Sidor som bilder


Liability, 453; Loss of Baggage, 272, 327;
Negligence, 75, 93, 147, 327, 345, 435; Negli-
gence per se, 39; Nominal Damages, 129;
Notice, 147; Ordinary Care, 435; Passengers
Defined, 183; Protection, 39, 129, 147; Rates,
309; Regular Station, 237; Regulations, 435;
Relation of Passenger, 291, 327, 417; Res
Ipsa Loquitur, 165; Respondeat Superior,
110; Rules and Regulations, 219, 345; Sale of
Ticket, 110; Seats for Passenger, 291; Sleep-
ing Cars, 309; Starting Train, 21; Stations,
381; Street Railways, 435; Sudden Starting.
183; Taxicabs, 364; Trunk Check, 417; Warn-
ing of Strike, 364,

[blocks in formation]





Debt, 345; Conditional Sales, 21; Considera-
tion, 75; Conversion, 111, 273; Crops, 147;
Default, 417;
Deficiency Judgment,
255, 381;
Property, 200, 219; Domestic Animals, 165;
Description of
Emancipation of Minor, 381; Foreclosure,
291, 364; Fraud, 435; Future Advances, 39,
Idem Sonans
327; Priority, 39, 111; Property in Esse, 147;
75; Mortgaged Cattle,
Warehouseman, 417.

Civil Rights-Exclusion from Dance Hall, 147.

Collision-Damages, 381; Evidence, 381; Negli-
gence, 381.


Amendment, 201; Commission, 165; Common
Constituting, 273; Carmack
Law Right, 129; Discrimination, 129; Em-
ploye, 111, 129,
309, 327, 381, 398, 417, 435; Federal Em-
147, 165, 255, 273,
ployers' Liability Act,
ment, 183; Foreign Corporation, 111, 237,
111, 219; Employ-
345, 398, 417; Instrumentality In. 147; In-
terstate Commerce Commission, 309; Intra-
state Shipment, 327; Interstate Transaction,
93; Intoxicating Liquors, 57, 147, 183; Juris-
diction, 219; Licenses, 435; License Tax, 255;
Local Business, 255;
Mental Anguish, 93;
183; Natural
273; Police Power, 255;
Gas, 39;
Fight Films, 183; Pure Food Law, 453; Re-
pairing Instrumentalities, 381; Safety Ap-
pliances, 183,
Tax, 435; Theatrical Contract, 129; Through
381; Shipment, 435; State
Transportation, 147; Trading Stamps, 57;
Transaction, 237; Workmen's Compensation
Act, 273, 345.

[blocks in formation]

No. 26

thority, 148; Liberty Defined, 219; License
Fee, 435; Motive in Legislation, 398; Muni-
cipal Charter, 148; Ordinance, 238; Police
Power, 183, 291; Police Regulation, 93; Prior
Contracts, 129; Public Utilities, 130; Public
Waters, 183; Remedy, 183; Special Immuni-
ties, 21; State Court, 453; Taxation, 345;
Workmen's Compensation Law, 183, 238, 255.

Contempt-Presence of Court, 398.

Breach, 21, 255, 327; Cancellation, 238; Con-
165, 273;
dition Precedent, 57; Confidential Relations,
39; Connected Instruments,
eration, 183, 238; Construction, 39, 75, 273,
165; Consid-
453; Covenant, 165; Duress, 75, 183; Em-
ployment, 201; Entirety, 21; Equity, 93; Es-
toppel, 57, 255; Excuse for Breach, 291; Ex-
cuse for Nonperformance, 255; Express, 148;
Guaranty, 381; Illegal Agreement, 57, 327;
Indefiniteness, 39, 93; Insolvency, 93; Inter-
locking Directors, 93; Latent Ambiguity, 57;
Liability, 57; Married Woman, 93; Misrepre-
sentation, 435; Mutuality, 21, 39; Offer and
Acceptance, 130; Officer, 93; Parol Evidence,
453; Plans and Specifications, 219; Promise
to Pay, 273; Proposal and Acceptance, 183;
Public Policy, 21, 57, 219, 273, 328, 345, 364,
417; Public Sale, 273; Ratification, 238; Re-
ceipt, 39; Rescission, 75; Restraint of Trade,
21; Rule of Construction, 201; Substantial
Performance, 435; Third Person, 184, 219;
Time of Essence, 75; Waiver, 39.

[blocks in formation]



Agency, 130, 148; Amendment of Charter,
Charter, 219;
75; By-Laws, 273; Charter, 238; Collusion of,
75; Confidential Relations, 399;, Contracts,
57, 184, 238, 328; Conversion of Stock, 165;
Deceit, 328; Declaration of Dividend, 21; De
Facto, 40, 75; Delegable Powers, 111, 435;
Dissolution, 40; Dividend, 435; Duties of Of-
ficers, 291; Eminent Domain, 148; Equity,
417; Estoppel, 57, 417, 435, 453; Evidence,
364; False Representations, 328; Fidelity
of Officer, 399; Foreign Corporation, 21, 130,
184, 309; Forfeiture of Charter, 148; Fran-
chise, 273; Implied Authority, 435; Lawful
Combination, 111; Officers, 273, 417; Part-
nership, 75; Pleading, 148; Power, 75; Pref-
erence, 238; Presumption, 328; Promoters,
57, 165; Ratification, 238, 417; Receiver, 201,
435; Remedies, 21:
Representations, 238; Repudiation, 40; Sale
Reorganization, 345;
of Stock, 40; Service of Process, 165; Slan-
der, 399; Spoliation, 219; Stockholders, 111,
184; Stockholder's Liability, 21, 148; Sub-
scription, 219, 238, 291, 417; Subscription to
Stock, 309, 328, 381, 435, 453; Temporary
Receiver, 255; Transfer of Stock, 75, 255, 273;
Trustees, 399; Ultra Vires, 309.

Counties-Contracts, 273; Subordinate Munici-
pality, 381.

Courts-Appeal and Error, 57; Comity, 111, 328;
Federal Question, 255; Jurisdiction, 328;
Rule of Property, 75; State Law, 75; Transi-
tory Actions, 21; Venue of Suit, 21.

Covenants-Breach of, 165, 184, 238, 435, 453;
Building Lien, 328; Building Restriction,
256, 381; Enforcing Conditions, 238; Evic-
tion, 256; Implied, 201; Merger. 453; Per-
sonal, 57; Tax Liens, 328, 345, 364, 399, 417.

[blocks in formation]

Damages-Counterclaim, 453; Demurrer, 130;
Eminent Domain, 435; Evidence, 184, 381;
Excessive, 291; Exemplary, 399; Future
Pain, 93, 238; Insurance, 309; Interest, 328;
Liquidated, 58, 76, 111, 219, 256; Measure of,
111, 184, 273, 417, 454; Mental Suffering,
273; Minority of Child, 184; Mitigating Loss,
345; Mitigation, 22. 40; Nominal, 40, 58;
Proximate Cause, 273; Punitive, 76, 309; Re-
mittitur, 76; Standing Timber, 309; Submis-
sion to Operation, 309; Unlawful Writ, 201.

Death-Conscious Suffering, 130; Demurrer, 345;
Dependency, 328; Evidence, 165, 201, 399;
Eyewitness, 130, 328; Presumption of Sur-
vivorship, 22; Proximate Cause, 381; Unex-
plained Absence, 256.

Dedication-Acceptance, 435; Defined, 165; De-
scription, 291; Easement, 201; Equity, 165;
Estoppel, 219, 256; Plats, 111; Public Use,
328; Revocation, 111.

Deeds-Abbreviations. 310; Avoidance, 399;
Cloud on Title, 453; Conditions, 22; Confi-
dential Relation, 76; Construction, 111, 219,
417; Covenant 399; Dedication, 58; Delivery,
58, 130, 273, 310; Description. 238, 346; Es-
crow, 274; Evidence, 454; Forfeiture, 238;
Fraud, 148; Misrepresentations, 184; Pari
Matería, 238: Parol Evidence, 40; Re-
acknowledgment, 417; Setting Aside, 166;
Statute of Frauds, 291; Voidable, 454; Un-
due Infleuence, 40; Unrecorded Conveyance,

[blocks in formation]

Divorce Admissions, 417; Alimony, 76; Attor-
ney Fee, 274; Children, 238; Collusion, 291;
Condonation, 274; Contract of Marriage, 365;
Cruel Treatment, 201, 365, 417, 454; Custody
of Children, 454; Decree, 130; Defenses, 40;
Desertion, 76, 346; Estoppel, 328; Evidence,
346. 381, 435: False Representation, 381;
Full Faith and Credit, 238, 256; Habitual
Drunkenness, 436, 454; Insurance, 93; Juris-
diction, 346; Pleading, 399; Suit Money, 148;
Temporary Alimony, 166; Tribal Laws, 418;
Venue, 201.

[blocks in formation]

District and Prosecuting Attorneys-Estoppel,

Domicile-Change of, 454.

Dower-Antenuptial Contract, 436; Subsequent
Marriage, 201.

Drains Benefit District, 418; Injunction, 256;
Special Benefits, 381; Taxation, 454.

Easements-Additional Servitude, 166; Adverse
Possession, 310; Appurtenance, 166, 328; Bur-
den of Proof, 365; Claim of Right, 76; Con-
tinuing, 382; Honest Belief, 58; Implied, 418;
Inconsistent Acts, 274; Injunction, 40; Parol
Evidence, 454; Permission to Use, 201; Pre-
scription, 111, 184, 310, 454; Quality of Inter-
est, 111; By Way of Necessity, 130, 201, 220.

Ejectment-Burden of Proof, 93, 201; Encroach-
ment, 382.

Election of Remedies-Elements Constituting,
328; Estoppel, 220, 238; Estoppel in Pais.
454; Evidence, 274; Inconsistent Causes of
Action, 184; Pleading and Practice, 346;
Waiver, 166, 382.

Elections-Apportionment. 418; Ballot, 382, 399;
Identifying Ballot, 274; Registration, 184;
Statutory Construction, 256.

Electricity-Anticipating Injury, 292; Contribu-
tory Negligence, 130; Discrimination, 40;
Electric Service, 365; Injunction. 382; In-
spection of Appliances, 166; Negligence, 201,
220; Ordinary Care, 436; Proximate Cause,
418; Public Use, 328; Res Ipsa Loquitur, 328;
Trespass, 436.

Embezzlement-Accounting, 454: Agent, 454;
Burden of Proof, 166; Estoppel, 111; Evi-
dence, 274; Intent, 40.

Eminent Domain-Abutting Owner, 346, 365, 418;
Additional Compensation, 93; Compensation,
166, 220, 454; Damages, 201, 274, 365, 382;
Defenses, 328; Equitable Interest, 148; Es-
toppel, 436; Evidence, 329; Injunction, 22;
Market Value, 76; Measure of Damages, 399;
Municipal Corporations, 256: Navigable
Stream, 454; Public Use. 148, 184, 365, 436;
Restrictive Covenant, 166; Right-of-Way,
239, 454; Special Benefits, 111; Surface
Waters, 22; Taking of Property, 346; Un-
lawful Appropriation, 94; Valuation, 382;
Water Company, 112.

Entry, Writ of-Presumption, 274.

Equity-Adequate Remedy, 346; Clean Hands,
454; Jurisdiction, 94, 166; Jury, 310; Laches,
166; Maxims, 256; Multifariousness, 22
Remedy, 40; Retention of Jurisdiction, 329;
Statute of Limitations, 239.

Escrows-Deposit of Deed, 58.

Estoppel-Acquiescence, 310; Approval of Bond,
94; Change of Situation, 310; Conduct, 2:
Deed of Trust, 201; Election of Remedy, 22;
Elements of, 346; Evidence, 399, 436; Fore-
closure, 58; Holding Out, 22; Husband and
Wife, 94; Innocent Parties, 220, 256; Inter-
vention, 148: Laches, 76; Life Tenant, 58;
Mines and Mining, 239; Negligence, 310; Of-

ficers, 418; Parties to Actions, 256; Partition
112, 399; Principal and Agent, 256; Recitals,
76; Reliance Upon, 399; Silence, 58, 256;
Special Tax, 310; Standing by, 365; Subse-
quently Acquired Property, 58; Wills, 239;
Witness, 58.

Evidence-Burden of Proof, 112; Declarations,
76; Expert Testimony, 76; Fraud, 382; Hear-
say, 22; Judicial Notice, 22, 201; Parol, 76;
Presumption, 22; Reputation, 76.

Exchange of Property-Misrepresentations, 239,
292; Representations, 256; Rescission, 22,
220, 256, 365.

Execution-Exposure to Sale, 310; Intervention,
130; Levy of Personalty, 239.

Executors and Administrators-Action Against
Self, 274; Administration, 436; Appointment,
201, 220, 274; Assignment of Interest, 365;
Claim, 346; Collateral Attack, 76; Commis-
sions, 365; Confidential Relationship, 166;
Contract, 94; Costs, 418; Defenses. 40; Dis-
tribution, 310; Domicile, 148; Evidence, 112,
436; Forfeiture, 310; Gift, 382; Inadequacy
of Price, 292; Laches, 292. 339; Lien, 399;
Life Tenant, 201; Liquidated Damages, 239;
Mortgage, 454: Pleading and Practice, 310;
Preference, 454; Principal and Agent, 346;
Reimbursement, 418; Services, 112; Services
to Decedent, 310: Setting Aside Deed, 58;
Specific Legacy, 274; Sureties, 148; Trusts,

[blocks in formation]

Fraudulent Conveyances-Bulk Sales, 166; Bulk
Sales Act, 202; Chattel Mortgages, 256; Con-
sideration, 112, 202; Creditor, 202, 329; Good
Faith, 166; Homestead, 418; Husband and
Wife, 166, 256, 399, 454; Insolvency, 148: In-
tent, 365; Inquiry, 454; Parties, 112; Pref-
erence, 418; Presumption, 40; Presumption
of Gift, 40; Relationship, 166; Setting Aside,
257; Subsequent Acquired Property, 40; Un-
paid Purchase Money, 184; Voluntary, 76.

[blocks in formation]

Husband and Wife-Alienation of Affections, 94,
382, 454; Burden of Proof, 202; Community
Property, 58, 239; Contract, 399; Equity, 274;
Estate by Entirety, 77, 166; Gift, 112, 274;
Injury to Wife, 130; Joinder in Deed, 329;
Loss of Services, 22; Necessaries, 292; Par-
ties to Action, 400; Principal and Agent,
148; Separate Estate, 400; Separate Main-
tenance, 22; Suit by Wife, 346; Survivor-
ship, 202; Trader, 148.

Indemnity-A butting Owner, 239; Primary Lia-
bility, 275; Fellow Servant, 58; Recovery
Over, 382.

Indians-Allotments, 22; Enrollment, 58; Selec-
tions of Land, 58.

[blocks in formation]


Insurance-Accident, 112, 149, 220, 310; Agency,
310; Ambiguity, 239; Application for, 149;
Assessment, 436; Beneficiary, 77; Broker,
257; Burden of Proof, 94, 346, 382; Change
in Possession, 365; Change of Beneficiary,
202, 275; Chattel Mortgage, 436; Condition
Precedent, 239, 346; Construction, 220; Con-
temporaneous Writings, 167; Delivery of
Policy, 94; Description of Property,
Divisible Contract, 257; Divorce, 400; Doing
Business, 257; Double Indemnity, 418; Em-
ployers', 329; Estoppel, 239, 257, 365; Evi-
dence, 436; Explosions, 329; Extension, 257,
454; False Representation, 40; Foreign Cor-
poration, 58, 77; Forfeiture, 454; Fraud and
Mistake, 167; Indemnity, 167; Incontestabil-
ity, 275; Insurable Interest, 149; Intoxi-
cants, 292; Iron Safe Clause, 436; Liability
Policy, 275; Material Statements, 149; Mis-
representation, 23; Mortgagor and Mort-
gages, 365; Negligence of Assured, 220; Non-
Forfeiture, 365; Notice of Default, 220; No-
tice of Loss. 220; Notice to Agent, 455; Open
Account, 311; Principal and Agent, 58; Pre-
sumption of Death, 23; Proof of Loss, 40,
382; Property Covered, 41; Representations,
167; Return of Premium, 220; Seaworthi-
ness, 77: Severable Contract, 329;
Ownership, 112; Standard Policy, 149; Sui-
cide, 275; Suspension, 257; Temporary In-
surance, 455; Tender, 184: Total Disability,
292; Total Loss, 455; Trust, 94; Ultra Vires,
346; Unliquidated Damages, 418: Un-
liquidated Demand, 275; Vested Interest,
418; Waiver, 94, 239, 275, 292, 365, 383, 436,
455; Warranties, 41, 202, 310.


Internal Revenue-Constitutional Law, 275:
Corporation Tax Law, 239; Excise Tax, 58;
Income Tax, 329.

Interpleader-Equity, 257.

Intoxicating Liquors-Action by Wife, 346:
Damages, 418; Dealers, 167; Forfeiture of
License, 220; Indictment and Information.
240, 275; Injunction, 240: Liquor Dealers'
Bond, 94; Local Option, 292: Municipal Or-
dinance, 365; Police Power, 94; Recovery for
Death, 365; Sale to Husband, 202; Seizure,

Joint Adventures-Fraud, 383.

Joint Stock Companies-Common Law, 41.

Judgment-Clerical Error, 41; Conclusiveness,
41; Default, 59; Newly-Discovered Evidence,
23; Non-Obstante Verdicts, 77; Nunc pro
tunc Order, 94; Opening Default, 41; Plead-
ings, 257; Rendition, 59; Res Judicata, 77,
149, 184; Revival, 77; Vacation of, 41, 167.

Judicial Sales-Inadequacy of Price, 167.

Jury-Books and Papers, 112; Constitutional
Law, 240; Disqualification, 130; Qualifica-
tion, 184; Quashing Panel, 112, 365; Record,
257; Trial by, 149.

Justices of the Peace-Surplusage, 365.

Landlord and Tenant-Abandonment, 167, 240;
Contract, 366; Covenants, 418; Crops, 130,
257; Dispossession, 167; Eviction, 257; For-
feiture, 275; Independent Contractor, 418;
Injury to Tenant, 131; Invitee, 112; Lease,
202, 383; Liability, 149; Licensee, 221; Neg-
ligence, 329; Pleading, 400; Priority of Lien,
131; Privity, 221; Putting in Possession, 221;
Ratification, 383; Reasonable Care, 149; Rent
Reserved, 257; Repair of Premises, 23; Re-
pairs, 184, 292, 311, 383; Res Ipsa Loquitur,
23; Surrender, 112; Termination of Lease,
167; Waiver, 346, 436.

Larceny-Good Character, 41; Indictment, 221;
Possession of Stolen Property, 41; Receiving
Stolen Property, 59.

Libel and Slander-Campaign Funds, 202; Can-
didates for Office, 202, 346; Damages, 455;
Evidence, 131, 184; Fair Comment, 436; Fic-
titious Name, 436; Good Character, 23; In-
nuendo, 77, 455; Instructions, 400; Libel per
se, 149, 167; Malice, 184; Newspaper Publi-
cation, 149, 311; Pleading and Practice, 275;
Privileged Communication, 257; Publication,
149, 221, 240; Slander per se, 400; Survival
of Action, 77; Truth as Defense, 41; Unfair
List, 383.

[blocks in formation]

Master and Servant-Accident, 418; Accident in

Employment, 221; Alternative Pleadings,
185; Apportioning Damages, 240; Assump-
tion of Risk, 41, 113, 131, 149, 203, 292, 347,
383, 400; Assumption of Safety, 41; Assur-
ance of Safety, 94; Burden of Proof, 149, 185;
Claim of Compensation, 240; Constitutionai
Law, 167, 221; Contract of Employment, 383;
Contributory Negligence, 59, 383, 400; Course
of Employment, 329, 366, 418; Damages, 185;
Delegable Duty, 113; Dependency, 41, 185,
257; Directory Statute, 347; Directions, 95;
Disease, 347; Duress and Coercion, 95; Em-
ployers' Liability Act, 113, 221, 295, 455; Em-
ployment, 59, 95, 113, 185, 436; Employing
Minors, 221; Evidence, 455; Fellow-Servant,
383, 437; Guarding Machinery, 329; Hours of
Labor, 23; Hours of Service, 59, 292; Incom-
petent Employe, 149; Inspection of Appli-
ances, 329; Instructions to Minor, 240; In-
timidation, 185; Interstate Commerce, 437;
Joint Tort-Feasors, 185; Liability, 77, 185;
Malpractice, 366; Minor, 383; Negligence, 77,
95., 240, 292, 311; Nonsuit, 329; Obvious Dan-
ger, 41; Pleading, 185, 347; Presumption, 77,
275; Proximate Cause, 23, 77, 149, 167, 257,
292; Quantum Meruit, 41; Railroads, 329;
Remedial Legislation, 383; Res Ipsa Loqui-
tur, 130, 131, 240; Respondeat Superior, 23,
292. 329, 366, 455; Safe Place to Work, 59;
Safety Appliance, 59, 77, 131, 257; Safe Place
to Work, 167; Shifting Conditions, 77; Sig-
nals, 95; Simple Tools, 221; Statutory Con-
struction, 366; Statutory Duty, 23; Suitable
Appliances, 275; Surviving Dependent, 400;
Terms of Employment, 292, 311; Trespasser,
311; Verdict, 418; Vice Principal, 77, 185;
Volunteer, 149; Want of Care, 366; Warn-
ing, 113, 221, 409; Workmen's Compensation
Act. 23, 41, 59, 95, 113 149, 167, 185, 203, 240,
257, 292, 311, 347, 400, 437; Wrongful Dis-
charge, 167, 400.

Mechanics' Liens-Building Contract, 59; Con-
struction, 23; Incomplete Building, 240; Ma-
terialmen, 293, 329; Public Building, 167;
Subcontractors, 203, 419; Use in Building,


Mines and Minerals-Damages, 257; Deed, 131;
Equity, 400; Extra Lateral Rights, 455; In-
vitee, 113; Mortgage, 437; Property Right,
185; Royalty, 59; Lien, 185.

Monopolies-Breach of Contract, 55; Choice of
Customer, 131; Competition, 203; Extent, 59;
Magnitude, 41; Restraint of Trade, 131, 293;
Sherman Act, 400.


Acceptance, 23; After-Acquired
Property, 400; Assumption of, 311; Condi-
tional Deed, 95; Deed, 437; Deficiency, 203:
Dower, 185; Equitable Interest, 419; Equity,
258; Evidence, 400; Extension, 95; Forbear-
ing to Sue, 203; Foreclosure, 77, 383; Fore-
closure Sale, 293; Injunction, 59; Liens, 221,
437; Marital Rights, 347; Nonsuit, 419; Notice
of Equity, 293; Practical Construction, 455;
Presumption of Payment, 41; Priority, 41,
77, 275, 400; Redemption, 77, 293; Successive
Mortgages, 240.

Municipal Corporations-Abating Nuisance, 293;
Abutting Owners, 77, 95; Annexing Terri-
tory, 311; Barriers Against Danger, 113;
Board of Equalization, 185; Bond to Ma-
terialmen, 203; City Attorney, 258; City
Blocks, 383; City Council, 330; Charter, 221;
Constitutional Law, 59. 221; Control of
Streets, 401; Correcting Minutes, 330; Dedi-
cation, 401; Defective Sidewalk, 149; Discre-
tion, 419; Estoppel, 23; Governmental Duty,
221, 240; Governmental Functions, 149; Gov-
ernmental Work, 383; Grade. 113; Highways,
347: Improvement, 455; Imputable Negli-
gence, 95; Indebtedness, 149; Initiative and
Referendum, 167; Injunction, 77. 131, 293;
Issuance of Bonds, 23; Jitneys 185, 311, 401;
Laches, 437; Last Clear Chance. 293; Law of
the Road, 150; Legislature, 330; Liens, 347;
Limitation of Taxation, 221; Mandamus. 491;
Municipal Warrants, 383; Negligence, 113,
203, 383; Notice, 167; Notice of Defect, 347;
Obstruction of Street, 455; Ordinance, 59,
221, 258, 311, 366, 437; Pedestrians, 113; Po-
lice Power, 167, 185, 330; Presumption, 401;
Public Health 113; Quantum Meruit 366;

Repair Work, 113; Respondeat Superior, 419;
Sidewalks, 258, 455; Special Assessment, 293,
401, 437; Special Benefits, 113; Street Ob-
struction. 401; Streets, 311; Taxpayer, 185;
Transaction of Business, 293; Vacating
Streets, 185.

Navigable Waters-Accretions, 221; Boundary,
258; Easement, 95; Erosions and Accretions,
383; High Water Mark, 203; Low Tide, 221;
Public Highway, 419; Riparian Rights, 185,
293, 347, 401; Shore, 150.


Negligence Assurance
by Master,
tracting Children, 150; Child, 258; Compara-
tive, 455; Defined, 59, 77; Diminishing Loss,
77; Duty of Care, 293; Elements of. 347;
Imputability, 78, 167, 311, 366, 419, 437; In-
vitee, 167, 384; Last Clear Chance, 366; Li-
censee, 366. 401; Manufacturer, 419: Minor,
455; Negligence per se, 384; Pleading and
Practice, 221; Proximate Cause, 366; Res

Ipsa Loquitur, 366; Right of Action, 401;
Sudden Peril, 275; Turn-Table Cases, 185;
Wantonness and Recklessness, 347; Warning,
258; Willful Injury, 258.

[blocks in formation]
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