Go, mix with them, and share their joy, In heav'n behold the sinner's friend; In pleasures share that never cloy, In pleasures that will never end.
And may our happy portion be To join thee in the realms above, The glory of our Lord to see, And sing his everlasting love.
Lov's thou to see the light of morn Across the wintry landscape gleam, Now glist'ning on the silver'd thorn, Now glancing from the frozen stream? Then go, and bid the smile of joy To age's wither'd cheek return; The pow'r, which heav'n has lent, employ To make the taper clearer burn.
Though, pale and dim, the orb of day May not the face of nature warm; His fitful glance, his feeble ray
Impart a faint, a passing charm : And though the sad, the stranger smile May not reverse the suffrer's doom, 'Twill ease the aching heart a while, And light the passage to the tomb.
GOD of my sires! yon arch of blue- The balmy breeze-that verdant hue;
And this warm glow of summer's prime Transport me o'er the bounds of Time. To Fancy's gaze new worlds arise And people yonder orient skies; The boundless realms of 'erial space Have many a bright and beauteous place That earth-born eye may never see; That earth-born thought, howe'er so free, Can image not, nor shadow out, Even with the misty trace of doubt. Yet there, O God! like ocean's sand Strew'd on the shelving surf-beat strand, Innumerous hosts a countless throng, Spontaneous swell the choral song Of endless praise; for there, as here, All that asks worship, love, or fear; All, all above, around, below, To thee, First Cause, their being owe: Thy fiat gave them instant birth; Thou, thou from chaos call'dst them forth. Vast, awful, measureless, immense Thy power is, and omnipotence! But oh! thy gentle Love, Softly streaming from above; Warm as the solar beam of day, Yet calm and sweet as Hesper's ray.
As far to space's utmost ends, In one glad reign of bliss extends! Before thy strength, before thy power 'Tis felt;-Oh! even in childhood's hour, Or e'er the mind hath garner'd thought, Instinct to worship that hath tanght! 'Tis that which gave yon gushing stream; 'Tis that which gave this gladd'ning beam; This flowery mead-yon spreading lawn; The healthful breeze of early dawn,
The yellow broom;-yon heather-bell; The primrose blushing in the dell; The pearly dew, that crowns each stem, Each flower, each leaf, with many a gem, Fairer than decks a diadem!
And, nor the last nor least, with praise And swelling heart, in artless lays, Giv'st me to kneel before thy throne Here, in this temple of thine own: Its roof, yon arch of azure hue, A clear, calm, holy, cloudless blue; Its altar, yon steep hills that rise In misty grandeur to the skies; Its incense, that one fleecy cloud. Stainless as infant beauty's shroud; Its matin hymn, that swelling note That warbles through the lark's clear throat. This humble love, yet strong-sincere; This pensive joy; this happy tear; Its worship all. Its priest, the thought With prostrate adoration fraught, That Thou art all in all!-that Man, what is
MARK where the wave, at eventide, In seeming slumber lies; Mark how its glassy face reflects The richly-painted skies.
The brightest hues of heaven there In faint resemblance shine, Though oft thepassing ripple breaks The beautiful design.
So, when redeeming love has sooth'd Man's stormy soul to rest; No more by raging passion toss'd, By anxious sorrow press'd;
Cold and unstable in himself As yonder changeful waves, His bosom still reflects to heaven The image it receives.
He feels a love, by love inspir'd, Returning whence it came, Than can surrender all for One, Who left so much for him.
And there is joy the joy of One Who, from a state of bliss, Looks back upon the awful depth Of wrath that once was his:
Peace such as earth hath none to give; The peace of sin forgiv'n; Of hopes exalted from the world, And bliss secur'd in heav'n:
Faith that can rest upon her God, However dark his ways; While reason questions of his word, Believes it-and obeys.
Patience, forbearance, gentleness, The offspring all of heav'n, Such as befit a contrite soul, Mindful of sins forgiv'n:
These, and whatever else may seem Most beautiful, most fair,
Serenely beaming on the soul, Will trace their image there.
A star appear'd, and peaceful threw Around its holy ray;
It caught the faithful Magi's view, It led the wondrous way, From far-fam'd Persia's smiling bow'rs, Fair land of beauty, fruits, and flow'rs.
Each heart throughout the gazing throng What anxious gladness fills, While slowly mov'd that star along O'er Judah's sacred hills; And softly fix'd its mellow light On distant Bethlehem's joyful night.
There, unknown to rich and great, Or the perfum'd halls of state, Where the golden lamps so bright Mock the silence of the night, And the strains of music tender Rise and fall 'mid scenes of splendour.-
The Prince of Peace, so young, so fair, In lowly state was sleeping; While near, with kind parental care, His mother watch was keeping. The Magi view'd the blest of heav'n, Their joy was full-their gifts were giv'n. Let the sound of the sweet harp of Judah arise! Let the hymns of the Gentiles ascend to the skies!
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