By drunken prophefies, libels, and dreams, Dive, thoughts, down to my foul! here Clarence comes. Enter Clarence guarded, and Brakenbury. Brother, good day: What means this armed guard, That waits upon your grace? Clar. His majesty, Tendering my person's fafety, hath appointed Cla. Because my name is-George. Glo. Alack, my lord, that fault is none of yours; He should, for that, commit your godfathers: Clar. Yea, Richard, when I know; for, I protest, And, for my name of George begins with G+, 3-Edward be as true and just,] i. e, if Edward keeps his word. JOHNSON. 4 And, for my name of George begins with G, &c.] So, in Nicols's Tragical Life and Death of Richard III: "By that blind riddle of the letter G, "George loft his life; it took effect in me." STEEVENS. These, as I learn, and such like toys as these 5, Glo. Why, this it is, when men are rul'd by women: ر 'Tis not the king, that fends you to the Tower; Clar. By heaven, I think, there is no man secure, Glo. Humbly complaining to her deity The jealous o'er-worn widow, and herself, Brak. I beseech your graces both to pardon me; His majesty hath straitly given in charge, That no man shall have private conference, Of what degree foever, with his brother. Glo. Even fo? an please your worship, Brakenbury, You may partake of any thing we say: 5-toys] Fancies, freaks of imagination. JOHNSON. So Hamlet, A. 1. S. 4. "The very place puts toys of defperation * Humbly complaining &c.] I think these two lines might be better given to Clarence. JOHNSON. The jealous o'er-worn widow, and herself,] That is, the queen and Shore. JOHNSON. We We speak no treason, man;-We say, the king Brak. With this, my lord, myself have nought to do. Glo. Naught to do with mistress Shore? I tell / He that doth naught with her, excepting one, thee, fellow, Were best to do it secretly, alone. Brak. What one, my lord? Glo. Her husband, knave:--Would'st thou betray me? Brak. I beseech your grace to pardon me; and, withal, Forbear your conference with the noble duke. Clar. We know thy charge, Brakenbury, and will obey. Glo. We are the queen's abjects, and must obey. Brother, farewel: I will unto the king; And whatsoe'er you will employ me in, 8 Well struck in years;] This odd expression in our language was preceded by one as uncouth though of a fimilar kind. "Well shot in years he seem'd &c.] Spenser's F. Queen, B. V. c, vi: The meaning of neither is very obvious; but as Mr. Warton has observed in his Essay on the Faery Queen, by an imperceptible progression from one kindred sense to another, words at length obtain a meaning entirely foreign to their original etymology. STEEVENS. the queen's abjects) That is, not the queen's fubjects, whom she might protect, but her abjects, whom she drives away. JOHNSON. So in Cafe is altered. How? Ask Dalio and Millo, 1604. "This ougly object, or rather abject of nature." HENDERSON. Were Were it, to call king Edward's widow-sister', Cla. I know, it pleaseth neither of us well. I will deliver you, or else lye for you: Clar. I must perforce; farewel. [Exeunt Clarence and Brakenbury. Glo. Go, tread the path that thou shalt ne'er return, Simple, plain Clarence!-I do love thee so, That I will shortly send thy foul to heaven, If heaven will take the present at our hands. But who comes here? the new-deliver'd Hastings? Enter Hastings. Haft. Good time of day unto my gracious lord. Glo. As much unto my good lord chamberlain! Well are you welcome to this open air. How hath your lordship brook'd imprisonment? Haft. With patience, noble lord, as prisoners must: But I shall live, my lord, to give them thanks, That were the cause of my imprisonment. Glo. No doubt, no doubt; and so shall Clarence too; * Were it to call king Edward's widow-fister] This is a very covert and fubtle manner of infinuating treason. The natural. expreffion would have been, were it to call king Edward's wife, fifter. I will folicit for you, though it should be at the expence of so much degradation and constraint, as to own the low-born wife of King Edward for a sister. But by flipping, as it were cafually, widow, into the place of wife, he tempts Clarence with an oblique proposal to kill the king. JOHNSON. King Edward's widow is, I believe, only an expreffion of contempt, meaning the widow Grey, whom Edward had chosen for his queen. Glofter has already called her, the jealous o'erworn widow. STEEVENS. 2 I must perforce.) Alluding to the proverb, "Patience perforce is a medicine for a mad dog." STEEVENS. For For they, that were your enemies, are his, And have prevail'd as much on him, as you. Haft. More pity, that the eagle should be mew'd3, While kites and buzzards prey at liberty.. Glo. What news abroad? Haft. No news so bad abroad, as this at home; The king is fickly, weak, and melancholy, Glo. Now, by faint Paul 4, that news is bad indeed, O, he hath kept an evil diet long, What, is he in his bed? Haft. He is. Glo. Go you before, and I will follow you. [Exit Hastings. He cannot live, I hope; and must not die, For then I'll marry Warwick's youngest daughter: 3-should be mew'd,] A mew was the place of confinement where a hawk was kept till he had moulted. So, in Albumazar: "Stand forth, transform'd Antonio, fully mew'd " From brown foar feathers of dull yeomanry, "To the glorious bloom of gentry." STEEVENS. Now, by faint Paul,) The folio reads: Now, by Saint John,. STEEVENS. Clarence |