Sidor som bilder

and rewards are distributed, for inventions, improvements, &c.



honoured when due; superintends the bonds, and securities of the different officers, &c. controuls the sums levied on all places and pensions for the purpose of forming an annuity fund in case of superAn Inquest, charged with the superin-annuation, acts as a treasury for all payments relating to public worship, and receives and holds the duties levied on the exportation of corn.

tendance of every circumstance relative to

public health and convenience, the inspection of eatables, drinkables, markets, quays, manufactories, workshops, surgeons dissecting rooms, slaughter-houses, mineral springs, bakehouses, lemonade sellers, and similar occupations.

This includes also authorized public and official bureaux, (Anglice, Housesof-Cull) for the reference of workmen of all descriptions wanting employment; in which, each trade is referred to a separate establishment for the requisite information it is in quest of.

The following is the ordonnance of police relative to noxious trades, &c. :

No workshop, manufactory, or laboratory, shall be established in Paris, which may in any degree endanger the public health, or may be hazardous as to occasioning fires, until there has been offered to the prefecture of police, a full specification of every particular relative to the intended building, to the materials used in the manufacture, and operations which are to take place in the course of preparation, accompanied by plans, elevations, &c. of the buildings proposed.


This institution has the sole right of issuing notes payable at sight, by charter The for 40 years, commencing 1803. business of this bank consists

1. In discounting generally bills of exchange, and other commercial securities, payable to order, not exceeding three months date, legally stamped, and bearing at least, the names of three merchants, or persons of known respectability. It discounts bills with two names only, provided they be respectable, after having certified that the bills originated in a bona fide com mercial transaction; and adding to the guarantee a temporary transfer of bank stock, or of five per cents. to the nominal


2. It furnishes advances on public bills, when their date of payment is fixed.

3. It lends on the security of bullion, or of foreign coin placed in deposit.

posit of one-eighth per cent. for six months. 5. To receive payment of all bills, &c. either for public bodies or private persons. 6. A regular banking account; paying to the drafts of those who lodge cash.

4. The bank is also a deposit for all species of written property, public or private, domestic or foreign; bullion, national or foreign coin, and diamonds; charging a As soon as possible after such speci-commission on the estimated value of the defication has been received, a committee of surveyors, and of persons conversant with the arts, accompanied by a commissary of the police, shall visit the premises, in order to satisfy themselves that such intended establishment is no ways dangerous to public health, or safety. A detailed Inquest-Report De commodo et incommodo, shall be drawn up, reported, and duly registered, for the purpose of future refereuce, relative to the same subject,


An establishment under the special direction of government; intended in the first instance, for carriage of public and government effects; and incidentally to present to individuals a concentrated medium of general conveyance of goods, in which the post office punctually regulates waggons, coaches, or canal-carriage. CAISE D'AMORTISSEMENT: OFFICE OF


The first duty of this office, relates to the redemption of public debt. It als), guarantees the payment, at sight, of all bills granted by the Receivers General, but not

The rate of interest for Paris is 4 per cent.; but liable to variation.

Branches of this bank are established at

Lyons, and at Rouen.

A considerable variety of institutions for the encouragement, improvement, and facilitation of art, manufactures, and commerce, might have been added to the preceding, those recited, are, however, sufficient to demonstrate that public superintending care which is bestowed on such subjects in France; it cannot but impress on our manufac turers, the necessity of constant watchfulness against rivalry so powerfu}; and convince them that they must rely on their own exertions for retaining that superiority of character, which merchandize British merchants and have hitherto possessed,

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ST. MARK. c. 9. v. 49.

Succisiva Opera: or, Selections from
Antient Writers, Sacred and Profane,
with Translations and Notes By Rev. H.
Meen, B.D. 8vo. price 5s.; as the particle yap, which is causal,
London. 1815.

For every one shall be sulted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.

This sentence connects with the forego

shews. In the preceding verse we read, that offenders shall be cast into the Ge henua of fire; where the fire shall perpetually burn them, and the consciousness of their crimes shall perpetually torincut them. For every one, that is, ras, ò eis τὴν γέενναν τοῦ πυρὸς βληθείς, ἁλις θήσεται, in this fire. This fire shall act upon the shall be seasoned, shall be preserved wicked who are thrown into it, as brine acts upon the meat, over which it is poured.

Mr. Meen some years ago, published a small pamphlet, entitled "Remarks on the Cassandra of Lycophron." It was then recommended to him to complete the entire poem on the same plan ; is this recommendation we concur; for, to say truth," the present publication, composed of literary scraps," scarcely, takes that hold on the scholar's mind, to which the talents and learning of the Unlike all other fires, it shall not destroy It shall consolidate, not consume them. author entitle it. Mr. M. indeed, pleads life, but prolong it. Such is the state of the advanced price of every article every incorrigible offender. It remains to with which printing is concerned:"- be shewn, what is the portion reserved for The excuse, is too well founded; yet, the faithful. Every faithful disciple, who. in fact, little more expense would have is so truly devoted to the Christian cause, been incurred by presenting the public as to be ready to die in its defence, is here. with a complete work, than has at- represented under the figure of a sacrifice, tended the present desultory publication. seasoned with salt. Every sacrifice, saith The advanced state of knowledge, affords Christ, thus prepared for, and devoted to me, shall be considered as seasoned with ample opportunity for a man of study salt. The Jews understood, that to obtain great credit by republishing, crifices, so seasoned, were acceptable to with proper notes, various antient poems the Lord. Every sincere disciple is here referring to Natural History : for instance, by anticipation and prolepsis denominated Nicander on Serpents,-whose work a sacrifice. By this appellation he was sight be rendered extremely interest-forewarned of an event, which the sword ing, and entertaining, by such modern of persecution would not fail to accomaccounts of serpents, as illustrate that plish. With a like allusion to sacrifices, St. Paul thus writes to the Philippians, If I am ancient author, whether by similarity, or by contrariety. The same idea offered up-and to Timothy, for I am ready to be offered. would apply to many other works: and Mr. M. appears to be extremely well qualified to do such subjects justice.


Thus the punishment, hereafter to be inflicted on the wicked, and the recompense, reserved for the faithful, are expressed in terms, fetched from those sacrificial rites with which the Jews were conversant.

The present pamphlet contains-fragments of the Cassandra of Lycophron, evidently composed with a view to further use in a regular. edition, though placed irregularly, here :-Odes, from Pindar, in portions, or detached pas- sense intended. A learned critic has insages; also from Horace, and Nicander, deed said, that, "as to salting with fire, noillustrating difficult words; with several thing can be made of it." Much, and much texts from the New Testament, critically more to the purpose may be made of it, examined for the same, purpose. Mr. than can be made of any word, which criM's. profession seems to have led him, ticism, in its ardour to amend, may have to these, particularly; and his discus-undertaken to substitute. sions manifest a commendable desire of understanding that sacred volume, which it is his duty to explain to others.

Commentators, conceiving the sense to be instead of adottal, avahwa thartas. consumed by fire, have proposed to read, But the very reverse of consumed is the

Salt is good but if the salt avaλov impα, should have become insipid, Taurò άPTUJETS; Quo condimento

We shall take our specimens from these.sqlem ipsum condietis?

to treat on fire, we extract that also. Because the following article happens

The following verses shew that we [tion of an argument in St. Paul's Epistle must not overlook the occasion of our to the same church: we rather wonder Lord's discourse-" What was it ye that a passage in Ignatius's Epistle to disputed among yourselves, by the the Magnesians should have escaped way?"-who should be greatest. To him on this subject: "Be ye salted in this refers the concluding expression him [Jesus Christ] lest any one among "Have peace one with another." He you should be corrupted; for, by your taught them humility and simplicity by savour [relish, piquancy, saltness] ye his caressing a child, and his compa- shall be judged," or, your character shall risons taken from children: warning be determined. The Good Father is them, that they had better cut off of exhorting them to live according to fending members, than incur guilt, and the rules of Christianity," and "to avoid endure its punishment,-where the fire error, and vain doctrine." is not quenched. The simple reference to salt here, then, is its well known quality of preserving, in other words, continuance, perseverance-the very contrary to corruption. Every sier shall be punished by fire as lasting, as salt is, in its natural operation. In plain words---the character of sinners will be preserved amidst the most tormenting series of sufferings, how long soever continued, whether in this life, or in another."- "But (rather than and) every sacrifice (to God, of course) shall be salted with salt, which by its pre-tary fire. Thus, amidst that variety of serving properties shall prevent corruption, and keep it in a fit state for the holy Altar.-The character of a holy person, also, shall be preserved, till it please God to take him to himself.”.


St. Luke, c. 12. v.49,

I am come to send fire on the earth, and what will I if it bc already kindled ?

Fire is often used in a metaphorical sense. In such a sense it has been explained here. It may mean, say the commentators, the fire of persecution, or the fire of zeal. It may imply either illumination or destruction; for it may be a consuming, or a salu

seases which interpreters have suggested, the reader finds it difficult to fix his choice, and select from a multitude of meanings the one thing meant, To ascertain this, recourse must be had to the context. There is indeed a fire that consumes. Thus Ho mer: ἦν νηυσὶν Πῦρ ὀλον βαλέειν. The fire, thrown upon the ships, was paco, destructive. But to a destructive fire the words of Christ, in the present instance, are inapplicable; for he came to save men's lives, not to destroy them. His reference is to a very different fire; the kindling of which is here foretold.

The language is prophetic, as was that of John; when, speaking of the Messiah, he said, he shall baptize you with fire. I am come, saith Christ, to cast a fire upon, or, towards the earth: nai ri dixw; and what

This preserving power natural to salt, is an excellent quality: but if the salt, have lost this preserving power, if it be effete, as much of it is, that is found on the borders, or superficies, of salt lakes, &c. where rain has repeatedly fallen on it, wherewith will ye restore that property? It has indeed the figure and colour of salt; but is become a mere caput mortuum, and is trampled on without concern. Carefully, therefore, maintain this preserving power among you in its full vigour justify and perpetuate your character as my disciples; and let me hear no more of your dissentions, and dis-ampen. I wish it were already kindled. putes who shall be greatest; for such bickerings and jealousies, are the readiest way possible, to corrupt your christian and apostolic feelings, your spiritual mindedness, your character, as disciples.

Mr. Meen has very properly quoted a passage from the Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, in illustra

και τι

do I wish with regard to this fire? si on

Ei idem valet quod utinam apud Hellenistas Poole's Syn. It is used in this sense, not Greek writers. But this fire cannot be kinmerely apud Hellenistas, but by the best died immediately; for I have a baptism, with which I must be baptized. I must ere long be immersed in a sea of sorrows, and be whelmed in the waters of affliction.καὶ πῶς συνέχομαι, έως δυand into what straits am I driven, until this baptism be completed, and these sorrows end?

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When the period assigned to my state of suffering shall be closed, when my seat of Sketches of the History and Present glory shall be resumed, then, and not sooner, State of The Russian Empire, &c. by shall this fire be kindled; and the prophecy Rev. W. Anderson. 8vo. pp. 439. of John, He shall baptize you with the Holy Price 12s. Gale and Co, London, 1815. Spirit; and with fire, shall be fufilled. The words, I am come to send fire on the earth, An abstract of the History of Russia are spoken by Christ, in confirmation of has lately been a more promising specuJohn's testimony. Both predictions refer lation than ever; and especially if the to the same event, which the same emblem of fire is employed to foreshow. reigning family were the prominent fea→ Common All who were not words, whose designation is prophetic, be- tures of the work. come obscure. We see through the glass of absolutely dead to laudable curiosity, prophecy darkly, till its season be advanced, must desire to know something of that and its completion approaches. The day of distinguished personage who so nobly Pentecost was drawing on, when the dim- and perseveringly defended his own Emness would disappear; when illumination pire; and at once generously, and poliwould burst upon minds, prepared to re-tically determined, on accomplishing the ceive it; when, at length, there would up deliverance of Europe. pear to them divided tongues like us of fire, and it (the fire) would sit upon each of them.

If Mr. M. had given to xa in this instance, as we have done in the former, the sense of but, he could not have supported a notion so opposite to that intended in this passage. Our Lord is evidently lamenting the contentions to which his gospel would give occasion, and which already shewed themselves, not slightly among the Jews:-such evils were according to the perversity of the human heart; but not, as he protests, according to his will, or wishes: "I am come to send fire [animosities] on the land of Judea; xair Jew; but, is it according to my will? non agn; do I wish it to be already [so early, so prematurely] kindled? Certainly not.

This seems to be perfectly consistent with the character of our blessed Lord; whereas, the words as they stand seem to imply an indifference to approaching, or to present, evil;---while Mr. M's. sense, referring to a future good, that was restricted to the Apostles, does not meet the force of the words on the land, of Judea, at large; and less still, if they be referred to the Gentiles, as well as to the Jews to which sense Church History gives but too much sanction.

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Such is the work before us; rather a history of the reigning house and family, than of the Empire under their dominion; and as such we shall consider it. A few introductory chapters, however, describe the country and people. Says the writer,

It is a very curious and instructive spectacle which Russia presents, in the strange diversity of its inhabitants. It is said here are eighty distinct nations, different in character, language, religion, goand modes of life. The hunter and fisher, vernment, manners, degrees of civilization, without property, cloathed in skins, who live in pits and feed on raw flesh and unripe fruit, and the shepherds living in moveable tents, supported by the produce of their flocks, ignorant of the use of money and the art of writing, are fellow subjects with the industrious husbandman and ingenious mechanic, with the owner of a thousand acres, and the wealthy merchant. Here are tribes loose and unconnected, some bowing to paternal authority, others preserving a pure democracy; the adherents of monarchy in all its gradations and religion in every shape, from the grossest of aristocracy in every form. Here is found impurities and absurdities of polytheism to the sanctity of the christian faith and practice. In short, Russia presents man in every variety of his physical condition, and under every modification of the social state and religious principle. Here may be seen at once what a succession of ages elsewhere exhibits, and the simultaneous view may correct the errors and prejudices into which detached portions of human history have betrayed philosophers.

That a country presenting inhabitants so diversified by modes of life, by know

monarch was at that time engaged in the siege of Smoleusk. The reply of the ambassador, when the king demanded the immediate surrender of that town, discovers his spirit. When your son," said Phila

edge and by ignorance, should have experienced the most trying vicissitatles, ean surprise no considerate mind; but these we pass, to fix the attention of the reader on the origin and character of the present reigning family, and theretes, " ascends our throne, he will not House of Romanoff.

that he arrested the ambassador, and threw him into prison. Philaretes suffered a rigorous confinement of nine years in the castle of Marienberg in Prussia. So little were the rights of nations known among all these people, and so feeble at that time was the Russian power.

The truce of Develina, concluded in 1619, released Philaretes, who on his re

Guly possess Smolensk, but all Russia, and it does not become you to dismember his terThe Poles had acquired such an ascenritories." This courageous reply, with dancy during these convulsions, that the other remonsfrauces respecting his treatvacant throue of Russia was offered to Lament of Russia, so exasperated Sigismund,. dislaus, son of Sigismund, king of Poland. Instead of appearing himself, that prince sent an army of Poles into Russia, who by their insolence and oppressions excited fresh tumults. This state of anarchy and confusion continued for three years, when the Russians considering the election of Ladislaus as void, thought upon choosing a new sovereign. Michael Romanof was proposed, a youth of sixteen. His inex-tura to Moscow, received the patriarchate perience being objected, it is probable that though supported by many of the nobles Be would have been rejected, had not one of the clergy, who were zealous in his favour, confounded opposition by declaring that it had been revealed to him, that young Romanof would prove the most fortunate and prosperous of the tzors that had ever sat upon the throne. Thus the general concurrence was secured. This event, which happened June 11th, 1618, put a period to the civil contentions of Russia, which in the space of sixteen years had seen five princes perish by violence, and experienced as many revolutions.

The house of Romanof derived its origin from Audrew, a Prussian Prince, who came into Russia in the middle of the fourteenth century. His grandson Zachariah attained the highest honours in the court of Vassili Vassilievitch, and left several children. His second son, Yury, was boyar in the reign of ivan Vassillievitch, to whom his daughter, Anastasia, was the rst wife. The third son enjoyed the rauk of viovode. Nicetas the youngest, likewise a boyar, was the father of Feodore Rogauof, whose only son was Michael, now chosen tzar..

Feodore Romanof, in consequence of his talents, popularity, and great connections, was obnoxious to the usurper Boris Godumof, who obliged him to enter the priesthood, and confined him in a monastery.On this event he changed his name to Philaretes. The tzar Demetrius released him from confinement, and gave him the archbishopric of Rostof. When the nobles had agreed to seat Ladislaus upon the throne of Russin, Philaretes was sent am Lessidor to Sigismund to settle the conditions of his son's elevation. The polish

from the hands of his sou; and, in reality, though not ostensibly, assumed the administration of affairs. In many public acts his name was associated with his son's; he gave audiences to ambassadors; and on public occasions he often took the prece dence of the tzar. Experience, moderation, and sagacity which entitled him to this power and dignity, were displayed in the prosperity of Michael's reign. Philaretes having attained an advanced age and reached the highest honour in the church and the greatest power in the state, died in 1653, the regret of the whole kingdom.

When Michael was chosen to govern the Russians, he resided, with his mother, in a convent at Kostroma, entirely ignorant of what had taken place. Informed of his good fortune, by deputies sent for that purpose, he recollected the calamities of all the tzars, since the death of Rurick's last successor, Feodore Ivanovitch; and bursting into tears, declined a dignity which seemed to involve the ruin of those who enjoyed it. The importunities of the deputies, however, inforced by the splendors of royalty, overcame the youth's reluctance. He repaired to Moscow, and was crowned with the usual solemnities,

The marriage of the young tzar must appear very singular. The most beautiful young women were drawn from the provinces to the court. They were received by the chief lady of the court, eat together, and lodged separately. The tzar observed them privately, and even visited them at night to see whether they slept quietly.On the day fixed for the marriage, she on whom the choice fell, was presented with a ring and handkerchief, and the others were dismissed with presents. This cus tom, of which several examples are found

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