War. Be patient, princes; you do know these fits Are with his highness very ordinary. Stand from him, give him air; he'll straight be well. Cla. No, no; he cannot long hold out these pangs; The incessant care and labour of his mind Hath wrought the mure, that should confine it in, That our great grandsire, Edward, sick'd and died. [They convey the King into an inner part of Let there be no noise made, my gentle friends; Will whisper musick to my weary spirit. War. Call for the musick in the other room. 9 Hath wrought the mure, &c.] i. e. the wall. 1 The people fear me;] i. e. make me afraid. 2 Unfather'd heirs,] That is, equivocal births; animals that had no animal progenitors; productions not brought forth according to the stated laws of generation. JOHNSON. 3 — as the year—] i. e. as if the year, &c. ↑ The river hath thrice flow'd,] This is historically true. pened on the 12th of October, 1411. It hap ↳ Unless some dull-] Dull signifies melancholy, gentle, soothing, or, producing dullness or heaviness; and consequently sleep. 6 Set me the crown upon my pillow here.] It is still the custom in France to place the crown on the king's pillow when he is dying. Cla. His eye is hollow, and he changes much. P. Hen. Enter Prince HENRY. Who saw the duke of Clarence? Cla. I am here, brother, full of heaviness. P. Hen. How now! rain within doors, and none abroad! How doth the king? P. Humph. Exceeding ill. P. Hen. Tell it him. Heard he the good news yet? P. Humph. He alter'd much upon the hearing it. With joy, he will recover without physick. War. Not so much noise, my lords: - sweet prince, speak low; The king your father is dispos'd to sleep. Cla. Let us withdraw into the other room. War. Will't please your grace to go along with us? P. Hen. No; I will sit and watch here by the king. [Exeunt all but P. HENRY. Why doth the crown lie there upon his pillow, Being so troublesome a bedfellow? O polish'd perturbation! golden care! That keep'st the ports of slumber open wide To many a watchful night! -sleep with it now! Yet not so sound, and half so deeply sweet, As he, whose brow, with homely biggin bound, Snores out the watch of night. O majesty! When thou dost pinch thy bearer, thou dost sit the ports-] Are the gates of slumber. Ports is the ancient military term for gates; and is yet used in this sense in Scotland. 8-homely biggin,] A kind of cap, at present worn only by children; but so called from the cap worn by the Beguines, an order of nuns. Like a rich armour worn in heat of day, That scalds with safety. By his gates of breath. my Did he suspire, that light and weightless down [Putting it on his head. Which heaven shall guard: And put the world's whole strength Into one giant arm, it shall not force This lineal honour from me: This from thee Will I to mine leave, as 'tis left to me. K. Hen. Warwick! Gloster! Clarence! Cla. Re-enter WARWICK, and the rest. [Exit. Doth the king call? War. What would your majesty? How fares your grace? K. Hen. Why did you leave me here alone, my lords? Cla. We left the prince my brother here, my liege, Who undertook to sit and watch by you. K. Hen. The prince of Wales? Where is he? let me see him: He is not here. War. This door is open; he is gone this way. P. Humph. He came not through the chamber where we stay❜d. 9 this golden rigol-] Rigol means a circle. K. Hen. Where is the crown? who took it from my pillow? War. When we withdrew, my liege, we left it here. K. Hen. The prince hath ta'en it hence:-go, seek him out. Is he so hasty, that he doth suppose My sleep my death? --- Find him, my lord of Warwick; chide him hither. [Exit WARWICK. This part of his conjoins with my disease, And helps to end me.-See, sons, what things you are! How quickly nature falls into revolt, When gold becomes her object! For this the foolish over-careful fathers Have broke their sleep with thoughts, their brains with care, Their bones with industry; For this they have engrossed and pil'd up Our thighs pack'd with wax, our mouths with honey, Re-enter Warwick. Now, where is he that will not stay so long Till his friend sickness hath determin'd3 me? War. My lord, I found the prince in the next room, Washing with kindly tears his gentle cheeks; 1 tolling-] Tolling is taking toll. 2 Yield his engrossments—] His accumulations. 3 determin'd —] i. e. ended; it is still used in this sense in legal conveyances. With such a deep demeanour in great sorrow, K. Hen. But wherefore did he take away the crown? Re-enter Prince HENRY. Lo, where he comes, Come hither to me, Harry: [Exeunt CLARENCE, Prince HUMPHREY, Lords, &c. P. Hen. I never thought to hear you speak again. K. Hen. Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thought: I stay too long by thee, I weary thee. Dost thou so hunger for my empty chair, That thou wilt needs invest thee with mine honours Thou seek'st the greatness that will overwhelm thee. Thou hast stol'n that, which, after some few hours, Thy life did manifest, thou lov'dst me not, Thou hid'st a thousand daggers in thy thoughts; To stab at half an hour of my life. What! canst thou not forbear me half an hour? opinion, seal'd up my expectation:] Thou hast confirmed my |