The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis, tr. into Engl. verse, by mr. Dryden and several other eminent hands. Together with the satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus. With notes. To which is prefix'd a discourse concerning the original and progress of satire. [Another]


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Sida xv - For great contemporaries whet and cultivate each other: and mutual borrowing and commerce makes the common riches of learning, as it does of the civil government.
Sida xcvii - Horace so very close that of necessity he must fall with him; and I may safely say it of this present age, that if we are not so great wits as Donne, yet certainly we are better poets.
Sida 277 - Tis not, indeed, my talent to 'engage In lofty trifles, or to swell my page With wind and noise...
Sida xvii - The English have only to boast of Spenser and Milton, who neither of them wanted either genius or learning to have been perfect poets; and yet both of them are liable to many censures.
Sida lxxxvii - Neither is it true, that this fineness of raillery is offensive. A witty man is tickled while he is hurt in this manner, and a fool feels it not.
Sida 279 - The greedy merchants, led by lucre, run To the parch'd Indies, and the rising sun ; From thence hot pepper and rich drugs they bear...
Sida lxxxviii - Absalom is, in my opinion, worth the whole poem: it is not bloody, but it is ridiculous enough; and he, for whom it was intended, was too witty to resent it as an injury.
Sida xxvii - I had intended to have put in practice, (though far unable for the attempt of such a poem,) and to have left the stage, to which my genius never much inclined me, for a work which would have taken up my life in the performance of it. This too I had intended chiefly for the honour of my native country, to which a poet is particularly obliged.
Sida lxxxvii - This is the mystery of that noble trade, which yet no master can teach to his apprentice ; he may give the rules, but the scholar is never the nearer in his practice.
Sida viii - You equal Donne in the variety, multiplicity, and choice of thoughts; you excel him in the manner and the words. I read you both with the same admiration, but not with the same delight.

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