Sidor som bilder

Müller, F. M.-The Six System of Indian Philosophy. Lond., etc.,
Munsterberg, H.-Philosophie der Werte, Grund zuge einer Weltan-
schaung. Lpzg., 1908.


Science and Idealism. Boston & N. Y., 1906.
Nietzsche, F.-The Complete Works, ed. by Dr. Oscar Levy. Edinb.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Vol. 7. Human, All-Too-Human. Vol. 1. Tr. by H. Zimmern.
Vol. 9. The Will to Power. Vol. I. Tr. by A. M. Ludovici,
Vol. 10.
The Joyful Wisdom. Tr. by T. Common.
Vol. 13. The Genealogy of Morals. Tr. H. B, Samuei.
Vol. 15. The Will to Power. Vol. 2. Tr. by A. M. Ludovici.
Thus Spake Zarathustra, a book for all none.
Tille. Lond., 1899. (Works of F. Nietzcshe, 2.)...
Nietzsche's Werke. Lpzg., 1900-08.

Bd. 1.

Tr. by A.

Die Geburt der Tragödie. Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen.

Bd. 2-3. Menschliches, Allzumenschliches.

[blocks in formation]

Fl... 1...1
F4... 44...15

Onckn, W.-Die Staatslehre des Aristoteles, in historischpolitis

chen Umrissen. Lpzg., 1870-15.

P3... 74...2

Ormond, A. T.-Concepts of Philosophy. N. Y. & Lond., 1956.

F6... 1...1

[blocks in formation]

Parchine, A.-Conditions du progrès de la philosophie positive.
Moscou, 1909.

Signification réelle du terme "force" et loi de la conser

Fl... 6...1

vation de l'énergie considérée comme "principle cosmique." Trad. du russe par P. Tastevin. Moscou, 1909. (Études de philos. positive, 1.)


Pater, W.-Plato and Platonism, a serie of lectures. N.Y., 1908.
Paulsen, F.--Introdution to Philosophy. 2. American from the 3.
German ed. Tr. with the author's sanction by F. Thilly. N.
Y., 1898.......

Petzoldt, J.-Sonderschulen für hervorragend Befähigte. Lpzg. u.
Berlin, 1905.

Philosophical Review. Ed. by J. E. Creighton & E. Albec. Vol.

15 (1906).- N.Y., etc.

Plato. The Dialogues of Plato. Tr. into English with analysis

and introd. by B. Jowett. N.Y., 1901-02.
Pratt, J. B.-What is Pragmatism? N.Y., 1909.
Quesnay, F.--Oeuvres economiques et Philosophiques. Francfort &
Paris, 1888.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Rappoport, A. S.-A Primer of Philosophy. Lond., 1904. (Murray's

F2... 46...1

Rickaby, J.-The First Principles of Knowledge. Lond., etc., 1901.

(Stonyhurst Philos. Ser.).....

F2... 53...1

Rickert, H.-Der Gegenstand der Erkenntnis, Einführung in die
Transzendental philosophie. 2., verb. u. erw. Aufl. Tüb. u.

F5... 98...1

Lpzg., 1904.

Die Grenzen der naturalwissenschaftlichen Begriffsbildung, eine logische Einleitung in die historischen Wissenschaften. Tüb. u. Lpzg., 1902...................

Riehl, A.-Zur Einführung in die Philosophie der Gegenwart. 3.

Aufl. Lpzg., 1908.

Robertson, G. C.-Elements of General Philosophy. N.Y., 1896. ...
Royce, J.-The World and the Individual. N.Y., & Lond., 1901....
Sacred Books of China, the Texts of Confucianism, tr. by J. Legge.

(Sacred Books of the East, 3, 16, 27, & 28.) Oxf., 1882-99....
Sacred Books of China, the Texts of Taoism, tr, by J. Legge. (Sacred
Books of the East, 39, 40.) Oxf., 1891.......
Saint-Simon, C.-H. de.-Oeuvres choisies, précédées d'un essai sur
sa doctrine. Brux., 1859.

Santayana, G.-The Life of Reason, or the phases of human progress. Lond., 1905-06.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Schaepman, H. J. A. M.-St. Thomas van Aquino.-Leuven u.
Utrecht, 1898.

Schiller, F.-Essays Aesthetical and Philosophical; including the
dissertation on the "Connexion between the Animal and
Spiritual in Man." Newly tr. from the German. Lond., 1884.
(Bohn's Standard Libr.)

Humanism, philosophical essays. Lond. & N.Y., 1903.
Studies in Humanism. Lond. & N.Y., 1907.

Schmidt, D. W.-Der Kampt um den Sinn des Lebens, von Dante
bis Ibsen.

Berlin, 1907.

[blocks in formation]

Schopenhauer, A.-Sammtliche Werke, hrsg. von J. Frauenstädt.

[blocks in formation]

The World as Will and Idea. Tr. from the German by R. B. Haldane & J. Kemp. 3. & 4. ed. Lond., 1896. (English and Foreign Philos. Libr.)

[blocks in formation]

Seth, A.-Hegelianism and Personality. 2. ser. of Balfour lectures. 2. ed. Edinb. & Lond., 1893. (Balfour Philos. Lectures, Univ. of Edinb.)

F3... 69...1

Sidgwick, H.-Philosophy, its scope and relations: an introd. course of lectures. Lond. & N.Y., 1902....

F1... 61...1

Simmel, G.-Schopenhauer und Nietzsche, ein Vortragszyklus.

Lpzg., 1907.

Spencer, H.-Facts and Comments. N.Y., 1902.

Illustrations of Universal Progress; a ser. of discussions. N.Y., 1875....

Recent Discussions in Science, Philosophy, and Morals. New and enl. ed. N.Y., 1873....

A System of Synthetic Philosophy. N.Y., 1874 98.....

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Vol. 7. pt. 6.
Vol. 9. pt. 1.

Ecclesiastical Institutions. 1886.
The Data of Ethics. 1880.


No. Vol.

Stein, L.-Philosophische Strömungen der Gegenwart. Stuttg., 1908.

Stern, P.-Grundprobleme der Philosophie. Bd. I. Das Problem der Gegebenheit, zugleich eine Kritik des Psychologismus in der heutigen Philosophie. Berlin, 1903.

Stewart, D.-The Collected Works. Ed. by W. Hamilton. Edinb. & Lond., 1854-60.

Vol. 1. Dissertation, 1854.

Vols. 2-4. Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, to which is pre-
fixed, introd. and part first of the Outlines of Moral Philosophy.

Vols. 5. Philosophical Essays. 1855.

Vols. 6-7. The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man, to which
is prefixed, part second of the Outlines of Moral Philosophy.

Vols. 8-9. Lectures on Political Economy, to which is prefixed, part third
of the Outlines of Moral Philosophy. 1855-56.

Vol. 10. Biographical Memoirs of A. Smith, W. Robertson, and T. Reid.

Supplementary Vol. Translations of the Passages in Foreign Languages
contained the Collected Works of D. Stewart.


Stumpf, C.-Leib und Seele; und der Entwicklungsgedanke in der
gegenwärtigen Philosophie. 3. Auf. Lpzg., 1909....
Sturt, H.-Idola Theatri; a criticism of Oxford thought and
thinkers from the standpoint of personal idealism. Lond.,

F6... 30...1

F6... 43...1

F6... 52...11

F3... 59...I

F5... 26...1

(ed. by).--Personal Idealism. Lond. & N.Y., 1902... Takashima, K.-The Takashima Ekidan. Tr. by S. Sugiura from the work of K. Takashima. Tokyo, 1893.... Tarde, G.-L'opposition universelle; essai d'une théorie des contraires. Paris, 1897. (Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine)

F5... 93...1

F3... 58...1

F5... 46...1


Halle, 1867-73...

3...1 F2...136...3

Taylor, A. E.-Elemts of Metaphysics. Lond., 1903.
Teichmüller, G.-Aristotelische Forschungen.

Bd. 1. Beiträge zur Erklärung der Poetik des Aristoteles.

Bd. 2. Aristoteles Philosophie der Kunst.

Bd. 3. Geschichte des Begriffs der Parusie.

Tolstoi, L. N.-Life. N.Y. (The Complete Works of Lyof N.
Tolstoi, 5.)

Unold, J.-Ausgaben und Ziele des Menschenlebens. 2. verb. Aufl.
Lpzg., 1904. (Aus Natur u. Geisteswelt, 12.)....
Volkelt, J.-Die Quellen der menschlichen Gewissheit.


B6... 17...1


F5... 1...1

Voltaire.-Philosophical Dictionary. Paris, etc. (The Works of
Voltaire, 5-14.) .......

Walker, L. J.-Theories of Knowledge. (Stony hurst philos. Ser.)
Lond., etc., 1910. ...

Cl. No. Vol.

M1... 19...10

F7... 36...1
F5... 88...2

Lpzg., 1907.


Ward, J.-Naturalism and Agnosticism. 3. ed. Lond., 1906.
Wentscher, M.-Einführung in die Philosophie.

(Sammlung Göschen, 281.)

Windelband. W.--Präludien, Aufsätze und Reden zur Einleitung in
die Philosophic. 3., verm. Auf. Tüb., 1907......
Über Willensfreiheit. 2. unveranderte Aufl. Tüb., 1905.
Wrench, G. T.-The Grammar of Life. Lond., 1908.
Wundt, W.-Einleitung in die Philosophie. 4. Aufl. Lpzp., 1906.
Essays. 2. Aufl., mit Zusätzen u. Anmerkungen.

F6... 19...1
F4... 97...1
F3... 22...1

F6... 36...1


F4... 52...1
F4... 93...2

System der Philosophie. 3., umgearb. Aufl. Lpzp., 1907...

2. History of Philosophy.

Adamson, R.-The Development of Greek Philosophy. Edinb. &
Lond., 1908.

Fichte. Edinb. & Lond., 1908. (Philos. Classics for English
Readers, ed. by W. Knight.)

Alexander, A. B. D.-A Short History of Philosophy. Glasgow, 1907.

Bauch, B.-Geschichte der Philosophy. IV. Lpzg., 1908. (Samm-
lung Göschen, 394.)

Bax, E. B.-A Handbook of the History of Philosophy, for the use
of students. 2. ed., rev. Lond., 1888. (Bohn's Philos. Libr.)
Bowen, F.-Modern Philosophy, from Descartes to Schopenhauer and
Hartmann. 5. ed. N.Y., 1887...

Calderwood, H.-David Hume. Lond. (Famous Scots Ser.)
Carriere, M.-Die Philosophische Weltanschaung der Reformations-
zeit in ihren Beziehungen zur Gegenwart. 2. verm. Aufl.
Lpzg., 1887.

F4... 22...1

F2... 39...1

F4... 88...1


F3... 3...1

Fl... 8...1

L2... 59...1

F1... 77...2

Clodd, E.-Pioneers of Evolution from Thales to Huxley, with an

intermediate chapter on the causes of arrest of the movement. Lond., 1903.

F2... 84...1

Dewey, J.-The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy and other essays in contemporary thought. N.Y., 1910.

F7... 27...1

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