AN HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL MEMOIR OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF The Right Honourable LORD BYRON, WITH ANECDOTES OF SOME OF HIS CONTEMPORARIES. "None But such as are good men can give good things, And that which is not good, is not delicious MILTON. London: PUBLISHED BY THOMAS MʻLEAN, & STATE OF Historical Society 26, HAYMARKET. 1822. 1881 THE intent of this address is neither to pay you a compliment, nor to court your favour. The one you would despise, and of the other the writer has no need. But though praise may be beneath your notice, and personal motives are out of the question; this inscription conveys an eulogium of substantial value, since it is a call upon you for the application of great talents, and the employment of powerful means, in a cause worthy of your best exertions. Having aready contributed, perhaps |