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live stock of the new comers, and grazing has, therefore, formed an important branch of agricultural industry in this State. Black cattle, horses, and hogs, are raised in great numbers for exportation. The business of rearing cattle is almost reduced to the simple operation of turning them out upon the prairies, and letting them fatten until the owners think proper to claim the tribute of their flesh.' Salted beef, tallow, hides, pork, and live stock, are important articles of export; the number of hogs slaughtered for exportation in 1836, is stated at nearly 100,000. (Western Address Directory.) Cotton is raised in the southern part of the State, but not in considerable quantities; tobacco is more extensively grown, and hemp, wheat, Indian corn, and other cereals are cultivated with success. only mineral which has been much worked is lead, which is in part exported in pigs, and in part manufactured into sheet lead and shot. But the beds of coal and lime, the profusion and good quality of the iron-ore, and the heavy cost of transporting iron from the sea to these remote regions, will soon make that metal one of the most valuable products of the State. Some lumber, furs, and skins, are procured from Missouri, but most of the last-named are now brought from beyond her borders. The Santa Fé trade employs several hundred men, with 40 or 50 wagons, and the caravans bring home specie, wool, and mules, in return for powder, rifles, knives, cotton and woollen goods, &c."


Hygiene.-Persons removing to the west should, particularly during their acclimatement, wear flannel next the skin, avoid the heavy dews and fogs, and make free use of the TOMATO, (which is one of the very best alteratives and deobstruents known to the Materia Medica-possessing, in an eminent degree, the virtues of calomel divested of the deleterious qualities,) by which they will, in most cases, avoid all those harassing bilious affections, and obstructions, to which unacclimated persons are so frequently subjected. The west, in many parts, is as healthy as any other portion of the globe; but in all migratory operations, a certain acclimation has to be passed through, in which, however, with proper care, there is no danger whatever. In the GREAT WEST, the seat of this contemplated vast Western Empire, the water is pure, the land fertile, the climate salubrious, and the beauty of the scenery unsurpassed-presenting at once the NE PLUS ULTRA of an earthly Elysium.

ILLINOIS AND Iowa. These extensive regions of country, of superior excellence and surpassing beauty, are not very dissimilar to the State already described, and were to form the remaining portion of the vast domain of the nu

cleus before which nations, kingdoms, and empires, were to fall. As the Great plot and LEAGUE is now fully before the nation, and as my limits will not allow me to prosecute the subject further in this Exposé, I will close this chapter with the single remark, that the public weal requires the vigilant eye of the body politic to LOOK WELL TO THE WEST!


I have elsewhere shown the danger that menaces our civil and political institutions from the machinations of the Mormon Impostor, and I now wish to appeal to the feelings and the fears of the Christian community, and to urge all good and religious men to unite their efforts for the purpose of checking and suppressing this Monster in his career of wickedness and blasphemy. The developments I have made, and the documents I have produced, are surely sufficient to convince every man of sense and foresight, that Joe Smith meditates the total overthrow, not only of our government and of our social fabric, but of all creeds and religions that are not in perfect accordance with his own bloody and stupid imposture. The course he has hitherto pursued, particularly in Missouri, shows clearly as the noonday sun, that, had he but the power, he does not lack the will, to propagate his doctrines by the cannon and the bayonet. The Mormons, as soon as they acquired a majority, would proceed to exterminate, or convert forcibly, all those, whether Christians or Heathens, whom they style Gentiles, in distinction from their saintly selves. Even were this not to be inferred from their present conduct, we could readily foretell it from the experience of the course of such fanatics afforded us by history.

The dreadful atrocities perpetrated by the Jews when they rose to follow the numerous pretended Messiahs who have appeared since Christ, are well known to every reader, as also are the miserable calamities which befell the He

brew nation in consequence of their infatuation after these villanous impostors.

When Barchochebas, or, as he styled himself, the Son of a Star, had caused an insurrection against the Romans, the Jews, believing him to be their long-promised Savior, flocked to his standard in immense numbers, and for a long time defied the whole power of the Roman empire, and treated with the most abominable cruelty those of the Gentiles who fell into their hands. They slaughtered, in the course of their rebellion, not less than one hundred thousand Roman citizens, and they were themselves finally subdued only by the sacrifice of more than half a million of lives.

In the fifth century appeared another of these pretenders to the Messiahship, who, in the Island of Candia, so grossly deluded his countrymen, that hundreds threw themselves, at his command, into the sea, because he had promised to conduct them safely through it to the Promised Land.

In the sixth century appeared one named Julian, who, after a long and bloody war, was captured by the generals of Justinian, and put to death, together with his chief adherents.

In 1157, Spain was very much disturbed by another, who so excited against himself the anger of the Mohammedans, that nearly all the Jews in Granada were massacred for supporting him in his insane pretensions.

Towards the close of the twelfth century, also, there arose, in the province of Hamadan, in Persia, an impostor of no common quality, the famous David El David, or, as he is often termed, David Alroy. He defeated, in several sanguinary battles, the sultans of Roum and of Persia, overthrew the army of the caliph, and even captured Bagdad, the capital of the Mohammedan empire, where he reigned for some time in great splendor, and was finally captured and killed by Alp Arslan, king of Karasme. His career, which caused the almost entire destruction of the flourishing Jewish communities in the neighborhood of the Tigris and Euphrates, has been made the subject of a most splendid and eloquent work, by the younger D'Israeli.

It is worthy of remark that all these, and scores of other

Jewish impostors, pretended, as Joe Smith now does, that they were raised up of God to fulfil the ancient prophecies, and restore the Jews to their Promised Land. Like Smith, they based their claims on a literal interpretation of proph ecy, found manifold texts as explicit as the Mormon wall, the stick of Ephraim, the flying angel, and the others alleged in favor of the Mormon pretended revelation. They added miracles and prodigies wherever they were wanted, and found dupes enough to believe and run after them, and sacrifice all earthly good to their preposterous claims, as the Mormons now do to the claims of Smith.*

But the most striking historical parallel to the course of the Mormons, and one, too, from which Smith and his comrades have derived the ideas of many of their proceedings, is contained in the career of the Anabaptists.

They appeared in the year 1525, in Germany, during the religious excitement and confusion produced by the attempts of Luther and his coadjutors to reform the Papacy. They so remarkably resembled the Mormons, that it is quite evident the latter have taken them for models, and have copied their doings with as much accuracy as the spirit of the age would permit. The first leader of the Anabaptists was a low, ignorant fellow, named Thomas Munster, who, like Joe Smith, was at the same time their prophet and military commander. They, precisely again like the Mormons, gave themselves out for "Latter Day Saints," and professed to be chosen by the Almighty as instruments to produce the promised millennium reign of Christ on earth. They believed, likewise, that they were. especial favorites of Heaven in every respect, and that they were, when they wished it, favored with familiar personal intercourse with the Deity, and from him constantly received revelations and instructions. They also believed that their faith rendered them invulnerable to the assaults of their enemies, and that, like the Hebrew leaders of old, they were empowered to confound and to overthrow, by the most stupendous miracles, the adversaries of the Lord and of his church. They also pretended to have frequent visions of all kinds, and related most wonderful tales of their interviews and combats with evil spirits. They also,

Prof. Turner.

like the Mormons, indulged their fancies in prophesying the most horrid calamities to their enemies, and the greatest convulsions in the natural and political world. Such was their enthusiastic zeal, that they soon excited the peasants and ignorant classes of Germany to a pitch of fanaticism unequalled in human history since the days of Mahomet. Their leader, Munster, at length asserted that God had commanded him to resort to arms, in order more speedily to bring about the millennium and the reign of Christ and his saints on the earth!

Accordingly he armed and assembled a vast multitude of his followers, composed altogether of the brutalized peasants of Germany, in whom ages of political and religious oppression had almost extinguished the last vestige of resemblance to Him in whose image they were created at the beginning, and proclaiming himself King of Zion, began to plunder and devastate the towns and castles of Germany, and to slaughter, in the most cruel manner, the classes who, still retaining their senses, endeavored to check his enormities. At length he was met in battle by the imperial forces, and was defeated and captured, after five thousand of his deluded followers had been slain, and the rest routed. Munster was, as he richly deserved, publicly executed soon after he was taken prisoner.

This defeat, and the death of their prophet and general, though it checked for a time the career of these fanatics, did not entirely suppress their zeal or their outrages. A few years afterwards, they, by divine revelation, as they pretended, placed John Matthias at their head, who, bent on following out the plans of the martyred Munster, issued at proclamation in the style of those so profusely given to the world by Joe Smith, commanding the saints to assemble at the New Zion, which Matthias declared was the city of Munster. He pretended that God would from thence enable them so to extend their power, that all the kings of the earth would submit to the dominion of the prophet, and the whole world be conquered by his holy legions. They proceeded in good earnest to carry their insane plans into effect, and, after committing numberless atrocities, were besieged by the civil authorities, and, after a long and terrible siege, during which they defended them

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