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Appearance of the Season.-March-many-weathers.-Rural Objects.—
Ploughing. Spring-green.-Shakspeare's Violets.-Sensations produced
by Spring. The Weather.-Poem on the Season.-Utility of March
Winds.-Birds building.—Migration of Birds.-Soland Geese.—Frogs
croak. Smelts appear.-Bees venture forth.-Wood Butterfly.-Green
Rosechafer. - Hawk-moth appears.-Lambs.-Cottage Gardens.-Beauty
of Crocuses.-Primrose.-Knapp's beautiful description of Flowers.—
Ancient Uses and Poetry of Flowers.-Proverbs relating to March.-Owls
hooting, an ill omen.-Herrick's Spells.-Country Life favours Superstition.
-Advance of Spring.-Milton's Love of Spring.-Remarks on Rooks.-
The Throstle.-Variety of Crocuses.-Herrick's Daffodils.-Progress of
Flowers. Jonquils.-Narcissus.-March Marigold.-Beauty of March.
-The Elder.-Delights of Spring.-English Landscape.-Thoughts on
the Migration of Birds. Origin of the name of March. Humorous
description of this Month.-The Mountain Daisy by Burns,




Appearance of the Season.-Beauty of Spring.-A Party in the Fields.
-"The Voice of Spring."-Village-green.-Evening Scene.-Village de-
scribed.-Beauty of Cottages.-Landscape.-Green Lane.-Wild Flowers.

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