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Liberty to make some practical Observations upon it; and then I shall conclude.

1. And first of all, from this Account that has been given, we may learn, what the true Marks are of a Child of God; or, upon what Grounds any Person can rationally affure himself that he is in God's Favour, and shall go to Heaven. For as the miraculous Operations of the Spirit in the Days of the Apostles were the publick Testimony of the Holy Ghost, that the christian Church in general was the People of God, and design'd to everlasting Happiness; so the Spirit's dwelling in the Souls of particular Christians, is his private Testimony to particular Perfons, that they are effectually the Children of God, and shall be actually raised up to everlasting Happiness. This, I say, is the great, if not the only Evidence that any Person can give to himself of his particular Right and Title to the Kingdom of Heaven. And this, I think, is clear from what has been faid: But if it be not, pray observe the Apostle's Words a little before at Verse 9th, which will put the Matter out of doubt, viz. Ye are not, faith he, in the Flesh, but in the Spirit, if fo be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any Man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. So that to have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us, is a certain Proof that we belong to Chrift. VOL. V.



v. 9.

And on the other fide, not to have him dwell in us, is a certain Proof that we do not belong to Christ.

But doth not the Spirit dwell with all Christians? I anfwer, No; by no means. All Persons indeed that are baptiz'd, and profess Christianity, are by Designation the Temples of the Holy Ghost; for the Holy Spirit would dwell in them: But yet for all that, he doth not actually dwell in all, because some of them do themselves put a Bar to it. The Holy Spirit dwells with his Church; is present in all Christ's publick Ordinances and Administrations, and is ready to afsist every Person that doth with Sincerity apply himself to the Service of Jesus Christ. But he dwells not with any Soul but those that have fo far made Use of his Affistance, and encouraged his holy Motions, that they begin to frame their Actions according to his Conduct, and he becomes a Principle in them of a holy christian Life.

But you will say, this is hard to be understood : You tell us, that the Spirit's dwelling within us is the Evidence of our being the Sons of God; but ftill we are at a Loss to know when the Spirit dwells within us. I answer, you need not be much at a Loss for the knowing of that; for St. Paul in those very Passages I have now read to you, has given you fufficient Rules by which you may judge, whether the Spirit of God dwell in you, or no: And


And they do amount to this. We may know we have the Spirit, if we be led by v. 14. the Spirit; that is, if our Designs and Actions be in the general Course of our Lives suitable to the Precepts of the Gospel. Again, we may know we have the Spirit, if we do not live after the Flesh, but endea- v.13. vour to mortify the Deeds of the Body. Again a third time in this Chapter he tells us how we may know whether we be in the Flesh, or in the Spirit. They, faith he, that are after the Flesh, do mind the Things of the Flesh: but they that are after the Spirit, do mind the Things of the Spirit.


If all this be not plain enough, let us confult him farther in another Epiftle, viz. to the Galatians; where he tells us plainly, Chap.. that we may know we are in the Flesh, if we do the Works of the Flesh; and we may know that we are led by the Spirit, if we bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit. The v. 19, 10, Works of the Flesh, says he, are manifeft, which are these; Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lasciviousness, Idolatry, Witchcraft, Hatred, Variance, Emulations, Wrath, Strife, Seditions, Herefies, Envyings, Murders, Drunkenness, Revellings, and fuch like; of the which I tell you before, as I hove also told you in time past, that they which do Such Things, shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. But, on the other Side, the Fruits of v. 22, 23 the Spirit are these, Love, Foy, Peace,

Long-Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith,




Meekness, Temperance: - And they that are Chrift's, have crucified the Flesh with the Affections and Lufts. I do not know what plainer Signs or Characters can be given, either on the one Hand, of Sin reigning in us; or on the other Hand, of the Spirit's dwelling in us, than these that are here given by the Apoftle.

2. Taking now this for granted, I obferve in the second Place, that that which fome People take for a Mark of a true Child of God, is no Mark at all. Some do so understand these Words in my Text of the Spirit's witnessing with our Spirit, that we are the Children of God, as to conclude that if they have an Impulse, or Impression on their own Minds, that they are in a State of Grace, and the Elect of God: If it be strongly whispered and suggested to them, though they do not know why, nor wherefore, that they are in the right way, and that God accepts of them; why this passes with them for the Witness of the Spirit of God with their Spirits, that they are the Children of God. And on the other fide, others that have not these comfortable Impressions, these Satisfactions, this Affurance (as they call it), in their own Minds; but are fearful, and apt to distrust their Condition, and to believe the worst of themselves, [Thefe] conclude, that they have not this

Witness of the Spirit that my Text speaks of;

of; and confequently, that their Portion is like to be very miferable. But in truth, neither the one nor the other of these Persons I have now represented, do reason right in this Matter. The former are not one whit the better or the safer for their comfortable Perfuafion of themselves: Nor are the latter in any more Danger for their melancholy Apprehenfions concerning their Condition. Both the one and the other must be tried by the Fruits they bring forth in their Lives, and not by unaccountable Impulses. The most sanguine Man, the most confident and assured Person, if he do not bring forth the Fruits of the Spirit I have now named, hath no Testimony from the Holy Ghost, (whatever he fancies) that he is the Child of God. And again, the most dejected and melancholy Soul, if he do in his Life and Conversation bring forth these Fruits, he hath the Witness of the Spirit that he is the Child of God, tho he be not aware of it; and tho' through the present Disorders of his Mind he is not capable of receiving any Comforts from it.

3. But lastly, and to conclude, since all the Evidence we can give to ourselves that we in particular are the Children of God, is that the Holy Spirit dwelleth within us; how infinitely doth it concern us, both to endeavour that the Holy Ghost should take up his Habitation in our Hearts; and also,



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