Had not a show might countervail his worth. Thai. To me, my father? Sim. What is it O, attend, my daughter; Princes, in this, should live like gods above, Therefore to make 's entrance more sweet, here say,9 Thai. Alas, my father, it befits not me 8 and princes, not doing so, Are like to gnats, which make a sound, but kill'd Are wonder'd at.] i. e. when they are found to be such small insignificant animals, after making so great a noise. Percy. The sense appears to be this :-When kings, like insects, lie dead before us, our admiration is excited by contemplating how in both instances the powers of creating bustle were superior to those which either object should seem to have promised. The worthless monarch, and the idle gnat, have only lived to make an empty bluster; and when both alike are dead, we wonder how it happened that they made so much, or that we permitted them to make it :-a natural reflection on the death of an unserviceable prince, who having dispensed no blessings, can hope for no better character. I cannot, however, help thinking that this passage is both corrupted and disarranged, having been originally designed for one of those rhyming couplets with which the play abounds: "And princes, not doing so, are like the gnat, "Which makes a sound, but kill'd is wonder'd at." Steevens. 9 Therefore to make 's entrance more sweet, here say,] Old copy Therefore to make his entrance more sweet, Entrance was some times used by our old poets as a word of three syllables. Malone. By his entrance, I believe, is meant his present trance, the reverie in which he is supposed to be sitting. Steevens. 1 — this standing-bowl of wine to him.] A standing-bowl was a bowl resting on a foot. Steevens. Sim. How! Do as I bid you, or you 'll move me else. Thai. Now, by the gods, he could not please me bet: ter.2 Sim. And further tell him, we desire to know, Of whence he is, his name and parentage.3 [Aside. Thai. The king my father, sir, has drunk to you. Thai. Wishing it so much blood unto your life. Was by the rough seas reft of ships and men, And, after shipwreck, driven upon this shore. Thai. He thanks your grace; names himself Pericles, A gentleman of Tyre, who only by Misfortune of the seas has been bereft Of ships and men, and cast upon this shore. Now, by the gods, he could not please me better.] Thus, in Twine's translation: "Then Lucina having already in her heart professed to do him good, and now perceiuing very luckily her father's mind to be inclined to the desired purpose," &c. 3 Steevens. Of whence he is, his name and parentage.] So, in the Confes sio Amantis: 4 "His doughter "He bad to go on his message, "And fonde for to make him glade, "And she did as her fader bade; "And goth to him the softe paas, "And asketh whens and what he was, "And praithe he shulde his thought leve." Malone. being in arts and arms;] The old copies have-been. I am responsible for the correction; and for the introduction of the words has been in the following speech. Malone. 5 Even in your armours, as you are address'd, I will not have excuse, with saying, this [The Knights dance. So, this was well ask'd, 'twas so well perform'd. Come, sir; Here is a lady that wants breathing too: And I have often heard, you knights of Tyre And that their measures are as excellent. Per. In those that practise them, they are, my lord. Sim. O, that 's as much, as you would be denied [The Knights and Ladies dance. Of your fair courtesy.-Unclasp, unclasp; Thanks, gentlemen, to all; all have done well, But you the best. [To PER.] Pages and lights, conduct? These knights unto their several lodgings: Yours, sir, Will very well become a soldier's dance.] As you are accoutered, prepared for combat. So, in King Henry V: "To-morrow for the march are we address'd." The word very, in the next line, was inserted by the editor of the folio. Malone. So, in Twine's translation:-"I may not discourse at large of the liberall challenges made and proclaimed at the tilt &c.running afoote, and dauncing in armour" &c. Steevens. 5 I will not have excuse, by saying, this Loud musick is too harsh] i. e. the loud noise made by the clashing of their armour. The dance here introduced is thus described in an ancient Dialogue against the Abuse of Dancing, bl. 1. no date: 7 "There is a dance called Choria, "Which joy doth testify; "Another called Pyrricke "Which warlike feats doth try; "For men in armour gestures made, "And leapt, that so they might, "When need requires, be more prompt. "In publique weale to fight." Malone. So, this was well ask'd, 't was so well perform'd.] i. e. the excellence of this exhibition has justified the solicitation by which it was obtained. Steevens. 8 And I have often heard,] I have inserted the word often, which was probably omitted by the carelessness of the compositor. Malone. 9 conduct-] Old copy-to conduct. Steevens. We have given order to be next our own.1 Sim. Princes, it is too late to talk of love, SCENE IV. [Exeunt. Tyre. A Room in the Governor's House. Hel. No, no, my Escanes; know this of me,2- For which, the most high gods not minding longer Even in the height and pride of all his glory, A fire from heaven came, and shrivel'd up 3 to be next our own.] So, Gower: "The kynge his chamberleyne let calle, "A chamber for this man purvei "Which nigh his own chambre bee." Malone. 2 No, no, my Escanes ; &c.] The old copy: No, Escanes, know this of me, But this line being imperfect, I suppose it should be read as have printed it. Steevens. No, Escanes;] I suspect the author wrote-Know, Escanes ; &c. Malone. 3 A fire from heaven came, and shriveľ'd up Their bodies,] This circumstance is mentioned by Gower: they hym tolde, 66 "That for vengeance as God it wolde, "With thonder and lightnyng is forsmitte. 4 That all those eyes ador'd them, ere their fall, That all those eyes which ador'd them &c. Malone. Esca. 'Twas very strange. Hel. And yet but just; for though This king were great, his greatness was no guard To bar heaven's shaft, but sin had his reward. Esca. 'Tis very true. Enter Three Lords. 1 Lord. See, not a man in private conference, Or council, has respect with him but he.5 2 Lord. It shall no longer grieve, without reproof. 3 Lord. And curs'd be he that will not second it. 1 Lord. Follow me then: Lord Helicane, a word. Hel. With me? and welcome: Happy day, my lords. 1 Lord. Know, that our griefs are risen to the top, And now at length they overflow their banks. Hel. Your griefs, for what? wrong not the prince you love. 1 Lord. Wrong not yourself then, noble Helicane; But if the prince do live, let us salute him, Or know what ground 's made happy by his breath. Or dead, gives cause to mourn his funeral, 2 Lord. Whose death 's, indeed, the strongest in our censure:8 And knowing this kingdom, if without a head, 5 See, not a man &c.] To what this charge of partiality was designed to conduct, we do not learn; for it appears to have no influence over the rest of the dialogue. Steevens. 6 And be resolv'd, he lives to govern us,] Resolv’dis satisfied, free from doubt. So, in a subsequent scene: 7 "Resolve your angry father, if my tongue," &c. Malone. And leaves us-] The quarto, 1609, reads—And leave us, which cannot be right. Malone. 8 Whose death's, indeed, the strongest in our censure:] i. e. the most probable in our opinion. Censure is thus used in King Richard III: "To give your censures in this weighty business." Steevens. The old copies read-whose death indeed, &c. Malone. 9 And knowing this kingdom, if without a head,] They did not R |