Sidor som bilder

Provisions and


Medicine and


Southwest Exe


For compensation of the chief of the Bureau of Provisions re and Clothing, and to the clerks and messenger in his office, M eight thousand three hundred dollars;

For compensation of the chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, and to the clerks, assistant surgeon, and messenger in his office, six thousand six hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses of said department, and all the bureaus connected therewith, viz:

For blank books, binding, stationery, printing, and labor, four thousand one hundred and forty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one thousand six hundred and sixty dollars.

For compensation of superintendent and three watchmen of cutive building. the southwest executive building, one thousand three hundred and forty-five dollars."

Post Office De-



For the contingent expenses of the said building, viz:
For labor, fuel, and light, one thousand six hundred and
seventy-five dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one thousand one hundred and
fifty dollars.


For compensation to the Postmaster General, three assistant postmasters general, clerks, messengers, assistant messengers, and watchmen of the said department, seventy-four thousand three hundred dollars;

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of Post Office ing, two hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation of superintendent of the Post Office buildContingencies. For the contingent expenses of the said department, viz : For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, oil, printing, labor, and day watchmen, six thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; For miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars: Provided, Proceeds of the That the proceeds of the telegraph between Washington city telegraph to be and Baltimore be, and the same are hereby, directed to be placed in the Treasury. placed in the Treasury of the United States for the benefit of the Post Office Department in the same inanner as other revenue from postages.


Auditor and clerks.


For compensation of the Auditor for the Post Office Department, clerks, messenger, and assistant messengers in his office, eighty-five thousand seven hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, viz:


For labor, blank books, binding, stationery, printing blanks and circulars, five thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; For miscellaneous items, seven hundred dollars.

Sarveyors and 1.


Northwest of

the Ohio.


For compensation of the surveyor general northwest of the Ohio, and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars;

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For compensation of the surveyor general in Illinois and Illinois and MisMissouri, and the clerks in his office, five thousand eight hun

dred and twenty dollars;


For compensation of the surveyor general in Arkansas, and Arkansas. the clerks in his office, four thousand three hundred dollars;

For compensation of the surveyor general in Louisiana, and Louisiana, the clerks in his office, four thousand five hundred dollars;

For compensation of the surveyor general in Mississippi, Mississippi. and the clerks in his office, four thousand six hundred and fifty


For compensation of the surveyor general in Alabama, and. the clerks in his office, four thousand dollars;


For compensation of the surveyor general in Florida, and the Florida, clerks in his office, five thousand five hundred dollars;

For compensation of the surveyor general in Wisconsin and Wisconsin and Iowa, and the clerks in his office, three thousand one hundred lowa. dollars;

of compensa

For compensation of the clerks in the offices of the surveyors Apportionment general, to be apportioned to them according to the exigencies tion to clerks. of the public service, and, if necessary, to be employed in transcribing field notes of surveys, for the purpose of preserving them at the seat of Government, sixteen thousand dollars; Land offices at For paying to the land offices at St. Augustine and New St. Augustine & nansville, in Florida, for issuing permits under the act of Newnansville, fourth August, eighteen hundred and forty-two, a per centage equal to that allowed by law upon the sale of the same quantity of public lands at the minimum price, five thousand dollars;

For compensation of the Secretary to sign patents for public lands, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For compensation of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in Washington city, two thousand dollars;

For compensation to four assistants, draw-keeper at the Poto mac bridge, including oil for lamps and machinery, fire-wood, and repairs of bridge, four thousand two hundred and ninety dollars.


At Philadelphia, viz:

For salaries of the director, treasurer, chief coiner, melter and refiner, engraver, aseayer, assistant assayer, and four clerks, nineteen thousand two hundred dollars;

For wages of workmen twenty-four thousand dollars;


Secretary to

sign patents.


of Public Build

Potomac bridge

Mint of U. S.,

and branches.

At Philadelphia

For incidental and contingent expenses, including fuel, ma- Contingencies. terials, stationery, repairs, water rent, and wastage, eight hundred


For specimens of ores and coins, to be reserved at the mint,

three hundred dollars;

At Charlotte, North Carolina, viz:

At Charlotte:




For salaries of superintendent, assayer, coiner, and clerk, six thousand dollars:

For wages of workmen, three thousand five hundred dollars; Wastage of gold, and for contingent expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars.

At Dahlonega. At Dahlonega, Georgia, viz:



For salaries of the superintendent, assayer, coiner, and clerk, six thousand dollars;

For wages of workmen, three thousand six hundred dollars; For incidental and contingent expenses, including fuel, ma terials, stationery, repairs, and wastage, three thousand dollars. At NewOrleans At New Orleans, viz:






Governor and officers.


Legislative Assembly:


Governor and officers.

For salaries of superintendent, treasurer, coiner, assayer, melter and refiner, and two clerks, twelve thousand nine hundred dollars;

For wages of workmen, nineteen thousand dollars;

For incidental and contingent expenses, including fuel, ma terials, stationery, water rent, repairs, and wastage, twenty-one thousand dollars;

For machinery and machinists, four thousand five hundred dollars.



For salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary, nine thousand one hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses of said Territory, three hundred and fifty dollars;

For compensation and mileage of the members of the Legis lative Assembly, pay of officers and attendants, printing, station ery, fuel, and other incidental and contingent expenses, thirteen thousand seven hundred dollars.


For salaries of governor, three judges, and secretary, nine thousand one hundred dollars; Contingencies. For contingent expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars;

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Legislative As. sembly.

For compensation and mileage of the members of the Legislative Assembly of said Territory, pay of officers and attendants, printing, stationery, fuel, and other incidental and contingent expenses, including arrearages of expenses of previous sessions of said Assembly, the accounts for which shall first be audited and allowed by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury, fourteen thousand and fifty dollars.

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For salaries of the chief justice of the Supreme Court, and Chief Justice & the eight associate judges, forty-one thousand dollars;

For salaries of the district judges, fifty-six thousand seven District Judges. hundred dollars;

For salaries of the chief justice of the District of Columbia, Judges of D. C. the associate judges, the judges of the criminal and orphan's courts of said district, eleven thousand seven hundred dollars;

For salaries of the Attorney General, and clerk and messen- Attorney Geneger in his office, five thousand five hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses of the office of Attorney General, five hundred dollars;

ral and office.

For salary of the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Reporter of the Court, thirteen hundred dollars;

Supreme Court.

For compensation of the district attorneys, including those District Attorin the several Territories, being two hundred dollars each, as neys. prescribed by law, seven thousand dollars;

For compensation of the marshals, including those in the Marshals. several Territories, as prescribed by law, six thousand two hundred dollars;

For defraying the expenses of the Supreme, Circuit, and Contingencios. District Courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures, incurred in the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, and previous years; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and for prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the safekeeping of prisoners, four hundred and thirty-nine thousand dollars;


For additional compensation, at eight hundred dollars each, Additional comto the district judges of Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missis. pensation certain judges. sippi, and Alabama, under the provisions of the first section of the act of seventeenth June, eighteen hundred and forty-four, four thousand dollars.


For payment of annuities and grants by special acts of Congress, seven hundred and fifty dollars;


Annuities and


For salaries of two keepers of the public archives in Florida, Florida archone thousand dollars;


Auditor's office.

For arrearages prior to first of July, eighteen hundred and Arrearages pay. fifteen, payable through the Third Auditor's office, in addition able through 3d to one thousand two hundred dollars appropriated this session for the same object, two thousand eight hundred dollars; For expenses in relation to loans, four thousand dollars; Expenses in reFor compensation and contingent expenses of the auxiliary guard, six thousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars; For survey of the coast of the United States, including compensation to the superintendent and assistants, one hundred and eleven thousand dollars;

lation to loans. guard.


Coast survey.

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Custom house at Boston.

Group of statues


For completing the custom-house at Wilmington, North Carolina, five thousand one hundred dollars;

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For completing the work of the custom house at Boston, fifty thousand dollars;

For payment to Horatio Greenough for a group of statues to for the Capitol. adorn the eastern portico of the Capitol, eight thousand dol lars: Provided, The work is in such state of progress as, in reference to the whole sum to be paid for its execution, shall, in the opinion of the President of the United States, render it proper to make such payment;

Sick and disabled seamen.

Custom house

at Mobile.

Revenue cutter.

6th vol. Docu

To supply deficiencies in the fund for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, twenty-five thousand dollars;

For repairs of that part of the custom-house at Mobile occupied by the United States court, three hundred and ninety dollars;

For the building or purchasing of a revenue-cutter, twelve thousand dollars;

For the sixth volume of the fourth series of the Documentary mentary history History of the United States, twenty-five thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars;

Payment of excess of duties


For payment of the excess of duties paid upon wines imcollected on ported from Portugal into the United States by John Osborn, wines from Por- of the city of New York, the sum of one thousand seven hun. dred and eighteen dollars and forty-two cents; and by Isaac Winslow and Son, of Boston, the sum of one thousand and nineteen dollars and fifty-four cents; and by Alexander Soltan, of New York, the sum of eight hundred and eighty-five dollars and ninety six cents; which said duties were levied and collected contrary to the treaty stipulations existing between Portugal and this Government: Provided, however, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall not pay said sums of money to said Osborn, and Winslow and Son, and Soltan, unless he is satisfied they are rightfully entitled thereto;


Contingencies For annual repairs of the Capitol, lamplighters, oil for lamps, for the Capitol wicks, and repairs of lamps and lamp posts, attendance on furand grounds. naces of the crypt, attendance on water closets, cleaning the rotundo and crypt, brushes and brooms, laborers and cartage on Capitol grounds, tools, wire, twine, leather, nails, stakes, manure, and straw for grounds, trees, attendance at the western gates of the Capitol, repairs of public stables, flagging, and enclosures, keeping in order iron pipes that convey the water to the Capitol and public offices, and gardener's salary, nine thousand nine hundred and fourteen dollars;

For constructing seven furnaces for warming and drying the lower story, halls, and passages of the north wing of the Capitol, three thousand nine hundred and ten dollars;

For constructing six water closets for the Senate and two for the Supreme Court, on the same floors, respectively, three thousand four hundred and sixty-eight dollars;

For enlarging the law library, constructing a new stairway, and other work and the materials therefor, according to the


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