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j. Governing International Fishery Agreements with Japan and


Title IV of Public Law 97-389 [H.R. 3942], 96 Stat. 1949, at 1954, approved
December 29, 1982

AN ACT To amend the Commercial Fisheries Research and Development Act of 1964.

Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Fisheries Amendments of 1982".



SEC. 401. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the governing international fishery agreement entered into between the Government of the United States and the Government of Japan pursuant to the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) signed at Washington on September 10, 1982, is approved, and shall become effective on January 1, 1983.

SEC. 402.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the governing international fishery agreement entered into between the Government of the United States and the Government of Spain pursuant to the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) signed on July 29, 1982, is approved.

116 U.S.C. 1823 note.

k. Governing International Fishery Agreement With Portugal

Partial text of Public Law 96-561 [Salmon and Steelhead Conservation and Enhancement Act of 1980; S. 2163], 94 Stat. 3275 at 3287, approved December 22, 1980

AN ACT To provide for the conservation and enhancement of the salmon and steelhead resources of the United States, assistance to treaty and nontreaty harvesters of those resources, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,



Notwithstanding section 203 of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976, the governing international fishery agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Portugal Concerning Fisheries Off the Coasts of the United States, as contained in the message to Congress from the President of the United States dated December 1, 1980

(1) is hereby approved by Congress as a governing international fishery agreement for the purposes of such Act of 1976; and

(2) shall enter into force and effect with respect to the United States on the date of the enactment of this title.

116 U.S.C. 1823 note.

1. Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act

Public Law 96–283 [H.R. 2759], 94 Stat. 553, approved June 28, 1980; as amended by Public Law 97-416 [H.R. 6120], 96 Stat. 2084, approved January 4, 1983; Public Law 98-623 [H.R. 6342], 98 Stat. 3394 at 3408, approved November 8, 1984; Public Law 99-507 [H.R. 4212], 100 Stat. 1847, approved October 21, 1986; and Public Law 101-178 [H.R. 2120], 103 Stat. 1297, approved November 28, 1989

AN ACT To establish an interim procedure for the orderly development of hard mineral resources in the deep seabed, pending adoption of an international regime relating thereto, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the "Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources Act".


(a) FINDINGS.-The Congress finds that

(1) the United States' requirements for hard minerals to satisfy national industrial needs will continue to expand and the demand for such minerals will increasingly exceed the available domestic sources of supply;

(2) in the case of certain hard minerals, the United States is dependent upon foreign sources of supply and the acquisition of such minerals from foreign sources is a significant factor in the national balance-of-payments position;

(3) the present and future national interest of the United States requires the availability of hard mineral resources which is independent of the export policies of foreign nations;

(4) there is an alternate source of supply, which is significant in relation to national needs, of certain hard minerals, including nickel, copper, cobalt, and manganese, contained in the nodules existing in great abundance on the deep seabed;

(5) the nations of the world, including the United States, will benefit if the hard mineral resources of the deep seabed beyond limits of national jurisdiction can be developed and made available for their use;

(6) in particular, future access to the nickel, copper, cobalt, and manganese resources of the deep seabed will be important to the industrial needs of the nations of the world, both developed and developing;

(7) on December 17, 1970, the United States supported (by affirmative vote) the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2749 (XXV) declaring inter alia the principle that the mineral resources of the deep seabed are the common heritage of

130 U.S.C. 1401 note.

2 30 U.S.C. 1401.

mankind, with the expectation that this principle would be legally defined under the terms of a comprehensive international Law of the Sea Treaty yet to be agreed upon;

(8) it is in the national interest of the United States and other nations to encourage a widely acceptable Law of the Sea Treaty, which will provide a new legal order for the oceans covering a broad range of ocean interests, including exploration for and commercial recovery of hard mineral resources of the deep seabed;

(9) the negotiations to conclude such a Treaty and establish the international regime governing the exercise of rights over, and exploration of, the resources of the deep seabed, referred to in General Assembly Resolution 2749 (XXV) are in progress but may not be concluded in the near future;

(10) even if such negotiations are completed promptly, much time will elapse before such an international regime is established and in operation;

(11) development of technology required for the exploration and recovery of hard mineral resources of the deep seabed will require substantial investment for many years before commercial production can occur, and must proceed at this time if deep seabed minerals are to be available when needed;

(12) it is the legal opinion of the United States that exploration for and commercial recovery of hard mineral resources of the deep seabed are freedoms of the high seas subject to a duty of reasonable regard to the interests of other states in their exercise of those and other freedoms recognized by general principles of international law;

(13) pending a Law of the Sea Treaty, and in the absence of agreement among states on applicable principles of international law, the uncertainty among potential investors as to the future legal regime is likely to discourage or prevent the investments necessary to develop deep seabed mining technology; (14) pending a Law of the Sea Treaty, the protection of the marine environment from damage caused by exploration or recovery of hard mineral resources of the deep seabed depends upon the enactment of suitable interim national legislation;

(15) a Law of the Sea Treaty is likely to establish financial arrangements which obligate the United States or United States citizens to make payments to an international organization with respect to exploration or recovery of the hard mineral resources of the deep seabed; and

(16) legislation is required to establish an interim legal regime under which technology can be developed and the exploration and recovery of the hard mineral resources of the deep seabed can take place until such time as a Law of the Sea Treaty enters into force with respect to the United States. (b) PURPOSES.-The Congress declares that the purposes of this Act are

(1) to encourage the successful conclusion of a comprehensive Law of the Sea Treaty, which will give legal definition to the principle that the hard mineral resources of the deep seabed are the common heritage of mankind and which will assure,


among other things, nondiscriminatory access to such resources for all nations;

(2) pending the ratification by, and entering into force with respect to, the United States of such a Treaty, to provide for the establishment of an international revenue-sharing fund the proceeds of which shall be used for sharing the international community pursuant to such Treaty;

(3) to establish, pending the ratification by, and entering into force with respect to, the United States of such a Treaty, an interim program to regulate the exploration for the commercial recovery of hard mineral resources of the deep seabed by United States citizens;

(4) to accelerate the program of environmental assessment of exploration for and commercial recovery of hard mineral resources of the deep seabed and assure that such exploration and recovery activities are conducted in a manner which will encourage the conservation of such resources, protect the quality of the environment, and promote the safety of life and property at sea; and

(5) to encourage the continued development of technology necessary to recover the hard mineral resources of the deep seabed.


(a) DISCLAIMER OF EXTRATERRITORIAL SOVEREIGNTY.-By the enactment of this Act, the United States

(1) exercises its jurisdiction over United States citizens and vessels, and foreign persons and vessels otherwise subject to its jurisdiction, in the exercise of the high seas freedom to engage in exploration for, and commercial recovery of, hard mineral resources of the deep seabed in accordance with generally accepted principles of international law recognized by the United States; but

(2) does not thereby assert sovereignty of sovereign or exclusive rights or jurisdiction over, or the ownership of, any areas or resources in the deep seabed.

(b) SECRETARY OF STATE.-(1) The Secretary of State is encouraged to negotiate successfully a comprehensive Law of the Sea Treaty which, among other things, provides assured and nondiscriminatory access to the hard mineral resources of the deep seabed for all nations, gives legal definition to the principle that the resources of the deep seabed are the common heritage of mankind, and provides for the establishment of requirements for the protection of the quality of the environment as stringent as those promulgated pursuant to this Act.

(2) Until such a Treaty is concluded, the Secretary of State is encouraged to promote any international actions necessary to adequately protect the environment from adverse impacts which may result from any exploration for and commercial recovery of hard mineral resources of the deep seabed carried out by persons not subject to this Act.

3 30 U.S.C. 1402.

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