Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and Other Pieces of Our Earlier Poets, (chiefly of the Lyric Kind.) Together with Some Few of Later Date, Volym 1Thomas Percy J. Dodsley, 1767 - 398 sidor |
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Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic ..., Volym 1 Thomas Percy Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1767 |
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, Vol. 3: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads ... Thomas Percy Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2018 |
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs ... Thomas Percy Ingen förhandsgranskning - 2016 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
Adam Bell alfo alſo ancient Anglo-Saxon archar awaye ballad caft caftle Chrift Cloudeflè copy daughter daye dear doth Douglas Du Cange Earl Earl Douglas Earl Percy Edom English faft faid fair fame fave fayd faye fayre feems feen fent fhall fhew fhould firft flaine flayne fome fometimes fong fonnes foon ftand ftanzas ftill ftory fubject fuch fwords Garland greene willow harpe hath heart Hift himſelf houfe houſe intitled king knight kyng lady ladye lord Minstrels moft moſt mufic muft never noble Northumberland obferved Otterbourn paffage Patrick Spence Percy perfon play poems poets prefent profeffion quoth reign Robin Robin Hood Scotland ſhall ſhe Theare thee thefe ther theſe thofe thoſe thou thre tranflated unto whofe willow wold wyfe wyll Wyllyam yemen zour