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and how constant to the Death in asserting his Pretenfions?

Have you thought of the prodigious Miracles that he wrought all his Life long for the Confirmation of his Doctrine; the Voices of God from Heaven to attest that he was the Son of God; his Refurrection from the Dead, and visible Ascension into Heaven? Which Things are Demonstrations to all Mankind, that believe a God and Providence, that Jesus Christ was no other than he pretended to be, the Son of God, and the Saviour of the World ?

Lastly, Have you confider'd that the fame Power and Virtue that was in Chrift for the doing all these wonderful Things, was, as he promised, continu'd to his Apostles, and to all the Preachers of the Gospel for many Years afterwards, even till they had converted the World from Idolatry to the Belief of Christ Jesus ? And that by no other Ways nor Methods, but by the Excellency of their Doctrine, and the Holiness of their Lives, and the wonderful Miracles they perform'd, and their Readiness at any Time to lay down their Lives for the Cause of the Christian Religion?


These are some of the Things which you ought very well to confider before you can fatisfy your selves that you have Reason to keep off from being Christians. But you will perhaps say, you have thought of all these Things, but yet you are not convinc'd that you ought to embrace Christ's Religion. Why, it is almost impossible. Sure you have not thought of them as you should do. Sure you was biassed and prejudiced on the other Side, when you took these Matters into your Confideration. But that is not fair thinking. You ought to come to those Matters wholly free and indifferent, at least as much as is possible. But pray say seriously, whether the Objections and Diffatiffactions which you have met with about the Christian Religion be the Result of your own thinking, and fuch as you naturally fall into; or you have rather learned them from the Discourse of that lewd, debauch'd, hot-headed Company that you have used to converse with. If so, there is no great Reason you should infist npon them.

I pray be pleased to examine your selves further. Are you really concerned for another World after this? and do you really defire and endeavour to approve yourselves to God as well as you can ? If you do, then I am sure you will do all that natural Religion will teach you about this Matter. Tho' you do not believe in Christ, yet you will live very fober and virtuous Lives, and you will heartily pray to God likewise to direct you in the Way that is acceptable to him. Now do you do this? Do you every Day address to the Throne of Grace for Afsistance and Direction? and do you hate every Thing that is apparently evil, and

and make it your Business to be as pious, and charitable, and fober, as is poffible? Why, whether you believe in Christ or no, these are the Dictates of Natural Religion; and you must thus frame your Life, otherwise you are not qualified for any Direction or Assistance from God Almighty. And if any Man among us do thus frame his Life, I shall think it very strange if such a Man be not a hearty Christian. Sure I am, I never yet heard or read of any Instance to the contrary.

The Truth of it is, Men that are of this Temper, Men that are thus honestly difposed, never fail to believe in Christ at last, tho' at the Beginning they do not. All fuch shall come unto Christ, because the Father draweth them. All fuch, because they endeavour to do God's Will, shall know of Christ's Doctrine, that it is of God. All this our Saviour hath long before told us.

But here is our Cafe :

It is not the virtuous, the good, the humble, the modeft, the charitable, the piouflydisposed Souls that disbelieve Chriftianity among us, but another fort of Men : And I pray God the great Reason of their Unbelief be not this, that the Doctrines of the Gospel do not fuit with those Principles of Liberty which they have espoused; nor with that Course of Life they are engaged in: and therefore fince the Gospel is againft VOL. V. them,


them, they will be against the Gospel. But Woe be to all fuch, for they are of all Mortals in the most hopeless Condition.

" I pray God convert them from the Evil " of their Ways, that they may understand "the Things that belong to their Peace be"fore they be hid from their Eyes." And we ought all to joyn in this Prayer, not only for their Sakes, but for the Publick. For Atheism and Irreligion are infinitely mischievous to the Kingdom, as well as to those particular Persons who maintain and promote them. And I pray God that all of us, who do heartily embrace and believe the Christian Religion, may frame our Lives and Conversation fuitably to it, that so we may be no Disparagement to our holy Faith, but may rather adorn the Doctrine of God we do profess in all Things: This is the true Way to obtain happy, peaceful Days in this World, and the Way likewife that will infallibly bring us safe to the Kingdom of Heaven after this World is ended. May God Almighty grant us both these Bleffings for the Sake of his dear Son our Lord Jesus ; Το whom, &c.



Of Conformity to the Customs and Ways of the World. How far allowable, and how far not.


[Delivered in Two Sermons.]

Rom. xii. 2.

Be not conformed to this World.

HE whole Verse is this: And be not conformed to this World, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your Minds, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect Will of God; that is, ye that call your selves Christians must not follow the Ways of the Men of this World, nor frame your Conversation according to the evil Customs you fee before you; but you are to look upon your selves as Men of another World: your Minds are to be formed and acted with new spiritual Principles, that so ye may both approve and pra




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