IN THE COUNTY OF SURREY: COMPRISING BRIEF HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL DELINEATIONS; TOGETHER WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF THE RESIDENCES OF THE Remains of Antiquity, AND OTHER INTERESTING OBJECTS OF CURIOSITY. FORMING A COMPLETE Guide for the Traveller & Tourist. ILLUSTRATED WITH FIFTY ENGRAVINGS, INCLUDING A MAP OF THE COUNTY. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN; AND P. YOUNGMAN, WITHAM AND MALDON, ESSEX. 1821 64 PREFACE. ON completing the Excursions through the counties of Surrey, Kent, and Sussex, and submitting them to the continued patronage of an indulgent public, the Editor conceives that he might possibly be considered wanting in respect to the readers of these numbers, in entirely omitting the prefatory matter, with which it has been customary to introduce the labours of literature and graphic illustration to the world. For his own part his highest aim having been to select and arrange from the most judicious topographical writers, such descriptions and remarks as appeared applicable to the several subjects before him, he has neither praise to claim, nor fears to derive censure, for what has emanated from the minds of others. If the descriptions and remarks alluded to have been placed in lucid order, in interesting points of view, and comprised in volumes of that moderate length, which neither tires in perusal, nor prevents their being adopted as a pocket companion, to the enlightened tourist and general traveller, the object proposed has been sufficiently accomplished, and the value of the accomplishment must be alone estimated by the reader. In regard to the Plates, however, which accompany these pages, the proprietors can unhesitatingly assume a higher ground. Their execution, under the immediate superintendance of an artist distinguished for his delineations of the face of nature, and its embellishments by the hand of art, must continue to merit, as they have already received, the approbation of all who have a taste for the elegancies of graphic excellence. And the views from which they have been taken, being the works of draughtsmen of eminence, have been justly |