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disease, and then by his own volition, withdrew this great boon from the realm of human grasp, practicability and usefulness, and by so doing left sick and suffering men, women and children to grope their way amid the mazes, labyrinths, experiments, failures and uncertainties of Materia Medica.


Eureka Springs, Ark.-I received your letter, with prayer to be repeated for Mr. McK. regardless of appearances, and I kept it up until I was almost discouraged. At last, the terrible itching caused from eczema, subsided and he slept for three days and nights. When I went to bathe him on the third day, every sign of the eczema had disappeared. I give God the glory. My husband is 79 years young. Mrs. G. McK.

Owasso, Mich.-For about five years I had an abscess on my upper gum and although I was repeatedly treated by first class dentists, I failed to get any help whatever. It would fill with pus every day, would become very large before breaking, and not knowing when it would break I sometimes swallowed the pus. Finally I heard of Truth and Unity, and was healed of the abscess as well as many other things. God bless and prosper you dear people.-Mrs. B. S. J.

Manhattan, Kans.-My husband who had small-pox, was wonderfully healed. He began to improve immediately after asking you for prayers, and was very soon over it. We are very thankful to God and Unity.-Mrs. D. H. S.

Kansas City, Mo.-My sister-in-law was sick in bed six weeks, three doctors having given her up. She was delirious and someone had to be with her continually. I prayed for her all Saturday night and when I came home Sunday, I called up Unity, explained her condition, and asked help. The result was that on Tuesday she asked for a bath, and after the bath called my mother up over the 'phone. She has been feeling splendid ever since, and is able to look after her business and do her work. Thanks be unto the Father.-Mrs. A. St. C.

Fairbury, Ill.-I wrote you for prayers for my little daughter, who had hurt her head. She had fever, was blind, vomited, and appeared to be in severe pain. In a few moments after writing for prayers she was easier, and by morning she was all right. I thank God for his healing power.-Mrs. B. B.

Grand Rapids, Mich.-My oldest daughter had been having a severe toothache, was very nervous, and could not sleep because of the pain. The dentist seemed unable to relieve her. This afternoon I held a healing thought for two hours. During this time she fell asleep, and when she awoke the swelling and pain had gone, and the gum looked normal. I could give you many instances of the healing power of Christ. Mrs. C. D. K.

Pensacola, Fla.-I thank you for the help I have received through your prayers, and the constant study of these blessed Unity books. I now read without my glasses for the first time in four years, after wearing them for over thirty years. Also the cancer, for which I asked prayers is now entirely healed. With these demonstrations to strengthen my faith, I believe that I can now stand alone in this blessed Truth.-L. E. W.

Defiance, Ohio-Our son was seriously hurt and double pneumonia set in, but immediately after sending the message to you he began to recover. The terrible fever left him to return no more. His arms knit without pain. The doctors and nurses and all who saw him said he could not live, but thank the dear Lord, he recovered quickly. This statement was constantly in my mind, "All things are possible with God. Praise and bless his most Holy Name."Mrs. L. M.

Tuscon, Ariz.-Many thanks for the almost instantaneous healing of my eyes. Glory to God!-E. B. R.


New York, N. Y.-Health and prosperity are manifesting abundantly in my life and affairs. The acute rheumatic pain left me about a week after I wrote you. Thank God! Also my rooms are filled. I call down all the blessings of God upon you dear Unity people, who have helped me to the Truth; who have helped me realize that God is the Omnipresent Spirit, and that from his abundance we are supplied. Mrs. A. S. J.

St. Louis, Mo.-I wrote you about my husband being out of work, and unable to hold a position because of his drinking; and that we wanted a home of our own. All this has been demonstrated, for which I am grateful. My husband became a mechanic and makes very good wages. He has held the same position since last January, and is now free from the drink habit. We have had a nice little home since the middle of last month.-Mrs. R. C.

Hillsboro, Wis.-I wrote you for prayers for prosperity, and God has been with us and guided us through everything. My son's wages were raised, and we were helped in many ways. May God bless you in your wonderful work. Mrs. E. V. H.

University City, Mo.-I wired you at six o'clock on Sunday evening, asking prayers that a damage suit be settled satisfactorily out of court, and at ten the same evening, the lawyer on the opposing side called my lawyer and told him they would like to settle out of court, if possible. Previous to that time they would not listen to a settlement of that kind. We met at seven the next morning and the case was settled satisfactorily to all.-F. W. S.

Pompton Lakes, N. J.-Within a few days after I had written you for prayers, I secured an excellent position. I sincerely thank you.-O. V. H.

Tacoma, Wash.—I thank you for your words of encouragement and your prayers. Some money, which was owed us, came very unexpectedly. My husband has been so successful in his business, that we feel we are now on the way_to_prosperity. Also my health is much improved.— H. S. H.

Cleveland, Ohio-I wrote you for prosperity prayers, as I had been trying for several weeks to rent three rooms, but all in vain. The day after I wrote you all three rooms were rented. I am thankful to you and God for the change in my affairs.-Mrs. A. F. M.

San Bernardino, Cal.-I enclose a love-offering for your prayers for my husband's position. He got employment from a most unexpected source and is now working every day.-N. R.

New York, N. Y.-I wrote, asking your prayers, for the sale of our house, which had been standing empty. It was sold within one week after my letter was sent. We are thankful to you for your help.—Mrs. B. L. S.

Tarmouth, Maine-I wrote you for prayers that I might rent my rooms, and within one week the rooms were filled. I love the Truth more and more every day. Praise his Holy Name!-Mrs. L. T. P.


Des Moines, Iowa-For over a year I had a claim of tuberculosis, but I feel now that it is a thing of the past. But the spiritual enlightenment from reading your literature has been far greater than all else. I am grateful for the

knowledge I have of God and his laws.-Miss E. P.

Denver, Colo.-We have sold our house and bought another that just suits our needs. It is a wonderful place. Truly God's Law of harmony is fulfilled in our affairs. We are so grateful for your prayers in our behalf. It was wonderful the way things worked out in connection with this transfer. The people connected with the deal seemed just the right ones, and I am sure we are all greatly blessed and prospered. The next morning after receiving your telegram in reply to ours about mothers rheumatism, she was easier, and she has been getting better ever since. She wishes me to thank you for your blessed ministrations.— Mrs. M. J. C.

Greenwich, Conn.-All is well with my dear husband and myself. For a time it looked next to impossible for us to come to an understanding, but a change came suddenly. Thank God and you dear Silent Unity friends. I am so happy, and I have complete peace of mind. My husband joins me in expressing gratitude.—E. G. F.

Del Norte, Colo.-Thanks to God, through you, I am well. I can receive such blessings in prayer, and in reading the good books that you send me. Everything is changed since I have found my dear Father within me.-Mrs. I. S.

Alameda, Cal.-I thank God for the many ways in which I have been helped. He has given both myself and husband health and strength. He has shown us the way in our money troubles. At times it was very dark, but now the way is brighter.-Mrs. J. S.


Auckland, N. Z.-A few days ago our little girl crawled to the edge of the balcony and fell down the steps. The height is a little over five feet perpendicularly. She was crying when we picked her up, but we declared God's protecting care for her and examination proved she had only received a few scratches on the forehead. Three days later there was no sign of any trouble.-Mrs. C. C. L.

San Francisco, Cal.-Last Monday at 7 a. m. a fierce, terrible fire broke out one-half block from my home. I stopped quite still and declared the Truth. The wind changed, a little rain fell, and at 8:45 a. m. I went to work, knowing we had been saved by God's power in direct answer to prayer. The fire leaped a block of flats and burned those on the far side from the fire first. I thank God and Unity for my quick, swift, "delivery from peril."— A. L. K.

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Tenth and Tracy Ave., (Unity Building), Kansas City, Mo.

Entered as second-class matter, July 15, 1891, at the postoffice at Kansas City, Missouri, under the act of March 3, 1879.


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