Sidor som bilder

about the world to repair mankind by throwing | flew to his succour, dispersed the multitude that stones over their heads, the men who rose from were gathered about him, and fought over him them differed in their inclinations according to as he lay upon the ground. In the meanwhile the the places on which the stones fell. Those German recovered from his trance, and rose up which fell in the fields became ploughmen and to the assistance of the Portuguese, who a little shepherds. Those which fell into the water pro- after had his right arm, which held his sword, duced sailors and fishermen. Those that fell cut off by the blow of a sabre. He would have among the woods and forests gave birth to lost his life at the same time by a spear which huntsmen. Among the rest there were several was aimed at his back, had not the German slain that fell upon mountains that had mines of gold the person who was aiming at him. These two and silver in them. This last race of men im- competitors for fame having received such mutumediately betook themselves to the search of al obligations, now fought in conjunction, and as these precious metals; but nature being dis- the one was only able to manage the sword, and pleased to see herself ransacked, withdrew these the other a shield, made up but one warrior beher treasures towards the centre of the earth. twixt them. The Portuguese covered the GerThe avarice of man, however, persisted in its man, while the German dealt destruction upon former pursuits, and ransacked her inmost bow- the enemy. At length, finding themselves faint els in quest of the riches which they contained. with loss of blood, and resolving to perish noNature seeing herself thus plundered by a bly, they advanced to the most shattered part swarm of miners, was so highly incensed, that of the wall, and threw themselves down, with she shook the whole place with an earthquake, a huge fragment of it, upon the heads of the and buried the men under their own works. besiegers. The Stygian flames which lay in the neighbourhood of these deep mines, broke out at the same time with great fury, burning up the whole mass of human limbs and earth, until they were hardened and baked into stone. The human bodies that were delving in iron mines were converted into those common loadstones which attract that metal. Those which were in search of gold became chryso-magnets, and still keep their former avarice in their present state of petrifaction.'

Ovid had no sooner given over speaking, but the assembly pronounced their opinions of him. Several were so taken with his easy way of writing, and had so formed their tastes upon it, that they had no relish for any composition which was not framed in the Ovidian manner. A great many, however, were of a contrary opinion; until at length it was determined, by a plurality of voices, that Ovid highly deserved the name of a witty man, but that his language was vulgar and trivial, and of the nature of those things which cost no labour in the invention, but are ready found out to a man's hand. In the last place, they all agreed, that the greatest objection which lay against Ovid, both as to his life and writings, was his having too much wit, and that he would have succeeded better in both, had he rather checked than indulged it. Statius stood up next, with a swelling and haughty air, and made the following story the subject of his poem.

A German and a Portuguese, when Vienna was besieged, having had frequent contests of rivalry, were preparing for a single duel, when on a sudden the walls were attacked by the enemy. Upon this, both the German and Portuguese consented to sacrifice their private resentments to the public, and to see who could signalize himself most upon the common foe.Each of them did wonders in repelling the enemy from different parts of the wall. The German was at length engaged amidst a whole army of Turks, until his left arm, that held the shield, was unfortunately lopped off, and he himself so stunned with a blow he had received, that he fell down as dead. The Portuguese, seeing the condition of his rival, very generously

When Statius ceased, the old factions imme diately broke out concerning his manner of writing. Some gave him very loud acclamations, such as he had received in his life-time, declaring him the only man who had written in a style which was truly heroical, and that he was above all others in his fame as well as in his diction. Others censured him as one who went beyond all bounds in his images and expressions, laughing at the cruelty of his conceptions, the rumbling of his numbers, and the dreadful pomp and bombast of his expressions. There were, however, a few select judges, who moderated between both these extremes, and pronounced upon Statius, that there appeared in his style much poetical heat and fire, but withal so much smoke as sullied the brightness of it. That there was a majesty in his verse, but that it was the majesty rather of a tyrant than of a king. That he was often towering among the clouds, but often met with the fate of Icarus. In a word, that Statius was among the poets, what Alexander the Great is among heroes, a man of great virtues and of great faults.

Virgil was the last of the ancient poets who produced himself upon this occasion. His subject was the story of Theutilla, which being so near that of Judith in all its circumstances, and at the same time translated by a very ingenious gentleman in one of Mr. Dryden's Miscellanies, I shall here give no further account of it. When he had done, the whole assembly declared the works of this great poet a subject rather for their admiration than for their applause, and that if any thing was wanting in Virgil's poetry, it was to be ascribed to a deficiency in the art itself, and not in the genius of this great man. There were, however, some envious murmurs and detractions heard among the crowd, as if there were very frequently verses in him which flagged or wanted spirit, and were rather to be looked upon as faultless than beautiful. But these injudicious censures were heard with a general indignation.

I need not observe to my learned reader, that the foregoing story of the German and Portu guese is almost the same in every particular with that of the two rival soldiers in Cæsar's

Commentaries. This prolusion ends with the a letter folded up and directed to a certain noperformance of an Italian poet, full of those lit-bleman very famous in our parts for low intle witticisms and conceits which have infected the greatest part of modern poetry.

No. 123.]

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Saturday, August 1, 1713.

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True, conscious honour is to feel no sin;
He's arm'd without that's innocent within;
Be this thy screen, and this thy wall of brass.


THERE are a sort of knights-errant in the world, who, quite contrary to those in romance, are perpetually seeking adventures to bring virgins into distress, and to ruin innocence. When men of rank and figure pass away their lives in these criminal pursuits and practices, they ought to consider that they render themselves more vile and despicable than any innocent man can be, whatever low station his fortune or birth have placed him in. Title and ancestry render a good man more illustrious, but an ill one more contemptible.

'Thy father's merit sets thee up to view,
And plants thee in the fairest point of light,
To make thy virtues, or thy faults conspicuous.'


trigue, or (in plainer words) for debauching country girls; in which number is the unfortunate daughter of my poor tenant, as I learn from the following letter written by her mother. I have sent you here a copy of it, which, made public in your paper, may perhaps furnish useful reflections to many men of figure and quality, who indulge themselves in a passion which they possess but in common with the vilest part of mankind.

"MY LORD,-Last night I discovered the injury you have done to my daughter. Heaven knows how long and piercing a torment that short-lived shameful pleasure of yours must bring upon me; upon me, from whom you never received any offence. This consideration alone should have deterred a noble mind from so base and ungenerous an act. But alas! what is all the grief that must be my share, in comparison of that, with which you have requited her by whom you have been obliged? Loss of good name, anguish of heart, shame, and infamy are what must inevitably fall upon her, unless she gets over them by what is much worse, open impudence, professed lewdness, and abandoned prostitution. These are the returns you have made to her for putting in your power all her livelihood and dependence, her virtue and repuI have often wondered that these deflourers tation. O, my lord, should my son have pracof innocence, though dead to all the sentiments tised the like on one of your daughters-I know of virtue and honour, are not restrained by com- you swell with indignation at the very mention passion and humanity. To bring sorrow, con- of it, and would think he deserved a thousand fusion, and infamy, into a family, to wound the deaths, should he make such an attempt upon heart of a tender parent, and stain the life of a poor the honour of your family. It is well, my lord. deluded young woman with a dishonour that And is then the honour of your daughter, whom can never be wiped off, are circumstances, one still, though it had been violated, you might would think, sufficient to check the most violent have maintained in plenty and even luxury, of passion in a heart which has the least tincture greater moment to her, than to my daughter of pity and good-nature. Would any one pur- hers, whose only sustenance it was? And must chase the gratification of a moment at so dear a rate, and entail a lasting misery on others, for my son, void of all the advantages of a generous education, must he, I say, consider; and may such a transient satisfaction to himself; nay, your lordship be excused from all reflection? for a satisfaction that is sure, at some time or Eternal contumely attend that guilty title which other, to be followed with remorse? I am led claims exemption from thought, and arrogates to the subject by two letters which came lately to its wearers the prerogative of brutes. Ever to my hands. The last of them is, it seems, the cursed be its false lustre, which could dazzle copy of one sent by a mother to one who had my poor daughter to her undoing. Was it for abused her daughter; and though I cannot jus- this that the exalted merits and godlike virtues tify her sentiments at the latter end of it, they of your great ancestor were honoured with a are such as might arise in a mind which had not coronet, that it might be a pander to his posteyet recovered its temper after so great a provo-rity, and confer a privilege of dishonouring the cation. I present the reader with it as I received it, because I think it gives a lively idea of the affliction of which a fond parent suffers

on such an occasion.

shire, July, 1713. 'SIR,-The other day I went into the house of one of my tenants, whose wife was formerly a servant in our family, and (by my grandmother's kindness) had her education with my mother from her infancy; so that she is of a spirit and understanding greatly superior to those of her own rank. I found the poor woman in the utmost disorder of mind and attire, drowned in tears, and reduced to a condition that looked rather like stupidity than grief. She eaned upon her arm over a table, on which lay

innocent and defenceless? At this rate the laws of rewards should be inverted, and he who is generous and good, should be made a beggar and a slave; that industry and honest diligence may keep his posterity unspotted, and preserve them from ruining virgins, and making whole families unhappy. Wretchedness is now become my everlasting portion! Your crime, my lord, will draw perdition even upon my head. I may not sue for forgiveness of my own failings, and misdeeds, for I never can forgive yours, but shall curse you with my dying breath; and at the last tremendous day shall hold forth in my arms my much wronged child, and call aloud for vengeance on her defiler. Under these present horrors of mind, I could be content to be

your chief tormentor, ever paying you mock reverence, and sounding in your ears, to your unutterable loathing, the empty title which inspired you with presumption to tempt, and overawed my daughter to comply.

"Thus have I given some vent to my sorrow; nor fear I to awaken you to repentance, so that your sin may be forgiven. The divine laws have been broken; but much injury, irreparable injury, has been also done to me, and the just Judge will not pardon that until I do. My lord, your conscience will help you to my name."

No. 124.]


Monday, August 3, 1713.

Quid fremat in terris violentius ?—Juv. Sat. viii. 37.

What roar more dreadful in the world is heard?

MORE ROARINGS OF THE LION. 'MR. GUARDIAN,-Before I proceed to make you my proposals, it will be necessary to inform you, that an uncommon ferocity in my countenance, together with the remarkable flatness of my nose, and extent of my mouth, have long since procured me the name of Lion in this our university.

The vast emolument that in all probability will accrue to the public from the roarings of my new-erected likeness at Button's, hath made me desirous of being as like him in that part of his character, as I am told I already am in all parts of my person. Wherefore I most humbly propose to you, that (as it is impossible for this one lion to roar, either long enough or loud enough against all things that are roar-worthy in these realms) you would appoint him a sublion, as a præfectus provincia, in every county in Great Britain; and it is my request, that I may be instituted his under-roarer in this university, town, and county of Cambridge, as my resemblance does, in some measure, claim that I should.

'I shall follow my metropolitan's example, in roaring only against those enormities that are too slight and trivial for the notice or censures of our magistrates; and shall communicate my roarings to him monthly, or oftener, if occasion requires, to be inserted in your papers cum privilegio.

'I shall not omit giving informations of the improvement or decay of punning, and may chance to touch upon the rise and fall of tuckers; but I will roar aloud, and spare not, to the terror of, at present, a very flourishing society of people called loungers, gentlemen whose observations are mostly itinerant, and who think they have already too much good sense of their own, to be in need of staying at home to read other people's.

'I have, sir, a raven, that shall serve by way of jackall, to bring me in provisions, which I shall chaw and prepare for the digestion of my principal, and I do hereby give notice to all under my jurisdiction, that whoever are willing to contribute to this good design, if they will affix their information to the leg or neck of the aforesaid raven or jackall, they will be thankfully

received by their (but more particularly your) humble servant, LEO THE SECOND. From my den at college, in Cambridge, July 29.

'N. B. The raven won't bite.'

'MR. IRONSIDE,-Hearing that your unicorn is now in hand, and not questioning but his horn will prove a cornucopiæ to you, I desire that in order to introduce it, you will consider the following proposal.

'My wife and I intend a dissertation upon horns; the province she has chosen, is the plant. ing of them, and I am to treat of their growth, improvement, &c. The work is like to swell so much upon our hands, that I am afraid we shall not be able to bear the charge of printing it without a subscription; wherefore I hope you will invite the city into it, and desire those who have any thing by them relating to that part of natural history, to communicate it to, sir, your humble servant,


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'July 30.

Full of thoughts like these, I make it a rule to lose as little as I can of that blessed season; and accordingly rise with the sun, and wander through the fields, throw myself on the banks of little rivulets, or lose myself in the woods. I spent a day or two this spring at a country gentleman's seat, where I feasted my imagination every morning with the most luxurious prospect of an old castle built upon a high hill. A noble river ran at the foot of it, which after being broken by a heap of misshapen stones, glided away in a clear stream, and wandering through two woods on each side of it in many windings, shone here and there at a great distance through the trees. I could trace the mazes for some miles, until my eye was led through two ridges of hills, and terminated by a vast mountain in another county.

'MR. IRONSIDE,-I have always been very much pleased with the sight of those creatures, which being of a foreign growth, are brought into our island for show. I may say, there has not been a tiger, leopard, elephant, or hyghgeen, for some years past, in this nation, but I have taken their particular dimensions, and am able to give a very good description of them. But II ever saw. I usually took my stand by the wall must own, I never had a greater curiosity to visit any of these strangers than your lion. Accordingly I came yesterday to town, being able to wait no longer for fair weather, and made what haste I could to Mr. Button's, who readily conducted me to his den of state. He is really a creature of as noble a presence as I have seen; he has grandeur and good-humour in his countenance, which command both our love and respect; his shaggy mane and whiskers are peculiar graces. In short, I do not question but he will prove a worthy supporter of the British honour and virtue, especially when assisted by the unicorn. You must think I would not wait upon him without a morsel to gain his favour, and had provided what I hope would have pleased, but was unluckily prevented by the presence of a bear, which constantly as I approached with my present, threw his eyes in my way, and stared me out of my resolution. I must not forget to tell you, my younger daughter and your ward is hard at work about her tucker, having never from her infancy laid aside the modesty-piece. I am, venerable Nestor, your friend and servant, P. N.

I was a little surprised, having read some of your lion's roarings, that a creature of such eloquence should want a tongue; but he has other qualifications which make good that deficiency.'

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I hope the reader will pardon me for taking his eye from our present subject of the spring, by this landscape, since it is at this time of the year only that prospects excel in beauty. But if the eye is delighted, the ear hath likewise its proper entertainment. The music of the birds at this time of the year, hath something in it so wildly sweet, as makes me less relish the most elaborate compositions of Italy. The vigour which the warmth of the sun pours afresh into their veins, prompts them to renew their species; and thereby puts the male upon wooing his mate with more mellow warblings, and to swell his throat with more violent modulations. It is an amusement by no means below the dig. nity of a rational soul, to observe the pretty creatures flying in pairs, to mark the different passions in their intrigues, the curious contex. ture of their nests, and their care and tenderness of their little offspring.

I am particularly acquainted with a wagtail and his spouse, and made many remarks upon the several gallantries he hourly used, before the coy female would consent to make him happy. When I saw in how many airy rings he was forced to pursue her; how sometimes she tripped before him in a pretty pitty-pat step, and scarce seemed to regard the cowering of his wings, and the many awkward and foppish contortions into which he put his body to do her homage, it made me reflect upon my own youth, and the caprices of the fair but fantastic Teraminta. Often have I wished that I understood the language of birds, when I have heard him exert an eager chuckle at her leaving him; and do not doubt but that he muttered the same vows and reproaches which I often have vented against that unrelenting maid.

MEN of my age receive a greater pleasure from fine weather than from any other sensual enjoyment of life. In spite of the auxiliary bottle, or any artificial heat, we are apt to droop under a gloomy sky; and taste no luxury like a blue firmament and sunshine. I have often, in a splenetic fit, wished myself a dormouse during the winter; and I never see one of those snug animals, wrapt up close in his fur, and compactly happy in himself, but I contemplate him with envy beneath the dignity of a philosopher. If the art of flying were brought to per- The sight that gave me the most satisfaction fection, the use that I should make of it would was a flight of young birds, under the conduct be to attend the sun round the world, and pur- of the father, and indulgent directions and assue the spring through every sign of the zodiac. sistance of the dam. I took particular notice of This love of warmth makes my heart glad at a beau goldfinch, who was picking his plumes, the return of the spring. How amazing is the pruning his wings, and with great diligence, change in the face of nature; when the earth, adjusting all his gaudy garniture. When he had from being bound with frost, or covered with equipped himself with great trimness and nicesnow, begins to put forth her plants and flow-ty, he stretched his painted neck, which seemed ers, to be clothed with green, diversified with ten thousand various dyes; and to exhale such fresh and charming odours, as fill every living creature with delight!

to brighten with new glowings, and strained his throat into many wild notes and natural melody. He then flew about the nest in several circles and windings, and invited his wife and

children into open air. It was very entertain- | intellectual, as well as the natural and corpo ing to see the trembling and the fluttering of real, we shall perceive throughout, a certain the little strangers at their first appearance in correspondence of the parts, a similitude of the world, and the different care of the male operation, and unity of design, which plainly and female parent, so suitable to their several demonstrate the universe to be the work of one sexes. I could not take my eye quickly from so infinitely good and wise being; and that the entertaining an object; nor could I help wish- system of thinking beings is actuated by laws ing, that creatures of a superior rank would so derived from the same divine power which ormanifest their mutual affection, and so cheer- dained those by which the corporeal system 18 fully concur in providing for their offspring. upheld.

I shall conclude this tattle about the spring, which I usually call the youth and health of the year,' with some verses which I transcribe from a manuscript poem upon hunting. The author gives directions, that hounds should breed in the spring, whence he takes occasion, after the manner of the ancients, to make a digression in praise of that season. The verses here subjoined, are not all upon that subject; but the transitions slide so easily into one another, that I knew not how to leave off until I had writ out the whole digression.

From the contemplation of the order, motion, and cohesion of natural bodies, philosophers are now agreed, that there is a mutual attraction between the most distant parts at least of this solar system. All those bodies that revolve round the sun are drawn towards each other, and towards the sun, by some secret, uniform, and never-ceasing principle. Hence it is, that the earth (as well as the other planets) without flying off in a tangent line, constantly rolls about the sun, and the moon about the earth, without deserting her companion in so many thousand years. And as the larger systems of

likewise the particular globes derive their cohesion and consistence from it.

In spring let loose thy males. Then all things prove the universe are held together by this cause, so The stings of pleasure, and the pangs of love: Ethereal Jove then glads, with genial showers, Earth's mighty womb, and strews her lap with flow'rs; Hence juices mount, and buds, embolden'd, try More kindly breezes, and a softer sky; Kind Venus revels. Hark! on ev'ry bough, In lulling strains the feather'd warblers woo.

Fell tigers soften in th' infectious flames,
And lions fawning, court their brinded dames:
Great love pervades the deep; to please his mate,
The whale, in gambols moves his monstrous weight;
Heav'd by his wayward mirth old Ocean roars,
And scatter'd navies bulge on distant shores.


All nature smiles: Come now, nor fear, my love, To taste the odours of the woodbine grove, To pass the evening glooms in harmless play, And sweetly swearing, languish life away. An altar bound with recent flowers, I rear To thee, best season of the various year : All hail! such days in beauteous order ran, So soft, so sweet, when first the world began; In Eden's bow'rs, when man's great sire assign'd The names and natures of the brutal kind. Then lamb and lion friendly walk'd their round, And hares, undaunted, licked the fondling hound; Wond'rous to tell! but when with luckless hand, Our daring mother broke the sole command, Then want and envy brought their meagre train, Then wrath came down, and death had leave to reign: Hence foxes earth'd and wolves abhorr'd the day, And hungry churls ensnar'd the nightly prey. Rude arts at first; but witty want refin'd The huntsman's wiles, and famine form'd the mind. Bold Nimrod first the lion's trophies wore, The panther bound, and lanc'd the bristling boar; He taught to turn the hare, to bay the deer, And wheel the courser in his mad career. Ah! had he there restrain'd his tyrant hand! Let me ye pow'rs, a humbler wreath demand; No pomps I ask, which crowns and sceptres yield; Nor dangerous laurels in the dusty field: Fast by the forest, and the limpid spring, Give me the warfare of the woods to sing, To breed my whelps, and healthful press the game, A mean, inglorious, but a guiltless name.

No. 126.]

Wednesday, August 5, 1713.

Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.
Ter. Heaut. Act. i. Sc. 1.

Now if we carry our thoughts from the corporeal to the moral world, we may observe in the spirits or minds of men, a like principle of attraction, whereby they are drawn together in communities, clubs, families, friendships, and all the various species of society. As in bodies, where the quantity is the same, the attraction is strongest between those which are placed nearest to each other; so it is likewise in the minds of men, cæteris paribus, between those which are most nearly related. Bodies that are placed at the distance of many millions of miles, may nevertheless attract and constantly operate on each other, although this action do not show itself by a union or approach of those distant bodies so long as they are withheld by the contrary forces of other bodies, which, at the same time, attract them different ways; but would, on the supposed removal of all other bodies, mutually approach and unite with each other. The like holds with regard to the human soul, whose affection towards the individuals of the same species, who are distantly related to it, is rendered inconspicuous by its more powerful attraction towards those who have a nearer relation to it. But as those are removed, the tendency which before lay concealed, doth gradually disclose itself.

A man who has no family is more strongly attracted towards his friends and neighbours; and if absent from these, he naturally falls into an acquaintance with those of his own city or country who chance to be in the same place. Two Englishmen meeting at Rome or Constantinople, soon run into a familiarity. And in China or Japan, Europeans would think their being so, a good reason for their uniting in particular converse. Farther, in case we suppose ourselves translated into Jupiter or Saturn, and

I am a man, and have a fellow-feeling of every thing there to meet a Chinese, or other more distant belonging to man.

If we consider the whole scope of the creation that lies within our view, the moral and

native of our own planet, we should look on him as a near relation, and readily commence a friendship with him. These are natural reflec tions, and such as may convince us that we are

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