Item, that the duchy of Anjou and the county of Maine shall be released and delivered to the king her father" K. Hen. Uncle, how now! Pardon me, gracious lord; Some sudden qualm hath struck me at the heart, And dimm'd mine eyes, that I can read no further. K. Hen. Uncle of Winchester, I pray, read on. Car. [Reads.] "Item, that the duchies of Anjou and Maine shall be released and delivered to the king her father; and she sent over of the King of England's own proper cost and charges, without having any dowry." K. Hen. They please us well.-Lord marquess, kneel We here create thee the first Duke of Suffolk, [Exeunt. PERSONS REPRESENTED KING HENRY THE SIXTH. HUMPHREY, Duke of Gloster, his uncle. CARDINAL BEAUFORT, Bishop of Winchester, great-uncle to the King. RICHARD PLANTAGENET, Duke of York. EDWARD, RICHARD, AND RUTLAND, his sons. DUKE OF SOMERSET. DUKE OF SUFFOLK. DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. DUKE OF EXETER. LORD CLIFFORD. YOUNG CLIFFORD, his son. EARL OF SALISBURY. EARL OF WARWICK. EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND. LORD SAY. SIR HUMPHREY Stafford, and William Stafford, his brother. VAUX. THOMAS HORNER, an armorer. PETER, his man. Clerk of Chatham. Mayor of Saint Alban's. SAUNDER SIMPCOX, an impostor. JACK CADE, a rebel. GEORGE BEVIS, JOHN HOLLAND, DICK the butcher, SMITH the weaver, and MICHAEL, followers of Cade. MARGARET, Queen to King Henry. Wife to Simpcox. KING HENRY VI PART II ACT I SCENE I.—A Room in the Palace at Westminster. Enter GLOSTER, Cardinal BeauFORT, YORK, SOMERSET, BUCKINGHAM, SALISBURY, and WARWICK. Glo. Brave peers of England, pillars of the state, In winter's cold and summer's parching heat, Have you yourselves, Somerset, Buckingham, How France and Frenchmen might be kept in awe? And shall these labours and these honours die? |