proceed. If that be laudable and justifiable, the Ufage is so likewife. But if we will follow the Mode of the World to gratify some ill Affection in us, the whole Rom. 13. Thing is naught; it is a making Provision 14. for the Flesh to Lufts thereof. fulfil the 3. In this kind of Things there is great Regard and Confideration to be had of our own Tempers and Inclinations. There are several Things we might innocently enough comply with, and conform to the World in, if we had the perfect Government of ourselves. But yet the Weakness of our Tempers may be such, that if we use these Compliances we shall be drawn into horrible great Inconveniencies: We shall be betrayed into Sin, tho' we meant no such Thing. Now where we have such Experience of ourselves, in this Case it is adviseable to abridge ourselves even of our lawful Liberties. Thus for Instance; if we cannot adorn ourselves, or wear rich Cloaths, but we are in danger to think our selves the better for them, or to be drawn away to pursue some undecent Design upon the Account of them; if we cannot go into fuch a fort of Company but we are drawn into Intemperance, or foolish Talking: If we cannot play at any innocent Game, but we are apt either to be angry if we lose, or to play for confiderable Sums of Money, or the like; in all these Cafes it is the best wholly to forbear these Things, and to deny deny ourselves lawful Liberties, that we may preserve our Innocency, and not engage in Things unlawful. 4. To conclude: Tho' we may conform to the World in all lawful Things, yet to make a constant Practice of some Things, which are lawful in themselves, will become unlawful to us, and will prove such a Conformity to the World as is here forbidden. A Thing may be done now and then that may be innocent enough, and we shall deserve no Blame for it. But if we make a common Practice of the Thing, fo as to spend our Time in the minding of it, to the Neglect of other more necessary Business, it will in this Case be so far from being lawful, that it will be a grievous Sin in us. For Instance, To use innocent Passtimes and Recreations, to enjoy our Friends, and make Visits, and the like, is not only allowable, but highly commendable: But yet to make a Trade of these Things, fo wholly to give up ourselves to them, as to spend most of our Time in them, this is intolerable, and we shall be called to account for it in the other World. The Reason of this is evident: The main Business we have to do in this World, is to serve God and benefit our Neighbours, and to fit ourselves for Eternity. This is our great Work, and all those other Things we are speaking of, ought to be managed and ordered by us in Subservience thereunto; so that they may U 2 promote promote that great End, and no ways hinder it. But if we so place our Affections, and bestow our Time upon them, that one would think we make Them our great Design, and not the other; then we cannot be innocent, but are horribly unjust both to God, and our own Souls. These are the general Rules by which we ought to steer ourselves in the Practice of the Apostle's Precept of not conforming to the World. The farther applying them to Particulars, is left to every one, as he finds himself concerned. Mat. 6.33. The Sum of all is, We should first seek the Kingdom of God, and the Righteousness thereof, and feriously endeavour in all our Conversation to recommend ourselves to our Lord and Master, by a diligent Obfervance of all his Commands, and abstaining from all the Pollutions of the Flesh and the World. And as for those Gratifications and Liberties that our Religion allows us, we should, as to them, use the World, as tho' we used it not; taking them only by way of Convenience and Accommodation for our more easy Passage thro' this World into the other. DISCOURSE IX. Our Obligations to live as Christ lived. [Delivered in Four Sermons.] 1 PET. ii. 21. (Latter Part of the Verse.) Leaving us an Example, that ye should follow his Steps. T HE whole Verse runs thus: For St. Peter here is exhorting Servants to be subject to their Masters, and with Patience and Submission to bear whatever hard Ufage they might meet with from them. And the Argument wherewith he enforceth this Exhortation is the Example of Christ. He patiently for our Sakes underwent a great Load of Sufferings, and therefore U 3 277 therefore highly reasonable it is that we should not repine at any hard Measures we meet with in the World. The Force and Strength of this Argument lies in that which St. Peter addeth in the last Part of this Verse, namely, that Christ's Life was framed for our Example; that it was design'd to be a Pattern for Christians to walk by, and that we are all of us bound to follow his Steps, He left us an Example, &c. This Point of the Example of Christ is that I have now design'd to treat of; and in speaking to it I shall not restrain it to one Instance, that of his Sufferings; (nor indeed do St. Peter's Words so restrain it, tho' it must be granted he brings it in upon that Occafion) but I shall consider it in its full Latitude with respect to his whole Life and Conversation in the World. I. And in treating of this Argument I shall endeavour these three Things. First of all in general, To shew the great Obligation that lies upon all Christians to follow Christ's Example. II. Secondly, To explain the Extent of this Obligation; How far, and in what Instances Christ's Life is an Example to us, and doth oblige us to Imitation, III. Thirdly, |