Sidor som bilder


Campbell, J.-A Political Survey of Britain: being a series of
reflections on the situation, lands, inhabitants, revenues, colo-
nies, and commerce of this island. Lond., 1774........
Carlyle, T.-The Early Kings of Norway: also an Essay on the
Portraits of John Knox. Lond., 1886. (Thomas Carlyle's
Complete Works, 37.)

The French Revolution: a history. Lond., 1888-89. (Thomas
Carlyle's Complete Works, 2-4.)..
Cathay and the Way Thither, being a collection of mediaeval notices.
of China, tr. and ed. by C. H. Yule. Tokyo, 1898-99.
Channing, E.-The United States of America, 1765-1865. Camb.,
1896. (Camb. Historical Ser., 18.)

A History of the United States. Vol. I-II. N. Y. & Lond.,

Claretie, J.-Histoire de la Révolution de 1870-71. Paris, 1872.......
Creasy, E. S.-History of the Ottoman Turks, from the beginning of
their empire to the present time. 1. American ed. from the new
rev. English ed. N. Y., 1878......
Creighton, M.-A History of the Papacy, from the great schism to
the sack of Rome. Lond., etc., 1903-09...
Cunningham, A.-The Ancient Geography of India. I. The Budd-
hist Period, including the campaigns of Alexander, and the
travels of Hwen-Thsang. With 13 maps. Lond., 1871.
Curtis, G. T.-Constitutional History of the United States, from
their declaration of independence to the close of their civil war.
N. Y. & Lond., 1903


Lpzg., 1904. (Samm

Dändliker, K.-Schweizerische Geschichte. Lpzg., 1904. lung Göschen, 188.)


De Quincey, T.-Essays in Ancient History and Antiquities. Boston,
(The Works of Thomas de Quincey, 7,)
Derischweiler, H.-Geschichte Lothringens. Lpzg., 1905. (Samm-
lung Göschen, 6.) ................

Devrient, E.-Thüringische Geschichte. Lpzg., 1907. (Sammlung
Göschen, 352.)

Dickens, C.-A Child's History of England. Boston. (Dickens'
Complete Works, 11.)

Dieffenbacher, J.-Deutsches Leben im 12 und 13. Jahrh. Lpzg.,

1907. (Sammlung Göschen, 93, 328.)

Diercks, G.-Spanische Geschichte. Lpzg., 1905.
1905. (Sammlung
Göschen, 266.)

Dill, S.-Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. Lond.,
· 1905.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Roman Society, in the last century of the Western Empire.
2. ed., rev. Lond.. 1906.......
D'Ohsson, C. Histoire des Mongols, depuis Tchinguiz-Khan jusqu'a
Timour Bey ou Tamerlan. Amsterdam, 1834-52.
Douglas, R. K.-China. Lond. & N. Y., 1899. (The Story of the
Nations, 51.)


Droysen, J. G.-Geschichte des Hellenismus. 2. Aufl. Gotha, 1877

[blocks in formation]

Cl. No. Vol.

H4... 50...1

H4... 47...4

H5... 70...1

H4... G...6

I. Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen.

2. Geschichte der Diadochen.

3. Geschichte der Epigonen.

Ducoudray, G.-Récits et biographies d'histoire du France. Paris, 1905.

Dulcken, H. W.-A Popular History of England, from the earliest
period to the summer of 1903. Lond., etc. (Popular Histories
of the Great Nations)

Duruy, V.-A History of France, abridged and tr. from the 17.
French ed. by Mrs. M. Carey, with a continuation to the year
1896 by J. F. Jameson. N. Y.
Dyer, T. H.-A History of Modern Europe, from the fall of Con-
stantinople. 3. ed., rev. & continued to the end of the 19.
century, by A. Hassall. Lond., 1901.
Eames, J. B.-The English in China, being an account of the inter-
course and relations between England and China from the year
1600 to the year 1843 and a summary of later developments.
Lond., 1909.


Emerton, E.-An Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages.
375-814. Boston, 1894.

Mediaeval Europe, 814-1300. Boston, etc....
Fearenside, C. S.-The Intermediate Text-Book of English History.
Vol. II. Being a longer history of England, 1485-1603. Lond.
(The University Tutorial Ser.)

[blocks in formation]

Firth, C. H.-The Last Years of the Protectorate, 1656-68. Lond.,
Lond., 1909.

Fichter, K. H.-Der Zusammenbruch der griechischen Gesellschaft im 4. Jahrh.

H7... 6...1

Pl... 45...5

Fischer, K.-Deutsches Leben und deutsche Zustände, von der Hohenstaufenzeit bis ins Reformationszeitalter. Gotha, 1884..................... Fisher, S. G.-The Struggle for American Independence. Lond., 1908.

Fiske, J.-The Beginnings of New England, or the Puritan theocracy in its relations to civil and religious liberty. Boston & N. Y., 1890.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Fiske, J.-The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. Boston & N. Y.
The War of Independence. Boston & N. Y., 1889. (The
Riverside Libr. for Young People, 1.).
Flux, A. T.-The Buildings of the British Empire, with notes on the
growth of constitutional government in the colonies, imperial
federation, statistical tables, etymology of colonial names, bio-
graphies of empire builders, etc. Lond., 1906
Freeman, E. A.-General Sketch of European History. Tokyo,
1897. (Historical Course for Schools, 1.)....

The Historical Geography of Europe. 3. cd. Lond., etc., 1903.

Freytag, G.-Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit. 26-31. Aufl.
Lpzg., 1907-08.....

[blocks in formation]

The same,

2. Aufl. Lpzg., 1897-98. (Gesammelte werke von Gustav Freytag, 17-21.) Friedlaender, L.-Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms, der Zeit von August bis zum Ausgang der Antonine. 7., neu bearb. Aufl. Lpzg., 1901.


Froude, J. A.-History of England, from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Lond., etc., 1903-09.

Vol. 6. Mary.-Elizabeth.

Vols. 1-4. Henry the Eighth.
Vols. 4-5. Edward the Sixth. Vols. 6-12. Elizabeth.

Fuhse, F.-Die deutschen Altertümer.

(Sammlung Göschen, 124.)......

[blocks in formation]

2. Aufl. Lpzg., 1904.


H5... 21...1

H6... 15...1

Fyffe, C. A.-A History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878. Lond., etc.,

[blocks in formation]

Gardiner, S. R.-The First Two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution, 1603-60. New impression. Lond., etc., 1908. (Epochs of Modern History)

History of England from the accession of James I. to the outbreak of the civil war, 1603-1642. Lond., etc.. 1901-09.

History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-56. N. Y. & Bombay, 1903.

History of the Great Civil, War, 1642-49. N. Y. & Bombay, 1904-05.......

Outlines of English History, B. C. 55—A. D. 1886. New ed. Lond. & N. Y., 1894.

[blocks in formation]

Gebhardt. Handbuch der deutschen Geschichte, in Verbindung mit
R. Loerve, ete., neu hrsg. von F. Hirsh. 3. Aufl. Stuttg., etc.
Gerber, L.-Englische Geschichte. Lpzg., 1910. (Sammlung Gös-
chen, 375.)...........

Gibbins, H. de B.-The English People in the 19th Century, a short
history. Lond., 1898....

[blocks in formation]

Gibbon, E. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with a memoir of the author by W. Youngman. Lond., 1875.... H3... 5...1 With notes by H. H. Milman. A new ed., to

The same. which is added a complete index of the whole work. Boston, 1888.

Gilbert, G.-Handbuch der griechischen Staatsalterthümer. Lpzg.,

[blocks in formation]

Gilman, A.-The Saracens, from the earliest times to the fall of
Bagdad. 3. ed. Lond. & N. Y., 1895. (The Story of the
Nations, 9.)...

H2... 23...6

H4 .. 11...2

H5... 56...1

Gindely, A. History of the Thirty Year's War. Tr. by A. T.
Brook. N. Y. & Lond., 1898....

H2... 4...2

Goldsmith. History of France and Normandy, from the carliest times to the year 1860. Phil., etc., 1873..

H2... 60...1

Goodrich, S. G.-A Pictorial History of England. Enl. ed. Phil., 1878. (Goodrich's Pictorial Histories, 3.)..

H6... 12...1

A Pictorial History of France, for the use of schools. & improved ed., brought down to the present time. Phil., 1867. (Goodrich's Pictorial Historics, 4.).


H2... 45...1

A Pictorial History of Greece.

Enl. ed. Phil., 1871.

(Goodrich's Pictorial Historics, 6.)

H2... 32...1

A Pictorial History of the United States, with notices of
other portions of America north and south. A new ed., enl.
Phil., 1864. (Goodrich's Pictorial Histories, 2.) ........
Gordon, C. G.-Events in the Taeping Rebellion, being reprints of
MSS. copied by General Gordon in his own handwritings, with
monograph, introd., and notes by A. E. Hake. Lond., 1891....
Great Britain, (Historical Manuscripts Commission)-Calender.
Part I-XI. Lond., 1883-1906.......

Report of. I-XV. Lond., 1870-99......

Green, J. R.-The Conquest of England. Lond., 1906....


H2... 37...1

H4... 35...1

N6... 2...11

N6... 1...65

H6... S...2

H2... 5...2


H1... 28...1

The Making of England; with maps. Lond., 1900-04.
A Short History of the English People. N. Y., 1887..
Gregorovius, F.-Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter. 4. u. 5.
Aufl. Stuttg. u. Berlin, 1892-1906.

H4... 7...8

[ocr errors][merged small]

Griffis, W. F,-Corea, the Hermit Nation, ancient and mediaeval
history; political and social Corea; and modern and recent
history. Lond., 1882..

Guerard, B.-Essai sur le système des divisions territoriales de la
Gaule. Paris, 1832.
Hale, S.-Mexico.
Nations, 27.)

HI... 38...1

H7... 26...1

2. ed. Lond. & N. Y., 1897. (The Story of the

H5... 65...1

Hallam, H.-View of the States ef Europe during the Middle Ages.
N. Y., 1887. (Hallam's Works. 1, 2.)
Hamilton, A.--Secret History of the Court of England, from the
accession of George III. to the death of George IV. Lond. ......
Hanna, I. C.-A Brief History of Erstern Asia. Lond,, 1900.
Hart, A. B. The Romanee of the Civil War. N. Y. & Lond., 1903.
(Source-Readers in American History, 4.)



Source-Book of American History, edited for schools and readers, with practical introductions. N. Y., 1906. Hassall, A.—A Handbook of European History, 476-1871, chronologically arranged. Lond. & N. Y., 1906.

H2... 48...2

H5... 24.1

H5... 5...1

HG... 14.. 1


H6... 7...1

H2... 1...1

M4... 1...1

Heeren, A. H. L.-Kleine historische Schriften. I-III. Teile.
Göttingen, 1803-08.......

H2... 2...3

The History of France. Lond., 1903. (The Temple Primers, 16.)

A Manual of Ancient History, particularly with regard to the Constitutions, the commerce, and the colonies, of the states of antiquity, tr. from the German. 6. ed. Lond., 1854. Henderson, E. F.-A Short History of Germany. N. Y. & Lond.,

[blocks in formation]

(tr. & ed. by)-Select Historical Documents of the Middle
Ages. Lond., 1907. (Bohn's Antiquarian Libr.)
Herodotus. Tr. by H. Cary. Lond., 1901. (Bohn's Classical

HI... 25...1

H6... 10...1

H5... 38...1

H6... 13...1

Heyck, E.-Florenz und die Mediceer. Bielefeld u. Lpzg., 1902. (Monographien zur Weltgeschichte, 1.).....

H3... 17...1

Friedrich I. und die Begründung des preussischen Königtums. Bielefeld u. Lpzg., 1901. (Monographien zur Weltgeschichte, 14.)

H3... 17...1

Der grosse Kurfürst. Bielefeld u. Lpzg., 1902, (Monographien zur Weltgeschichte, 16.) ....

H3... 17...1

Kaiser Maximilian I. Bielefeld u. Lpzg., 1898. (Mono

graphien zur Weltgeschichte, 5.)

H3... 17...1

Die Kreuzzüge und das heilige Land. Bielefeld u. Lpzg.,

1900. (Monographien zur Weltgeschichte, 12.) ...........

H3... 17...1

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