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and obligations of His children, continually suggest the same "supplications, intercessions, and giving of thanks."

There is little variety in extemporaneous prayer, even with persons who are said to be "gifted" in that way. Only by preparatory study can sameness be avoided, and variety will still be rather in the language than in the sentiment.

The value of a Liturgy is not in novelty, but in familiarity. The words of a prayer, if fitly chosen-a prayerful "form of sound words"-may in some sort be the ark of the covenant, containing the hidden manna and the budding rod. It is indeed the spirit that quickeneth; yet formulas of worship, though cold and dead when considered only in the letter, may awaken the soul into the life of devotion. There was power in the bones of a prophet, 2 Kings xiii. 20, 21. Order of Public Worship.

THERE are eight formulas in this Book. If the first four be regarded as the Order of Morning Prayer, the last four may be accepted as the Order of Evening Prayer: Yet there is nothing in any one of the series which should restrict it to morning or evening.

In the first four, certain passages (printed in italic) are set forth as responses by the Congregation. These are in sufficient number, perhaps, to secure attention, and to promote a feeling of common interest. To accommodate such (if there be any) as object to responses, the last four formulas are without this provision, excepting in the introduction.

It may also be observed, that the passages printed in italic are parts of the general prayer, and should not be omitted by the Minister. In responding, (if so it may be called,) the People simply join him in the passages referred to. All responses, including Amen, should be

Intent of this Liturgy.

THESE formulas are merely helps-and helps to such persons only as may be inclined to use them, in whole or in part, statedly or occasionally.

Many Christian people do not observe the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. As in relation to these rites, so in relation to all forms of prayer, "let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind,” and regard the lesson of Romans xiv.

The Minister may shorten the Order of Worship by omitting the introductory service; also the sentences or paragraphs [enclosed in brackets.] Nor is extemporaneous prayer excluded: He may omit the general prayer and substitute one of his own.

Excepting for Anniversaries, and for Schools and Families, Scripture Lessons are not noted. Selections from the Bible are at the discretion of the Minister.

The instructions printed in connection with all the forms are so clear, that only a little attention is needed to make every thing perfectly plain.

BLESSED be the name of the LORD, for the strength, and time, and patience, required in the preparation of this Gospel Liturgy. Would it were more worthy the heavenly aims of devotion and love!

The prayers and the praises herein presented, will be the prayers and the praises of all who shall find in them an expression of their own meditations and feelings: The book itself being reverently dedicated to the worship of Gob OUR FATHER, and held forth in memory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A. C. T.


EASTER-DAY is always the first Sunday after the full moon which hap-
pens on, or next after, the twenty-first day of March; and if the full
moon happen on a Sunday, Easter-Day is the Sunday after.

[blocks in formation]

Ascension Sunday is the sixth Sunday after Easter, and Whitsunday

(or Pentecost) is the seventh. Advent Sunday, as generally noted, is also

a movable Feast. If a day certain be preferred, let it be the first Sun-

day in December.

In all Anniversaries, it is rather the event than the time, we seek to

commemorate. For which reason, several of the following, if falling
upon a weekday, may be observed on the Sunday before or after.

No. 10 is set down for the first Sunday in September; and No. 12 for
the second Sunday in November. If a Day of Thanksgiving be not ap-
pointed by the civil authority, let it be observed on the third Thursday
in November.


1 Beginning of the Year.........70

2 February Twenty-second......78 10 Transfiguration.

9 Fourth of July.



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1 Sabbath Worship, including general praise. 2 Divine Providence.

3 Trust in the Lord. 4 Holy Scriptures. 5 Gospel of Christ. 6 Aspira-

tions and Virtues. 7 Affliction and Consolation. 8 Occasional Hymns.

9 Closing Hymns.

Few strictly occasional hymns have been inserted, for the reason that

the dedication of a church, for example, is of comparatively rare occur-
rence, and numerous hymns of worship are suitable for such an occa-
sion. Nearly all hymns relating to the ministry of Christ, would be in
place at the Communion: And many which treat of the divine govern.

Index of the Hymns.

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