told us that also, A new Commandment (faith he) give I unto you, that ye love one another; even as I have loved you, that ye love one another. Away therefore with all other Marks of Chriftianity that fall short of this. Let us have never so much Knowledge in the Mysteries of the Gospel; Let us have never so strong a Faith in Christ, though it were even effectual for the removing of Mountains; Let us be never fo Orthodox in our Opinions; Let us preach and pray never so fluently and affectionately; nay, though we spoke with the Tongues of Men and Angels; nay, though we bestow all our Goods to feed the Poor, and give ourselves to be burnt for Martyrs, yet, if we have not the true Love and Charity that was in Jesus, all fignifies nothing. This the Apostle St. Paul does largely and eloquently set forth to us in the whole 13th Chapter of the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians. And so much for my Third general Point. Other Particulars remain to be spoken to, which I shall referve to another Occafion. In the mean time I will conclude this Discourse with a Collect of our Liturgy: Almighty Almighty God, who haft given thy only Son to be unto us both a Sacrifice for Sin, and also an Enfample of godly Life; Give us Grace, that we may alway most thankfully receive that bis inestimable Benefit, and alfo daily endeavour ourselves to follow the blessed Steps of his most holy Life, thro the same Jesus our Lord. To whom, with the Father, &c. 356 SERMON IV. Chrift's Humility, and Meekness, and acknowledging God in his Actions. 1 PET. ii. 21. Leaving us an Example, that ye should fol low his Steps. T HE last Time I gave an Account of fome of those particular Virtues and Qualities that our Saviour was most eminent and remarkable for, and in which he chiefly proposed himself as an Example to us; and here the first Thing I instanced in, was his exemplary Devotion, both publick and private; the fecond was his Diligence in the Discharge of the Duties of his Calling; and the third was his fervent Love and Charity to Mankind. I now proceed to fome others. The The fourth great Instance, wherein we are especially to propose our Saviour to our Imitation, is his wonderful Humility. In this Quality, and that other of Meekness, (which never fails to accompany it, and of which I shall speak more by and by) He himself doth particularly recommend himself as a Pattern to us in that memorable Passage in the 11th of St. Matthew, last Verse, Come unto me (faith he) all ve that are weary and heavy laden, and I will refresh you; take my Yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in Heart, and ye shall find Reft for your Souls. And certainly a greater Example of Humility and Lowliness there never was, tho' he knew that both upon the Account of the Excellency of his Person, and the Digrity of his Office, he was the greatest of the Sons of Men, yet he made such Condescensions as never Man did. Was it not an astonishing Condescension for the greatest Prince in the World, to make his first Entrance upon Earth in no nobler a Guise and Appearance, than as the Son of a poor Maid espoused to a Carpenter, and to take up his first Lodging in no better a Place than a Manger? Was there ever so great an Expreffion of Lowliness of Mind, as that he, who could command all the World fhould become a Servant Bb Servant to all the World? And yet thus did our blessed Saviour all the Time he lived. He that was the Sovereign of Men and Angels, yet took upon him the Form of a Servant. He, of whom God himself had faid, Let all the Angels of God worship him; and of whom it is said, that, de facto, the Angels of God came and miniftred unto him, yet faith of himself, that He came not to be miniftred unto, but to minister. And this Saying he made good in all the Periods of his Life; for while he was under the Tuition of his poor Parents, he faithfully served them, being, as St. Luke tells us, fubject unto them. So subject indeed, that if we may believe Justin Martyr, he fubmitted himself to follow his Father's Trade and Occupation; and of this truly we have fome Intimation in the 6th of St. Mark. For whereas in other Places he is, by way of Reproach, called the Carpenter's Son, in that Place he is called the Carpenter; from whence one may probably gather, that, during his Minority, he profefsed the fame Art that his reputed Father Jofeph did. After he came to his own Disposal, and to a more publick Employment, he still made good the Character of a Servant; he had nothing of outward Pomp or Greatness in his Circumstances, that might attract Mens Eyes, and recommend him to the Efteem |