed. Flesh increased or reduced. Hair and Brows colored and restored. Satisfaction guaranteed. All correspondence confidential. Interesting circulars, testimonials (sealed), 4c. Mme. E. Velaro, 2012 Lexington Av., N. Y. City.


Which for quality and attractive form in putting up, we claim superior to any similar kind that has been placed upon the market.

Great care is taken that the paper is uniform, perfect and up to standard.

Send for Special Price List giving details, etc.

[blocks in formation]

D. LOTHROP & COMPANY'S CHOICE NEW BOOKS, 1885-86. D. Lothrop & Company present a remarkably attractive list of new publications possessing genuine value from every point of view, as will be evident from the following notes. The literature offered which includes history, biography, general literature, romance, poetry and various scientific works, presents a sufficiently wide range to meet the needs of all classes of readers.

“A Family Flight Around Home and A Family Flight Through Mexico" are the two latest volumes of the Family Flight series, by Edward Everett and Susan Hale, and deal largely with the picturesque side of history, as well as of life and scenery in the countries treated. Illustrated, extra cloth, $2.50.

"Boys and Girls Annual, 1885." Contains original stories expressly prepared by the best of living authors who are favorites with the young folks. Extra cloth, gilt, $3.00.

"We Young Folks." All young people will be attracted by this book with its stories of hunting and fishing, of life in the "good old times," of famous men and women, etc. Lithograph covers, $1.50.

"The Pansy, 1885.” is distinguished among annuals, as formerly, by articles which commend it especially to Christian homes. It abounds in delightful stories, interesting descriptions of famous men and places and the brightest of pictures. Lithograph covers, $1.25; cloth, $1.75; cloth gilt, $2.

"Some Boys and Girls." Edited by Pansy. These are stories of good times—the delightful experiences of genuine merry-hearted boys and girls in this and other lands, with much that is entertaining in biography and history. Lithograph covers, $1.25.

"Storyland." A land which all little people will delight to visit. Its stories are illustrated by beautiful pictures and appear in handsome type. Lithograph covers, $1.25.

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"Young Folks' Cyclopædia of Stories of Famous Authors." Favorite stories by such authors as Mary Hartwell Catherwood, Ella Farman, C. R. Talbot, Julia A. Eastman, Mrs. Hallowell, and others. Elegant cloth binding, $3.00.

"Wide-Awake Volume T." Contains besides other notable features Charles Egbert Craddock's brilliant Tennessee story “Down the Ravine," a stirring historical serial, "In Leisler's Time," by Elbridge S. Brooks, and Mrs. Champney's, "Bubbling Teapot," with stories, poems and papers, by Mrs. A. T. D. Whitney, Edwin Arnold, Margaret Sidney, Susan Coolidge, Edward Abbott, Rose Terry Cooke, etc. A frontispiece in eighteen colors. “A Merry Christmas to You," is reproduced by L. Prang & Company in their choicest style, from drawings by L. H. Lungren. Quarto, 400 pages, boards, $1.75; cloth, gilt, $2.25.

"The Golden West " as seen by the Ridgway Club, by Margaret Sidney. The fascinating record of a journey embodying material collected in personal travels by the author, and admirably adapted not only to the instruction of the young, but of older readers. It presents authentic information as to the people, natural scenery and customs of our newer States and Territories. Lithograph cover, $1.75 cloth, $2.25.

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'Little Folks' Art Book." Such artists as Bodfish, Sweeny, Barnes, and Francis, have furnished outline drawings calculated to entice the little ones into attempts at copying, and thus lead them to a taste for art.

"The Procession of the Zodiac." Here are twelve ideal figures and landscapes representative of the Zodiac signs, drawn by Jessie McDermott, and effectively printed in brown. A pretty legend or story, by Margaret Johnson, accompanies each picture. Quarto lithograph cover, 75 cents; cloth, tinted edges, $1.00.

"No Questions Asked." In this volume we have a characteristic comedy by Charles R. Talbot, ("More than they bargained for,") with two sparkling stories for children in the style of Howell's "The Elevator."

"Baby Barefoot." By Mary Harris McQueen. The life and adventures of a wonderful and lovable baby (as all babies are,) in- ¦ cluding its journey to Florida. Quarto, boards, 75 cents.

"In No-Man's Land," by Elbridge S. Brooks. With seventy-five pen and ink character drawings by Hassam. A book of wonder

stories worthy of comparison with "Alice in Wonderland,” and calculated to fascinate all young people. Quarto, boards, 75 cents. "In The King's Garden and Other Poems," by James Berry Bensel, one of the most pleasing and creditable of recent poetical volumes, introduces to the public a young New England poet, whose stray verses, appearing from time to time, have attracted unwonted attention by their delicacy of imagery, poetic insight, and purity of sentiment. Sold only by subscription. Price, $1.00.

"Wonderful Christmases of Old." Edition de Luxe, presents the story as told by Hezekiah Butterworth, of ten of the famous events which have occurred on Christmas day, from the time of the catacombs in Rome to that of the "Mayflower." Each story is illustrated by dramatic pictures drawn by F. H. Lungren, and printed on india paper in tints, no two colors alike, as in "Heroines of the Poets." Large quarto, bound in the same style as the "Heroines of the Poets," $8.00; leather binding, $10.00. The same book, popular edition, small quarto with illustrations printed from the finest wood engravings, bound in unique antique fashion, gilt edges, $2.00: satin, $4.00.

"The Stabat Mater." With historical and critical notes by Franklin Johnson, contains with photogravure illustrations from the old masters, the famous Latin hymns Stabat Mater Specioso, and Stabat Mater Doloroso, with English translations. 8vo. cloth, gilt edges, $3.00; morocco, $6.00.

"The Old Arm Chair." This old heart song, long enshrined in popular favor, in the beautiful setting here given, will commend itself anew to popular favor. The illustrations are admirable, especially the frontispiece, by Miss L. B. Humprey. Small quarto, style of "Old Oaken Bucket," handsomely bound in cloth, $1.50; alligator, $1.50; silk plush, $5.00.

"Helps by the Way." Compiled by S. W. W. and M. S. H. with an introduction by Rev. Phillip Brooks, D. D., contains triple quotations for each day in the year. Elegant cloth 16m0, $1.00, gilt edges, $1.25.

"But Half a Heart." Seventh volume of the famous V. I. F. series. By Marie Oliver. 12m0, $1.25. A new volume by a charming writer whose vigor and originality are winning for her a high place as a writer of choice romance.


Mr. M. Goldman of Pittsfield, Mass., has placed on the market an atomizer and sprinkler that has many important uses. By means of short iron handles, a rubber ball, one side of which is filled with fine perforations, is pressed against a wooden projection, so as to eject an even and fine spray after the ball has been filled with water. A single immersion of the ball in a basin of water refills it instantly and the sprinkling can be continued with scarcely any effort. The value of the spray ejected consists in its force and evenness, as well as the operator's ability to regulate the amount of liquid thrown by the pressure of the hand. The most important use it has been put to is for the purpose of sprinkling clothes for ironing. With the greatest ease a large washing may be moistened so evenly and thoroughly that the housekeeper can commence ironing as soon as the last piece is finished without putting the clothes to become evenly dampened as is necessary when the work is done by hand. No less important is its use in disinfecting rooms. Physicians and sanitarians have long been at a loss to devise a practical atomizer suitable | for disinfecting a room by ejecting a spray of fluid so fine as not to injure the furniture and yet in sufficient quantity to cleanse the air. In a few minutes a housekeeper can purify a close room or disinfect air tainted by sickness or disease. For sprinkling plants in the house it is unequalled as the operation can be successfully performed without injury to surrounding objects. For destroying insects on house plants it is equally useful, as it can be placed under the leaves and the insect exterminator thrown upward. With a little ammonia, the sprinkler can be used to moisten carpets and floors before sweeping, settling the dust without wetting them as much as by other methods. Tailors can use it successfully in sponging and cleaning clothes; cigar-makers will find it the best atomizer for dampening tobacco. Tobacco growers are recommended to try it as a worm destroyer, as by it a spray can readily be thrown up in the air, lodging under the leaves. Mothers and nurses have found the article useful in giving the baby a shower bath, and perfume may be used in it on the person and clothing, thus getting the best results from the least expenditure of the liquid. This enumeration might be indefinitely extended, as the uses of the atomizer are unlimited. It costs but 35 cents, and the rubber ball, the only part of it which can ever wear out, can be replaced for 10 cents. It is finding a ready sale and is proving entirely satisfactory.

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Do not fail to try one of these most valuable of Household articles. 60,000 families now confirm the merits of this machine. You will not do without it at any reasonable price, after you have learned its good qualities. With the


You are not compelled to stand over a hot stove to do a washing. It is far superior to all other machines made for the purpose, and is warranted to please. Agents wanted. Address

HORTON MFG. CO., Fort Wayne, Ind., U. S. A.


Absolutely the best. Softens and preserves leather. Makes ladies' shoes look new, not varnished. BUTTON & OTTLEY,

[blocks in formation]

Greatly improved. Price reduced. Unequaled for health, comfort and durability. All sizes for both sexes. Stooped shoulders and a contracted chest avoided by wearing

Sent by mail on receipt
of $1, and measure around
the chest, under the arms.

Cleveland, (0.) Shoulder Brace Co.
For sale by all dealers. Ask for it.


[blocks in formation]


Leading Shoe Dealers everywhere commend it. Is economical. Take no other. Beware of imitations. Mfrs., NEW YORK.


Preserved Fruits, Spiced Fruits, Canned Fruits, Jellies, Jams, Pickles and Mince Meat, in Glass. Orders from families solicited. Circulars with references and prices sent on application. Address


393 Degraw St., Brooklyn.


A Splendid Christmas Gift!

Ladies Do Your Own Stamping!

With our New ONE DOLLAR Outfit

You can SAVE MONEY by doing your own Stamping
You can MAKE MONEY by doing it for others.
Good $5 Stamping Outfit for $1.00


Teaches also How to Stamp Plush, Felt, &c. Teaches the Kensington, Plush Ribbon

and other stitches. Also How to Do

15 &c. The patterns contained in
15 this outfit are all useful and desir

able for stamping Hatbands, Lamp and Table-Mats. Tidles, Doylies, 35 Towel Racks Lambrequins, Splas

1 outline design, Boy and Girl Skating, 7 in. high

With the Outfit You Can Learn the Art of the Kensington Embroidery. You can

Perforated Stamping, and do your own stamping. You can adorn your house with hundreds of beautiful articles
of Kensington Embroidery. You can teach the art of Kensington Embroidery and Stamping and
do embroidery for others Many young ladies who begin business with our Embroidery Outnt, are now doing a very pretty
TWO outfits $1,75
and paying business REMEMBER
sent in a box for only
in their own homes.
ONLY THREE DOLLARS. Get three of your friends to send with you and get your own OUTFIT FREE!
Send Postal Note, Money Order

the entire Outfit will be ONE DOLLAR FOUR outfits for

Stamps there, send an orders to World Man'f'g Co. 122 Nassau Street, New York

It is seldom that we have an opportunity to direct attention to anything so really worthy of notice as this Complete Stamping Outfit. While the price is almost ridiculously low for the entire outfit, the number, excellence and variety of the articles furnished almost exceeds belief Even for a family to do its own stamping the outfit would be of great service; but when it is realized, that by means of the instruction, samples and materials that are included as "Outfits," any lady can easily become a proficient in making choice Kensington Lace of most elegant and graceful patterns, and become skilled in executing every description of perforated stamping and thus make a nice addition to her income in a very easy and pleasant way, it would seem that scarcely anyone would neglect taking advantage of so favorable an opportunity. These stamping outfits are particularly appropriate for holiday presents and, in our opinion, well worthy of attentive considertion.

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