Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and Other Pieces of Our Earlier Poets, (chiefly of the Lyric Kind.) Together with Some Few of Later Date, Volym 1Thomas Percy J. Dodsley, 1767 - 398 sidor |
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Sida xxxix
... Du Cange & Supplem . ] Menage derives the French words above mentioned from Minifterialis or Minifteriarius , barbarous Latin terms , ufed in the middle ages to exprefs a Workman or Artificer ( ftill called in Languedoc Miniftral ) as ...
... Du Cange & Supplem . ] Menage derives the French words above mentioned from Minifterialis or Minifteriarius , barbarous Latin terms , ufed in the middle ages to exprefs a Workman or Artificer ( ftill called in Languedoc Miniftral ) as ...
Sida xl
... Du Cange , al- luded to above . " MINISTER ... pro Miniftellus Jo- · Vetus ceremoniale MS . B.M. deauratæ " Tolof . Item , etiam congreguabuntur Pifcatores , qui debent " intereffe ifto die in proceffione cum MINISTRIS feu Jo ...
... Du Cange , al- luded to above . " MINISTER ... pro Miniftellus Jo- · Vetus ceremoniale MS . B.M. deauratæ " Tolof . Item , etiam congreguabuntur Pifcatores , qui debent " intereffe ifto die in proceffione cum MINISTRIS feu Jo ...
Sida xli
... Du Cange . It was even an established order in fome of the mona- fteries , that no Minstrel should ever be fuffered to enter their gates . ( B ) " The Minstrels ufed mimicry and action , and " other means of diverting , & c , " ] It is ...
... Du Cange . It was even an established order in fome of the mona- fteries , that no Minstrel should ever be fuffered to enter their gates . ( B ) " The Minstrels ufed mimicry and action , and " other means of diverting , & c , " ] It is ...
Sida xliii
... CANGE , in his Gloffary , quotes a wri- ter , who pofitively afferts that the MINSTRELS of the middle ages were the fame with the ancient BARDS . I fhall give a large extract from this learned gloffographer , as he relates many curious ...
... CANGE , in his Gloffary , quotes a wri- ter , who pofitively afferts that the MINSTRELS of the middle ages were the fame with the ancient BARDS . I fhall give a large extract from this learned gloffographer , as he relates many curious ...
Sida xliv
... Du Cange , who thus proceeds , Mitto reliqua fimilia , ex quibus omnino patet ejuf- " modi Mimorum & Ministellorum cantilenas ad vir- tutem principes excitaffe ..... Id præfertim in pugnæ " præcinctu , dominis fuis occinebant , ut ...
... Du Cange , who thus proceeds , Mitto reliqua fimilia , ex quibus omnino patet ejuf- " modi Mimorum & Ministellorum cantilenas ad vir- tutem principes excitaffe ..... Id præfertim in pugnæ " præcinctu , dominis fuis occinebant , ut ...
Andra upplagor - Visa alla
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic ..., Volym 1 Thomas Percy Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1767 |
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic ..., Volym 1 Thomas Percy Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1767 |
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, Vol. 3: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads ... Thomas Percy Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2018 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
Adam Bell alfo ancient Anglo-Saxon archar awaye ballad BARDS caft caftle Chrift Cloudeflè copy daye dear doth Douglas Du Cange Earl Earl Douglas Earl Percy Edom English faft faid fair fame fave fayd faye fayre feems feen feven fhall fhew fhould fing firft flaine flayne fome fometimes fong fonnes foon ftand ftanzas ftill fubject fuch fworde Garland Gilderoy greene willow harpe hath Hift himſelf houſe intitled king knight kyng lady ladye laft lord Minstrels moft moſt mufic muſt never noble Northumberland obferved Otterbourn paffage Patrick Spence Percy Perfè perfon play poems poets prefent profeffion quoth reign Robin Robin Hood Scotland Scottish ſhall ſhe ſtand Theare thee thefe ther theſe thofe thoſe thou thre unto whofe willow wold wyfe wyll Wyllyam yemen zour