Appropriation bills to be reported within thirty days made Appropriation for treaties not to be included in bills making appropria- Appropriations to be first discussed in Committee of the Whole 79 79 80 81 78 132 B. Ballot for committees in other cases Ballots, blank, not counted no person to look on when tellers are counting Bar, no member to vote unless within the private, to have precedence on Fridays and Saturdays to be called over on first and fourth Fridays of every rejected, if enacting words be stricken out cannot be amended by adding other bills proceedings on leave to introduce how to be introduced or reported leave to introduce making appropriations, to be reported within thirty days 7 11 11 39 40 28 22 30 30 46 55 to have preference in order 80 appropriations not authorized by law ex- cluded 81 if opposed on first reading, question to reject to be put, &c. how to be disposed of on second reading not more than three to be committed to the same Committee of may be recommitted at any time before passage amendments of Senate, when considered 115 116 117 118 120 121 Cap 28 Cho engrossed, when to be read a third time 28 Che from the Senate, when to be read and disposed of 28 not to be amended on third reading by rider when passed, to be certified by the Clerk 123 Cl [in Committee of the Whole] how to be taken up; not to be in- to be enrolled on parchment after passing the two Houses (joint rule) 6 (See Engrossed Bills.) passed one House and lost in the other, notice to be given of (joint 12 Bills passed one House and lost in the other, how they may be renewed when sent from one House to the other, to be accompanied by the not to be sent from one House to the other for concurrence on Rule. 13 14 16 17 joint rule relative to printing of 18 Blanks, rule respecting the filling of 129 Blank ballots, not to be counted 11 Bond of Sergeant-at-arms 71 Business, unfinished, precedence of 58 Business, unfinished at first, to be resumed at second session of Con- gress 22 daily order of 23 order of, changed or postponed, two-thirds necessary 134 no debate on priority of 113 Business on the table, when to be taken up and disposed of Business on the Speaker's table, mode of disposing of 28 list to be made of 142 private, to have preference on Fridays and Saturdays month, and preference give nto matters not objected to 30 to be called over on first and fourth Fridays in every 31 C. Calls on Departments for information, rules relating to in order prior to second of previous question, but Speaker and fifteen members may compel attend- Capitol, unappropriated rooms in no spirits to be brought within or about (joint rule) Chair, Speaker may substitute a member to take the - 61 62 50 proceedings on a call - 63, 64 63 144 19 6 8 125 130 147 61 21 109 110 142 139 141 143 of Committee of Whole, Speaker names Charge on the people, motions for Claims, officers of House not to prosecute Clerk to cause resolutions to be delivered to President, &c. to take an oath to act faithfully, and tenure of appointment, &c. Clerk to note questions of order to attest legal acts signed by the Speaker to retain certain books in the office library Clerks to Committees, House must order employment of Commit or amend, order of motions to Committees, how to be appointed who shall be chairman - to meet on call of two members order in which they shall be called for reports 26 ing on a member may, in a certain case, be excused from serv- 9 appointment of standing precedence of, in motions for reference 47 - 76 duties of, viz: of Elections 77 of Ways and Means -78,79,81 of Claims 82 on Commerce 83 on Public Lands 84 on Post Office and Post Roads 85 for the District of Columbia 86 on the Judiciary 87 on Revolutionary Claims 88 on Public Expenditures 89 on Private Land Claims 90 on Military Affairs 91 on the Militia 92 on Naval Affairs 93 on Foreign Affairs 94 Committees on Expenditures, appointment and duties of the six Committees, standing, may report by bill not to sit during session of House Committee of the Whole on the Union, a standing order of the day rules may be suspended at any time to go into arge, and terminate debate in how to proceed in cases of bills how to report amendments to original motions on the Territories 95 96 97 98 990 on Public Buildings of Accounts on Mileage on Engraving taxes must first entertain all motions for laying or increasing Enact - 130, 131 Committee of the Whole, appropriations must be first discussed in to report at any time Commitment of motions and reports to be at the pleasure of the House Conference on disagreeing votes of the two Houses, rule respecting (joint rule) Confidential communications or proceedings, rules upon Sergeant-at-arms sworn to secrecy Doorkeeper sworn to secrecy Consideration, questions of Conversation, (private,) not to be entertained while a member is speaking D. Debate, provisions for the preservation of order and decorum in on appeals, limited nature of on appeals in calls to order prohibited prohibited on motions to adjourn prohibited on motion to lie on the table } prohibited to speak more than once or twice prohibited on petitions and other papers on day of presenta- tion probibited on priority of business to be precluded by the previous question no speech to exceed one hour in Committee of the Whole, House may terminate Departments, calls for information from list of reports from Division of questions, when and how they may be allowed Division of the House, how made and decided Divine service not to be performed in the Hall, unless by the consent Rule. 132 146 7 135 54 47 1 112 72 74 5 39 32, 35 2 35 48 Disorder of the gallery, remedy for Documents, members to be furnished with an extra set Doorkeepers, to be appointed to be sworn to secrecy required to execute rules strictly rule respecting printing extra numbers Duties or taxes, rules to be observed respecting the imposition or in- crease of Enacting words, if stricken out, to be considered as a rejection of bill, &c. 11, 12 13 14 119 Ensign or mace, relating to the duties of - Engrossment to be in a fair round hand Engrossed bills not to be amended by riders while on their passage between the two Houses (joint rule.) (See Bills.) Enrolled bills, Committee on, may report at any time to be examined by the committee) provision for the appointment of the Committee on Rule. 68 76 104 121 122 135 (joint rule) 7 to be signed by the presiding officers of the Houses how to be presented to the President, and the time to be not to be presented to the President on the last day of Executive Departments, rules to be observed in calling for information from heads of Executive communications, when to be read Extra compensation forbidden - F. Fees in cases of calls of the House, payment by members Friday, private business, precedence on H. Hall to be under the direction of the Speaker - persons who may be admitted within the this rule to be strictly executed not to be used in the performance of Divine service, unless by Indefinitely, questions not to be resumed which are postponed 6 17 Me 20 137 39 61 34 Me Me 40 52 |