A silent lamb to slaughter led, The bruis'd, the suff ring, and the dead.
The Lord will come! a dreadful form, With wreath of flame, and robe of storm, On cherub wings, and wings of wind, Anointed Judge of human kind!
Can this be he who wont to stray A pilgrim on the world's highway; By Power oppress'd, and mock'd by Pride! Oh, God! is this the crucified!
Go, tyrants! to the rocks complain! Go, seek the mountain's cleft in vain! But Faith, victorious o'er the tomb, Shall sing for joy-The Lord is come!
WERT thou a stranger from the world of bliss ? Some little seraph wand'ring from thy sphere, Which came to tarry for a night in this,- And with the light of morn to disappear? Tell us, sweet babe, what made thee lose thy way Amidst those stars which deck the azure sky? Tell us, sweet babe, why with the morning's ray Thy spirit wing'd again its flight on high? Did something vex thee in this world below, Or did some angel trace thy wand'ring path? And to prevent thy days and nights of woe, Allur'd thee back beyond the stream of death. Yet, thou art happy though thy mould'ring bai Must lie for ages on time's stormy shore,
Where all is lone, and desolate, and dark, But where its loudest tempests vex no more.
Yes, thou art happy, and thy pure delight, Recalls no more thy silent wand'rings here; For every sin of that short fleeting night, Was laid on one, and paid with many a tear. Oh! 'twas enough, poor wand'rer of an hour, To touch time's verge and breathe its very sigh; To make thee pass death's vale, whose dark'ning lower,
Must open up the portals of the sky.
THE golden palace of my God Tow'ring above the clouds I see : Beyond the cherub's bright abode, Higher than angels' thoughts can be. How can I in those courts appear Without a wedding garment on? Conduct me, Thou life-giver, there, Conduct me to thy glorious throne! And clothe me with thy robes of light, And lead me through sin's darksome night, My Saviour and my God!
WHEN Jordan hush'd his waters still,
And silence slept on Zion hill;
When Bethl'hem's shepherds through the night Watch'd o'er their flocks by starry light:
Hark! from the midnight hills around, A voice of more than mortal sound, In distant hallelujahs stole, Wild murm'ring o'er the raptur'd soul.
Then swift to every startled eye, New streams of glory light the sky; Heav'n bursts her azure gates to pour Her spirits to the midnight hour.
On wheels of light, on wings of flame, The glorious hosts of Zion came; High heav'n with songs of triumph rung, While thus they struck their harps and sung:
O Zion! lift thy raptur'd eye, The long-expected hour is nigh; The joys of nature rise again, The Prince of Salem comes to reign.
See, Mercy from her golden urn Pours a rich stream to them that mourn; Behold, she binds, with tender care, The bleeding bosom of despair.
He comes! to cheer the trembling heart, Bids Satan and his host depart: Again the Day-star gilds the gloom, Again the bow'rs of Eden bloom!
O Zion! lift thy raptur'd eye, The long-expected hour is nigh; The joys of nature rise again, The Prince of Salem comes to reign.
PLAC'D on the verge of youth, my mind Life's op'ning scene survey'd:
I view'd its ills of various kind, Afflicted and afraid.
But chief my fear the dangers mov'd, That virtue's path inclose: My heart the wise pursuit approv'd; But, oh, what toils oppose!
For see! ah see! while yet her ways With doubtful step I tread, A hostile world, its terrors raise Its snares delusive spread.
Oh how shall I, with heart prepar'd, Those terrors learn to meet? How from the thousand snares to guard My inexperienc'd feet?
As thus I mov'd, oppressive sleep Soft o'er my temples drew Oblivion's veil. - The wat'ry deep, An object strange and new,
Before me rose: on the wide shore Observant as I stood,
The gathering storms around me roar, And heave the boiling flood.
Near and more near the billows rise; Ev'n now my steps they lave! And death to my affrighted eyes Approach'd in ev'ry wave.
What hope, or whither to retreat! Each nerve at once unstrung,
Chill fear had fetter'd fast my feet, And chain'd my speechless tongue.
I felt my heart within me die; When sudden to mine ear A voice, descending from on high, Reprov'd my erring fear:
'What tho' the swelling surge thou see 'Impatient to devour:
'Rest, mortal, rest on God's decree, 'And thankful own his pow'r.
'Know, when he bade the deep appear, "Thus far," the Almighty said, "Thus far, nor farther, rage; and here "Let thy proud waves be stay'd. I heard; and, lo! at once control'd, The waves; in wild retreat, Back on themselves reluctant roll'd, And murm'ring left my feet.
Deeps to assemble deeps in vain Once more the signal gave: The shores the rushing weight sustain, And check th' usurping wave.
Convinc'd, in Nature's volume wise, The imag'd truth I read; And sudden from my waking eyes Th' instructive vision fled.
'Then why thus heavy, O my soul! 'Say why, distrustful still, Thy thoughts with vain impatience roll 'O'er scenes of future all?
'Let faith suppress each rising fear, Each anxious doubt exclude:
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