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to bring the real man, the man spoken of in the Bible as being the image and likeness of God, into visibility, otherwise God would be without a witness. So far as the visible manifestation to sense is concerned, in the growth or unfoldment of the soul, it has a very small beginning. It comes into this world comparatively helpless and ignorant. It has everything to learn. In the development of the child, it becomes conscious of a body which it calls. "I." Through the avenues of the senses it comes into relations with surrounding objects. As he grows up he is continually forming opinions about himself and external objects, which he finds it neccessary to revise at every step of his progress. He is passing through the school of experience, groping his way. toward the absolute. He corrects mistakes with other mistakes. But through it all, he is certain of one thing, and that is, that his own body and the objects of sense are the only substantial things in the universe, and he calls them matter. He is confronted everywhere with disease and inharmonious conditions. He is not yet sufficiently illumined to know that it is his interpretation of things that is at fault. He does not know that his body is simply the outpicturing of his own erroneous thinking.

If God, and man, His expression, are perfect, why the evolution of what is called the soul? is the oft-repeated question. Because it is the nature of God to express Himself in life and growth, and in doing this He fulfills the Law of His Being. Were it not for this process, man would have no conscious existence. While it is true that in the evolution of the soul there seems to be a good deal of suffering, yet men love life and cling to it with great tenacity. That fact may be taken as proof that the soul enjoys more than it suffers. So life is not a failure, and the wisdom and justice of God are vindicated.

But in the growth of the soul it finally begins to grasp the truth of its being, and then what possibilities open up before it! It beholds the Ideal Man, and it changes its old way of looking at things, and begins a new method of thinking, and soon it has an entirely new set of ideas about it, and it lives in a new world. While this transformation has been going on in the consciousness, has there been any change in the real? No. The change is in our sense of things, for we are perfect in God now, and all that could be the matter with any one is in his understanding of things.

set up.

Through thinking states of consciousness are If this thinking conforms to the truth of being, harmony will result. The law is that all thoughts become externalized, for thoughts are creative, We never think a thought that does not make some impression on our body, or upon that of others, and give coloring to our, or their, environment. So far as the physical manifestation is concerned, which pictures forth the growth of the soul, the body represents the sum total of what we have thought. It is true that other people's thinking has somewhat to do with it, as thoughts are things; nevertheless, their thoughts cannot affect us unless we let them into our consciousness and appropriate them and make them our own. We must shut the door to all evil thoughts, let them come from where they may. This we can do if we keep in mind the truth of our being. Thoughts go and come, and effect a lodgment where there is least resistance, in obedience to the law of attraction. But we must not emphasize the power of other people's thoughts over us. It is carried altogether too far by some in their efforts to saddle their own sins and shortcomings onto other people. That is simply the old orthodox devil, made over to suit the occasion. We

all have the work of overcoming to do; the overcoming of past mistakes made through ignorance, and each has to do it for himself. Suppose we believe that others can influence us, it is the same whether they can or not, for we have opened up our consciousness and invited the guest to enter, and we have thus become a victim to our own belief. No thought can enter our consciousness that does not find a welcome there.

Above all things, we want to realize that we are living in a spiritual realm now. If we have called this a material world, the supposed opposite of Spirit, we must change our point of view. We must know the very air is surcharged with God thoughts, good thoughts, and the attitude of our minds should be such that they can find a ready entrance. We are living in a mental realm, and everything is set in motion through the activity of thought. If we think good thoughts, we build well our structure, but if we think bad thoughts we build on shifting sands.

Thought is the most powerful thing in the universe. It annihilates time and space. We are just beginning to form a concept of its power. It is through thinking that we bring God into manifestation, but it must be correct thinking thinking in harmony with the law of Good. Anything less than that brings inharmonious results, according to the degree of error embodied in the thought. But the negative readily yields when confronted with the positive. Some get a thin veneering of this Science, and when overtaken with sickness think that it does not work in their case, and they resort to material means to get relief, when the fault is in their understanding, and not in the Science. Probably the real fault is in their indisposition to live out the divine precepts of the Science.

Everyone's consciousness is his world and is

builded by thought. Heaven and hell are of our own making. The sculptor, who with hammer and chisel fashions the statue out of the marble block, is no more the architect of the statue than are we of our own bodies. There is this difference, however: He had a definite object in view, an ideal conception which he desired to bring forth, as he cut away the stone. He knows what he is about, and proceeds intelligently to the realization of his ideal; while we have been slashing aimlessly away, not knowing what we were doing, and now we find ourselves conscious of a body that is not up to our ideal. What shall we do? We still think, and we can still go on correcting our mistakes and bringing about better conditions by thinking in accord with the truth. We must constantly live up to our highest ideals, and thus we will bring forth a better condition of things and make a better world for ourselves. Our happiness lies in our own keeping.


"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” "He forgiveth all thy iniquities; He healeth all thy diseases."

"He sent forth His Word' and healed them."

Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish;

Come to the "Christ within," reverently kneel —

Here bring your wounded hearts, here deny your anguish;
Men have no ailments that "Truth" cannot heal.

Joy of the desolate, Light of the straying,

Hope of the seeking one, guileless and pure;

Here speaks the " Comforter," tenderly saying,

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"Men have no ailments My word' cannot heal."

Here see the bread of life; see waters flowing
Forth from the throne of God, pure as His love;
Come to this feast within; come ever knowing
Men have no ailments but God will remove.

Words re-arranged by T. W. GILRUTH,

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Entered in the post office at Kansas City, Mo., as second-class matter.

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Unity is issued on the 15th, and Wee Wisdom on the 1st of the month.


TO UNITY readers scattered over the entire earth, in the unity of Spirit and the bonds of peace, harmony and love, we greet you. Through good report and evil report we have completed our first cycle of twelve years, and with this issue UNITY begins its second cycle.

A few of you have been with us from the first, when under the name of " Modern Thought" our editor-in-chief gave forth his earliest conceptions of this truth. Subsequently, to keep up with his expanding ideas of it, the name was changed to " Christian Science Thought," but when the principles attaching to that name became limited by the dogmas of creed and rules, the words "Christian Science" were dropped and the magazine became widely known as "Thought." It was not, however, until the name of UNITY was inscribed upon the cover were its editors satisfied that the true idea of its mission was fully expressed the unity of God and man.

Realizing the necessity of this conscious unity, our work has been to bring the individual soul face to face with its infinite possibilities. Names, personalities, cults and isms fade into nothingness in this divine unity, for in it there is but "One Lord,

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