Sweden: Economic and Commercial Conditions in SwedenH.M. Stationery Office, 1945 |
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Sweden: Economic and Commercial Conditions in Sweden Great Britain. Commercial Relations and Exports Department Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1924 |
Sweden: Economic and Commercial Conditions in Sweden Great Britain. Commercial Relations and Exports Department Fragmentarisk förhandsgranskning - 1945 |
Sweden: Economic and Commercial Conditions in Sweden Great Britain. Commercial Relations and Exports Dept Fragmentarisk förhandsgranskning - 1925 |
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1939 AND LATER Argentina based on Swedish Belgium Belgo-Luxemburg binder twine Boliden Capital Budget cellulose chemicals Chile commercial commercial iron commodities competition from Germany cotton Czechoslovakia Denmark European countries export trade exports to Sweden factories Finland following table shows France Germany's Handelsbanken Holland IMPORTS AND EXPORTS Imports United Kingdom incl increased iron and steel Italy Kingdom U.S.A. Germany Krona kronor MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURES metric tons million kronor million tons mineral motor vehicles Norrland Norway oils organisation outbreak output paper Poland post-war Principal other supplying producer-gas raw material rayon Riksbank SOURCES OF SUPPLY staple fibre Stockholm Stockholms Enskilda Bank sulphate supplying countries Svealand Sweden in 1939 Sweden's economy SWEDEN'S IMPORTS Swedish imports Swedish Industries Swedish official statistics Switzerland textile textile materials thread Total Imports United U.S.A. Germany Principal United Kingdom exports United Kingdom U.S.A. Uruguay VALUES IN 000's VALUES IN MILLIONS VALUES OF SWEDEN'S volume of imports yarns