The speeches of ... William Pitt in the House of commons [ed. by W.S. Hathaway]., Volym 31806 |
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admitted adopted advantage allies amount apply argument assessed taxes bank bill Britain British British empire calculated circumstances commercial committee conduct consider consideration consolidated fund constitution contest contribution danger debt declaration discussion duty effect emperor empire enemy estimate Europe exchequer bills executive government exertions expenses extraordinaries favour feel former France French fund give government of France grounds honourable gen house of commons important income interest jacobinism kingdom lative legislature liberty loan Lord Malmesbury Majesty manner means measure ment millions mode motion nation nature navy necessary necessity negociation nourable gentleman object occasion opinion parliament of Ireland peace persons PITT possess present principle produce proper proposed proposition question raised reform respect right ho right honourable gentleman sentiments shew situation supplies suppose thing tion universal suffrage vote of credit whole wish
Populära avsnitt
Sida 140 - That an humble address be presented to His Majesty, to return His Majesty the thanks of this House for his most gracious message to this House, signified by His Grace the Lord Lieutenant.
Sida 374 - ... religion, while the religion of a great majority of the people is different, it is not easy to say, on general principles, what system of church establishment in such a country would be free from difficulty and inconvenience. By many I know it will be contended, that the religion professed by the majority of the people would, at least, be entitled to an equality of privileges.
Sida 394 - Ireland have severally agreed and resolved, that, in order to promote and secure the essential interests of Great Britain and Ireland, and to consolidate the strength, power, and resources of the British Empire, it will be advisable to concur in such measures as may best tend to unite the two kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland...
Sida 8 - That his Majesty's ministers, having authorised and directed, at different times, without the consent, and during the sitting of Parliament, the issue of various sums of money for the service of his Imperial Majesty, and also for the service of the army under the Prince of Conde, have acted contrary to their duty, and to the trust reposed in them, and have thereby violated the constitutional privileges of this House.
Sida 137 - It is with the deepest concern his Majesty acquaints the House of Commons, that the conduct of the crews of some of his ships now at the...
Sida 389 - ... the same in principle, but carried to a greater degree of perfection, with a more extensive commerce, and more abundant means of acquiring and diffusing national wealth; the stability of whose government — the excellence of whose constitution, is more than ever the admiration and envy of Europe, and of which the very country of which we are speaking can only boast an inadequate and imperfect resemblance; — under such circumstances, I would ask, what conduct would be prescribed by every rational...
Sida 56 - England should forbear issuing any cash in payment, until the sense of parliament can be taken on that subject, and the proper measures adopted thereupon, for maintaining the means of circulation and supporting the public and commercial credit of the kingdom at this important conjuncture...
Sida 169 - ... entreaty ! Under such circumstances, are we ashamed or afraid to declare, in a firm and manly tone, our resolution to defend ourselves, or to speak the language of truth with the energy that belongs to Englishmen united in such a cause ? Sir, I do not scruple, for one, to say, if I knew nothing by which I could state to myself a probability of the contest terminating in our favour, I would maintain that the contest with its worst chances is preferable to an acquiescence in such demands.
Sida 362 - I stated that the settlement, which was made in 1782, so far from deserving the name of a final adjustment, was one that left the connection between Great Britain and Ireland exposed to all the attacks of party and all the effects of accident. That settlement consisted in the demolition of the system which before held the two countries together.
Sida 412 - Does the right honourable gentleman mean to prosecute the war until the French republic is overthrown ? Is it his determination not to treat with France while it continues a republic...